2007年10月31日 星期三

Google Stock Barrels Through $700


, -reled or -relled, -rel·ing or -rel·ling, -rels or -rels. v.tr.

To put or pack in a barrel.

v.intr. Slang.

To move at a high speed or rate of progress: “That the European Union barreled ahead was not surprising” (Richard W. Stevenson).

Google Stock Barrels Through $700
The Associated Press -
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google Inc.'s stock price barreled through $700 for the first time Wednesday, propelled by a belief that the Internet search leader ...

watershed (BIG CHANGE)

分水界; (川の)流域; 転機, 分岐点.
Show phonetics
noun [S]
an event or period which is important because it represents a big change in how people do or think about something:
The year 1969 was a watershed in her life - she changed her career and changed her partner.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Pound leaps to post 1981 high against dollar

Sterling nears the watershed $2.07 mark after a senior Bank of England official questioned the need for a rate cut

2007年10月29日 星期一

'Wow' Factor

Nokia Takes 'Wow' Factor to Shanghai
Nokia opened its seventh full-service retail store world-wide in China, now the mobile-phone maker's largest market for multimedia devices. (wsj)

A dazzling, often sudden instance of success: hit, sleeper. Informalsmash, smash hit, ten-strike. Slangboff, boffo, boffola. Seethrive/fail/exist.

wow (SUCCESS) Show phonetics
a person or thing that is very successful, attractive or pleasant:
He's not particularly good-looking, but he's a real wow with the girls in his class.

wow Show phonetics
to impress and excite someone greatly:
The movie wowed audiences throughout the States with its amazing special effects.

wow1 (wou) pronunciation Informal.

Used to express wonder, amazement, or great pleasure.


An outstanding success.

tr.v., wowed, wow·ing, wows.

To have a strong, usually pleasurable effect on: a performance that wowed the audience.


But according to the current edition of Business Insight, crossbreeding dissimilar products--like a shoe-and-iPod combination from Apple and Nike--makes for the inspired product breakthroughs.


noun [C]
an animal or plant that is a mixture of breeds and is therefore a new variety

But according to the current edition of Business Insight, crossbreeding dissimilar products--like a shoe-and-iPod combination from Apple and Nike--makes for the inspired product breakthroughs.

verb [I or T] crossbred, crossbred


2007年10月27日 星期六

to snap and print all foreigners, ecclesiology, "Ecclesiological Society"

Today's News
Japan: to snap and print all foreigners entering the country (story)

Ecclesiology (from Greek ἐκκλησίᾱekklēsiā, "congregation, church"; and -λογία-logia) is the study of the theological understanding of the Christian church. Specific areas of concern include the church's role in salvation, its origin, its relationship to the historical Christ, its discipline, its destiny, and its leadership. Ecclesiology is, therefore, the study of the church as a thing in itself.
Different ecclesiologies give shape to very different institutions. Thus, in addition to describing a broad discipline of theology, ecclesiology may be used in the specific sense of a particular church or denomination’s character, self-described or otherwise. This is the sense of the word in such phrases as Roman Catholic ecclesiologyLutheran ecclesiology, and ecumenical ecclesiology.


Ecclesiology comes from the Greek ἐκκλησία (ekklesia), which entered Latin as ecclesia. In the Greco-Roman world, the word was used to refer to a lawful assembly, or a called legislative body. As early as Pythagoras, the word took on the additional meaning of a community with shared beliefs.[1] This is the meaning taken in the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures (the Septuagint), and later adopted by the Christian community to refer to the assembly of believers.[2]
教会論{きょうかい ろん}

The Cambridge Camden Society, known also as the "Ecclesiological Society", was a learned architectural society founded in 1839 by undergraduates at Cambridge University to promote "the study of Gothic Architecture, and of Ecclesiastical Antiques." Its activities would come to include publishing a monthly journal, The Ecclesiologistadvising church builders on their blueprints, and advocating a return to a medieval style of church architecture in England. At its peak influence in the 1840s, the Society counted over 700 members in its ranks, including bishops of the Church of England, deans at Cambridge University, and Members of Parliament. The Society and its publications enjoyed wide influence over the design of English churches throughout the 19th century.

