2013年11月29日 星期五

flesh out, identity, cartilagen

Chinese Claim Forces Obama to Flesh Out His Asia Strategy 

  Seeking Identity, Shaping a Nation’s
A new biography of President Obama by David Remnick fleshes out the by-now-familiar outlines of his life.

In First Lady’s Roots, a Complex Path From Slavery

A newly discovered story has fleshed out Michelle Obama’s family tree.

Cancer and wildlife conservation

Some myths die hard. One common misconception is, for instance, that sharks
do not get cancer. This is why they are being slaughtered by the thousands.
Their cartilage is then ground into powder and sold with dubious health

The DW-WORLD Article

cartilagen. - 軟骨 (kär'tl-ĭj) pronunciation
A tough, elastic, fibrous connective tissue found in various parts of the body, such as the joints, outer ear, and larynx. A major constituent of the embryonic and young vertebrate skeleton, it is converted largely to bone with maturation.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin cartilāgō, cartilāgin-.]

flesh out
Also, put flesh on the bones of. Give substance to, provide with details, amplify. For example, The editor told her to flesh out the story, or You need to put flesh on the bones of these characters. This metaphoric expression, alluding to clothing a nude body or adding flesh to a skeleton, was in the mid-1600s put simply as to flesh, the adverb out being added about two centuries later.

2013年11月28日 星期四

perusal, graciousness, the company

If Thanksgiving stress is starting to get to you, writer Corey Mintz urges you to remember that “the food is less important than the company and a little bit of graciousness.”

a single perusal

Your perusal of this column ''may be monitored for quality-assurance purposes.''

青覽,青鑒,青及 (in letters) for your gracious perusal;




Syllabification: (gra·cious)
Pronunciation: /ˈgrāSHəs/
Translate gracious | into German | into Italian | into Spanish


  • 1 courteous, kind, and pleasant:smiling and gracious in defeat
  • elegant and tasteful, especially as exhibiting wealth or high social status:the British painter specialized in gracious Victorian interiors gracious living
  • 2 (in Christian belief) showing divine grace:I am saved by God’s gracious intervention on my behalf
  • 3 British a polite epithet used of royalty or their acts:the accession of Her present gracious Majesty


  • expressing polite surprise.







Middle English: via Old French from Latin gratiosus, from gratia 'esteem, favor' (see grace)

2013年11月27日 星期三

amid, midmost, here we are, here we come

California, Here We Come?
By PAUL KRUGMAN November 27, 2013 
It goes without saying that the rollout of Obamacare was an epic disaster. But what kind of disaster was it? Was it a failure of management, messing up the initial implementation of a fundamentally sound policy? Or was it a demonstration that the Affordable Care Act is inherently unworkable?
To lead you out of all this strife and storm;
When of some beauty we are grown a part
Till from its very glory's midmost heart
Out leaps a sudden beam of larger light
Into our souls. All things are seen aright
 Amid the blinding pillar of its gold,
Seven times more true than what for truth we hold
In vulgar hours. The miracle is done
And for one little moment we are one
With the eternal stream of loveliness
That flows so calm, aloft from all distress


Syllabification: (a·mid)
Pronunciation: /əˈmid/
Translate amid | into German | into Italian | into Spanish


  • surrounded by; in the middle of:our dream home, set amid magnificent rolling countryside
  • in an atmosphere or against a background of:talks broke down amid accusations of a hostile takeover bid


Middle English amidde(s)


Syllabification: (mid·most)
Pronunciation: /ˈmidˌmōst/

adjective & adverb

in the very middle or nearest the middle.

here we are

said on arrival at one’s destination.

2013年11月23日 星期六

to train, distraint, play the justices, fizzle, scotch

Trading Firm IPO Fizzles in Seconds 
The IPO of BATS Global Markets turned into a major debacle as a software glitch sent its shares plunging, leading it to scotch the IPO.

