2019年8月30日 星期五

It's Not Icky—It's Ithyphallic!. sculpted tripod, satyrs for legs.

Lisa Barrow 發文到 Vintage Weird
It's Not Icky (sticky, especially unpleasantly so.)—It's Ithyphallic! (生殖器翹起來的雕塑
(especially of a statue of a deity or other carved figure) having an erect penis.

1950s postcard depicting a sculpted tripod in the Museo Nazionale, Naples, with metal satyrs for legs.

2019年8月29日 星期四

filibuster, cloture, closure, unlimited, property, donation

In 2013 in a bid to block a health-care bill, former presidential candidate Ted Cruz read aloud from Dr Seuss's “Green Eggs and Ham”
Which country's politicians hold the world record, with a nine-day speechathon?

Charities 'fear closure' due to cuts and donation fall
Crumpled £10 note A quarter of charities questioned said they had already been forced to cut frontline services

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One in six UK charities questioned for a survey say they fear they may have to close in 2013 due to public spending cuts and falling donations, the Charities Aid Foundation has said.

AT&T Caps Unlimited Data Plans

AT&T is effectively ending unlimited data plans, saying that it will no longer let customers use more than a set amount of data per month without penalty.


The action of closing a debate by calling for an immediate vote.

verb tr.
To close a debate by cloture. [From French cloture (closure), eventually from Latin claustrum (barrier).

"A senator can challenge legislation by staging a filibuster, a maneuver to block action on an item by controlling the Senate floor for an unlimited time. A filibuster can be ended through legislative agreement, or by invoking cloture, which requires 60 votes. The Senate is evenly split, with 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats." — Filibuster Vowed if Bush Seeks Arctic Oil, The New York Times, Feb 13, 2001.


 Lawmakers Use Earmarks to Aid Own Properties
Post investigation finds congressmen have steered more than $300 million to dozens of public projects near their own properties.

social closure.


  1. The act of closing or the state of being closed: closure of an incision.
  2. Something that closes or shuts.
    1. A bringing to an end; a conclusion: finally brought the project to closure.
    2. A feeling of finality or resolution, especially after a traumatic experience.
  3. See cloture.
  4. The property of being mathematically closed.
tr.v., -sured, -sur·ing, -sures.
To cloture (a debate).

[Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin clausūra, fortress, lock, from clausus, enclosed. See close. Sense 4, translation of French clôture.]

(prŏp'ər-tē) pronunciation
n., pl., -ties.
    1. Something owned; a possession.
    2. A piece of real estate: has a swimming pool on the property.
    3. Something tangible or intangible to which its owner has legal title: properties such as copyrights and trademarks.
    4. Possessions considered as a group.
  1. The right of ownership; title.
  2. An article, except costumes and scenery, that appears on the stage or on screen during a dramatic performance.
    1. A characteristic trait or peculiarity, especially one serving to define or describe its possessor.
    2. A characteristic attribute possessed by all members of a class. See synonyms at quality.
  3. A special capability or power; a virtue: the chemical properties of a metal.
[Middle English, from Old French propriete, from Latin proprietās, ownership (translation of Greek idiotēs), from proprius, one's own.]
propertyless prop'er·ty·less adj.

filibuster is a parliamentary procedure where debate is extended, allowing one or more members to delay or entirely prevent a vote on a given proposal. It is sometimes referred to as talking out a bill or talking a bill to death[1] and characterized as a form of obstruction in a legislature or other decision-making body. The English term "filibuster" is derived from the Spanish filibustero, itself deriving originally from the Dutch vrijbuiter, "privateerpirate, robber" (also the root of English "freebooter"[2]). The Spanish form entered the English language in the 1850s, as applied to military adventurers from the United States then operating in Central America and the Spanish West Indies such as William Walker.[3][4]
拉布,又叫冗長演說冗長辯論,係議員喺議會利用議事程序,延遲或押後一啲佢哋反對嘅議案。呢啲行動包括用拖延動議、特登缺席令到唔夠法定人數開會、陳述一啲超長或冇意義嘅演說。拉布只會出現嚮法治民主社會 。
如何阻止一項議案的通過?美國參議員們的辦法是:連續演講24小時、朗讀《聖經》、莎士比亞,甚至背菜譜。上週,參議員麥康奈爾發表《 拖延戰術(filibuster)在我們的憲法秩序中扮演著重要角色 》一文,為這種看似荒謬卻古老的議事規則辯護。

2019年8月25日 星期日

cede, primacy, cassava,have-lots, ultrarich, is taken ill,

America is losing its primacy in the Western Pacific, it says.

