"Whatever you got, finish it the hell up." Rep. Trey Gowdy, a South Carolina Republican, grills Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray, telling them to finish up special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation https://cnn.it/2tGbBdb
Millennials want to buy homes, but many don’t have savings. These lenders say that’s no problem.
“People are mixing up general gaming, and excessive gaming, with gaming disorder. There is hardly any crossover between those two things whatsoever.” http://ow.ly/HZVs30kJ4hn
Cases of overdiagnosis are likely to follow the World Health Organization's announcement…
Overdiagnosis is the diagnosis of "disease" that will never cause symptoms or death during a patient's ordinarily expected lifetime. Overdiagnosis is a side effect of screening for early forms of disease.
"Shut up" is a direct command with a meaning very similar to "be quiet", but which is commonly perceived as a more forceful command to stop making noise or otherwise communicating, such as talking. The phrase is probably a shortened form of "shut up your mouth" or "shut your mouth up".
In 1983, NATO’s “Able Archer” exercise was wildly misinterpreted—the Kremlin was convinced it masked war preparations. A routine change of NATO codes made the Soviets assume a nuclear first strike was imminent
絕望的情況下(in an Armageddon situation) According to the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Bible, Armageddon (/ˌɑːrməˈɡɛdən/, from Ancient Greek: ἉρμαγεδώνHarmagedōn,[1][2]Late Latin: Armagedōn,[3] from Hebrew: הר מגידו Har Megiddo) is the prophesied location of a gathering of armies for a battle during the end times, variously interpreted as either a literal or a symbolic location. The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end of the world scenario.
The beauty of this 18th c. mantua dress is indisputable. What was its effect on nature though?
The dyestuffs came from plants and insects native to Europe or imported from the Middle East and South America. The silk was ‘cooked’ for at least three and a half hours in boiling water with white soap and the contents were then emptied into the river.
This is not the only dress #FashionedfromNature, discover the true story behind more objects at our exhibition: https://goo.gl/znHvbx
Also Friday, the local education board said it had discovered another 15 public schools with substandard concrete walls on their premises.
The sheer number of times that charges against Mr Georgiou have been dropped and refiled raises eyebrows, says Elias Papaioannou of London Business School
The learning center strategy uses eight basic learning centers to address the countless objectives of Americanearly childhood classrooms, attempting to develop the student’s social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and aesthetic abilities.
There are eight basic learning centers in an early childhood/elementary classroom, according to the Stephen F. Austin State University Charter School program, each structured to expand the students’ experiences in a variety of meaningful and effective ways. Each center is constructed to encompass numerous objectives, including state and federal standards, school standards, and community standards. The learning centers approach focuses on student autonomy and learning style by giving each student an opportunity to explore his learning environment hands-on in a developmentally appropriate classroom (see Constructivism). Teachers act as facilitators, providing materials and guidance, as well as planning discussions, activities, demonstrations, and reviews.
The page "Learning center" does not exist. You can ask for it to be created, but consider checking the search results below to see whether the topic is already covered.
various institutions for teaching and learning purposes. The purpose of a resource center is to advanced the learningexperience of students and teachers
Teaching and learningcenters are independent academic units within colleges and universities that exist to provide support services for faculty, to help
Huntington LearningCenter is a chain of educational service centers in the United States. Huntington is the oldest provider of supplemental educational
KinderCare LearningCenters is an American operator of for-profit child care and early childhood education facilities founded in 1969 and currently owned
It's both a showcase for the famed animation studio and a playground for children of any age.
Japan's Ghibli Museum A magical place that lets you play in and explore the world of Studio Ghibli
The name “Ghibli” comes from an Arabic word meaning, “hot air blowing in from the Sahara desert.” Considering his father worked in the aviation industry, Miyazaki probably learned the name from the Italian Ca.309 plane also known as aGhibli.Dec 31, 2013
"Noon had just struck. The school-door opened and the youngsters streamed out tumbling over one another in their haste to get out quickly. But instead of promptly dispersing and going home to dinner as was their daily wont, they stopped a few paces off, broke up into knots and set to whispering. --from "Simon’s Father" by Guy de Maupassant
Pins and needles, or paresthesia, is the physical sensation of tingling, pricking, or numbness.