  • to snap
snap (PHOTOGRAPH) Show phonetics
an informal photograph which is not particularly skilful or artistic:
holiday snaps
Did you take many snaps while you were away?

verb [I or T] -pp-
to take a lot of photographs quickly:
He was arrested for snapping photos of a military parade.
She's very pleased with her new camera and was snapping away the whole time we were abroad.

  • to print
print (FINGER) Show phonetics
noun [C]
INFORMAL FOR fingerprint:
The burglar had left his prints all over the window.

Japan to take fingerprints, photos of foreigners


2007年10月26日 星期五

Setting the Table

lay/set the table
to put a cloth, knives and forks, etc. on the table in preparation for a meal:
Could you lay the table for lunch, please?


Setting the Table : The Transforming Power of Hospitality in Business by Meyer, Danny (HarperCollins )


能讓這位美國知名的餐飲大亨如此成功的原因,是因為他深信人類具有提供並接受款待(hospitality)的強烈本能需要。 本書敘述引領作者走進餐飲業的真實人生經驗,不僅為餐飲服務業提供借鏡,也值得創業者和經理人參考。

作者指出,善於款待別人極為重要,對象從為自己工作的人開始,接著依序是顧客、社區鄰里、供應商以及投資人。這與某些傳統商業模式恰好相反,他稱之為「有 智慧的殷勤款待」(enlightened hospitality)。也因此,他所有的商業決策和一切成就,都以此為基礎。

tycoon 大君

tycoon 大君

2007年10月25日 星期四

high-octane, octane number

high-octane Show phonetics
adjective [before noun] 高辛"皖"值
1 describes fuel that is of very good quality:
high-octane fuel
high-octane UK petrol/US gas

2 full of energy or very powerful:
a high-octane performance


━━ n. 【化】オクタン ((石油中の無色液体炭化水素)); =octane number.
octane number [rating, value] オクタン価.

William Cohan's high- octane history of “the world's most elite and enigmatic investment bank” was awarded the £30,000 ($61,500, €43,000) prize at a gala dinner last night in London.


The Last Tycoons



hc譯評:此書名為複數 tycoons

不應與 F. Scott Fitzgerald's unfinished final novel, The Last Tycoon混為一談

Insider-selling at Harley-Davidson may be a reason to gear down expectations for the company's high-octane stock price, particularly considering the slowdown in Harley's U.S. motorcycle sales and its aging customer base.

2007年10月24日 星期三

*been booed, cheered, cut, sold, traded, and hung in effigy

Competitiveness, determination, willpower and stamina are attributes common to both athletes and politicians. So, it's not surprising that many athletes turn to politics when their playing career fades. Jack Kemp, Bill Bradley, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steve Largent and Tom Osborne are just a few of those who made the transition from sports arena to political office.



"Pro football gave me a good perspective. When I entered the political arena, I had already been booed, cheered, cut, sold, traded, and hung in effigy."Jack Kemp


cut 多義 要請教丁丁等專家
〔米俗〕 ((否定文で)) 処理する; 【球技】(球を)切る, カットする;

梁: "cut除了是「被弄傷」還另有深意乎?願聞丁詳。"
Bill Scherkenbach曰:"Cut means that he was dropped from the team."

To strike (a ball) so that it spins in a reverse direction.

ef·fi·gy (ĕf'ə-jē) pronunciation
n., pl. -gies.
  1. A crude figure or dummy representing a hated person or group.
  2. A likeness or image, especially of a person.
━━ n. 像, 肖像; (憎い人をのろうための)人形.
burn [hang] … in effigy 人の人形を焼く[縛り首にする].

in effigy

  1. Symbolically, especially in the form of an effigy: The deposed dictator was burned in effigy by the crowd.

[French effigie, from Latin effigiēs, likeness, from effingere, to portray : ex-, ex- + fingere, to shape.]

2007年10月23日 星期二

not be set/carved in stone

not be set/carved in stone UK (US not be carved/etched in stone)
to not be fixed and to be able to be changed:
These are just a few ideas - nothing is set in stone yet.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

far from sth

certainly not something:
The situation is far from clear.