Drawing China into a strengthened regional framework would not be to cede primacy to it. Nor would it be to abandon a liberal order that has served Asia—and America—so well. It may, in the end, not work. But given the huge dangers of rivalry, it is essential now to try.

Primacy is to geopolitics what a full card is to a game of bingo. As a prize for scoring in all the other sorts of power, a country may get the chance to set the agenda. Primacy makes a state attractive. Other states want to win its favour and to benefit from its goodwill http://econ.st/17vCzTS

The couple remark on how their children have changed, and they leave for home. During the journey Tomi is taken ill, and they make an unplanned stop at Osaka, where they had planned to meet their youngest son, Keizo (Shiro Osaka), without dismounting from the train.

Gates to Pitch His Charity Work at Davos
Bill Gates said he would bring cassava to Davos to underline a pitch for his foundation's efforts to eradicate hunger in places where food is scarce and crops are often blighted.

At Davos, a Big Issue Is the Have-Lots vs. the Have-Nots
The growing income inequality between the ultrarich and the middle class is now debated in arenas where the primacy of laissez-faire capitalism was once taken for granted.


Line breaks: cede


Give up (power or territory):in 1874, the islands were ceded to Britain


early 16th century: from French céder or Latin cedere 'to yield'.


Pronunciation: /ˈprʌɪməsi/


[mass noun]
  • 1the fact of being pre-eminent or most important:London’s primacy as a financial centre
  • 2the office, period of office, or authority of a primate of the Church:the first years of his primacy were tranquil
  • 3 [usually as modifier] Psychology the fact of an item having been presented earlier to the subject (especially as increasing its likelihood of being remembered):the primacy effect is thought to reflect recall from a long-term memory store


late Middle English: from Old French primatie, from medieval Latin primatia, from Latin primasprimat- 'of the first rank' (see primate1)

cassava n. - 樹薯

1 《植物》キャッサバ, タピオカノキ:熱帯産.
2 [U]1の根茎から採るでんぷん. ▼maniocまたはtapiocaともいい, 熱帯地方の多くの国で主食.

2019年8月18日 星期日

Indiscriminate and excessive, promiscuous, butchers dog, gruesome, tripe, butcher, inflammatory, hairline, beggar, human mating strategies

Investigation: The Times reviewed dozens of episodes in previous demonstrations involving tear gas and found that the police had at times used methods that experts describe as indiscriminate and excessive.

Received wisdom and biological theory both have it that males are (or, at least, would like to be) more promiscuous than females. But it turns out that men and women are not as different as you might expect

When it comes to human mating strategies, it's complicated
From our science archive

BBC England

It's World Tripe Day, celebrating the former kitchen staple, made of the stomach of a cow, pig, sheep or ox.
Tripe has fallen out of favour for decades but would you put it on the menu?

Ordinarily I don’t pay a lot of attention to political polls but the trends are interesting. According a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll out this morning (see below), the two Republican candidates spewing the most racist tripe -- Donald (Mexicans are rapists) Trump and Ben (Muslims shouldn’t be President) Carson -- are running neck-and-neck for first place in the race for the GOP presidential nomination, while Hillary Clinton continues to lose ground to Bernie Sanders.

Itzhak Perlman 新增了 1 張相片。

Government funding for the arts

Up in flames

A museum director sets artwork alight in Italy in an inflammatory move to raise more public money

The U.S. said the photograph of a dead Osama bin Laden is "gruesome" and that "it could be inflammatory" if released, but is still considering whether to make it public.

Peruvian gang sold human fat to European cosmetic firms

In a gruesome discovery, Peruvian police say they have broken up a gang of assassins who butchered humans to sell their body fat to European cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies.

A Birmingham Post article by Chris Upton compares “The Tripe Eaters,” one of Freeth’s works, to Robert Burns’ “Address to a Haggis.” It begins “Of all the towns in England/ For tripe that’s fat and fair,/ There’s not one, I trow, that can/ With Birmingham compare,” and then launches into the “And a-triping we will go” refrain.

