2011年7月31日 星期日

consume, commission, decommissioning, watery grave

Russia Plans Watery Grave for International Space Station Officials plan to sink station in the ocean after its 2020 decommissioning.

馬英九總統表明願與民進黨主席蔡英文辯論ECFA,蔡英文昨表示,希望總統不要當成政治操作來消費她,應該有完整規劃作業,讓人民知道政府的施政內容,她認為,社會菁英的辯論是健康的事情。 總統府發言人王郁琦昨回應指出,馬總統已 ...

━━ vt. 消費[消耗]する, 使い尽す; 食い[飲み]尽す; (火が)焼き尽す; 夢中にさせる.
━━ vi. 尽きる, 消滅する.
be consumed with [by] (悲嘆に)身がやつれる, (嫉妬に)身をこがす, (怒りに)燃える.
con・sum・a・ble ━━ a., n. 消費[消耗]できる; (普通pl.) 消費材.
con・sum・er ━━ n. 消費者; 消費する[消耗する]人[物]; 【エコロジー】消費者 ((他の生物を食べて生存する生物)).
con・sum・er・ism n. 消費賛美[擁護](論); 消費者(保護)運動.
con・sum・er・ist n. 消費者運動活動家, 消費者保護主義者.
consumer behavior 消費者行動.
consumer credit 消費者信用.
Consumer Credit Protection Act 消費者信用保護法.
consumer debt 消費者債務.
consumer disposables =consumer non-durables.
consumer durables =durable.
Consumer Electronics Show 【コンピュータ】コンシューマ・エレクトロニクス・ショー ((略 CES)).
consumer finance company 消費者金融会社.
consumer goods 消費財.
consumer loan 消費者ローン.
consumer market 消費者市場.
consumer motivation 消費者の購買動機.
consumer non-durables 非耐久消費財.
consumer price index 消費者物価指数.
Consumer Product Safety Commission 消費者製品安全委員会.
consumer protection 消費者保護.
Consumer Reports コンシューマー・リポーツ ((商品テストを専門に行う米国の月刊誌)).
consumer research 消費者需要調査.
consumer resistance =sales resistance.
Consumers' Association 〔英〕 (the 〜) 消費者協会.
consumer's risk 消費者危険 ((不良品が合格となる確率)).
consumer terrorism [terrorist] 消費者テロリズム[テロリスト] ((食品への毒物混入で製造業者・販売業者をおどす)).
con・sum・ing ━━ a. 消費する; (感情などが)強烈な, 激しい.

consume Pronunciation (verb) To expend; use up.
Synonyms:deplete, wipe out, eat up, exhaust, run through, eat
Usage:She purchased a hybrid car that would consume less gas than the car she had previously owned.

2011年7月30日 星期六

Camelot, ambience, monolith

In an Early 1900s Neighborhood, a Glimpse of ‘2001’

People in Fiske Terrace-Midwood Park say a 20-foot-tall Verizon FiOS monolith clashes with the neighborhood’s ambience.


1 モノリス.
(1) 特に建築・彫刻用の一枚岩, 一本石.
(2) (1)から造られたオベリスク・柱・像など.
2 一枚岩的な組織[集団, 政府].

Word of the Day:

Camelot (KAM-uh-lot)

noun: An idealized time or place, one regarded as enlightened, beautiful, and peaceful.

After Camelot, the site of King Arthur's court in Arthurian legend.

Camelot has also become a nickname for the glamorous ambience of the time in the US when John F. Kennedy was the president (1961-1963). A musical titled Camelot, based on the Arthurian legend, was popular around the same time and the word came to be applied to the exciting time of change during Kennedy's administration.

"Dan Webster likes to reminisce about the good ol' days when Republicans ended the Democrats' reign of terror and turned Tallahassee into a Camelot of good government." — Scott Maxwell; Alan Grayson's GOP Challengers Slide to Right at Forum; Lost Angeles Times; May 27, 2010.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[ǽmbiəns]

[名][U]((またan 〜))
1 ((文))(特徴的な)雰囲気
a pleasing ambience
2 (ライブ録音の感じを出すためにつける)背景音.
3 周囲, 外界.