In Health Care Case, Lawyers Train for 3-Day Marathon

Practice sessions for the lawyers debating President Obama's health care law in Supreme Court arguments this week have stretched the supply of colleagues willing to play the justices.

Data Suggests Euro-Zone Recovery May Be Fizzling4


Syllabification: (fiz·zle)
Pronunciation: /ˈfizəl/
Translate fizzle | into French | into German | into Italian


[no object]
  • end or fail in a weak or disappointing way:their threatened revolt fizzled out at yesterday’s meeting
  • make a feeble hissing or spluttering sound:the strobe lights fizzled and flickered


  • a failure:in the end the fireworks were a fizzle
  • a feeble hissing or spluttering sound:the electric fizzle of the waves


late Middle English (in the sense 'break wind quietly'): probably imitative (compare with fizz), but perhaps related to Middle English fist (see feisty). Current senses date from the 19th century

1 [III[名][副])]〈人・動物を〉しつける, …に(…を)仕込む((up/to ...));[V[名]to do]…に(…するよう)教え込む. ⇒TEACH[類語]
train a child
train the dog to fetch the newspaper
train a person to the law
2 [V[名]as [to be][名]]〈人を〉(…になるよう)養成する;[III[名][副]]〈人・動物を〉(…の点で)訓練する, 熟達させる((in ...))
train a person as [to be] a doctor
be trained in nursing
3 (競技会などに備えて)〈人の〉体調を整える, 体を鍛える, 慣らす((for ...))
train oneself for a race
4 (望ましい形・位置・方向になるように)〈物を〉扱う, 処理する;〈植木を〉整枝する;〈つるを〉一定の方向にはわせる.
5 〈武器・カメラ・視線・努力などを〉(…に)向ける((on, upon ...))
train the shotgun on the deer
6 ((まれ))〈重い物を〉引きずる.
7 ((古))〈人を〉そそのかす, 誘い込む((away)).
8 ((米略式))〈子供・犬などに〉用便をしつける.
1 (…の)訓練を受ける, 仕込まれる((for ...));訓練する, 仕込む;訓練を受ける
train as [to be] a teacher [=train for teaching]
2 (競技会などに備えて)練習する, 体を鍛える((for ...)).
3 ((略式))(…へ)列車で行く, 鉄道旅行をする((to ...)).
distraint Pronunciation (noun) The seizure and holding of property as security for payment of a debt or satisfaction of a claim.
Usage:Originally distraint was a landlord's remedy against a tenant for unpaid rents or property damage, but now the landlord is given a landlord's lien.

v. Law, -trained, -train·ing, -trains. v.tr.
  1. To seize and hold (property) to compel payment or reparation, as of debts.
  2. To seize the property of (a person) in order to compel payment of debts; distress.
To levy a distress.

[Middle English distreinen, from Old French destreindre, destreign-, from Medieval Latin distringere, distrinct-, from Latin, to hinder : dis-, apart; see dis- + stringere, to draw tight.]
distrainable dis·train'a·ble adj.
distrainment dis·train'ment n.
distrainor dis·trai'nor or dis·train'er n.
━━ vt. 【法】(動産を)差押える (seize).
━━ vi. 差押える ((upon)).
dis・traint ━━ n. 差押え.

n. Law
The act or process of distraining; distress.

[From DISTRAIN (on the model of such pairs as constrain, constraint).]

click,display ads, wall off

Walling off banking systems will increase the costs of borrowing, especially in small or fast-growing economies that need to import capital. It will cut returns to savers in countries with excess saving. McKinsey, a consultancy, reckons that fragmented banking systems could trim global growth by almost 0.5 percentage points a year http://econ.st/1jqfV1w

Google Deepens Push Into Web Display Ads
Google, long labeled as a one-trick pony that sells Web-search text ads and little else, is quickly learning another trick: selling online display ads.

