2015年8月31日 星期一

large-hearted, kind-hearted, unscathed, faint-hearted, halfheartedly, Brighton Rock,

Jerome Groopman reflects on Oliver Sacks, an extraordinary and exemplary doctor—creative, sensitive, and large-hearted to his many patients.

As both a physician and as a writer, Sacks’s two great themes were identity and adaptation.

unscathed,  faint-hearted, halfheartedly
Mizuho Financial Group Inc.'s first-half results confirmed that Japanese banks, until now relatively unscathed by the credit crunch...

BUILDING a home, like getting married, is not for the faint of heart. It is a rare individual (or couple) who can manage the mix of high expectations, inexperience and a ballooning budget in service of a goal — a home! — so freighted with meaning, and come out unscathed.

Exhibiting or feeling little interest, enthusiasm, or heart; uninspired: a halfhearted attempt at writing a novel.
halfheartedly half'heart'ed·ly adv.
halfheartedness half'heart'ed·ness n.
adjective [before noun]
describes someone who is not confident or brave and dislikes taking unnecessary risks:
The terrorist threat in the region has kept faint-hearted tourists away.

the faint-hearted plural noun
people who are not brave:
The drive along the winding coast road is not for the faint-hearted.

adjective [after verb]
without injuries or damage being caused:

Her husband died in the accident but she, amazingly, escaped unscathed.

  1. sympathetic and generous.
    "he was too large-hearted a man for that"

不知誰在30年前告訴我這 ROCK 是硬糖果

Brighton Rock is a novel by Graham Greene, published in 1938, and later made into a 1947 film. The novel is a murder thriller set in 1930s Brighton.

Plot summary

Fred Hale comes to Brighton on assignment to anonymously distribute cards for a newspaper competition (this is a variant of "Lobby Lud" in which the name of the person to be spotted is "Kolley Kibber"). The antihero of the novel, Pinkie Brown, is a teenage sociopath and up-and-coming gangster. Hale had betrayed the former leader of the gang Pinkie now controls. Ida Arnold, a kind-hearted and decent woman, is drawn into the action by a chance meeting with the terrified Hale, whom Pinkie murders in obscure circumstances shortly afterwards. Pinkie's attempts to cover his tracks lead to a chain of fresh crimes and to an ill-fated marriage to Rose, a waitress who unknowingly has the power to destroy his alibi. Ida pursues Pinkie relentlessly, in part to protect Rose from the remorseless, deeply disturbed boy she has married.
Although ostensibly an underworld thriller, the book is also a powerful exploration of the nature of sin and the basis of morality (Pinkie and Rose are Roman Catholics, as was Greene, and their beliefs are contrasted with Ida's strong but non-religious moral sensibility).

等待好一陣 我決定報復一下

Europe > Britain > England > Brighton

36 Hours in Brighton, England

  1. Relatively hard, naturally formed mineral or petrified matter; stone.
    1. A relatively small piece or fragment of such material.
    2. A relatively large body of such material, as a cliff or peak.
  2. A naturally formed aggregate of mineral matter constituting a significant part of the earth's crust.
  3. One that is similar to or suggestive of a mass of stone in stability, firmness, or dependability: The family has been his rock during this difficult time.
  4. rocks Slang. Money.
  5. Slang. A large gem, especially a diamond.
  6. Slang. Crack cocaine.
    1. A varicolored stick candy.
    2. Rock candy.

2015年8月29日 星期六

crook, switcheroo and thightastic headlock

勸架使出「奪命剪刀腳」 雪白大腿好銷魂

【動新聞╱綜合報導】巴西1名女子為了勸架竟出動「奪命剪刀腳」!她原本抱住1名男子好聲好氣的勸說,但男子越來越失控,背後抱緊也沒用,女子只能先將他撂倒,在用大腿緊緊夾住,成功阻止了1場衝突。 圖說:女子為勸架,將男子用大腿
Note to self: Do NOT get into a fight with this woman

A Brazilian woman was caught on camera tackling a muscular man to the...

An Apple and Microsoft Switcheroo in the Browser Market
Wall Street Journal - USABoth companies are facing competition from Google in mobile browsing though. Since the first phone to use Google’s Android mobile operating system went on ...