2011年7月28日 星期四

by leaps and bounds, bounding out of their rescue capsule,

Miners Defy Dire Predictions on Fitness and Spirit
Many miners came bounding out of their rescue capsule, testimony to their diet and organization underground.

Used computer market expanding by leaps and bounds

by leaps and bounds

Rapidly, or in fast progress, as in The corn is growing by leaps and bounds, or School enrollment is increasing by leaps and bounds. This term is a redundancy, since leap and bound both mean "spring" or "jump," but the two words have been paired since Shakespeare's time and are still so used.


intr.v., bound·ed, bound·ing, bounds.
  1. To leap forward or upward; spring.
  2. To progress by forward leaps or springs.
  3. To bounce; rebound.
  1. A leap; a jump.
  2. A rebound; a bounce.

[French bondir, to bounce, from Old French, to resound, perhaps from Vulgar Latin *bombitīre, from Latin bombitāre, to hum, from bombus, a humming sound, from Greek bombos.]

2011年7月27日 星期三

2011年7月20日 星期三

one-term president, mixture

There are a lot of factors at work here and one I think is ideology. There are some people in the Republican Party who have said they wouldn't vote for an increase in the debt limit no matter what concessions are made. They just feel the government is too big and we should cut it back and this is a very convenient weapon. So it's not entirely just about political advantage.

There is that of course in every political confrontation in every democratic country that's true. But the same Republican Minority Leader, Senator McConnell, said a few months ago my main aim in everything is to make sure that President Obama is a one-term president. So he said explicitly that political advantage is what he is concerned about. So I think there is a mixture of reasons.

femto-, segment, homo-, homo, humor, humor-


or hom-
Same; like: homophone.

[Greek, from homos, same.]


(') pronunciation
A member of the genus Homo, which includes the extinct and extant species of humans.

[Latin homō, man.]

ho·mo2 (') pronunciation
n. Offensive Slang, pl., -mos.
Used as a disparaging term for a gay man or lesbian.

[Short for HOMOSEXUAL.]


Prefix meaning liquid.


(hyū'mər) pronunciation
  1. The quality that makes something laughable or amusing; funniness: could not see the humor of the situation.
  2. That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement: a writer skilled at crafting humor.
  3. The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd. See synonyms at wit1.
  4. One of the four fluids of the body, blood, phlegm, choler, and black bile, whose relative proportions were thought in ancient and medieval physiology to determine a person's disposition and general health.
  5. Physiology.
    1. A body fluid, such as blood, lymph, or bile.
    2. Aqueous humor.
    3. Vitreous humor.
  6. A person's characteristic disposition or temperament: a boy of sullen humor.
  7. An often temporary state of mind; a mood: I'm in no humor to argue.
    1. A sudden, unanticipated whim. See synonyms at mood1.
    2. Capricious or peculiar behavior.
tr.v., -mored, -mor·ing, -mors.
  1. To comply with the wishes or ideas of; indulge.
  2. To adapt or accommodate oneself to. See synonyms at pamper.

out of humor

  1. In a bad mood; irritable.

[Middle English, fluid, from Old French umor, from Latin ūmor, hūmor.]

IBM Raises 2011 Outlook

IBM's second-quarter earnings rose 8.2% as the tech heavyweight continued to report growth across its segments, prompting a boost of its full-year outlook.

Femtodynamics: A Guide to Laser Settings and Procedure Techniques to Optimize Outcomes with Femtosecond Lasers is a new, comprehensive text that presents a practical approach to optimizing laser settings and procedure techniques for performing LASIK, intracorneal ring segment placement, and other corneal procedures with currently available femtosecond lasers.

Dr. Ella Faktorovich has provided detailed photographs and illustrations to demonstrate the techniques for optimizing procedure outcomes. The author guides you step-by-step through common procedures while providing a detailed approach to managing and preventing possible complications.


One quadrillionth (10 -15): femtovolt.

[From Danish and Norwegian femten, fifteen, from Old Norse fimmtān.]

2011年7月19日 星期二

habanero. The bane of the past few years is fading away, and inflation is set to return to the Federal Reserve’s target of a 2% annual pace in the coming year. Still, serious risks lie ahead

The bane of the past few years is fading away, and inflation is set to return to the Federal Reserve’s target of a 2% annual pace in the coming year. Still, serious risks lie ahead


('bə-nâr'ō, ä'bä-nĕ') pronunciation
n., pl., -ros.
A cultivar of the tropical pepper Capsicum chinense having small, round, extremely hot green to red fruit.