Display advertising is a type of advertising that typically contains text (i.e., copy), logos, photographs or other images, location maps, and similar items. In periodicals, display advertising can appear on the same page as, or on the page adjacent to, general editorial content. In contrast, classified advertising generally appears in a distinct section, was traditionally text-only, and was available in a limited selection of typefaces.

As Sony Clicks, Its Chief Aims for More
Wall Street Journal
For export-dependent companies such as Sony, which generates nearly three-quarters of its sales outside of Japan, a strong yen makes their products more ...

 wall off
v., clicked, click·ing, clicks. v.intr.
  1. To produce a click or series of clicks.
  2. Computer Science. To press down and release a button on a pointing device in order to select an item on a display screen or activate a command or function.
  3. Slang.
    1. To be a great success: The play clicked on Broadway.
    2. To function well together; hit it off.
    3. To become clear; fall into place.

2013年11月22日 星期五

variety, visage, cri de coeur, Canopus

20世紀80年代,萊辛放下她審視人類心理的顯微鏡,拿起指向遙遠星球和星系的望遠鏡,出版了《阿哥斯的老人星:檔案》(Canopus in Argos: Archives),那是一系列以外太空為背景的幻想小說,受蘇菲神秘派信仰啟發。雖然這些小說含有一些抒情描寫的段落——這與她一貫的實用主義文風很不一致——但是這些故事幾乎完全沒有她早期作品中對人類學的強烈興趣。有些故事是關於善惡的道德寓言;還有些是喬納森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift)式的社會政治諷刺故事。萊辛1999年的小說《瑪莎和丹恩》(Mara and Dann)採用了類似的手法,這個寓言故事以遙遠的未來為背景,講述的是冰河紀毀滅人類文明幾百萬年之後的事。

Until now, experiments to try to determine the biological basis of beauty have been of the please-look-at-these-photographs-and-answer-some-questions variety. Some useful and not necessarily obvious results have emerged. But what makes for a beautiful visage, and why, may have been discovered accidentally on a Russian fur farm http://econ.st/1jiOdUd

The startling visage, called “Silence,” born as a cri de coeur against the censorship of the period after the Cultural Revolution in China, was shown briefly during an artistic spring in Beijing in 1979 and 1980, before being banished.

Adam Dean for The New York Times
A work called “Silence" was supposed to be a star attraction, but the center did not submit it to the authorities for review, believing it would be rejected.


Pronunciation: /kəˈnəʊpəs/
  • the second-brightest star in the sky, and the brightest in the constellation Carina. It is a supergiant, visible only to observers in the southern hemisphere.


Latin, from Greek Kanōpus, the name of the pilot of the fleet of King Menelaus in the Trojan War

cri de cœur

Syllabification: (cri de cœur)
Pronunciation: /ˌkrē də ˈkər/

noun (plural cris de cœur /ˌkrē(z)/)

  • a passionate appeal, complaint, or protest.


early 20th century: French, literally 'cry from the heart'


Syllabification: (vis·age)
Pronunciation: /ˈvizij/


[usually in singular] literary
  • a person’s face, with reference to the form or proportions of the features:an elegant, angular visage
  • a person’s facial expression:there was something hidden behind his visage of cheerfulness
  • the surface of an object presented to view:the moonlit visage of the port’s whitewashed buildings



[in combination]:a stern-visaged old man


Middle English: via Old French from Latin visus 'sight', from videre 'to see'


Syllabification: (va·ri·e·ty)
Pronunciation: /vəˈrīətē/
Translate variety | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish

noun (plural varieties)

  • 1the quality or state of being different or diverse; the absence of uniformity, sameness, or monotony:it’s the variety that makes my job so enjoyable
  • (a variety of) a number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality:the center offers a variety of leisure activities
  • a thing that differs in some way from others of the same general class or sort; a type:fifty varieties of fresh and frozen pasta
  • a form of television or theater entertainment consisting of a series of different types of acts, such as singing, dancing, and comedy:in 1937 she did another season of variety [as modifier]:a variety show
  • 2 Biology a taxonomic category that ranks below subspecies (where present) or species, its members differing from others of the same subspecies or species in minor but permanent or heritable characteristics. Varieties are more often recognized in botany, in which they are designated in the style Apium graveolens variety dulce. Compare with form (sense 3 of the noun) and subspecies.
  • a cultivated form of a plant. See cultivar.
  • a plant or animal that varies in some trivial respect from its immediate parent or type.


