2023年10月31日 星期二

"More than ever" . No one can draw from life like David Hockney – but more than ever are trying


No one can draw from life like David Hockney – but more than ever are trying
"More than ever" implies something that has been ongoing, and is now more than any previous time. I've been married to my wife for 20 years, and I still love her more than ever! "More than ever before" does seem a little redundant, but makes a little more sense if we are comparing separate events or measurements.Jul 5, 2017

hydrogen 氫/水素, go hydrationㄝ cups and tumblers

Starbucks said it is temporarily suspending the use of personal cups and tumblers at its stores to help prevent the spread of coronavirus

The two larger sizes—20 and 30 oz. Tumblers—are versatile and are ideal for on the go hydration, whether your drink of choice is piping hot or ice-cold. Put anything from a breakfast smoothie to hot tea in either of these and hit the road with a tumbler built to fit in your lifestyle and cupholder.

水素で焼いたクロワッサンの食感は トヨタ・リンナイが石窯

水素で焼いたクロワッサンの食感は トヨタ・リンナイが石窯
我們在 2023 年日本移動展上展示了燃燒過程中不排放二氧化碳的氫石烤箱,並向參觀者提供羊角麵包。這個想法是將氫的使用擴展到烹飪領域。

DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE CONTAINMENT UNIT. WARNING: May cause diaphoresis, micturition, and acute tissue hydration.

一氧化二氫容器單元。 警告:可能會導致發汗,排尿和急性組織水化。

氫 hydrogen 

hydration 【名】 《化学》水和(反応[作用]) 〔脱水状態にならないようにするための〕水分補給

self-regard, self-respect, self-rising , self-worth. "The Source of Self-Regard"

"The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations" by Toni Morrison is a powerful and thought-provoking collection that showcases the celebrated author's intellect, wisdom, and insight. Comprising a selection of her essays, speeches, and meditations, the book offers readers a deep dive into Morrison's reflections on a wide array of topics, including race, identity, literature, history, and the human condition.
Throughout the collection, Morrison explores themes related to African American culture, social justice, and the struggles faced by marginalized communities. With eloquence and passion, she addresses issues such as racial inequality, the legacy of slavery, and the importance of cultural representation. Morrison's writing is imbued with a profound sense of empathy, urging readers to confront the harsh realities of the world while also highlighting the resilience and beauty of the human spirit.
"The Source of Self-Regard" is not only a critique of societal injustices but also a celebration of literature and the power of storytelling. Morrison delves into the complexities of human relationships, delving into the nuances of love, family, and community. Her essays and speeches are marked by a poetic language and a deep understanding of the human experience, inviting readers to reflect on their own lives and the broader issues affecting society.
In this collection, Toni Morrison's brilliance as a writer and thinker shines through, offering readers a profound and enriching exploration of the human condition. Her words inspire introspection, empathy, and a renewed commitment to understanding and addressing the challenges faced by individuals and communities around the world."
You can also get the audio book for free using the same link, as far as you are registered on the Audible Platform.
可能是顯示的文字是「 THE SOURCE OF SELF-REGARD Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations TONI MORRISON Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 」的圖像

In a test that asks subjects to agree or disagree with statements such as “I like to look at my body” and “Somebody should write a biography about me”, 93% of young Americans emerge as being more narcissistic than the average 20 years ago. With the rise in self-regard has come an unprecedented yearning for fame http://econ.st/1JEi9uP

You are not special
How to get from narcissism to thoughtfulness


Store bought self-rising flour does not contain yeast, and cannot be made by
adding yeast.

self-worth (noun) Respect for or a favorable opinion of oneself.
Synonyms:dignity, self-regard
Usage:This is the third time Luke has been fired in the past year, and I can only imagine the damage that it is doing to his self-worth.

  1. Consideration of oneself or one's interests.
  2. Self-respect.

snooty, self-regarding, self-regarding action, intelligentsia. "The Source of Self-Regard" by Toni Morrison

"The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations" by Toni Morrison is a powerful and thought-provoking collection that showcases the celebrated author's intellect, wisdom, and insight. Comprising a selection of her essays, speeches, and meditations, the book offers readers a deep dive into Morrison's reflections on a wide array of topics, including race, identity, literature, history, and the human condition.
Throughout the collection, Morrison explores themes related to African American culture, social justice, and the struggles faced by marginalized communities. With eloquence and passion, she addresses issues such as racial inequality, the legacy of slavery, and the importance of cultural representation. Morrison's writing is imbued with a profound sense of empathy, urging readers to confront the harsh realities of the world while also highlighting the resilience and beauty of the human spirit.
"The Source of Self-Regard" is not only a critique of societal injustices but also a celebration of literature and the power of storytelling. Morrison delves into the complexities of human relationships, delving into the nuances of love, family, and community. Her essays and speeches are marked by a poetic language and a deep understanding of the human experience, inviting readers to reflect on their own lives and the broader issues affecting society.
In this collection, Toni Morrison's brilliance as a writer and thinker shines through, offering readers a profound and enriching exploration of the human condition. Her words inspire introspection, empathy, and a renewed commitment to understanding and addressing the challenges faced by individuals and communities around the world."
You can also get the audio book for free using the same link, as far as you are registered on the Audible Platform.
可能是顯示的文字是「 THE SOURCE OF SELF-REGARD Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations TONI MORRISON Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 」的圖像

Hollywood old hands are snooty about Amazon’s video efforts, and understandably so

Though supporters in the West lumped Mr Solzhenitsyn with the rest of the intelligentsia, he stood monumentally alone. A friendship with an Estonian prisoner, Arnold Susi, had exploded his lingering belief in Marxism; but he detested the self-regarding and snooty Russian intellectuals, the “well-read ones”, as he referred to them.