[American Spanish, of Havana (from the theory that it originated in Cuba), from (La) Habana, Havana.]

2011年7月18日 星期一

call in, call-in, called in sick, in question, call in question

Cameron Calls In Parliament as Hacking Scandal Grows

Prime Minister David Cameron said he would address Parliament on Wednesday, a day after Rupert Murdoch, his son James and Rebekah Brooks are set to testify.
Being in a format such that listeners or viewers are invited to have their telephone conversations with the host or guests on a show broadcast to other listeners: a call-in radio show.

  1. A viewer's or listener's telephone conversation with or telephone call to the host of such a show.
  2. A viewer or listener making such a call.

Telephone one's employer or school that one is ill and cannot come to work or attend. For example, Ben called in sick and told his boss he would miss the meeting.

call in question
Also, call into question. Dispute, challenge; also, cast doubt on. For example, How can you call her honesty into question? This usage was first recorded in John Lyly's Euphues (1579): "That ... I should call in question the demeanour of all."

Chip makers soon will deliver one of biggest advances in years in the technology that powers laptop and desktop computers. But how much consumers—and the chip companies—will benefit is in question.

in question
Under consideration, referring to the subject being discussed, as in No new facts have been discovered about the period in question. Shakespeare used this idiom in Cymbeline (1:1): "His father ... had, besides the gentleman in question, two other sons." [c. 1600] Also see call in question.

2011年7月17日 星期日

pass over, taken in by, in the hole

Elizabeth Warren Not Likely to Head Consumer Agency

Though she helped to create it, Wall Street critic may get passed over for head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Rebekah Brooks Arrested In Hacking Probe

Ex-News International chief, who resigned Friday, is taken in by police in London.

Gingrich Campaign: $1 Million in Debt, Half on Private Jets

Former Speaker of the House in the hole while Romney, Bachmann rake in contributions.

in the hole
1. In debt; in trouble, especially financial trouble. For example, Joan is too extravagant; she's always in the hole, or Buying all these Christmas presents will put us in the hole for the next few months. [Colloquial; early 1800s] Also see in a bind.
2. In trouble in a competitive sport. For example, At three balls and no strikes, the pitcher's in the hole, or The batter's got two strikes on him; he's in the hole. [Slang; late 1800s]
3. In a card game, scoring lower than zero. For example, Only one hand's been dealt and I'm already three points in the hole. This expression alludes to the practice of circling a minus score in the old game of euchre. The antonym for all three usages is out of the hole, as in It took careful financial management to get Kevin out of the hole, or An experienced pitcher often can manage to get out of the hole. Also see ace in the hole.

pass over

Definition: ignore, disregard
Antonyms: attend, heed, take care, tap

2011年7月16日 星期六

recension, popularizer

Such a thorough recension has been possible because....

The O.E.D. already provide popularizers with unlimited material.

(rĭ-sĕn'shən) pronunciation
  1. A critical revision of a text incorporating the most plausible elements found in varying sources.
  2. A text so revised.

[Latin recēnsiō, recēnsiōn-, a reviewing, from recēnsēre, to review : re-, re- + cēnsēre, to estimate.]


(pŏp'yə-lə-rīz') pronunciation
tr.v., -ized, -iz·ing, -iz·es.
  1. To make popular: A famous dancer popularized the new hairstyle.
  2. To present in a widely understandable or acceptable form: popularize technical material for a general audience.
popularization pop'u·lar·i·za'tion (-lər-ĭ-zā'shən) n.
popularizer pop'u·lar·iz'er n.

2011年7月15日 星期五

floodgate, reserve

A buyer examined and selected pig carcasses for the morning food markets at a wholesale center on the outskirts of Shanghai.
Qilai Shen/Bloomberg News

China to Release More of Its Pork Reserves

With the price of pig meat up 38 percent in major cities since the start of the year, China is about to open the floodgates of its national pork reserve.

come out of, Integrity, Rung

Mr. Li, the MediaExpress spokesman, said the company now has misgivings about how it listed in the U.S. 'We had never considered that this way of listing would come [at the expense] of investor trust,' he said.

come out of
Also, come from or come of. Issue, proceed, or result from, as in What good can come out of all this wrangling? or Where are these questions coming from? or What do you think will come of this change? The first term dates from the early 1600s, the second from the early 1200s, and the third from the late 1500s. Also see where one is coming from.