variety is the spice of life

proverb new and exciting experiences make life more interesting.


late 15th century: from French variété or Latin varietas, from varius (see various)

2013年11月20日 星期三

means, achieve, underachiever,means test, means and ends,

  The French increasingly think Europe is the problem, not the solution. Four years after the start of the euro-zone crisis, with joblessness at a 16-year high and a recession-battered economy, disillusion has set in. In today's French mind, the EU has become too big, too distant, too focused on austerity and trade: a constraint, not a means of salvation http://econ.st/17kdISY

Ex-A.I.G. Chief Is Back, Luring Talent From Rescued Firm
Maurice R. Greenberg’s new company may soon start to siphon off business from A.I.G., and, therefore, its means to repay its debt to the government.

means test

v., -test·ed, -test·ing, -tests.
  1. To apply a means test to or require a means test for (a governmental program, for example).
  2. To subject to a means test: The board means-tests all applicants for rent control.


mean━━ n. 中間, 中位; 【数】平均(値), 中項; 中庸; 【論】媒辞, 中名辞; 【楽】中音部; (pl.) ((普通単数扱い)) 手段, 方法; 機関; (pl.) ((複数扱い)) 収入, 資産, 富.
by all (manner of) means ぜひとも; ((返事で)) よろしいとも, ぜひどうぞ ((承諾の返事)).
by any means どうにかして; ((否定文で)) どうしても(…ない).
by fair means or foul 手段を選ばずに.
by means of …によって.
by no (manner of) means 決して…でない.
by some means or other どうにかこうにか.
man of means 金持.

IN BRIEF: n. - How a result is obtained or an end is achieved; also - Intends, has in mind.

pronunciation Means and ends are central. If your means are corroded, your ends will be corroded — Nat Hentof


Syllabification: (means)
Pronunciation: /mēnz/
Translate means | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish


  • 1 [usually treated as singular] (often means of something or means to do something) an action or system by which a result is brought about; a method:these pledges are a means to avoid prosecution resolving disputes by peaceful means
  • 2money; financial resources:a woman of modest but independent means prospective students without the means to attend Cornell
  • resources; capability:every country in the world has the means to make ethanol
  • wealth:a man of means


beyond (or within) one's means

beyond (or within) one’s budget or income:the government is living beyond its means

by all means

of course; certainly (granting a permission):“May I make a suggestion?” “By all means.”

by any means

(or by any manner of means)
(following a negative) in any way; at all:I’m not poor by any means

by means of

with the help or agency of:supplying water to cities by means of aqueducts

by no means

(or by no manner of means)
not at all; certainly not:the outcome is by no means guaranteed

a means to an end

a thing that is not valued or important in itself but is useful in achieving an aim:a computer is merely a means to an end


  • レベル:最重要
  • 発音記号[ətʃíːv]

1 〈仕事・目的・計画などを〉(努力して)達成する, なし遂げる(▼努力を伴う経過に重点がある. ⇒ACCOMPLISH
achieve one's aim
2 〈栄誉・名声などを〉(努力して)かち取る, 獲得する;〈功績などを〉あげる, 立てる
She went through many troubles but finally achieved success.
━━(自)(ある分野で)成果をあげる((at ...)).
[語法]achieveは「努力によって得る」なので, 「70ポンドの体重になる」を×achieve the weight of 70 poundsのようにgetやreachの意味では使えないが, 減量のように「努力してその目方に達する」場合はachieveでよい.
[古フランス語a chef(頭へ)の合一形. 「頂点に達する→達成する」. △CHIEF, CAPTAIN

林書豪和姚明的區別:一個是不該發生的發生了 (overachiever),一個是該發生沒有發生 (underachiever)。
林書豪 (JeremyLin) 的故事究竟是被後人津津樂道的「林氏瘋」(LIN-sanity)﹖還是安迪‧華荷(AndyWarhol) 所謂的每個人的一生都會出十五分鐘的「臨時風(頭)」﹖一個事實不能否認:在2012年的二月的第二個星期﹐美國職業籃球 (NBA) 史上發生了一件史無前例的傳奇。



2013年11月19日 星期二

blood, benighted, idle tears, on a tear, legume, legumen, vale, vale of tears, Job's Tears

From late 2009 to mid-2012 the euro weakened as Europe's debt crisis deepened. But since July of last year the euro has been on a tear, and it is now back to 2007 levels. After half a decade of financial gyrations, investors seem as eager to hold euros as ever. If the European economy is still shaky, why is the euro so strong? http://econ.st/1inOwzC

Research In Motion's Stock Has Been on a Quiet Tear

Japan's Economic Woes Offer Lessons To US
In the 1980s, Japan appeared to be a world beater — the China of its day. Japanese companies were on a tear, buying up firms in the U.S. and property around the world. But these days, Japan is considered a cautionary tale for post-industrial economies ...

Forget Facebook: Google shares on a tear, gaining on Microsoft
Los Angeles Times
While shares of rival Facebook continue to struggle, Google's stock has taken off this quarter, up about 30%. Analysts say investors are shrugging off concerns about a decline in how much advertisers are paying every time users click on their ads, and ...

The world vegetable centre lobbies for legumes

Are vegetables in competition with the meat industry for arable land? Do GM varieties offer hope for developing countries?

DW spoke to the director general of the World Vegetable Centre, Dyno Keating

legume, legumen

〔léɡju:m, liɡjú:m〕,
    1. A pod, such as that of a pea or bean, that splits into two valves with the seeds attached to one edge of the valves.
    2. Such a pod or seed used as food.
  1. A plant of the pea family.
[French légume, from Latin legūmen, bean.]
━━ n. マメ科の植物; そのさや, その豆.
〔liɡjú:mənəs〕 ━━ a. (さや)マメを生じる; マメ科の.


  • レベル:最重要
  • 発音記号[blʌ'd]
1 血, 血液;活力の源泉;生命;樹液
a drop of blood
the circulation of the blood
let blood
shed blood
血を流す, 人を殺す(⇒BLOODSHED
donate [give] blood
give [shed] one's blood for a cause
All the blood drained out of his face.
2 血気, 激情;気質, 精神状態;適性
bad [ill] blood
a person of hot [cold] blood
in hot blood
in cold blood
make a person's blood boil [stir, tingle]
excite a person's blood
warm a person's blood
curdle [freeze, chill] a person's [the] blood [=make a person's blood run cold]
His blood was up.
After many years of war, fighting has got into their blood.
Teaching is in his blood.
3 血統, 家柄;血縁(lineage);((通例the 〜))(王族などの)高貴な血統, 名門;((集合的))(家族・団体の)成員;《畜産》純血種
fresh [new, young] blood
a prince [a princess] of the blood
王子[王女], 親王[内親王]
a lady of (noble) blood
be of mixed [the same or one] blood
They are not Japanese by blood.
Teaching is [runs] in his family's blood.
Blood will tell.
生まれのよし悪しはおのずと現れる, 血は争えぬもの
Ties of blood are heavy.
Blood is thicker than water.
((ことわざ)) 血は水より濃い, 他人より身内.
4 流血, 殺人(罪)
a man of blood
deeds of blood
fight one's way to power through blood
They demanded blood for blood.
5 [C]((主に英))威勢のよいだて男, 冒険好きの青年;道楽者.
6 [C]((しばしば〜s))((英俗))スリラー小説.
7 ((俗))黒人(の男);仲間の黒人(blood brother);街の若いギャング.
after [out for] a person's blood
bay for a person's blood
blood and iron
blood on the floor
流血の跡, 感情的なしこり, 気まずい空気.
blood on the streets
(1) (戦争や殺りくの現場などの)流血の跡, 血の海.
(2) (一般に)さんたんたるありさま, ひどい状況, 目もあてられない状態.
blood, sweat, and tears
draw blood
get [extract] blood out of [from] a stone [stones]
have a person's blood on one's hand
smell blood
((米略式))戦い[攻撃, 行動]のてぐすねを引く.
sweat blood
(1) 汗水たらして働く, けんめいにがんばる.
(2) 冷や汗をかく.
taste blood
(1) 〈猟犬・野獣などが〉血の味を覚える.
(2) ((比喩))〈人が〉〈刺激の強いことを〉味わい知る, 初めて経験する;味をしめる;宿願を果たす.
too rich for one's blood
(1) 〈物・事が〉能力[資力]に余る, 及びもつかない, 手に負えない.
(2) (食物の)脂肪分が多すぎる.
with one's blood and guts
身を切るようにして, 多大の努力をして.
1 ((英))〈新兵に〉初めて実地の経験をさせる.
2 〈猟犬に〉獲物の血を味わわせる.
[古英語blōd(血). △BLEED(出血する)]

on a tear

  1. (slang) showing a sudden burst of energy

Example Sentences Including 'on a tear'

) Final domestic demand, then, was on a tear Now plug in foreign trade, an important matter for Canada.
A call to Buckingham Palace revealed the Duchess had just had an operation on a tear duct.
Shefflin needed surgery on a tear duct in his right eye after he was smacked in the face by Quinn's hurley.
That sector has been on a tear lately, so the limit has weighed down her returns.

Urban Dictionary: on a tear

www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=on...tear - Cached
On a streak or series, usually a winning streak. Will sometimes be used (semi-sarcastically) to define a losing streak. When used for a positive st...

 idle tears/ on a tear,

Hong Kong Stocks: Miserable to Sizzling
Hong Kong's Hang Seng index, one of the world's worst performers last year, is on a tear, posting its best start to the year since 1991.

idle tears 無由之淚


━━ a. 怠惰な; 仕事のない, 暇な; 活用していない; むだな, くだらない (〜 gossip); (恐れ・心配など)いわれ[根拠]のない; 【コンピュータ】アイドルの ((コンピュータの電源は入っているが処理を行っていない状態)).
an idle compliment 巧言.
━━ v. 怠ける, ぶらぶらする[過ごす] ((about, around, away)); から回りする[させる].
idle capacity 【製造】遊休生産能力.
idle character 【コンピュータ】遊び文字 ((同期維持のための制御文字)).
idle money 【金融】(有効活用されていない)余剰資金.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[tíər]

1 ((通例〜s))涙;嘆き, 悲しみ;泣く行為
in tears
between tears
with tears in one's eyes
close [near] to tears
grammar without tears
burst[break] into tears
be easily reduced to tears
bathe[drown, dissolve] in tears
bring tears to a person's eyes
blink away[back] one's tears
It'll (all) end in tears.
2 (水玉などの)涙状のもの[しずく];(樹脂のような)涙状の固形物体.
3 ガラス器中の装飾用気泡;製品の小さな傷.
4 ((米俗))真珠.

Job's Tears are known by many different names across the world:

Scientific classification

vale of tears

the world as a place of sorrow and difficulty; the expression dates from the mid 16th century, and earlier variants are vale of woe and vale of weeping.

