2024年12月27日 星期五

sapphic, wend, binary, nonbinary, Mx, gay, homosexual, lesbian, lesbigay, genderqueer, GLBT. In 2024, Sapphic Stars Ruled Pop Culture

From 2018: How a massive painting by Charles Addams wended its way from a Hamptons hotel to a university library.
Oregon resident Jamie Shupe, who identifies as neither male nor female, can legally be considered nonbinary, a judge ruled.

"Through the addition of Mx, the OED has made a historic step towards ensuring that genderqueer, gender non-conforming and gender non-binary people like me can lead lives of dignity and respect."
The Oxford English Dictionary finally added the gender-neutral title into their lexicon. For genderqueer people the decision couldn’t have come soon enough


Indeed, physicists, electrical engineers and all sorts of people who are more comfortable with binary code than molecules are wending their way up through Kodak’s research labs. “When I joined, I knew my salary came from film sales,” said Dr. Majid Rabbani, an electrical engineer who joined Kodak in 1983. “But I knew that I would eventually produce paychecks for others.”

wend your way to move slowly and indirectly:

The thieves then wended their way through the dark back streets to the docks.

Those with non-binary genders can feel that they: Have an androgynous (both masculine and feminine) gender identity, such as androgyne. Have an identity between male and female, such as intergender. Have a neutral or non-existant gender identity, such as agender or neutrois.

Pronunciation: /ɡeɪ /Definition of gay in English:

ADJECTIVE (gayergayest)

1(Of a person, especially a manhomosexual.

homosexuallesbian, sapphic, lesbigay, GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered)
rare homophile, Uranian
informal pink, lavender, camp, lezzy, leslesbo, butch, dykey
informal , derogatory queer, limp-wristedthat way, swinging the other way, homo
British informal , derogatory bent, poofy
North American informal , derogatory fruity

gaylesbian, sapphic, lesbigay, GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered)
rare homophile, Uranian
informal pink, lavender, camp, lezzy, les, lesbo, butch, dykey
informal , derogatory queer, limp-wristedthat way, swinging the other way, homo
British informal , derogatory bent, poofy
North American informal , derogatory fruity
1.1Relating to or used by homosexuals:a gay bar
dated Light-hearted and carefree:
Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face

3dated Brightly colouredshowy:a gay profusion of purple and pink sweet peas

4informal offensive Foolishstupid, or unimpressive:he thinks the obsession with celebrity is totally gay


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homosexual, lesbian, gay person, lesbigay
informal queenfriend of Dorothydyke, les, lesbo, lezzie, butchfemme
informal , derogatory queer, homopansynancy,bumboynelly
British informal , derogatory poof, poofter, ponce,jessiewooftershirtlifterbender
North American informal , derogatory cupcake,swishtwinkie
Australian informal wonk
South African informal , derogatory moffie
West Indian informal , derogatory batty boybatty man


Middle English (in sense 2 of the adjective): from Old French gai, of unknown origin.


Gay meaning ‘homosexual’ became established in the 1960s as the term preferred by homosexual men todescribe themselves. It is now the standard acceptedterm throughout the English-speaking world. As a result, the centuries-old other senses of gay meaning either ‘carefree’ or ‘bright and showy’ have more or lessdropped out of natural use. The word gay cannot bereadily used today in these older senses withoutarousing a sense of double entendre, despite concertedattempts by some to keep them alive.Gay in its modernsense typically refers to men (lesbian being thestandard term for homosexual women) but in somecontexts it can be used of both men and women.

Any position in a wide variety of gender identities, spanning the spectrum between male and female. A person who is Genderqueer is not transgendered, though the option is open to transition. Being genderqueer has no bearing on sexual identity or orientation.
Eli might have a woman's body, but ze doesn't feel like a woman or a man. Eli is genderqueer.

  1. 1.
    relating to sexual attraction or activity between women.
    "the two women share a sapphic kiss in the play"
  2. 2.
    relating to the ancient Greek poet Sappho, her poetry, or verse in a metre associated with her.
    "Sapphic poetry"