レポートによると、OSS の整合性、品質、セキュリティは全体的に向上しており、毎年、Coverity 認定の「Integrity Rung」(整合性レベル)ランクを上げているプロジェクトが増え続けている、とのことだ。 具体的には、静的解析の欠陥密度が16%減少したことが判明、 ...

Integrity Ladder with Questions and User's Guide
laws (Rung 5 of the Integrity Ladder). Other companies may believe that
compliance .... preferred integrity rung of the ladder is often not constructive

Clay Jones / The Free Lance-Star / Creators Syndicate

━━ n. (はしごの)段; (いすなどの)桟; (車の)輻(や).
start at the bottom rung 一番低い地位から始める.

  1. A rod or bar forming a step of a ladder.
  2. A crosspiece between the legs of a chair.
  3. The spoke in a wheel.
  4. Nautical. One of the spokes or handles on a ship's wheel.
  5. A level or degree in a hierarchy: a middle manager awaiting a promotion to the next rung.
[Middle English, from Old English hrung.]

  • [intégrəti]
1 正直, 誠実, 高潔, 廉直(honesty)
a person of high integrity
2 完全な状態, 無欠(性), もとのままの状態, 無傷の状態
territorial integrity

Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.


There is a homely old adage which runs: "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." If the American nation will speak softly, and yet build and keep at a pitch of the highest training a thoroughly efficient navy, the Monroe Doctrine will go far.

Theodore Roosevelt, Speech in Chicago, 3 Apr. 1903

make a pitch for US and Canadian slang
a. to give verbal support to
b. to attempt to attract (someone) sexually or romantically

the body politic, natural wastage, ground staff

the body politic noun [S] FORMAL
all the people of a particular country under a particular government

natural wastage UK noun [U] (US attrition)
a reduction in the number of people who work for an organization which is achieved by not replacing those people who leave

ground staff plural noun

the people whose job is to take care of a sports ground and its equipment

2011年7月14日 星期四

rifted, soaring, imbricate





《斷象》The Rifted Vision


200510月,住處前臺灣大學網球場邊樹立一棟建築物「新月台」我無法原諒它但求立面工整 (裏面有一家原叫 NTU FancyLand的,隔間等真是慘不忍睹;又,砍一棵樹為夜間照明



《斷象》The Rifted Vision

Erected first are the soaring towers, followed by the stairs,

Sculpted first are the standing walls followed by the windows,

To inter-view, to en-vision,

Shuttling to imbricate the fleeting images and fading imaginations,

Partly for the passing beholders,

Partly for the remembering scholars.








(ĭm'brĭ-kāt') pronunciation
Having regularly arranged, overlapping edges, as roof tiles or fish scales.

v., -cat·ed, -cat·ing, -cates.

To overlap in a regular pattern.

To be arranged with regular overlapping edges.

[Latin imbricātus, covered with roof tiles, from imbrex, imbric-, roof tile, from imber, imbr-, rain.]

imbrication im'bri·ca'tion n.

2011年7月13日 星期三

gainful, historiogra·phy, employment, Histrionic personality disorder

WASHINGTON -- Weeks after the U.S. Education Department issued softened regulations designed to ensure that vocational programs prepare graduates for "gainful employment," House Republicans made abundantly clear Friday that, in their view, the rules had not been eased nearly enough, and that they would continue to oppose them. The article is in Inside Higher Ed.

Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention-seeking, including an excessive need for approval and inappropriately seductive behavior, usually beginning in early adulthood. These individuals are lively, dramatic, vivacious, enthusiastic, and flirtatious.

They may be inappropriately sexually provocative, express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, and be easily influenced by others. Associated features may include egocentrism, self-indulgence, continuous longing for appreciation, and persistent manipulative behavior to achieve their own needs.