不過,報道也引述一些分析人士的話說,習近平與李克強同時獲得提拔說明了領導人的繼任人選“還遠遠未有定案”(far from set in stone)。



unrestrained by convention or propriety: "an audacious trick to pull"
print in boldface

━━ a. 大胆な; 無遠慮な; (文字・輪郭など)太い, きわだった; けわしい. in bold outline against (the sky) (空に)くっきりと. make (so) bold (as) to do あえて…する. make bold with …を勝手に使う; なれなれしくする.━━ n. =boldface. bold・face ━━ n., a. 【印】太字(の).bold-faced a. ずぶとい; 【印】太字の.bold-faced type 肉太活字.

ずぶとい 図太い
audacious; impudent; bold. ⇒図々しい.

Last Night in One Room: Kravis, Milken & Whitehead
Not since Michael Milken's Predators' Ball in the 1980's have so many of Wall Street's bold-faced names dared to mingle together. Until last night.

2007年10月22日 星期一

Websters and Rotarians

>要請教rl 去年常去的一mw英文字典大詞庫網址 可節省時間:

奇怪 似乎不是這辭典 之前的連使用頻率各種quotations等都有
想應該請rl或 ch撰一文介紹網路辭典


Rotary Club
1. A group of businessmen in a town organized as a service club and to promote world peace.

1. A member of a Rotary Club.

Rotarians present dictionaries
Press & Sun-Bulletin - Binghamton,NY,USA
The donation is part of the Rotary Club's Dictionary Project, a nationwide effort to present a personal dictionary to every third-grader in the United ...

2007年10月21日 星期日

force of nature

force of nature 自然之威力 等等 在此文為雙關語


吳儀退休 中國危機管理傳承現懸念




吳儀是中國政壇少數位居要職的女性。她硬朗的形像為國際社會所熟悉,更被美國財長保爾森形容為“魅力天成”(force of nature)。














whodunit, whodunnit

whodunit, whodunnit Show phonetics
noun [C] INFORMAL n.〔話〕 推理小説[劇,映画].
a story about a crime and the attempt to discover who committed it:
It's one of those whodunits where you don't find out who the murderer is till the very end.

The Father Brown detective series by the British author G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936) is a classic beloved by whodunit fans around the world. In "The Innocence of Father Brown," published in 1911, the priest-detective observes: "Where does a wise man hide a leaf? In the forest."

Of course. Hide something among like objects, and nobody will be able to pick it out.

Providing fuel is not the only way to fight terror

--The Asahi Shimbun, Oct. 19(IHT/Asahi: October 20,2007)

Red X, open-ended, in Shift. Intel 2007. "Founder mode" vs "manager mode". WTF


Cambridge Dictionary
https://dictionary.cambridge.org › 詞典 › 英語-漢語-繁體
WTF翻譯:(用於短訊和社群媒體)真他媽見鬼了(what the fuck的縮寫)。了解更多。

"Founder mode" is a leadership style that's been the subject of discussion and debate among tech leaders and investors: 
  • What is founder mode?
    Founder mode is a more hands-on leadership style that involves more decision-making and involvement at all levels of a company. It's different from "manager mode", which is the traditional style of leadership that business schools advise. 



Andy Grove:The Life and Times of an American by Richard S.Tedlow


出版日期:2007 年05 月 10 日

總計10 頁,第8回上頁


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10


不 要忘了,一九八九年的英特爾,對於把產品行銷給終端使用者的工作,可說是非常厭惡。幸好葛洛夫願意挑戰自己和其他每個人的既定看法。不過,卡特必須用實測 數字,而不是在辦公室蒐集資料,證明「拉動」行銷的做法可以提供三八六所需的助力。卡特接受了這項挑戰,也為此卸下技術助理的工作。他找了五個不畏挑戰的 人,成立了一個小組。


卡特所用的方法極其大膽。由於種種原因,他選中丹佛做為測試市 場,這個小組成員全部飛到丹佛。他可以利用的時間不多,因為再過幾個月,公司就要發表四八六新產品。這麼短的時間內,在丹佛市能買到的媒體只有報紙和看 板。他決定使用的文案十分聳動。在報紙的某版廣告上,出現「二八六」的黑色字體,再用一個很大的紅色「X」,好像噴漆那樣蓋在上面。報紙的下一版,則出現 三八六這個數字,並用一些文字,說明它的優點。

