2024年12月30日 星期一

distress, distress signal遭難信号, distress call, to weather, stress, landmark stress test, strain, SOS, eustress

Understanding what happened in the four minutes between when the pilot reported a bird strike and when the plane crashed at a South Korean airport on Sunday, killing 179 people, could be key to unraveling one of the world’s worst aviation disasters. https://nyti.ms/4gCvnMc

Sex Discrimination Case in Hawaii Could Change U.S. High School Sports

It is rare for Title IX cases to go to trial. In Hawaii, a looming case could be a landmark stress test for the 50-year-old law.


The chopper sent no distress call before it was found in flames in a forested area, India's defense chief says.

Will the Chinese government be able to weather domestic and international criticism of its handling of the coronavirus outbreak?Can China control an epidemic from the top down?


The Coronavirus Is a Stress Test for Xi Jinping
Those who travel for business should win our sympathy. It ages, stresses and strains a marriage

應力與壓力不同 不過容易搞混
Posted Thursday, May 7, 2009, at 6:43 AM ET The Washington Post leads with, while the Wall Street Journal banners, more leaked results from the so-called stress tests on the country's 19 largest financial institutions. When the results are officially unveiled today at 5 p.m., it will mark the first time that the government explicitly divides the nation's banks into those that are stronger and those that are weaker.

Bank of America
It's crunch time for the United States banking system: The Obama administration this week will begin taking a hard look at the financial condition of the country's 20 biggest banks to judge whether they could hold up even if the downturn worsens further than policy makers already expect.

The "stress tests" come as anxiety is building among investors and industry analysts about the Treasury Department's broader plans to shore up the overall banking system.

Delevic however said Serbians realized that integration is a long process and that 51 percent of them see EU membership as a path to a better future for the country's youth.
She added that young people have a more positive perception of the EU and that those aged 18 to 29 expect to have the greatest benefits from EU integration.
Serbia aims to become a candidate for EU membership in 2009 and has repeatedly stressed that EU membership is one of its primary goals.

stress (EMPHASIZE)
verb [T]
to give emphasis or special importance to something:
[+ (that)] He is careful to stress (that) the laboratory's safety standards are the best in the country.
I'd just like to stress the importance of neatness and politeness in this job.

noun [U]
During his speech, he laid particular stress on the freedom of the press.

stress (WORRY)
noun [C or U]
great worry caused by a difficult situation, or something which causes this condition:
People under a lot of stress may experience headaches, minor pains and sleeping difficulties.
Yoga is a very effective technique for combating stress.
the stresses and strains of the job
stress-related illness

stressed (out) adjective [after verb]
worried and anxious:
She's been feeling very stressed since she started her new job.
I was really stressed out before the exam.

a stressful day/job
Police work is physically demanding and stressful.
She's very good at coping in stressful situations.

Stress is defined as an organism's total response to environmental demands or pressures. When stress was first studied in the 1950s, the term was used to denote both the causes and the experienced effects of these pressures. More recently, however, the word stressor has been used for the stimulus that provokes a stress response. One recurrent disagreement among researchers concerns the definition of stress in humans. Is it primarily an external response that can be measured by changes in glandular secretions, skin reactions, and other physical functions, or is it an internal interpretation of, or reaction to, a stressor; or is it both?

stress test
Determining the durability of a system by pushing it to its limits. Stress testing a network is performed by transmitting excessive numbers of packets or attempting to break in illegally. Software stress testing is done by feeding the program erroneous data as well as activating all interface options in all possible sequences. Hardware stress testing involves using the devices in extreme temperatures and hazardous environments.

A simulation technique used on asset and liability portfolios to determine their reactions to different financial situations.


━━ n. 圧力 ((on)); 圧迫; 強制; 緊張 (times of ~ 非常時); ストレス; 努力; 強調 ((on)); 重要性; 強勢.
lay stress 重点を置く ((on)).
under stress of …に迫られて.
━━ vt. …に圧力を加える; 重きを置く, 強調する; 強勢を置く.
stress accent 強勢アクセント.
stress disease 【医】(刺激・緊張から起るという)ストレス病.
stressed ━━ a. 緊張した; 圧力のかかった; アクセント[ストレス]のある; 精神的にストレスがたまっている.
stressed-out a. ストレスで限界の[疲れ切った].
stress・ful ━━ a. 緊張[ストレス]の多い.
stress・ful・ly ad.
stress・ful・ness n.
stress interview 【経営】ストレス・インタビュー, 圧迫面接 ((面接者に故意に敵対する態度をとって自己管理度に関する反応を見る面接法)).
stress mark 強勢記号.
stress test 【医】ストレステスト ((肉体的負荷を与えた状態での心臓機能テスト)).

  1. 1.
    force (a part of one's body or oneself) to make an unusually great effort.
    "I stopped and listened, straining my ears for any sound"
  2. 2.
    pour (a mainly liquid substance) through a porous or perforated device or material in order to separate out any solid matter.
    "strain the custard into a bowl"
  1. 1.
    a force tending to pull or stretch something to an extreme or damaging degree.
    "the usual type of chair puts an enormous strain on the spine"
    synonyms:tension, tightness, tautness, shear, distension;
    "the rope snapped under the strain"
  2. 2.
    a severe or excessive demand on the strength, resources, or abilities of someone or something.
    "the accusations put a strain on relations between the two countries"
    synonyms:pressure, demands, burdens, exertions; More

The negative, harmful aspects of stress. Compare eustress.

dis・tress━━ n. 苦痛, 苦悩(の種) ((to)); 不幸, 危難; 遭難; 貧窮; 差押え.

━━ vt. 苦しめる, 悩ます, 疲れさす.
distress oneself 心を痛める.
dis・tressed ━━ a. 苦悩している; 窮乏[疲労]した.
distressed area 〔米〕 (自然災害の)被災地域; 〔英〕 不況地域.
dis・tress・ful ━━ a. 苦難の多い, 不幸[悲惨]な.
dis・tress・ful・ly ad.
dis・tress・ing ━━ a. 苦しめる; いたましい.
dis・tress・ing・ly ad.
distress sale, distress selling (出血)投げ売り.
distress signal 【海事】遭難信号.
distress signal, also known as a distress call, is an internationally recognized means for obtaining help. Distress signals are communicated by transmitting radio signals, displaying a visually observable item or illumination, or making a sound audible from a distance.

無線メーデー (遭難信号)を呼びかける。
米海軍教育訓練機関Center for Surface Combat Systems作成の図


The positive or pleasant aspect of stress; for example the demands of competition which produce positive responses of excitement and happiness. Compare distress.