席哈克又提到前北大西洋公約組織秘書長羅伯森(George Robertson)曾請他品嘗「令人反胃的蘇格蘭菜」羊肉雜碎布丁(Haggis),他坦言:「這便是我們和北約麻煩的根源」,惹得普丁和施洛德大笑。普丁後來問:「那(英國的)漢堡又如何?」席哈克說:「不!不!漢堡根本不值一瞧。」。
Upton notes a wrinkle in the third verse, which reads, “Observe what stands before us/ From oven piping hot;/ We’ll fall on it – hook, heels and all - / And fairly drain the pot.”
“What was, in fact, being dished out,” Upton writes, “was tripe and cow heel. The dish on offer in the early evening, once the butchers … had done their worst and separated off every bit edible.”

U.N. Reports Rising Brutality on Both Sides of Syrian War

Investigators said they believed chemical agents and more indiscriminate bombing had been used in recent weeks and urged world governments to cut off weapons shipments.

高先生的髮際往後退了不少,說起那段完全對外失聯的日子,如今命算撿回來了,但進餐時油、鹽都得全免,吃得比《八月雪》的慧能還要索然無味。.....又見高行健 ╱符立中】




 (ひたいの)はえぎわ; 一筋の毛髪の幅; 細い線; きわどさ; ((形容詞的)) 非常に細い.
  1. The outline of the growth of hair on the head, especially across the upper forehead and temples.
  2. A very slender line.
  3. Printing.
    1. A very fine line on a typeface.
    2. A style of type using such lines.
    1. A textile design having thin, threadlike stripes.
    2. A fabric, usually a worsted, with such stripes.

To describe somethins as 'xyz as a butchers' means 'very xyz'. Orig. from the TV advert for Butchers dog food, with the catchphrase 'Is your dog as fit as a butchers dog?'. Hence, to describe a girl as fit as a butchers , or fit as a butchers dog means she is very fit.
Paris Hilton is fit as a butchers. (meaning she is very fit)

It's hot as a butchers. (meaning it is very hot)


Translate indiscriminate | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish
Definition of indiscriminate
  • done at random or without careful judgement:the indiscriminate use of antibiotics can cause problems
  • (of a person) not using or exercising discrimination:she was indiscriminate with her affections


Pronunciation: /-ˈneɪʃ(ə)n/


late 16th century (in the sense 'haphazard, not selective'): from in-1 'not' + Latin discriminatus, past participle of discriminare (see discriminate)

beggar (BEG-uhr)

verb tr.:
1. To exhaust the resources or ability; to defy.
2. To impoverish.

From Middle English beggare, beggere, from beggen (to beg).

"Geraldine Feeney said the story told by Mr Boyle beggared belief. 'If I heard him right, a 26-year-old is in a mental institution for five years because someone belonging to her thinks she will be promiscuous if she is out in the world.'" — Jimmy Walsh; Call for Review of Psychiatric 'Detention'; The Irish Times (Dublin); Jun 23, 2010.

pro·mis·cu·ous (prə-mĭs'kyū-əs) pronunciationadj.
  1. Having casual sexual relations frequently with different partners; indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners.
  2. Lacking standards of selection; indiscriminate.
  3. Casual; random.
  4. Consisting of diverse, unrelated parts or individuals; confused: "Throngs promiscuous strew the level green" (Alexander Pope).
[From Latin prōmiscuus, possessed equally : prō-, intensive pref.; see pro-1 + miscēre, to mix.]
promiscuously pro·mis'cu·ous·ly adv.
  • promiscuousness pro·mis'cu·ous·ness n.

(ĭn-flăm'ə-tôr'ē, -tōr'ē) pronunciation
  1. Arousing passion or strong emotion, especially anger, belligerence, or desire.
  2. Characterized or caused by inflammation.
inflammatorily in·flam'ma·to'ri·ly adv.

  • 発音記号[inflǽmətɔ`ːri | -təri]
1 〈行為などが〉怒り[敵意, 激情]をかき立てる, 刺激的[扇動的]な.
2 《病理学》炎症性の, 炎症を伴う[起こす].

(grū'səm) pronunciation
Causing horror and repugnance; frightful and shocking: a gruesome murder. See synonyms at ghastly.

