2021年9月29日 星期三

through and through


“Sandra Lim is, through and through, a poet of the heart…” — Aria Aber reveres Lim’s newest poetry collection "The Curious Thing." https://loom.ly/DcpllYU

through and through

in every aspect; thoroughly or completely.
"Harriet was a political animal through and through"

2021年9月27日 星期一

lark, mudlark, knead, sourdough, masseur, lark about, mudlarking, rhubarb, focaccia, acrobatics

With lockdown easing in many parts of the world, bankers-turned-bakers are better off leaving the kneading to the professionals

Sara Krulwich/The New York Times
Theater Review

Detours on the Path to Enlightenment

“Monkey: Journey to the West” turns an Asian fable into a spectacle of animation, martial arts and acrobatics, offering a break from the usual Lincoln Center fare.

'Mudlarking' around on the Thames

History is everywhere in London and, not least, on the banks of the river Thames, where now you can go on tours in the hope of digging up pieces of history which could, if you're lucky, end up in a museum.

A Bit of Kneading but a Lot of Versatility
Toppings like ramps or sweet rhubarb help turn focaccia from an ephemeral treat into something more memorable.

"I brought in QualPro almost as a lark," he said. "I wanted to see if our managers' assessment was correct."

相對於近代麵包酵母菌為單一物種(Saccharomyces cerevisiae),老麵酵母通常包含不同菌種。人類在十九世紀分離出速發型麵包酵母菌之前的漫長歷史中,皆以此種混合不同菌種的麵糊作為酵母。不同人所培養的老麵可能會含有不同的菌種。一份河南工業大學的研究收集眾多老麵樣本,分析其中所含的乳酸菌,包括乳酸桿菌屬以及鏈球菌屬的細菌(如嗜熱鏈球菌)等共十六株,顯示老麵中的細菌種類具有多元性;而不同菌種所發酵的饅頭口感亦有所差異。[1]加拿大研究所收集的老麵菌株Lactobacillus reuteri基因體被鑑定為與人體腸道正常菌株雷同,暗示兩者有關聯。[2]

verb [T]
to press something, especially a mixture for making bread, firmly and repeatedly with the hands and fingers:
Knead the dough until smooth

.tr.v., knead·ed, knead·ing, kneads.
  1. To mix and work into a uniform mass, as by folding, pressing, and stretching with the hands: kneading dough.
  2. To make or shape by or as if by folding, pressing, and stretching with the hands.
  3. To squeeze, press, or roll with the hands, as in massaging: kneading a painful calf muscle.
[Middle English kneden, from Old English cnedan.]
ねる 練る

《粉を》knead; 《絹などを》gloss; 《金属・粘土などを》temper; 《文章などを》polish (up); improve ((on)); 《訓練する》train.

GOOGLE gold mine

Last update: November 11, 2007 – 9:05 PM

Bonnie Brown was fresh from a nasty divorce in 1999, living with her sister and uncertain of her future. On a lark, she answered an ad for an in-house masseuse at Google, then a Silicon Valley startup with 40 employees. She was offered the part-time job, which began at $450 a week but included a pile of Google stock options.
After five years of kneading engineers' backs, Brown retired, cashing in most of her stock options, which were worth millions of dollars. To her delight, the shares she held onto have continued to balloon in value.
"I'm happy I saved enough stock for a rainy day, and lately it's been pouring," said Brown, 52, who now gets her own massages at least once a week.

She has traveled the world to oversee a charitable foundation she started with her Google wealth and has written a book, still unpublished, "Giigle: How I Got Lucky Massaging Google."
When Google's stock topped $700 a share last week before dropping back to $664 on Friday, it was not just outside shareholders who were smiling. According to documents filed on Wednesday with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Google employees and former employees are holding options they can cash in worth about $2.1 billion. In addition, current employees are sitting on stock and options they cannot immediately cash in that together have a value of about $4.1 billion.
Although no one keeps an official count of Google millionaires, it is estimated that 1,000 people each have more than $5 million worth of Google shares from stock grants and stock options.
When Brown left Google, the stock price had merely doubled from its initial offering price of $85. So Brown is glad she ignored the advice of her financial advisers and held onto a cache of stock.
As the stock continues to defy gravity, Brown, whose foundation has its assets in Google stock, can be more generous with her charity. "It seems that every time I give some away, it just keeps filling up again," she said. "It's like an overflowing pot."

