In the past, because making movies was so expensive, we had to protect against exhaustion and compromise. In the future, you’ll have to steel yourself against something else: the temptation to go with the flow, and allow the movie to drift and float away."
Perhaps China is steeling itself for a possible DPP comeback (even though the party is hardly a model of unity itself). Since a visit to China in October 2012 by a former prime minister, Frank Hsieh Chang-ting, several DPP legislators and pro-DPP academics have been welcomed on the mainland, holding meetings with Chinese officials who once shunned them.
kettle-cooked chip 採取非連續方式的製出的薯條片
chips 兩義
Ads Promise You'll Fall in Love With Cape Cod (Chips) |
By STUART ELLIOTT 20 minutes ago |
A campaign for Cape Cod kettle-cooked chips is called the first for the brand that includes television and social media.
Pronunciation: /stiːl/
Translate steel | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish noun[mass noun]verb[with object]Origin:Old English stȳle, stēli, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch staal, German Stahl, also to stay2. The verb dates from the late 16th century |
- レベル:社会人必須
- 発音記号[kétl] 鍋(なべ), 釜(かま).
3 =kettledrum.
4 《地質学》釜状凹地(kettle hole).
5 ((米俗))懐中時計.chiefly British A small area in which demonstrators orprotesters are confined by police seeking to maintain order during a demonstration:
Put the kettle on | WordReference Forums › English Only › English Only
Nov 24, 2006 - If you're making tea, you would be putting the kettle on [the stove]. I believe we use this in AE as well, but as we drink much less tea (I drink ...Name of Product: Copco and Wild Leaf Tea Co. Bristol model and Martha Stewart Collection® Enameled Steel Tea Kettles
Units: About 132,000
Distributor: Copco, a division of Wilton Industries Inc., of Woodridge, Ill.
Hazard: The handle on the tea kettle can come loose, posing a burn hazard to the consumer.
Incidents/Injuries: The firm has received eight reports of the handle becoming loose or deformed. One minor burn to hands has been reported.
Description: This recall involves Copco and Wild Leaf Tea Co. Bristol model and Martha Stewart Collection® Enameled Steel Tea Kettles with enamel finishes in white, cr�me, blue, cobalt, sand, red and green.
Sold by: Mail order, online and by retailers nationwide, including Macy�s and Linens �n Things from October 2005 through January 2010 for about $35.
Manufactured in: Thailand
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using these tea kettles and contact Copco for a refund.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Copco toll free at (866) 255-9237 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. CT Monday through Thursday, and between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. CT Friday, or visit the firm�s Web site at
e·nam·el (ĭ-năm'əl) - A vitreous, usually opaque, protective or decorative coating baked on metal, glass, or ceramic ware.
- An object having such a coating, as in a piece of cloisonné.
- A coating that dries to a hard glossy finish: nail enamel.
- A paint that dries to a hard glossy finish.
- Anatomy. The hard, calcareous substance covering the exposed portion of a tooth.
- To coat, inlay, or decorate with enamel.
- To give a glossy or brilliant surface to.
- To adorn with a brightly colored surface.
[From Middle English enamelen, to put on enamel, from Anglo-Norman enamailler : en-, on (from Old French; see en-1) + amail, enamel (from Old French esmail , of Germanic origin).]
enameler e·nam'el·er or e·nam'el·ist n.