塗銷自己的產品!真是大膽的做法。如果做這件事的是個競爭對手,可能會被英特爾告上法院。 卡特擔心未見其利,反受其害:不但沒有說服人們採用三八六,卻毀了二八六的銷路。要是消費者解讀錯誤,英特爾可能傷到自己。微電腦元件集團的資深副總裁兼 總經理浩斯說那是「『壯士斷腕』廣告活動」。但是可能由於廣告的性質明確而不含糊,他們想要傳達的訊息,一如預期深入一般大眾心中。在葛洛夫和浩斯看來, 市場測試的結果再明白不過了。


柏 克曼斬釘截鐵說:「它有效。」三八六的營業額果然一飛沖天。摩爾定律並不像地心引力那樣必然,它的意思只是說,如果未來像過去那樣開展,將來可能會是什麼 樣子。這個「定律」要成真,英特爾必須把市場往前推才行,而且必須把整個環境──供應商、經銷商、消費者──往前推到下一個複雜的層級。「管理」市場得花 錢,英特爾為了「紅色X」廣告活動,砸下五百萬美元。事實證明,它能直接訴諸於資訊科技專業人士以及消費者。對英特爾怨言不斷的超微半導體副法務長羅格任 (Rich Lovgren)則說:「英特爾沒有顧客,他們有的是人質。」

英特爾從三八六延伸出來的產品線三八六SX,意外發現手上握有 一種品牌。卡特接受作者訪問時說:「不少孩子、青少年走進消費性電子產品商店,說,『我要裝有三八六SX的收音機,因為那種產品很酷。』」不知道為什麼, 三八六SX十分流行,可是事實上並沒有一種收音機用到它,偏偏有些人認定一定有。卡特開始想到,英特爾的產品也可以做成品牌。

. A million transistors on a. microprocessor. $. Intel launches the ... Dennis Carter is responsible for Intel’s graffiti-style “Red X” ad campaign, ...
download.intel.com/intel/anniversary/35th.pdf - Similar pages - Note this

Intel Historic Timeline

1989 Intel announces the 80486 processor Red X advertisement campaign begins, which is target directly at consumers, not manufactures ...

Bush, in Shift, Accepts Idea of Iraq Timeline 
President Bush’s concession reflected both progress in stabilizing Iraq and the depth of opposition in both countries to an open-ended U.S. military presence.

1 [I or T] to (cause something or someone to) move or change from one position or direction to another, especially slightly:
She shifted (her weight) uneasily from one foot to the other.
The wind is expected to shift (to the east) tomorrow.
Media attention has shifted recently onto environmental issues.

2 [T] MAINLY US to move the gears of a vehicle into different positions in order to make it go faster or slower:
In cars that are automatics, you don't have to bother with shifting gears.

noun [C]
a change in position or direction:
a shift in the wind/temperature
The shift in the balance of power in the region has had far-reaching consequences.
There has been a dramatic shift in public opinion towards peaceful negotiations.

always changing or moving:
They lost their way in the shifting sands of the Sahara.

An open-ended activity or situation does not have a planned ending, so it may develop in several ways:

We are not willing to enter into open-ended discussions.

mover and shaker and power breakfast/lunch

mover and shaker

A person who wields power and influence in a particular activity or field, as in He's one of the movers and shakers in the art world. At first the two nouns referred specifically to God, alluding to the belief that a divine force was responsible for all events. The current usage refers only to human beings. [Second half of 1800s]

power breakfast/lunch
Show phonetics
an occasion at which people eat while they are working and talking about business

Breakfast iconThe power breakfast has spread to posh hotel dining rooms where movers and shakers can squeeze in a meeting before their day starts. Every city has them, but how is the food? Raymond Sokolov went on a coast to coast tour, and learned a thing or two about power breakfasts and how to eat them. Plus,

2007年10月19日 星期五


bellicose PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Phonetic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
adjective FORMAL
wishing to fight or start a war:
The general made some bellicose statements about his country's military strength.

━━ a. 好戦的な (warlike).
 ━━ n.

Return of Cold War Rhetoric Worries German Politicians

German politicians from all major political parties voiced dismay at the increasingly bellicose rhetoric from the United States and Russia. Politicians want the rhetoric toned down and a greater focus on diplomacy.

To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the internet address below:
