Dealbook | Deal Professor Column
Pork Deal Faces National Security Gantlet
A Chinese meat producer’s $4.7 billion acquisition of Smithfield Foods
is subject to a national security review, which is no picnic given
American anxiety about China.
The library is doing its best according to its remit of being a community centre with books. What the library isn't any more is the place of unassailable knowledge I encountered as a kid.
So vast is the bank’s new remit, that no single person can manage it adequately. Mr Carney will need all the help he can get.
The Criminalization of Bad Mothers
Does taking meth while pregnant make Amanda Kimbrough responsible for
the death of her premature baby? The testing of a theory called “fetal
BEIJING — Fu Lixin, emotionally exhausted from caring for her sick mother, needed a little pick-me-up. A friend offered her a “special cigarette” — one laced with methamphetamine — and Ms. Fu happily inhaled.
The next day, three policemen showed up at her door.
“They asked me to urinate in a cup,” she said. “My friend had been arrested and turned me in. It was a drug test. I failed on the spot.”
Although she said it was her first time smoking meth, Ms. Fu, 41, was promptly sent to one of China’s compulsory drug rehabilitation centers. The minimum stay is two years, and life is an unremitting gantlet of physical abuse and forced labor without any drug treatment, according to former inmates and substance abuse professionals.
be no picnic
- 音節
- ùn • assáilable
[形]((形式))攻撃できない, 難攻不落の, 論争の余地のない, 論破できない.
noun, orig US
Abbreviation of 'methamphetamine' and 'Methedrine' (a proprietary name for methamphetamine), taken as a stimulant drug; a tablet of this. (1967 —) .
J. Wambaugh She's a meth head and an ex-con (1972).
n. Informal
A drink, often an alcoholic beverage, taken as a stimulant or a cure for a hangover.
- ùn • remítting
- 音節
- re • mit
- レベル
- 社会人必須
- remitの変化形
- remits (複数形) • remitted (過去形) • remitted (過去分詞) • remitting (現在分詞) • remits (三人称単数現在)
[動] 〔rimít〕 (〜・ted, 〜・ting)((形式))(他)
1 〈金銭・小切手などを〉(場所へ)送る((to ...));[remit A B/remit B to A]〈A(人)にB(金銭・小切手など)を〉(郵便で)送る, 送付する
remit a cheque
2 〈刑罰・支払いなどを〉免じる, 免除する;〈神が〉〈罰を〉許す.
3 〈苦痛・努力などを〉ゆるめる, 軽減する, 和らげる.
4 〈罰金などを〉返す, 戻す.
5 《法律》〈事件を〉(下級審へ)差し戻す((to ...)).
6 …を(元の状態に)戻す((to, into ...)).
7 …を(…まで)延ばす, 延期する((to, till, until ...))
1 送金する, 小切手を送る.
2 〈風などが〉ゆるむ, 弱まる.
3 〈痛み・熱などが〉(一時的に)静まる, おさまる.
━━[名] 〔rí
mit, rimít〕
1 《法律》(下級裁判所への)事件記録の移送.
2 [U][C]((通例単数形))((英形式))責任範囲.
[ラテン語remittere (re-後ろへ+mittere送る=送り返す). △MISSILE, OMIT, SUBMIT]
Pronunciation: /ˈgɔːntlɪt/
(US also gantlet)
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