(mă-sœz') pronunciation
n.n. - 女按摩師
A woman who gives massages professionally.
[French, feminine of masseur, masseur. See masseur.]

masseur (mă-sûr', mə-) pronunciation
A man who gives massages professionally.
[French, from masser, to massage. See massage.]

rhu • barb
rhubarbs (複数形)
1 [U]《植物》ダイオウ(大黄);その根茎(下剤, 苦味薬);その葉柄(パイ・ジャム用).
2 [U]淡黄色.
3 ((米俗))激論, 口論;(特に野球試合中の)激しい抗議
a hot rhubarb about ...
4 [U]((話))(役者が群衆として)がやがや言う声.


Syllabification: (ac·ro·bat·ics)
Pronunciation: /ˌakrəˈbatiks/

Definition of acrobatics


[usually treated as singular]
gymnastic feats: figurativegoes through all sorts of financial acrobatics to make the monthly payments


Pronunciation: /fəˈkatʃə/

Definition of focaccia
[mass noun]
  • a type of flat Italian bread made with yeast and olive oil and flavoured with herbs.



mudlark 意味, 定義, mudlark は何か: 1. someone who searches the mud (= soft, wet ground) near rivers trying to find valuable or…


Mudlarks of Victorian London (The Headington Magazine, 1871)

Definition of lark


  • something done for fun, especially something mischievous or daring; an amusing adventure or escapade:I only went along for a lark
  • [usually with modifier] British informal an activity regarded as foolish or a waste of time:he’s serious about this music lark


[no object] (lark about/around) British
  • enjoy oneself by behaving in a playful and mischievous way:he’s always joking and larking about in the office




early 19th century: perhaps from dialect lake 'play', from Old Norse leika, but compare with skylark in the same sense, which is recorded earlier


IN BRIEF: n. - Any carefree episode; Any of numerous predominantly Old World birds noted for their singing.

pronunciation Rise with the lark, and with the lark to bed. — James Hurdis, Source: The Village Curate.

1 an activity done for amusement, which is slightly bad but is not intended to cause serious harm or damage:
The kids hid their teacher's bike for a lark.

2 this ... lark a way of referring to an activity or a situation that you are not enjoying:
I don't really think I'm suited to this marriage lark.
I've had enough of this commuting lark.

Lark about

Play the fool, in a childish or careless manner.

There are several possible derivations of the word 'lark' in this context. 'Larking about' or 'lark about' (sometimes used as 'larking around' or 'lark around') has been used to mean 'getting up to mischief; playing the fool' since at least the middle of the 19th century. At source its origins may well be somewhat earlier than that; how much earlier depends on which of the proposed origins proves to be correct. The principal theories are that either:
'Larking' derives from the Yorkshire dialect word 'lake', meaning 'to amuse oneself'. For example, in a book by William of Palerne, circa 1350:
[He] layked him long while to lesten at mere. [listen to merriment]
'The Yorkshire pronunciation of 'lake' sounds like 'laik', which could be mistaken for 'lark' outside the county.
Larking about'Larking' derives from 'skylark' and alludes to the well-known aerial acrobatics of the European Skylark. When they are on the ground these inconspicuous little birds look like what birdwatchers disparagingly call SBJs - 'small brown jobs'. In the air and singing they are transformed into one of nature's wonders - spiralling upward and trilling an exquisite song. Of course, skylarks were the inspiration for the UK's favourite piece of classical music - Ralph Vaughn Williams' The Lark Ascending. They also appear to have inspired sailors to describe lads who played around in the rigging of ships as skylarks. This term appears to have been coined with reference to the earlier name 'mudlarks' - the children who played and scavanged about the shoreline. Skylarks were first defined in a rather unlikely source, The Student's Comprehensive Anglo-Bengali Dictionary, Kanta, 1802:
Skylarking, the act of running about the rigging of a vessel in sport; frolicking.
The use of 'lark' as a verb begins soon after that, as in an entry for 1813 in the diary of Lieutenant Colonel Peter Hawker:
"Having larked all the way down the road."
The first mention that I can find of 'larking about' in print comes from an edition of the American magazine The Living Age, 1844:
One of the young genelmen was called Mr. Larkins, and I'm blessed but the name he hailed by tallied exactly with the cast of his figure-head and the trim of his craft, for he was eternally larking about somut or other, and his very face displayed a mixture of fun and mischief.
Of the two theories presented above, it does seem that the 'skylarking' origin is by far the more likely.
Whatever the origin, 'larking' may well have been the source of the term 'larrikin', i.e. 'hooligan; rowdy young fellow' (although there are other theories on that too). Fred Jago's Ancient Language and Dialect of Cornwall, 1882, includes this definition:
Larrikins, mischievious young fellows, larkers.
The term migrated to Australia and New Zealand and was in widespread use there in the 19th century. In the same way that a current UK term for rowdies - 'lads', has led on to female rowdies being called 'ladettes', polite Victorian society down under often complained about the excesses of 'larrikinesses'.
LarrikinJoseph Wright's Supplement to the English Dialect Dictionary, 1905, cites Warwickshire and Worcestershire sources that defined larrikin as 'a mischievous or frolicsome youth'. While the English West Midlands may not have been the source of the term, the common use of it there no doubt influenced the choice of name of Jethro Larkin, a character in The Archers, the BBC's long-running soap opera (sorry, 'Radio drama'), which is set in that region.

