The first large-scale experiment that looks at loan applications of millions of real people shows credit scores for minority and low-income groups aren’t just biased, they're inaccurate– and that's far harder to fix.
The ability of AI audits to actually detect and protect against biased algorithms remains unproven. At best, they give an incomplete picture, and at worst, they could help companies hide problematic or controversial practices behind an auditor’s stamp of approval.
Mr Yoshiro Mori, 83, was earlier quoted as saying women talk too much and that meetings with many female board directors would “take a lot of time”.

Tokyo Olympics chief 'sorry' for sexism row
The median covid-19 sufferer in America is a 48-year-old; in Italy it is a 63-year-old
Poland’s government claims that the EU is biased against eastern European countries. But for the EU, the attack on judicial independence threatens a fundamental aspect of the union
Despite its name, the ruling Law and Justice party is no fan of judicial independence
Europe confronts Poland over its trampling on the rule of law
Despite its name, the ruling Law and Justice party is no fan of judicial independence
Sophie Bennett of the group UK Feminista: 'It's a really exciting time for young feminists. There's been a huge upsurge in the number of feminist groups in schools, colleges and universities. A new generation of girls are standing up against sexism and demanding change'
one youth magazine launches a campaign to get girls to look beyond the
mirror to boost self esteem, teachers and authors are also calling for
The Guardian|由 Tracy McVeigh 上傳
Eye Doctors Say Their Profits Are Smaller Than Data Makes Them Look
Ophthalmologists say treatments like cataracts operations tied to
the aging population, and high drug costs for a popular drug for macular
degeneration skew their Medicare reimbursements.
More than 88 percent of Fortune 500 companies have adopted written
policies prohibiting bias on the basis of sexual orientation, but Exxon
Mobil has refused.
The New Sexism
By Laura Fitzpatrick
Despite myriad advances, sexism is still pervasive, says 'Enlightened Sexism' author Susan Douglas -- but it's sneakier than it used to be
3 in 10 Americans Admit to Race Bias
As Sen. Barack Obama opens his campaign as the first African American on a major party presidential ticket, nearly half of all Americans say race relations in the country are in bad shape and three in 10 acknowledge feelings of racial prejudice, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
(By Jon Cohen and Jennifer Agiesta, The Washington Post)
Now, to stay one jump ahead of fraudsters and their automated programs, researchers are devising more versions of the puzzles, called captchas, to help sites block abuse that includes spam e-mail, illegal postings and skewed online voting.
One reason is the sexism that women encounter day to day in almost any profession. And any schoolgirl will tell you that the balance between work and family life is still skewed in favor of men. But the rarefied and strangely macho precincts of architecture can be particularly treacherous.
Sex-Biased Abortion
Authors Linda Hirshman, left, and Michelle Goldberg discuss how sex-selective abortion changes society.
A biased sample is a statistical sample of a population in which some members of the population are less likely to be included than others. If the bias makes estimation of population parameters impossible, the sample is a non-probability sample.
Getting Ethanol Right
The Environmental Protection Agency must do its duty to give an unbiased accounting of biofuels so that eventually they can be produced efficiently.
Bachmann Says "Bitch" Intro Proves Hollywood is Biased, Sexist
GOP contender says Fallon show's insulting intro song "wouldn't be tolerated if this was Michelle Obama"
Ex-Rutgers Student Gets 30 Days in Jail in Bias Case
Dharun Ravi had faced up to 10 years in prison after he was found guilty
of using a webcam to spy on his roommate, Tyler Clementi, who committed
Line breaks: skew
Pronunciation: /skjuː/
1An oblique angle; a slant.
[demoscene] Introductory screen of some production.
2. A short demo, usually showing just one or two screens.
3. Small, usually 64k, 40k or 4k demo. Sizes are generally dictated by compo rules. See also dentro, demo.
1 [C usually singular; U] a tendency to support or oppose a particular person or thing in an unfair way by allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment:
The government has accused the media of bias.
Reporters must be impartial and not show political bias.
There was clear evidence of a strong bias against her.
There has always been a slight bias in favour of/towards employing arts graduates in the company.
2 [C usually singular] a preference towards a particular subject or thing:
She showed a scientific bias at an early age.
verb [T] -ss- or US USUALLY -s-
The judge ruled that the information should be withheld on the grounds that it would bias the jury against (= influence them unfairly against) the accused.
biased, UK ALSO biassed
showing an unreasonable like or dislike for a person based on personal opinions:
The newspapers gave a very biased report of the meeting.
I think she's beautiful but then I'm biased since she's my daughter.
NOTE: The opposite is unbiased.
- 発音記号[báiəs]
1 (…への)性向, 傾向, 先入観((to, toward ...));(…に対する)偏見((against ...));(…に対する)えこひいき, 先入観による好み((for, in favor of ...)). ⇒PREJUDICE[類語]
2 (布目に対する通例45度の)斜線, バイアス.
3 《統計学》偏り;《電子工学》バイアス, 偏倚(へんい).
4 《ローンボウリング》(球の一方の側につけた)重み;(そのような球の)偏向進路.
on the bias
(布地の裁ち方で)はすに, 斜めに;〈物が〉斜めの. ⇒STRAIGHT[名]1
━━[副]はすに, 斜めに.
━━[動](〜ed, 〜・ing;((主に英))〜sed, 〜・sing)(他)
1 〈人に〉(…に対する)偏見[先入観]を抱かせる((against ...;in favor of ...));〈判断などを〉片寄らせる
2 《電子工学》…にバイアスをかける.