2024年12月30日 星期一

prospect (SEARCH). Jehovah, Yahweh, formula, top-notch, set your pulse racing. China’s second- or third-tier cities could thrive in the coming year. Their infrastructure is top-notch, housing is relatively cheap and the pace of work is more relaxed

China’s second- or third-tier cities could thrive in the coming year. Their infrastructure is top-notch, housing is relatively cheap and the pace of work is more relaxed

Earl Eaton, a Founder of the Vail Skiing Resort, Is Dead at 85
Mr. Eaton grew up in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado as a hunter, hiker, prospector and skier and envisioned what became Vail, one of America’s most popular ski resorts.

Jehovah is an incorrect English pronunciation of Yahweh or the Tetragammaton (YHWH)- See Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, also the New Catholic Dictionary, ...Jehovah:耶和華:由「雅威」與「我主」兩字組成;是 Yahweh 之訛體字。同 Jehowah。

阅读本文章"中国制造业的新方程式"英文,请点击 CHINA'S NEW FORMULA

評論 NEW FORMULA不是"新方程式" 而是"新法/新招"

set your pulse racing (ALSO quicken your pulse)
to make you excited:
This is a movie that will set your pulse racing.

noun plural formulas or formulae
1 [C] a standard or accepted way of doing or making something, the items needed for it, or a mathematical rule expressed in a set of numbers and letters:
We have changed the formula of the washing powder.
We had to learn chemical formulae at school, but I can only remember H2O for water.
There's no magic formula for success.

2 [U] artificial milk which can be given to babies instead of milk from their mother

verb [T]
to develop all the details of a plan for doing something:
to formulate a new plan
to formulate legislation

noun [C or U]

adjective FORMAL
containing or consisting of fixed and repeated groups of words or ideas:
The text was dull and formulaic.


━━ n. (pl. ~s, for・mu・lae  ) 一定の形式; 【数】式, 公式; 【化】式; 法式; 処方 ((for)); 式文, きまり文句; おせじ; 信条; 〔米〕 (ミルク状)乳児食; (レーシングカーの)フォーミュラ規格.
━━ a. (レーシングカーが)フォーミュラ規格に従った.
 Formula 409 【商標】フォーミュラ409 ((米国製の液状クレンザー)).
 ━━ a. (詩,表現などが)紋切り型の.
 formula investing 【株】フォーミュラプラン投資 ((一定の計画に則った証券投資)).
 formula manipulation 【コンピュータ】数式処理.
 Formula One [F 1] (自動車の)エフワン(規格).
 ━━ a., n. 定式の; 公式[式文]集; きまり文句; 処方.
 for・mu・late ━━ vt. (主義,問題点などを)明確に[系統立てて]述べる; 公式で示[表わ]す; 案出する.
for・mu・la・tion n.
 formula weight 【化】(化学)式量.

adjective INFORMAL
That restaurant's really top-notch.

verb [I]
to search for gold, oil or other valuable substances on or under the surface of the earth:
to prospect for oil/gold

noun [C]