The noun switcheroo has one meaning:
Meaning #1: a sudden unexpected switch
突然回心轉意 作180度轉變

這switchroo 在20世紀中才開始在北美使用

例 (詳細內容參考"管窺Google") Google會轉而要求AT&T公司付費提供顧客Google之服務嗎?
Can Google do a switcheroo?
Commentary: Duo of Google and Sprint could put AT&T in a headlock

(The noun headlock has one meaning: Meaning #1: a wrestling hold in which the opponent's head is locked between the crook of your elbow and the side of your body 摔角賽中將對手的頭夾在你身體和手臂之間)

diocese, bishopric, diocesan, re-named, pallium

The schools are the third and fourth educational institutes where lead contamination in water has been discovered.
Excessive lead content has been found in the water supplies of two more schools, one of which is a top school in Hong Kong. They are the third and fourth educational institutes where lead contamination in water has been discovered. Diocesan Boys’ School (DBS), a leading private school and one of the…

 And it's certainly true that when many of England's great industrial cities were given Anglican bishoprics, they often took over a large parish church and re-named it a cathedral, as in the case of Newcastle, Manchester, my home town of Birmingham, and also nearby Coventry.

Protestant bishop steps down over mishandling of sex abuse case

The Protestant Bishop of Hamburg has announced her resignation in light of
criticism over how she handled a sex-abuse case in her diocese. Maria
Jepsen became the world's first female Protestant bishop in 1992.

The DW-WORLD.DE Article

The Diocese of London

And in the aftermath of the Restoration of the Catholic hierarchy and diocesan structure in England and Wales by Pope Pius IX, many new Catholic cathedrals were constructed, culminating in the building of Westminster Cathedral in the Byzantine style, consecrated in 1910.


n., pl., pal·li·ums, or pal·li·a (păl'ē-ə).
  1. A cloak or mantle worn by the ancient Greeks and Romans.
  2. Ecclesiastical. A vestment worn by the pope and conferred by him on archbishops and sometimes on bishops. Also called pall.
    1. The mantle of gray matter forming the cerebral cortex.
    2. The mantle of a mollusk, brachiopod, or bird.

[名](複 -li・a 〔-〕, 〜s)
1 パリウム:古代ギリシャ・ローマの男子用外衣.
2 《教会》パリウム, 大司教用肩衣(かたぎぬ);祭壇布;聖体布.
3 《解剖学》脳外套(がいとう);《動物》(軟体動物の)外套膜.

  1. 1.
    of or concerning a diocese.
  1. 1.
    the bishop of a diocese.

di·o·cese ('ə-sĭs, -sēs', -sēz') pronunciationn.
The district or churches under the jurisdiction of a bishop; a bishopric.

[Middle English diocise, from Old French, from Late Latin diocēsis, from Latin dioecēsis, jurisdiction, from Greek dioikēsis, administration, from dioikein, to keep house, administer : dia-, intensive pref.; see dia- + oikein, to inhabit (from oikos, house).]

di·o·cese ('ə-sĭs, -sēs', -sēz') pronunciationn.
The district or churches under the jurisdiction of a bishop; a bishopric.

[Middle English diocise, from Old French, from Late Latin diocēsis, from Latin dioecēsis, jurisdiction, from Greek dioikēsis, administration, from dioikein, to keep house, administer : dia-, intensive pref.; see dia- + oikein, to inhabit (from oikos, house).]

or di-
  1. Through: diachronic.
  2. Across: diatropism.
[Greek, from dia, through.]

  1. The office or rank of a bishop.
  2. The diocese of a bishop.
[Middle English bishoprik, from Old English bisceoprīce, the diocese of a bishop : bisceop, bishop; see bishop + rīce, realm.]
  1. The office or rank of a bishop.
  2. The diocese of a bishop.
[Middle English bishoprik, from Old English bisceoprīce, the diocese of a bishop : bisceop, bishop; see bishop + rīce, realm.]


  • 発音記号[bíʃəprik]
[名]bishopの管轄権[管轄区, 地位].

straight sex, bromance, bouillons (French for broth), Bromantic interest

The genre of "bromantic comedy" has its own Wikipedia entry. A hug between men is now a "bro-hug". Why do we invent new words to describe timeless male affection? http://econ.st/1Kf9W2p
LAST week Johnson featured depressing evidence that old-fashioned gender-attitudes are still very much with us, in looking at “sexism” and “misogyny”. But...

Bone broth--the "new" culinary trend--is as old as restaurants themselves. By the late eighteenth century, "those who were sensitive and supposedly suffering made public show of their delicacy by going to the new establishments known as 'restaurateurs' rooms' and there sipping their bouillons (French for broth)."

