Watch this incredible moment as 4,600 headstones illuminate at Bayeux Cemetery in Normandy, to commemorate the lives of those who fell.
To watch D-Day: 80 Tribute to the Fallen in full, go to #iPlayer
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Coronavirus Lockdowns Torment Poor Migrant Workers in China
Group's Ads Rip at Gingrich as Romney Stands Clear
An advertising deluge against Newt Gingrich by a group supporting Mitt Romney shows how a court ruling has created powerful ways for outside money to influence elections.Raising Roof and Headstone for Pioneering Pianist
A definition of righteousness: about 75 people, crammed into the West Village club Smalls, watching a series of pianists play James P. Johnson on a grand piano in a benefit concert to buy a headstone for his grave.
Op-Ed: Italy’s ScarsAn earthquake also rocked the Abruzzo region of Italy in 1915. The tragedy tormented the writer Ignazio Silone for the rest of his life.
Blu-ray has won the high-def war. But with challenges from low-end DVD players, digital distribution, and more, a new battlefield is forming
The phrase "rest in peace" typically occurs on (headstones), often abbreviated "RIP." "Rest in peace" is a prayer that the deceased may rest peacefully, not in torment, while awaiting Judgment Day . The expression comes originally from "requiescat in pace", Latin for "may he rest in peace." In Italian, it is said as "Riposi In Pace."
In Protestant Christianity, the belief that the dead wait in Hades untilJudgment Day has largely been replaced with the belief that the dead go to their respective fates immediately after death (see particular judgment). Both ideas are contrary to the minority belief known as soul sleep, that the dead receive neither reward nor punishment until Judgment Day.
In Protestant Christianity, the belief that the dead wait in Hades until
To subject to vehement criticism or attack: The critic ripped the tedious movie.headstone
- A memorial stone set at the head of a grave.
- also head stone Architecture. See keystone (sense 1).

Pennsylvania State Nickname | The Keystone State - State Symbols USA
Pennsylvania's nickname is "The Keystone State" because it was the middle colony of the original 13 and because PA has held a key position in the nation's ...torment
1 [U] great mental suffering and unhappiness, or great physical pain:
The family said they had endured years of torment and abuse at the hands of the neighbours.
Waiting for the result of the medical tests was sheer torment.
He spent the night in torment, trying to decide what was the best thing to do.
2 [C] something or someone that causes great suffering or annoyance:
The tax forms were an annual torment to him.
plural noun
Nothing can describe the torments (= torment) we went through while we were waiting for news.
verb [T]
to cause a person or animal to suffer:
The animals are tormented mercilessly by flies and mosquitoes.
The camera focused on a group of women whose faces were tormented by/with (= showed that they were suffering) grief.
It tormented me (= caused me to worry) all day - did I remember to lock the door when I left the house?
noun [C]