2023年4月30日 星期日

state, deep state, ghosting China is ghosting the United States 中國卻對美國上演「突然消失」(ghosting)戲碼

China is ghosting the United States - POLITICO
Secretary of State Antony Blinken wants to reschedule his date with China. Beijing is giving him the cold shoulder. The Biden administration ...

駐美大使空缺逾三月 中國傳對美「搞失蹤」


deep state
  1. a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.
    "the deep state and its policy of allowing extremist ideologies to flourish may be the actual issues of concern"

  1. 1.
    the appearance of a ghost or secondary image on a television or other display screen.
    "the display is sharper and less prone to ghosting"
  2. 2.
    the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication.
    "I thought ghosting was a horrible dating habit reserved for casual flings"

2023年4月27日 星期四

retain, wall, firewall, floodgate, Efforts to Retain Power, Golden Shield Project

How 2020 Opens the Floodgates for Money in U.S. Politics https://wapo.st/2HLGlAn

Mike Bloomberg may not be on the ballot in South Carolina, but he is on people's minds
The former vice-president's rivals scramble to capitalise on his woes

The theory is universal, but you will be talking to the wall if people can not see the theory applying to their jobs. (WWS)

Golden Shield Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to Protest in China - The Golden Shield Project also known as the Great Firewall of China which is a censorship and surveillance project that blocks ...


China to Release More of Its Pork Reserves

With the price of pig meat up 38 percent in major cities since the start of the year, China is about to open the floodgates of its national pork reserve.

Definition of floodgate

1a gate for shutting out, admitting, or releasing a body of water SLUICE
2something serving to restrain an outburstopened the floodgates of criticism


Pronunciation: /ˈfʌɪəwoːl/ NOUN
1A wall or partition designed to inhibit or prevent the spread of fire.
1.1Computing A part of a computer system or network which is designed to blockunauthorized access while permitting outward communication.
1.2another term for Chinese wall.


[WITH OBJECT] Computing
Protect (a network or system) from unauthorized access with a firewall:(as adjective firewalleda firewalled network(as noun firewallingour security products offer integral firewalling

  1. An upright structure of masonry, wood, plaster, or other building material serving to enclose, divide, or protect an area, especially a vertical construction forming an inner partition or exterior siding of a building.
  2. A continuous structure of masonry or other material forming a rampart and built for defensive purposes. Often used in the plural.
  3. A structure of stonework, cement, or other material built to retain a flow of water.
    1. Something resembling a wall in appearance, function, or construction, as the exterior surface of a body organ or part: the abdominal wall.
    2. Something resembling a wall in impenetrability or strength: a wall of silence; a wall of fog.
    3. An extreme or desperate condition or position, such as defeat or ruin: driven to the wall by poverty.
  4. Sports. The vertical surface of an ocean wave in surfing.
tr.v., walled, wall·ing, walls.
  1. To enclose, surround, or fortify with or as if with a wall: wall up an old window. See synonyms at enclose.
  2. To divide or separate with or as if with a wall. Often used with off: wall off half a room.
  3. To confine or seal behind a wall; immure: “I determined to wall [the body] up in the cellar” (Edgar Allan Poe).
  4. To block or close (an opening or passage, for example) with or as if with a wall.
off the wall Slang.
  1. Extremely unconventional.
  2. Without foundation; ridiculous: an accusation that is really off the wall.
up the wall Slang.
  1. Into a state of extreme frustration, anger, or distress: tensions that are driving me up the wall.
writing (or handwriting) on the wall
  1. An ominous indication of the course of future events: saw the writing on the wall and fled the country.
[Middle English, from Old English weall, from Latin vallum, palisade, from vallus, stake.]
wallless wall'less adj.

rot, rotten assets, turn the tide / to reverse the tide, rotting grains

Peter Drucker
, the father of modern management, wrote that, when it comes to organizations, "The tree rots from the top down."

Neil Barofsky, special investigator for the last big bailout, talks with Bill about why oversight of the $2 trillion relief package is crucial. Only hours after signing the bill into law, Trump threatened to ignore the oversight provisions included in it. Listen at the link below.
"There’s going to be scandal involved in this bailout. It is unquestionable. There is going to be fraud committed in this bailout. There are going to be individuals who are unjustly rewarded, and others who should have been saved and rescued, who will be left on the side to rot." — Neil Barofsky

Jeffrey Epstein Is the Ultimate Symbol of Plutocratic Rot
Powerful elites enabled the financier accused of trafficking underage girls.

“As an adult, we think that everyone has their friends and we are the only ones seeking them. Nothing could be further from the truth.”

Starting in early adulthood, our number of friends starts to decrease steadily; there are ways to reverse the tide, writes Elizabeth Bernstein.

The average worker was dead by 30.

The average ancient Roman worker was riddled with arthritis, suffered broken bones and was dead by 30 thanks to a diet of rotting grains and a lifetime of hard labour.

America's toxic-asset plan: Dr Geithner's bank rehab

There should be no shortage of buyers for American banks' rotten assets. Sellers will be harder to entice

In the words of Peter Drucker, "There is no more difficult task than to keep a corpse from rotting." ??

