OPINION | GUEST ESSAY Janet L. Yellen in Kyiv: Economic Aid to Ukraine Is VitalBy Janet L. Yellen Our commitment to support a brave people defending their country is unwavering. |
William Cubitt Cooke ( 1866-1951) British
"Syrens on the wavecrests" 1904
Cooke was the illustrator of a groundbreaking 10-volume Austen edition by J. M. Dent, published in 1892.
The Dent edition features thirty illustrations, the largest number produced by one Austen artist to that date. Cooke designed three plates per volume, because the four longer Austen novels were split into two volumes each.
After Cooke, no single illustrator could count on his (and most were male) potential power to shape readers’ experiences of reading Austen’s fiction through his designs. Cooke’s images were safe ones, extending, rather than deviating from, previous trends in Austen illustration.
Trump’s Rallies Are Back, as Is His ‘What Do You Have to Lose?’ Candidacy
To summarize President Trump’s worldview, some ex-associates say, look to the waiver for his rally in Tulsa: “Guests voluntarily assume all risks.”
June 20
And kept picturing, like,David Packard standing up in the early formative days of HP, waving the practice of management and giving a sermon to all of the people about what you're going to do.
Issa: Obama's Executive Privilege Claim "Overbroad"Obama used executive privilege to shield some documents from a GOP-led investigation into the botched Fast and Furious operation. |
China Is Excluded From Waivers for Oil Trade With Iran
The US Travel Association applauded the reported nomination of Taiwan to the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). Currently, 36 countries participate in the VWP, which allows leisure or business travel to the US for stays of no more than 90 days without a visa. ..
US warns five EU countries of fading visa-waiver hopes
The US has said it is unlikely that visa-free travel will be extended to
five EU states waiting for approval. The EU has asked Washington to deal
with Brussels over the matter instead of with the individual countries.
The DW-WORLD Article
CALIFORNIA is known for doing things its own way. This is certainly true of environmental policy. In 2005, Arnold Schwarzenegger, California’s governor, asked for yet another waiver from federal rules, so that California could impose higher standards on carbon-dioxide emission by cars. Two years later, the federal government said no. Environmentalists loudly complained at the Bush administration’s lack of respect for the environment. On Monday January 26th Barack Obama announced that he would reverse the decision as one of his first acts in office. The waiver has not been granted officially but almost certainly will be, after a review.
The U.S. military sent waves of warplanes and launched Tomahawk cruise missiles into Syria late last night.
U.S. begins airstrikes against Islamic State in Syria
Defense officials identified "partner nation forces" as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain
'I Hate to Leave This Beautiful Place'
Howard Norman's memoir explores anxiety and displacement. China’s Leader Vows Change, but Privately Issues Warning
Market relief at the future of the euro zone faded on Monday, as stocks and the euro retreated and Spain’s borrowing costs reached a level seen by many as unsustainably high.
Help us answer this question: What was the longheld proggresive goal that Woodrow Wilson achived [In category: World War 1]
longheld assumptions about culture changes
Marketing companies are experimenting with a new wave of digital technologies to pitch to consumers while they shop.
Barnes did so much, more than he was capable of knowing. We can know how much only if his orchestrations are taken apart and rearranged ever so slightly and briefly, once in a while. It is great that Tod Williams and Billie Tsien, the architects, adhered to his vision so sensitively, providing a kind of unwaveringly accurate baseline. But every so often the pieces of even his most revelatory ensembles should be freed from his matrix, just as his amazing achievement has been liberated from Merion.
adj., broad·er, broad·est.
- Wide in extent from side to side: a broad river; broad shoulders.
- Large in expanse; spacious: a broad lawn.
- Having a certain width from side to side: A sidewalk three feet broad.
- Full; open: broad daylight.
- Covering a wide scope; general: a broad rule.
- Liberal; tolerant: had broad views regarding social services. See synonyms at broad-minded.
- Relating to or covering the main facts or the essential points.
- Plain and clear; obvious: gave us a broad hint to leave.
- Obsolete. Outspoken.
- Vulgar; ribald: a broad joke.
- Strikingly regional or dialectal: a broad Southern accent.
- Linguistics. Pronounced with the tongue placed low and flat and with the oral cavity wide open, like the a in father.
- A wide flat part, as of one's hand.
- Often Offensive Slang. A woman or girl.
Fully; completely.
broadness broad'ness n.
tr. & intr.v., -ened, -en·ing, -ens.
To make or become broad or broader.
broadener broad'en·er n.
steadfast ![]() | (adjective) Marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable. |
Synonyms: | unbendable, unfaltering, unshakable, unwavering, firm, steady, stiff |
Usage: | He remained steadfast in his belief that he had done the right thing. |
- To move freely back and forth or up and down in the air, as branches in the wind.
- To make a signal with an up-and-down or back-and-forth movement of the hand or an object held in the hand: waved as she drove by.
- To have an undulating or wavy form; curve or curl: Her hair waves naturally.
- To cause to move back and forth or up and down, either once or repeatedly: She waved a fan before her face.
- To move or swing as in giving a signal: He waved his hand. See synonyms at flourish.
- To signal or express by waving the hand or an object held in the hand: We waved goodbye.
- To signal (a person) to move in a specified direction: The police officer waved the motorist into the right lane.
- To arrange into curves, curls, or undulations: wave one's hair.
- A ridge or swell moving through or along the surface of a large body of water.
- A small ridge or swell moving across the interface of two fluids and dependent on surface tension.
- The sea. Often used in the plural: vanished beneath the waves.
- Something that suggests the form and motion of a wave in the sea, especially:
- A moving curve or succession of curves in or on a surface; an undulation: waves of wheat in the wind.
- A curve or succession of curves, as in the hair.
- A curved shape, outline, or pattern.
- A movement up and down or back and forth: a wave of the hand.
- A surge or rush, as of sensation: a wave of nausea; a wave of indignation.
- A sudden great rise, as in activity or intensity: a wave of panic selling on the stock market.
- A rising trend that involves large numbers of individuals: a wave of conservatism.
- One of a succession of mass movements: the first wave of settlers.
- A maneuver in which fans at a sports event simulate an ocean wave by rising quickly in sequence with arms upraised and then quickly sitting down again in a continuous rolling motion.
- A widespread, persistent meteorological condition, especially of temperature: a heat wave.
- Physics.
- A disturbance traveling through a medium by which energy is transferred from one particle of the medium to another without causing any permanent displacement of the medium itself.
- A graphic representation of the variation of such a disturbance with time.
- A single cycle of such a disturbance.
- To dismiss or refuse by waving the hand or arm: waved off his invitation to join the group.
- Sports. To cancel or nullify by waving the arms, usually from a crossed position: waved off the goal because time had run out.
(1) [III
(2) 〈考え・提案などを〉はねつける, 退ける.
(2) 〈疑惑などを〉払いのける.
waive Show phonetics
verb [T] FORMAL
to not demand something you have a right to, or not cause a rule to be obeyed:
The bank manager waived the charge (= said we didn't have to pay), as we were old and valued customers.
If the government waives (= removes) the time limit, many more applications will come in.
He persuaded the delegates to waive (= give up) their objections.
waiver Show phonetics
noun [C]
an agreement that you do not have to pay or obey something:
We had to sign a waiver, giving up any rights to the land in the future.
- 発音記号[wéivər][動](自)
- 発音記号[wéivər][名]《法律》