The art of, or employment of, writing history.
(hĭ-stôr'ē-ŏg'rə-fē, -stōr'-) pronunciation
  1. The principles, theories, or methodology of scholarly historical research and presentation.
  2. The writing of history based on a critical analysis, evaluation, and selection of authentic source materials and composition of these materials into a narrative subject to scholarly methods of criticism.
  3. A body of historical literature.

[French historiographie, from Old French, from Greek historiographiā : historiā, history; see history + -graphiā, -graphy.]

historiographic his·to'ri·o·graph'ic (-ē-ə-grăf'ĭk) or his·to'ri·o·graph'i·cal (-ĭ-kəl) adj.
historiographically his·to'ri·o·graph'i·cal·ly adv.

tr.v., -ployed, -ploy·ing, -ploys.
    1. To engage the services of; put to work: agreed to employ the job applicant.
    2. To provide with gainful work: factories that employ thousands.
  1. To put to use or service. See synonyms at use.
  2. To devote (time, for example) to an activity or purpose: employed several months in learning Swahili.
  1. The state of being employed: in the employ of the city.
  2. Archaic. Occupation.

[Middle English emploien, from Old French emploier, from Latin implicāre, to involve : in-, in; see en-1 + plicāre, to fold.]

employability em·ploy'a·bil'i·ty n.
employable em·ploy'a·ble adj.
employer em·ploy'er n.

1 [U][C]職, 職業, 仕事, 業務(⇒OCCUPATION[類語]);(時間をとる)仕事
public employment
leave one's employment
give employment to ...
seek employment
She found employment as a typist.
2 [U]使われている状態, 雇用, 勤め, 勤務(⇔unemployment);[C]((形式))有益な活動
full employment
be in [out of, without] employment
3 [U]((形式))(物を)使うこと, 使用;利用
the employment of atomic energy
4 就業人口.

  • [histɔ`ːriɑ'grəfi | -ɔ'g-]
1 歴史文献;((集合的))史実.
2 歴史記述, 修史, 史料編集.
3 歴史学の方法.
4 公の歴史, 正史.
his・tò・ri・o・gráph・ic, his・tò・gráph・i・cal [形]史料編集の.


(gān'fəl) pronunciation
Providing a gain; profitable: gainful employment.

gainfully gain'ful·ly adv.
gainfulness gain'ful·ness n.

2011年7月12日 星期二

market capitalisation, rounding error, regulatory , discretionary

FT Lex: Nestlé
英國《金融時報》 Lex專欄

In the casino of dealmaking, a small bet on a potentially big return is often worth making. Nestlé has done just that. The S$2.1bn it is offering for 60 per cent of Singapore-listed Hsu Fu Chi is less than 1 per cent of the Swiss food group's market capitalisation. And the Chinese food maker will only add about 0.5 per cent to Nestlé's Sfr110bn in revenues last year. Yet for what is effectively a rounding error, the Swiss giant has agreed to buy an extensive distribution network in everyone's dream market. Hsu Fu Chi is a call option on growth in the Chinese middle class.


The option does not exactly come cheap. The S$4.35 per share offer price values​​ Hsu Fu Chi at a full 2​​6 times next year's earnings – about a 25 per cent premium to the company's share price before bid speculation broke out this month. Nestlé itself trades at 16 times its 2012 earnings. Furthermore, if Hsu Fu Chi, which has clashed with regulators in the past, were to suffer any health and safety problems, the reputation of Nestlé's broader business could suffer. Finally, there are disturbing precedents. Private equity group Blackstone and Unilever, the British food maker, have encountered regulatory trouble while attempting to raise food prices in China.


Still, the downside for Nestlé is limited. Although many of Hsu Fu Chi's products are discretionary purchases, the food sector is still reasonably defensive. And if the investment sours, Nestlé's income statement will barely notice. Also, adverse currency swings are unlikely; there is pressure from all sides for the renminbi to appreciate. That would be welcome for Nestlé, which has for years watched the currencies of its important trading partners sink against the Swiss franc. The currency hedge provides a nice kicker for a bet worth making.



2011年7月10日 星期日

(as) rich as Croesus / Rockefeller 

(as) rich as Croesus / Rockefeller 

紀元前6世紀的中東Lydia國王Croesus(這字照希臘文’o”要發音:クロイソス;英文則不發音) 就是大超級富豪(a man of immense weath)。

我們談過John D. Rockefeller(1839-1937) 的經營財富有道。他過世,英文圈(1938)就用他取代Croesus……


A king of Lydia who flourished in the 6th century b. c., and was renowned for his vast wealth; hence, a common appellation for a very rich man; as, he is a veritable Crœsus.


━━ n. クロイソス(のような大富豪) ((紀元前6世紀のLydiaの王)).
(as) rich as Croesus 大金持で.

2011年7月7日 星期四

tabloid-ready, tabloid fodder, shut down

Scandal Shifts Britain’s Media and Political Landscape

An arrest seems imminent for The News of the World’s once politically influential former editor after the Murdochs announced plans to shut down the tabloid.

Move to Close Tabloid Is Greeted With Suspicion

Condemnation came from all directions on Thursday as News Corporation opted to shut down The News of the World.

A Career in Tabloids, Thanks to Elizabeth Taylor


I became a reporter who learned to stalk celebrities after seeing my mother's passion for the biggest star of her time.

This novel turns suburban bliss into tabloid fodder when a woman's estimable husband is found murdered.

The luster of stardom wore off in the 1980s and Bonaduce became famous for his
tabloid-ready lifestyle, including widely reported substance abuse and a ...

The stand-up thing would have been to fire Mr. Hurd on the altogether legitimate grounds that the directors didn’t have faith in his leadership. But of course Wall Street would have had a conniption if the board had taken such a step. So instead, it ginned up a tabloid-ready scandal that only serves to bring shame, once again, on the H.P. board.


(tăb'loid') pronunciation
A newspaper of small format giving the news in condensed form, usually with illustrated, often sensational material.

  1. In summary form; condensed.
  2. Lurid or sensational.

[From tabloid journalism, from Tabloid, trademark for a drug or chemical in condensed form.]

tabloidism tab'loid'ism n.(rĕd'ē) pronunciation

adj., -i·er, -i·est.
  1. Prepared or available for service, action, or progress: I am ready to work. The soup will be ready in a minute. The pupils are ready to learn to read.
  2. Mentally disposed; willing: He was ready to believe her.
  3. Likely or about to do something: She is ready to retire.
  4. Prompt in apprehending or reacting: a ready intelligence; a ready response.
  5. Available: ready money.
tr.v., read·ied, read·y·ing, read·ies.
To cause to be ready.


at the ready

  1. Available for immediate use: soldiers with machine guns at the ready; students with notebooks at the ready.
make ready
  1. To make preparations.

[Middle English redy, from Old English rǣde.]

readiness read'i·ness n.

(fŏd'ər) pronunciation
  1. Feed for livestock, especially coarsely chopped hay or straw.
  2. Raw material, as for artistic creation.
  3. A consumable, often inferior item or resource that is in demand and usually abundant supply: romantic novels intended as fodder for the pulp fiction market.
tr.v., -dered, -der·ing, -ders.
To feed with fodder.

[Middle English, from Old English fōdor.]

2011年7月5日 星期二

rough out, rough in

Reel China: It's rough out West for Chinese films
Los Angeles Times
Films that have been blockbusters in China have failed to find much of a market in the US
Zhang Yimou's $100-million "The Heroes of Nanking," with Christian Bale and large portion of English dialogue, tries to change that. A scene from the movie "Red ...

rough out,

Also, rough in. Prepare or indicate in unfinished form, as in He roughed out several plans for a merger, or They roughed in where the doors would go without checking with the architect. [Second half of 1700s]

2011年7月4日 星期一

starburst, This Land

This Land

In Joplin, Mo., a Declaration of Endurance

Monday’s celebration in the partially destroyed city of Joplin will be better than ever, and will end with a display of starbursts designed to brighten the faces of all.

(stär'bûrst') pronunciation
A shape or design with emanating rays that resembles the flash of light produced by an exploding star.

2011年7月1日 星期五

on one's own recognizance

DSK Released On Own Recognizance

Prosecutors tell court they now have serious doubts about accuser's story.


  • [rikɑ'gnəzəns | -kɔ'g-]

on one's own recognizance