That made me smile, not because snooty audiophiles got the 'wrong' answer, but because it suggests great sound can come from popular, cheap gear.
這令我會心一笑﹐不僅是因為“勢利”(snnoty 可討論)的發燒友們得出了錯誤答案﹐而且還因為這意味著美妙的聲音可能來自一個普通廉價的設備。

(snooty 翻譯成“勢利”之所以可討論 乃是當初用“勢利”來翻譯一英國專門說法snobbish 它可以表現"友善"......)

(snooty Show phonetics
adjective INFORMAL 自覺高人一等而表現出不友善
behaving in an unfriendly way because you believe you are better than other people:
She was one of those really snooty sales assistants that you often find in expensive shops.)

"經濟-品質 心理學": Audiophiles Go Crazy For Sound Equipment


━━ a. 〔話〕 思い上がった, 横柄な.

gather your wits LITERARY
to make an effort to become calm and think more clearly:
I spent the five-minute break between games gathering my wits and rethinking my strategy for the second half of the match.


  1. Consideration of oneself or one's interests.
  2. Self-respect.

self-regarding action

An action that affects no one other than the agent. Some authorities locate this categorization of action in Kant's treatment of the ordinary moral consciousness, others in Bentham's account of the relationship between pains, pleasures, and motives. But the most extended classical treatment is undoubtedly in J. S. Mill's On Liberty (1859). Here Mill distinguishes a province of virtue from a province of duty. An action in the former province is self-regarding and subject only to personal persuasion and inducement. Such an action becomes other-regarding and open to public sanction if, and only if, it either harms an interest, violates a right, or neglects a duty owed to another person or persons. Hence a soldier or policeman merely drunk is self-regarding, a soldier or policeman drunk on duty is other-regarding. This kind of categorization is often regarded as one essential foundation of the liberty principle.

— John Halliday

supplement, muscle-building, on one's own, after my own heart. Should I Be Taking Supplements?

Should I Be Taking Supplements?

Men who reported taking muscle-building supplements, such as pills and powders with creatine or androstenedione, reported a significantly higher likelihood of having developed testicular cancer than men who did not use such supplements, according to a new study in the British Journal of Cancer.
男子患肌肉的營養補充品如丸和粉末與肌酸或雄烯二酮,報導的開發了睾丸癌的男性相比,並沒有使用這種補充劑,在英國癌症雜誌 》 上的一項新調查的可能性顯著更高。

A new study associates taking muscle-building supplements with an...

In Knoxville, I met a young woman who was working three jobs but still couldn’t make it on her own, and was so consumed with shame about her impoverishment that she didn’t want to show up at a local soup kitchen to supplement the little food she could afford.

A kid after my own heart!

man after my own heart
Fig. a man with similar tastes and preferences to mine. You like creamed chip-beef on toast? There's a man after my own heart.

after one's own heart

Sharing one’s tastes or views: he looked like a man after my own heart
  • It was that last detail - the piles of books pushed aside to make room to eat - that sent me in search of all of David's writings; I knew that here was a food writer after my own heart, stomach, and mind.
  • Here are people after my own heart, who love the great GKC and who incarnate his odd funky hilarious and sensible spirit better than anybody I know.
  • A man after my own heart, he still hand-codes his site for each entry, nesting tables within tables and thumbing his nose at structured data.

on one's own

Unaccompanied by others; alone or unaided:she’s not here now and I have to do things on my ownthese are exercises one can do on one’s own


Line breaks: sup|ple¦ment


Pronunciation: /ˈsʌplɪm(ə)nt /
A thing added to something else in order to complete or enhance it:the handout is a supplement to the official manual

1.1A substance taken to remedy the deficiencies in a person’s diet:multivitamin supplements
1.2separate section, especially a colour magazine,added to a newspaper or periodical:our special supplement is packed with ideas forhealthy hair
sum of money paid to increase a person’sincome:an earnings-related supplement was paid during the first six months of unemployment
1.4An additional charge payable for an extra service or facility:the single room supplement is £2 per night
Geometry The amount by which an angle is less than 180°.


Pronunciation: /ˈsʌplɪmɛnt , sʌplɪˈmɛnt /
Back to top  
Add an extra element or amount to:she took the job to supplement her husband’s income
late Middle English: from Latin supplementum, fromsupplere 'fill up, complete' (see supply1).


Pronunciation: /-ˈmɛnt(ə)l/


Pronunciation: /-ˈmɛnt(ə)li/


Pronunciation: /-ˈteɪʃ(ə)n/