2021年9月21日 星期二

kleptomania/ cleptomania, Obsessive–compulsive spectrum, Impulse control disorder


竊盜癖是一種心理疾病,是一種衝動控制障礙(Impulse control disorder)[1],患者會有衝動去偷竊商店或私人住宅的東西,但偷來的東西既不是留用,也不是變賣現金,只是為了滿足偷竊時的衝動快感,也就是一種「不偷東西就會死的病」。一些意見認為根據竊盜癖的主要特徵,這種疾病可以是強迫症光譜(Obsessive–compulsive spectrum)的一部分。[2]




cleptomaniain American English

Derived forms
Word origin
[‹ Gk klépt(ein) to steal + -o- + -mania]-o- is the typical ending of the first element of compounds of Greek origin (as -i- is, in compounds of Latin origin), used regularly in forming new compounds with elements of Greek origin and often used in English as a connective 

Psychology. an irresistible impulse to steal, especially when the thief can afford to pay. — kleptomaniac, n. See also: Theft.

2021年9月19日 星期日

donor, coup, contract, skullduggery, fornication, donor-stroking, master stroke, marrow donor daY

It's World Marrow Donor Day!
"It's remarkable to be matched not once, but twice!" Al Kitching, a member of staff at the University, is only the second person in the UK to have been matched for stem cell donation to two different people. "I'd strongly encourage everyone to consider joining the register."
Find out more about becoming a donor: https://worldmarrowdonorday.org/……

The reasons South-East Asian countries lost control of their outbreaks vary, but in most, festivals, foreigners or fornication played a part
In the 70 years since its founding, the World Health Organization has had its share of successes: it helped eradicate smallpox, reduced polio cases by 99%, and has been on the front lines of the battle against outbreaks like Ebola.

But the WHO has also faced criticism for being overly bureaucratic, politicized, and dependent on a few major donors.

The official infection count has exceeded 300 in China, but a group of scientists in Hong Kong estimates that over 1,300 people have contracted the new virus in Wuhan alone.

China virus tops 300 cases as infection risk spreads

MIT Technology Review

This is a major coup for Amazon.
Amazon and U.K. partner to get delivery drones flying
The British government has agreed to let Amazon test delivery drones, while U.S. regulations still forbid it.


His house rules for a New Year's Eve party at his Hampstead home: "Fornication, madness, murder, drunkenness, shouting, shrieking, leaping polite conversation and the breaking of bones, such jollities constitute acceptable behaviour, but no acting allowed."

Obama Grows Reliant on Prolific Big-Money Donors
By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE 9:34 PM ET The documents provide a detailed look into the intricate world of presidential fund-raising, which Mr. Obama and his team have mastered, and donor-stroking, which some supporters complain they have not. The campaign closely monitors its top bundlers, rating them by how much each individual or couple has raised and donated each year going back to 2007.

Opening Ceremony review: Palace coup provides Danny Boyle's master stroke

Olympic opening ceremony

New York City announced a five-year deal with Microsoft for an array of computer services, a coup for the tech giant in its battle against Google for municipal contracts.

China Non-Manufacturing Contracts for First Time Since Feb.
3 (Bloomberg) -- China's non-manufacturing industries contracted in November after the government's curbs on property and lending damped demand. A purchasing managers' index for November fell to 49.7 from 57.7 the previous month, the China Federation ...

No one trusted Glenn enough to invest in his new business venture, as he had a history of skullduggery.