The bone broth trend isn't going anywhere: here's what you need to know

The newest beverage trend is heating up. Here's what you need to know.

Yes, you can be a part of this bromance.

You Can Now Take the Selfie of Your Dreams with Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen

(For charity.)
The Comeback Vegan
Bill and Barry are together again. But this was a union made by transaction, not a bromance.

Bromance is a portmanteau of the words bro or brother and romance. Editor Dave Carnie coined the term in the skateboard magazine Big Brother in the 1990s to refer specifically to the sort of relationships that develop between skaters who spent a great deal of time together.[2]

Bromance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bromance - Cached A hug involving several young males. A bromance is a close non-sexual relationship between two (or more) men, a form of homosocial intimacy.

Etymology - Characteristics - Portrayal of bromance - Gay protagonists in bromance

Urban Dictionary: bromance
www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bromance - Cached Describes the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males.



Syllabification: bro·mance
Pronunciation: /ˈbrōˌmans/
  • A close but nonsexual relationship between two men.

    • Also, I'm pretty sure that his intuition is correct about the unrequited bromance.
    • He's got a nifty little win streak going with comedies and the momentum continues with this smart take on the bromance.
    • There is a mutual attraction in a bromance (why else would people become close friends?).



OBromantic (adjective); not necessarily homosexual, yet still just a little too much love goin' on between guys.

Bromantic comedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

bromantic comedy is a satirical, comedic film genre. A bromantic comedy film takes the formula of the typical “romantic comedy” and turns it on its head by ...

Description - ‎History - ‎Themes and elements of ... - ‎Notable bromantic comedy filmsrigin

early 21st century: blend of brother and romance.

The Naked Eye (2001)/ The Naked Woman: A Study of the Female Body


毛里斯戴茲蒙(Morris Desmond)/楊軍/馬可孛羅文化出版


The Naked Eye (2001)

這本書用的語彙多為中國的 出版社懶得管它

連男女之愛 straight sex 都不知道是"異性交"

brothLine breaks: broth
Pronunciation: /brɒθ /

Definition of broth in English:


1Soup consisting of meat or vegetables cooked in stocksometimes thickened with barley or othercereals:mutton broth
1.1Meat or fish stock:
the pig made five pots of broth[COUNT NOUN]: she made a broth from the bones
Microbiology liquid medium containing proteins and other nutrients for the culture of bacteria:
in vitro cultures were established in MG3 broth[AS MODIFIER]: broth cultures of intestinal tissue
2.1 liquid mixture for the preservation of tissue.
Old English, of Germanic origin; related to brew.


美國《紐約時報》網站5月13日文章,原題:透視中國 “同直婚姻”現象張貝川(音)是青島大學附屬醫院的研究人員,他正在收集一些關於數百萬中國“同直婚姻*” (即同性戀與異性戀*的婚姻——編者註)的故事。這些故事當中多數涉及欺騙,並夾雜著暴力和性傳播疾病。

1. heterosexual
2. used to describe a person who does not participate in "dangerous" activity such as drugs, alchohol, sex or criminal activity. A good girl/guy.
3. to tell it straight - to tell the truth 







2015年8月28日 星期五

quorum, Memoirs of a Minyan﹕The relationship business

Former VIP team @quorumanalytics gives great advice on being a student entrepreneur! 

IN BRIEF: n. - The quorum required by Jewish law to be present for public worship (at least ten males over thirteen years of age).
Tutor's tip: Note: A "minion" is (a servant or subordinate) and a "minyan" is (a group of ten males, 13 years or older, required for conducting Jewish public worship).

  1. quorum is the minimum number of members of a deliberative assembly (a body that uses parliamentary procedure, such as a legislature) necessary to conduct the business of that group.

2009/07/16 09:00:43 Memoirs of a Minyan﹕The relationship business
The relationship business

My senior year was supposed to be the best time of my life, the final episode of innocence before embarking on a career. I had the college experience perfected and looked forward to my Syracuse finale.

The stage was set -- I tended bar at my favorite spot, belonged to an awesome fraternity and my GPA was on cruise control. I had one eye on the future but my other body parts were firmly committed to squeezing every ounce of life from my remaining time in upstate New York.

The weekend after I arrived home from London, I was lounging at my girlfriend's home in New Jersey, wasting away a summer day. Bored, I randomly decided to call my aunt who lived nearby.