On the Cover of Sunday's Book Review

'And So It Goes'

Kurt Vonnegut died in 2007, but one gets the sense from Charles J. Shields's sad, often heartbreaking biography, "And So It Goes," that he would have been happy to depart this vale of tears sooner.
Mr. Obama and the Rule of Law Some of the Obama administration’s statements on issues like state secrets and detainees sound a bit too close for comfort to the Bush team’s benighted ideas.

benighted Pronunciation (adjective) Being in a state of moral or intellectual darkness; unenlightened.
Usage:They felt it might be a being partially benighted in the vale of ignorance, but it could not be one who would willingly devote his rich natural gifts to the purposes of wanton treachery.
━━ a. 行き暮れた (a 〜 traveler); 無知な; 未開の.
be・night・ed・ly ━━ ad.
int. - 再見
n. - 塵世
n. - 穀
  • vale of tears 現世, 塵世

2013年11月17日 星期日

beaten, off the beaten track

A Mission to Transform Baltimore's Beaten Schools

Andres Alonso, a Cuban immigrant with a Harvard degree, brought sweeping changes that upset some people but helped improve one of the worst school systems in the country.


off the beaten track

in or into an isolated place: we tried to find locations slightly off the beaten track

Get on your bike and explore off-the-beaten-track Taiwan

(bēt'n) pronunciation
  1. Formed or made thin by hammering: beaten gold.
  2. Worn by continuous use; familiar and much traveled: a village located well off the beaten path.
  3. Totally worn-out; exhausted.

2013年11月16日 星期六

to storm, much, whit, weather the storm, take something by storm

Today's #Dailychart reveals that ethnic-minority pupils in England are storming ahead. In much of Europe, pupils from many ethnic minorities struggle at school. That used to be true in Britain too, but not any more http://econ.st/1bsWa53

Léa Seydoux takes the silver screen by storm

Police Storm Park in Istanbul, Setting Off a Night of Chaos


After 18 days of protests, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan ordered his riot police to storm Gezi Park. As people fled the tear gas and water cannons, the police pursued them in the streets. 

Many Chinese blamed the West, particularly America, for the financial mess and began speaking of the Communist Party with renewed respect for helping China weather the storm.


South China Sea matters not a whit to Philippines, US
By Li Hongmei The Philippines has been playing an active hand in roiling the South China Sea of late. It has not only renamed some water areas as “West Philippine Sea,": following its President Aquino's lead, the Philippine weather bureau has adopted ...

Zimbabwe's 30th birthday is not much of a celebration
FEW Zimbabweans are excited by the 30th anniversary of independence from Britain. The southern African country was born in turmoil: a civil war, international sanctions and an economic slump in the 1970s had followed an earlier declaration of independence by Ian Smith, who led a regime of white settlers. Turmoil has continued under Smith's successors, Canaan Banana until 1987, and now Robert Mugabe. The 1980s and 1990s saw relative success for the economy, as commercial farmers boosted exports of tobacco, maize and other crops and small manufacturers prospered. But as Mr Mugabe came under pressure to quit, his seizure of farms, reckless printing of money and the emigration of the most educated and productive workers led to economic collapse. Hyperinflation and the destruction of the Zimbabwean dollar as a viable currency culminated in 2009 with the dollarisation of the economy.

(hwĭt, wĭt) pronunciation
The least bit; an iota: doesn't give a whit what was said; not a whit afraid.
[Middle English, amount, from Old English wiht. See wight1.]

adj., more (môr, mōr), most (mōst).
Great in quantity, degree, or extent: not much rain; much affection.

  1. A large quantity or amount: Much has been written.
  2. Something great or remarkable: The campus wasn't much to look at.
adv., more, most.
  1. To a great degree or extent: much smarter.
  2. Just about; almost: much the same.
  3. Frequently; often: doesn't get out much.
as much
  1. Almost the same: I thought as much. She said as much.
[Middle English muche, short for muchel, from Old English mycel.]