  • 発音記号[stróuk]
1 (武器などで)打つこと, 打撃;一打ち;(雷の)一撃
at a [one] stroke
with one stroke of the ax
2 ((通例a 〜))(災難などの)一撃;脳卒中;(卒中・中風などの)発作((of ...))
a fatal stroke
havesuffer] a stroke
3 (反復運動の)一動き;《機械》同一直線上の往復運動(距離)
a stroke of a pendulum
4 (テニス・ゴルフ・ビリヤードなどの)一打ち;打法, ストローク
an overhand stroke
5 《水泳》泳法;一掻(か)き;[U][C]一こぎ;漕法;整調(手), ストローク(stroke oar)
row with steady strokes of the oar
6 ((ふつう否定文で))((略式))ひと働き;努力, 奮闘;手腕;手柄;成功
a fine administrative stroke
I didn't do a stroke of work all day.
7 (ペンの)一筆, 一なで, (彫刻刀などの)一彫り;(タイプライターの)一打ち;一画, 字画, 一筆, (一彫りなどの)跡;筆[彫刻刀など]の運び;(文学作品の)特色ある筆致, 効果的な仕上げ
a bold stroke
8 (時計・鐘などの)一打ち;鳴る音, 打音, (心臓の)鼓動, 脈拍
atonthe stroke of twelve
9 (運の)偶然のめぐり合わせ, 突発;ひらめき((of ...)).
9 (運の)偶然のめぐり合わせ, 突発;ひらめき((of ...))
a simple stroke of fate
10 (and/orなどの選択を意味する)斜線.
a stroke above ...
at a [one, single] stroke/in one stroke
一気に, 一挙に.
put a person off his stroke
with [at] a stroke of the pen
1 …に(ペンなどで)線[画]をつける;…を(線を引いて)消す((out)).
2 〈ボート・クルーの〉整調としてこぐ;〈ボートの〉艇員のピッチ[漕法]を示す.
3 〈ボールを〉打つ.

máster stròke[máster stròke]

みごとな腕前, 絶妙な処置, 神技.

skullduggery or skul·dug·ger·y (skŭl-dŭg'ə-rē
n., pl., -ger·ies, or -ger·ries.
Crafty deception or trickery or an instance of it.

[Probably alteration of Scots sculduddery, obscenity, fornication.]


Syllabification: (for·ni·ca·tion)
Pronunciation: /ˌfôrniˈkāSHən/
Translate fornication | into Italian | into Spanish


formal or humorous
sexual intercourse between people not married to each other:laws forbidding adultery and fornication

    1. An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law. See synonyms at bargain.
    2. The writing or document containing such an agreement.
  1. The branch of law dealing with formal agreements between parties.
  2. Marriage as a formal agreement; betrothal.
  3. Games.
    1. The last and highest bid of a suit in one hand in bridge.
    2. The number of tricks thus bid.
    3. Contract bridge.
  4. A paid assignment to murder someone: put out a contract on the mobster's life.

v., -tract·ed, -tract·ing, -tracts. (kən-trăkt', kŏn'trăkt') v.tr.
  1. To enter into by contract; establish or settle by formal agreement: contract a marriage.
  2. To acquire or incur: contract obligations; contract a serious illness.
    1. To reduce in size by drawing together; shrink.
    2. To pull together; wrinkle.
  3. Grammar. To shorten (a word or words) by omitting or combining some of the letters or sounds, as do not to don't.
  1. To enter into or make an agreement: contract for garbage collection.
  2. To become reduced in size by or as if by being drawn together: The pupils of the patient's eyes contracted.
phrasal verb:
contract out
  1. To engage a person outside an organization by contract to undertake or produce.
[Middle English, from Latin contractus, past participle of contrahere, to draw together, make a contract : com-, com- + trahere, to draw.]
contractibility con·tract'i·bil'i·ty or con·tract'i·ble·ness n.
contractible con·tract'i·ble adj.

coup () pronunciation

n., pl., coups (kūz).
  1. A brilliantly executed stratagem; a triumph. An instance of successfully achieving something difficult:
  2. it was a major coup to get such a prestigious contract
    1. A coup d'état.
    2. A sudden appropriation of leadership or power; a takeover: a boardroom coup.
  3. Among certain Native American peoples, a feat of bravery performed in battle, especially the touching of an enemy's body without causing injury.
count coup
  1. Among certain Native American peoples, to ceremoniously recount one's exploits in battle.
[French, stroke, from Old French colp, from Late Latin colpus, from Latin colaphus, from Greek kolaphos.]


  • 発音記号[kúː][名]
1 クーデター(coup d'état)
stage a coup
2 大当たり, 大成功;大仕事, 大活躍, 大手柄
makepull off] a great coup
大当たりをとる, 大成功を収める.