Karen was my mother's college roommate and my father's cousin. She introduced the two of them, which would explain why she always took an active interest in my well-being. As we caught up, she told me of a friend of hers who worked at Morgan Stanley.

'You should give him a ring,' she said. 'He's a great guy and a close friend.'

I called Chuck Feldman, who I later realized was a legend on Wall Street. He pioneered the equity derivative business and ran the show at Morgan Stanley. He was the quintessential old-school trader who worked his way to the top and ruled the roost.

His high-pitched voice was extremely soft-spoken on the phone. That's the first thing I remembered about Chuck, how soft-spoken his voice was. It would be the last time I ever had that thought.

He lived in a neighboring town and invited me over. We met for a half hour and had a pleasant enough conversation. He wasn't a large man but his presence cast a long shadow.

There was no way to know that those 30 minutes would forever change my professional path. That half-hour handed me the keys to the cash register.

surfeit, luscious, wigwam, variant, variation, cloy, surplus, minor object

Can there be too many cellists?

The modern open office was designed for team building and camaraderie but is mostly distinguished by its high noise levels, lack of privacy and surfeit of both digital and human distractions.

《中英對照讀新聞》Higher birthweight linked to grandmother gene 出生體重較重與祖母基因相關

Scientists say a gene variation could contribute up to 155g to a child’s birthweight.

The gene studied is believed to act as a growth suppressor, reducing birthweight. But the UK-based researchers found a particular variant passed down from the mother can add 93g to the birthweight, or 155g if passed down from the maternal grandmother.

Professor Gudrun Moore of University College London and colleagues looked at a gene called PHLDA2 in nearly 9,500 DNA samples taken from mothers and their babies, collected in three separate studies.

They found a gene variant called RS1 appeared to change the way in which the gene functioned, leading to higher birthweights. "The gene is already known to have a profound effect on birthweight by acting as a growth suppressor," Prof Moore said.

The RS1 variation was found in around 13% of the individuals studied, with 87% possessing the RS2 variation. "We suggest that the more common RS2 gene variation, which is only found in humans, has evolved to produce a smaller baby as a protective effect to enhance the mother’s survival during childbirth," said Prof Moore.

variant:名詞,變異,變數,變化版。例句:There are many colas on the market now, all variants on the original drink.(現在市面上有很多種可樂,都是從原始的可樂變化而來。)
pass down:片語,流傳,傳承。例句:His is a family trade, passed down from generation to generation.(他的是家傳事業,代代相傳。)
maternal:形容詞,母系的,母性的。例句:She is very maternal towards her staff.(她對員工非常有母性。)

The complete set of all 5 Great Escapes titles of the TASCHEN 25 edition

The Great Escapes series catalogs the most extraordinary and tempting hotels around the world. Each volume is both a luscious picture-book of interiors and a guide to some of the most spectacular getaways to be found on the planet. Ranging from funky and inexpensive to luxuriously elegant and wildly pricy, these hotels, inns, guesthouses, bungalows, ranches, lodges, resorts and even—yes—wigwams and treehouses will surely seduce you.
All five titles from the series are included in this special edition set: North America, South America, Asia, Europe, and Africa.

張曼儀老師說:「『小東西』,原文是『minor object』,也就是平常的物品,以至身邊瑣事,藉著聯想的作用,它們能夠叫讀者產生親切感。

One could crawl on and on. There’s Old Bookbinders down in the canalside neighborhood of Jericho, a stone’s throw from Castle Mill boatyard (threatened with imminent development), which inspired Philip Pullman to create the Gyptians boat people in “The Golden Compass.” At Bookbinders, the ales are kept in barrels behind the bar, and you can reach into a tub for free handfuls of ground nuts. There’s the Gardeners of Plantation Road, with its armchairs and two wood rooms, and the best vegetarian food in town. Not to mention the Trout on the river, the Grapes in the center, the White Horse, and the little Half Moon by Magdalen Bridge. Oxford: what a surfeit of good will in its honey-gold stone and nut-brown glasses.

A Pub Crawl Through the Centuries
surfeit Show phonetics
noun [C usually singular] FORMAL
an amount which is too large, or is more than is needed:
The country has a surfeit of cheap labour.


  • 発音記号[sə'ːrfit]

[名][U][C]((通例a 〜))((形式))
1 過度[過多](の…);〈量・額などが〉過剰(の…)(⇔lack)((of ...));(一般に)うんざりすること, 飽満
a surfeit of advice
2 食べ[飲み]すぎ(による不快な満腹感).
━━[動](他)…を(…で)食傷させる;…をうんざりさせる((with ...)).
━━(自)(…を)食い[飲み]すぎる((of, on, upon ...));(…に)うんざりする, 食傷する((with ...)).