On Flooded Burmese Coast, the Smell of Rot and Death

Six days after a cyclone, it is clear the damage is great and that little aid has made it to villagers along the sea south of Yangon.

turn the tide

rot was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.

verb [I or T] -tt-
to (cause to) decay:
The fruit had been left to rot on the trees.
Rain has got in and rotted (away) the woodwork.
the smell of rotting fruit

noun [U]
1 decay:
Rot has got into the furniture.

"Don't talk rot!"

1 decayed:
The room smelled of rotten vegetables.

2 very bad:
rotten weather
OLD-FASHIONED It was rotten of you to leave without saying goodbye. ━━ v. (-tt-) 腐る[らす]; 朽ち(させ)る ((away)); 衰える.
rot off 腐れ落ちる.
━━ n. 腐敗, 腐朽; 腐敗物; (the ~) (羊の)腐敗病; 〔話〕 くだらないこと.
The rot sets in. 事態が傾き出す.
rot・gut 〔俗〕 強い安酒.

2023年4月26日 星期三

composer, symbiotic relationship, El Cóndor Pasa

"Composers rely on musicians to bring their music to life. But musicians rely on composers just as much to continually provide new, exciting material. The two exist — and always have — in a symbiotic relationship."Who were the songbirds for whom some of our most well-known composers wrote?


Composers and Their Songbirds | WQXR Blog

Chimerica is a term coined by Niall Ferguson and Moritz Schularick describing the symbiotic relationship between China and the United States, with incidental reference to the legendary chimera.

從西方歷史上看,葛理格聖歌(Gregorian Chant, ca. 700-1000 A.D.)單旋律到多旋律的時代(ca. 1100-1300 A.D.),那些用四線譜記錄下來的樂譜中,音樂作者的姓名是不存在的。那些音樂作品在記錄以前已不知經由多少代的傳授。能知道的是,大部分作品開始是依靠即興而來,如果「作品」受到大家的喜愛,也都被人「默記」永存於心……

El Cóndor Pasa is a song from the zarzuela El Cóndor Pasa by the Peruvian composer Daniel Alomía Robles written in 1913 and based on traditional Andean folk tunes. It is possibly the best-known Peruvian song worldwide, partly due to a cover version by Simon and Garfunkel in 1970 (together with Urubamba group) on their Bridge Over Troubled Water album, which is called "El Condor Pasa (If I Could)" in full. Paul Simon used only the melody and wrote entirely new, unrelated lyrics.

注:El Condor Pasa(Fly Like An Eagle)已被列入聯合國世界文化遺產,當前博客背景音樂為班德瑞演繹的該曲目,本文尾鏈有Paul Simon & Garfunkel演繹的版本,別有一番風情,百聽不厭。

《El Condor Pasa (Fly Like An Eagle) 》是一首反抗西班牙殖民者的南美秘魯民歌,後被Paul Simon & Garfunkel改編,用英文重唱。這首歌曲已經被列入聯合國世界文化遺產了。旋律寧靜、深邃、高遠,讓人心境明澈,是不可多的的優秀作品。
El Condor Pasa的原型據傳出自秘魯自由戰士Tupac Amaro的故事。1780年,他在領導一場反抗西班牙人的起義中被害,死後化作一隻雄鷹,永遠翱翔于祖國的安第斯山上空。秘魯人民憑歌寄意,表達了對英雄的懷念以及對自由的不息追求。歌名直譯過來就是“老鷹在飛”,中文有多個譯名,山鷹之歌、神鷹展翅、雄鷹高飛等等。
Paul Simon & Garfunkel演繹的版本具有濃厚拉丁美洲鄉間味道。排蕭的演奏給整個曲子帶來高亢而飄逸的美感。 Simon的聲線並不高昂,但相當有韻味,而Garfunkel對和聲的處理令人叫絕,與美妙的旋律配合得天衣無縫。英文歌詞用了四對物體作比較:麻雀和 蝸牛,鐵錘和鐵釘,森林和街道,天鵝與人。而作者都選擇每一對比較物的前者,因為它們比後者享有更大、更多的自由。正如歌曲最後表達的一種心情:天鵝自由 自在地高飛于藍天,而人卻被束縛在大地上,唱著最悲哀的歌。但同時歌曲中充滿了一種現實感,表達了作者希望能夠腳踏實地。所以,此歌講述的是一種不脫離現 實的自由,也就是現實條件下所允許的自由。
“吉他伸展變成了雨,記憶安第斯山的神鳥的鳴叫,變成了石英的根,和依戀與河流的柳樹,他們向我們講述了秘魯民歌《雄鷹飛逝(El condor Pasa)》。班德瑞的音樂以空靈、悠遠著稱,曾被用為“催眠音樂”。這首歌也不例外,它能讓人平靜下來……仿佛自己徜徉在歐洲中部那令人神往的山林裏。

El Condor Pasa(Fly Like An Eagle)
I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail
Yes I would, if I could, I surely would, hm-m
I'd rather be a hammer than a nail
Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would, hm-m
Away, I'd rather sail away
Like a swan that's here and gone
A man gets tied up to the ground
He gives the world its saddest sound
Its saddest sound
I'd rather be a forest than a street
Yes I would, if I could, I surely would
I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet
Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would.