  • レベル:最重要
  • 発音記号[wéðər]
1 天気, 天候, 気象, 空模様;((the 〜))(特定の場所の)天気
good weather for a walk
in fine or foul weather
weather conditions
It's nice weather today.
I like cold weather.
How is the weather there? [=What is the weather like there?]
(1) 特定の場所や時間の天候をさすときは定冠詞をつけてthe weatherの形で用いる.
(2) 形容詞がついてもterrible [bad] weather(ひどい天候)のように無冠詞で用いる.
(3) 長期にわたる「気候」にはclimateを用いる.
2 ((the 〜))((略式))(ラジオ・テレビ・新聞などの)天気情報[予報], 天気欄
watch the weather
3 ((集合的))暴風雨, あらし, 荒天
in the weather
be open to the weather
The weather damaged the crops this year.
4 ((通例〜s))(運命の)移り変わり, 変遷, 浮沈, 栄枯盛衰.
in all weathers [((米))weather]
(1) どんな天気の時も, 降っても照っても.
(2) 幸運なときも不幸のときも
He remained optimistic in all weathers.
▼in all kinds [sorts] of weatherともいう.
make heavy weather
(1) 〈船が〉荒天でひどく揺れる.
(2) (…を)おおげさに考える((of ...)).
under the weather
(1) 少々かげんが悪い
What's the matter, Joe, under the weather?
どうしたのジョー, 具合が悪いの.
(2) 二日酔いで;多少酔って.
weather permitting
1 〈あらし・危険・困難などを〉切り抜ける;((時にout))
weather the storm
The company weathered the economic depression.
2 …を風雨[外気]に当てる;〈木材などを〉(外気に当てて)かわかす, 干す.
3 ((通例受身))〈岩石などを〉変色させる, 風化[崩壊]させる.
4 〈船・船員などが〉…の風上へ出る[航行する].
5 《建築》…に水垂れ勾配(こうばい)をつける, 水切りの傾斜をつける.
1 (あらし・危険・困難などを)切り抜ける((through ...)).
2 外気の影響を受けない, 風化しない
boots that weather well
3 外気でいたむ[変色する], 風化する.

Definition of storm


  • 1a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow.
  • (also storm system) an intense low-pressure weather system; a cyclone.
  • a wind of force 10 on the Beaufort scale (48-55 knots or 88-102 km/h).
  • a heavy discharge of missiles or blows:two men were taken by a storm of bullets
  • 2a tumultuous reaction; an uproar or controversy:the book caused a storm in America the manager is at the centre of a drugs storm in Germany
  • a vehement outburst of a specified feeling or reaction:the disclosure raised a storm of protest
  • 3 (storms) North American storm windows.
  • 4a direct assault by troops on a fortified place.


  • 1 [no object, with adverbial of direction] move angrily or forcefully in a specified direction:she burst into tears and stormed off he stormed out of the house
  • [with direct speech] shout (something) angrily; rage:‘Don’t patronize me!’ she stormed
  • move forcefully and decisively to a specified position in a game or contest:Chester stormed back with two goals in five minutes
  • 2 [with object] (of troops) suddenly attack and capture (a building or other place) by means of force:commandos stormed a hijacked plane early today (as noun storming)the storming of the Bastille

3 [no object] (it storms, it is storming, etc.) (of the weather) be violent, with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow.


  • 1 [no object, with adverbial of direction] move angrily or forcefully in a specified direction:she burst into tears and stormed off he stormed out of the house
  • [with direct speech] shout (something) angrily; rage:‘Don’t patronize me!’ she stormed
  • move forcefully and decisively to a specified position in a game or contest:Chester stormed back with two goals in five minutes
  • 2 [with object] (of troops) suddenly attack and capture (a building or other place) by means of force:commandos stormed a hijacked plane early today (as noun storming)the storming of the Bastille
3 [no object] (it storms, it is storming, etc.) (of the weather) be violent, with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow.

take something by storm

(of troops) capture a place by a sudden and violent attack.
have great and rapid success in a particular place or with a particular group of people:his first collection took the fashion world by storm