━━ n., v. 過多; 食い[飲み]すぎ(させる,する) ((of, on, with)); 食傷[あきあき](させる,する) ((with)).


Sweet and pleasant to taste or smell: a luscious melon. See synonyms at delicious.
Having strong sensual or sexual appeal; seductive.
Richly appealing to the senses or the mind: a luscious, vivid description.

Archaic. Excessively sweet; cloying.

1 いい味[香り]のする, おいしい;甘美な.
2 (感覚・心に)気持ちよい, うっとりさせる;〈言葉・文体などが〉飾りたてた, 豪華な, 魅力的な.

3 ((略式))情欲をそそる, 官能的な. ▼主に男性語.

4 ((古))甘ったるい.

[Middle English lucius, alteration of licious, perhaps short for delicious, delicious. See delicious.]

lusciously lus'cious·ly adv.

lusciousness lus'cious·ness n.

(wĭg'wŏm') pronunciation
n.n. - 帳蓬, 小屋
A Native American dwelling commonly having an arched or conical framework overlaid with bark, hides, or mats.

[Eastern Abenaki wìkəwαm.]
WORD HISTORY   English has adopted two words for Native American dwellings from languages in the Algonquian family. Both wigwam and wickiup come from the Algonquian root wik- (with a variant wig-), "to dwell," to which suffixes are added. Wigwam comes from Abenaki wigwam (spelled various ways) and means "their dwelling"; wickiup comes from Fox dialect wikiyap or wikiyapi, "a dwelling, wigwam."
  • 発音記号[wígwɑm | -wæm]


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[véəriənt]
1 (同種のものや標準とは)異なる, 別の, 相違する;一般には認められていない
a variant pronunciation
a variant reading
2 種々の, さまざまな;((まれ))変化しやすい.
1 (他とは若干)異なる人[物], 異形, 別形, 変体.
2 (同一語の)異なるつづり[発音, 形態]
Draughtis a variant ofdraft”.
3 (写本の)異文;(原作の)改訂版, 変形.
4 《音声学》異音(allophone).
5 《統計学》変量.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[vèəriéiʃən]
1 [U][C]変化, 変動
variation of weather
long for a variation in one's routine
2 [U][C]変化量, 変化率, 変化の程度
There was a temperature variation of 10° between last week and this week.
3 (物の)異体, 異形, 変体, 変形(体)
a variation of football
4 《音楽》[U]変奏;[C]変奏曲.
5 《バレエ》バリアシオン:ソロの踊り.
6 [U][C]《天文》変差;(月の)二均差.
7 [U][C]《海事》偏差:真子午線と磁気子午線のなす水平角. ⇒DEVIATION 2
8 《生物》[U]変異(⇒MUTATION 2);[C]変異個体.
9 [U][C]《数学》変動, 変分, 順列, 振幅.

 (kloi) pronunciation

v., cloyed, cloy·ing, cloys.
To cause distaste or disgust by supplying with too much of something originally pleasant, especially something rich or sweet; surfeit.

To be too filling, rich, or sweet.

[Short for obsolete accloy, to clog, from Middle English acloien, from Old French encloer, to drive a nail into, from Medieval Latin inclāvāre : Latin in-, in; see in-2 + Latin clāvāre, to nail (from clāvus, nail).]
cloyingly cloy'ing·ly adv.
cloyingness cloy'ing·ness n.


  • 発音記号[klɔ'i]
[動](他)((文))〈人を〉(甘さ・ぜいたくなどで)うんざりさせる, 飽き飽きさせる((with ...)).
━━(自)〈甘さなどが〉人をうんざりさせる, 鼻につく;〈人が〉飽き飽き[うんざり]する.
[形](いきすぎで)鼻についてくる, うんざりさせる.

In Hong Kong, a Budget With a Surfeit of Surpluses

sur • plus
sə'ːrplʌs | -pləs
surpluses (複数形)
1 残り, 余り(⇔deficiency).
2 余分の量[額]
in surplus
be surplus to requirements
3 ((米))(特に政府買上げの)余剰農産物;《会計》剰余金;余剰額;黒字(⇔deficit)
run up trade surpluses
surplus wheat
a surplus (goods) store