[Obsolete grue, to shudder (from Middle English gruen , from Middle Dutch grūwen and or Middle Low German gruwen) + -SOME1.]
gruesomely grue'some·ly adv.
gruesomeness grue'some·ness n.

ideas, suggestions or writing that are stupid, silly or have little value:
She said my last essay was complete tripe.
People talk a lot of tripe about fashion.

tripe (FOOD)
noun [U]
the covering of the inside of the stomach of an animal, such as a cow or sheep, used for food:
stewed tripe
  1. The rubbery lining of the stomach of cattle or other ruminants, used as food.
  2. Informal. Something of no value; rubbish.
[Middle English, from Old French tripes, intestines, tripe.]

n. - 內臟, 廢話

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - トライプ, つまらない話

    1. One who slaughters and dresses animals for food or market.
    2. One who sells meats.
  1. One that kills brutally or indiscriminately.
  2. A vendor, especially one on a train or in a theater.
  3. One who bungles something.
tr.v., -ered, -er·ing, -ers.
  1. To slaughter or prepare (animals) for market.
  2. To kill brutally or indiscriminately.
  3. To botch; bungle: butcher a project; butchered the language.
[Middle English bucher, from Old French bouchier, from bouc, boc, he-goat, probably of Celtic origin.]
butcherer butch'er·er n.

2019年8月17日 星期六

charisma 與 likability, Likability Trap

How Women Can Escape the Likability Trap

Likability may be the currency of movie stardom, but most actors agree that the juiciest roles often belong to the villains.

 說點魅力:charisma與 likability
charisma 這字,有人翻譯成「魅力」,我是從M. Weber的作品學來的。它表示少數之能人 他們天賦異稟,能激發別人的熱情崇拜的( A rare personal quality attributed to leaders who arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm )。前一陣子讀某出版社主編講書市,他竟然把有人緣、銷售大好的書稱為charisma 。

關於重人迷政治 charisma人物,從而造成的社會大災難,20 世紀的毛澤東、希特勒等最讓人深思。

以前廣告學說,某些廣告能抓住人心等,就稱為 ad likability。【What Is Ad Likability?  … usually called attitude to the ad likability ("People generally agree with people they like"),  shows the likability ratings for each box. The box that received the most votes (19 out of a possible 74) was "Palette." The next most popular box ... 

現在有人稱「人緣 、人氣」等為 likability,還寫書討論。兩岸都有翻譯本。

提姆桑德斯( Tim Sanders)『討人喜歡因素:如何提高你的人緣指數,實現生活夢想』( The Likeability Factor  How to Boost your L-Factor and Achieve your Life's Dreams )洪慧芳譯,台北:天下【書名:『好感度!』】;大陸;: 袁岳等譯。

 ……. 好消息是:你可以為這場人氣大賽做好準備,在人生中贏得他人的青睞。怎麼做到呢?就是要討人喜歡。 


"Conventional wisdom insists that it's more important to be respected than liked. In this book Tim Sanders challenges that notion and reveals the awesome power of likeability. He shows us that if we want to garner support from our associates, earn the loyalty of our employees, lead our followers to a better future, be healthy, and finally achieve our life's dreams, we must first be liked. In this important and necessary book, Sanders tells us why our likeability is the foundation of our success, and shows us how we can increase our own." —Marcus Buckingham, author of First, Break All the Rules and The One Thing You Need to Know. . .
「我們一般認為,受人敬重比討人喜歡還重要;但提姆 ˙桑德斯在本書中推翻了這種觀念,讓人見識到好感度的驚人威力。他證明,如果我們想要獲得同仁的支持,員工的忠誠,領導追隨者邁向更好的未來,變得更健康,讓人生美夢成真的話,就必須先讓自己討人喜歡。桑德斯在這本重要且必要的書中告訴我們,為什麼好感度是成功的基石,並教我們如何提升自己的好感度。」~馬可思  巴金漢

討人喜歡聽起來是種不錯的品質,可親性高意味著你可能會在與人打交道時如魚得水。學者波特在時報觀點版面上對likability (討人喜歡、可親性)背後的性別因素進行分析 ,並呼籲人們重新思考是什麼在決定我們覺得誰更可親可愛。