2017年11月30日 星期四

double bind, inescapable, construe, fistula, construal, legal avenues

The Internet Is Dying. Repealing Net Neutrality Hastens That Death.


Over the last decade, a few giant corporations became an inescapable part of online life. Gutting net neutrality would cement their power.

The Marshall Islands Are Disappearing


Most of the Marshall Islands rise less than six feet above sea level. For the Marshallese, the destructive power of the rising seas is already an inescapable part of daily life.

「若我們無法結束紛爭,我們仍有不可逃避的道德責任,幫助難民能合法地取得安全。」 -Angelina Jolie
"If we cannot end the conflict, we have an inescapable moral duty to help refugees and provide legal avenues to safety." -Angelina Jolie

By the common methods of discipline, at the expense of many tears and some

blood, I purchased the knowledge of the Latin syntax: and not long

since I was possessed of the dirty volumes of Phaedrus and Cornelius

Nepos, which I painfully construed and darkly understood.
  1. But the bed was in a crowded hospital ward, and between the moments of laughter, Sarah Jonas, 18, and Mwanaidi Swalehe, 17, had an inescapable air of sadness. Pregnant at 16, both had given birth in 2007 after labor that lasted for days. Their babies had died, and the prolonged labor had inflicted a dreadful injury on the mothers: an internal wound called a fistula, which left them incontinent and soaked in urine.

  1. Informal. A difficult, restrictive, or unresolvable situation: found themselves in a bind when their car broke down.
double bind
  1. A psychological impasse created when contradictory demands are made of an individual, such as a child or an employee, so that no matter which directive is followed, the response will be construed as incorrect.
  2. A situation in which a person must choose between equally unsatisfactory alternatives; a punishing and inescapable dilemma.

If a fact or a situation is inescapable, it cannot be ignored or avoided.

We are inescapably conditioned by our upbringing.


;v., -strued, -stru·ing, -strues. v.tr.
  1. To adduce or explain the meaning of; interpret: construed my smile as assent. See synonyms at explain.
  2. Grammar.
    1. To analyze the structure of (a clause or sentence).
    2. To use syntactically: The noun fish can be construed as singular or plural.
  3. To translate, especially aloud.
  1. To analyze grammatical structure.
  2. To be subject to grammatical analysis.
n. (kŏn'strū')or construal
An interpretation or translation.
[Middle English construen, from Late Latin cōnstruere, from Latin, to build. See construct.]

., pl. -las or -lae (-lē').
An abnormal duct or passage resulting from injury, disease, or a congenital disorder that connects an abscess, cavity, or hollow organ to the body surface or to another hollow organ.
[Middle English, from Latin.]

muffler, cabana boy, kitchenware, bargain-hunting

Amazon, in Hunt for Lower Prices, Recruits Indian Merchants
Thousands of Indian sellers have shipped bedding, jewelry, kitchenware and clothing to Amazon warehouses to serve bargain-hunting Americans.

"Trump may want 'extreme vetting' of immigrants, but he’s rather more lenient with his appointees," writes Dana Milbank in Opinion.

Trump “hires the best”: a bartender, a cabana boy and a Meineke muffler salesman.


1A wrap or scarf worn around the neck and face for warmth.

Example sentences

2A device used to deaden the sound of a drum, bell, piano, or other instrument.

2.1North American A device fixed to the exhaust of a motor vehicle to reduce engine noise; a silencer.

Meineke: Auto Repair, Oil Change, Exhaust, Tires & Brakes


We can help you with all your auto repair and car care maintenance needs so you can get on with life.

Custom exhaust system - Meineke

https://www.meineke.com › Auto Services

Though not necessary for all drivers, aftermarket car exhaust systems can offer performance boosts and stylish upgrades that many vehicle owners desire. ... One of the best ways to do so is with an aftermarket car exhaust system. ... The certified technicians at your local Meineke Car Care ...
cabana boy is a male attendant offering services to the guests of a hotel or a large private estate, operating from a nearby cabaña (American Spanish for cabin; compare cabin boy), notably on a beach. A pool boyperforms the same duties at a swimming pool.

Cabana boy - Wikipedia


doodle, oodles, rice noodles, rice sticks,

But hubris has a nasty habit of breeding disaster, particularly when combined with oodles of cheap debt. (One oft-ignored point is that Chinese companies such as Anbang have expanded their leverage at startling speed recently.) If I had to make a bet, I’d wager that sooner or later some of these Chinese companies will indeed go bust, along with their lenders; and, inevitably, those trophy assets — such as hotels — will be resold again too.

For Better Pastas, Try Rice Noodles
Rice noodles, also called rice sticks, are more substantial than traditional semolina and contain fewer calories per serving.

During a two-year period, Google captured oodles of Wi-Fi data worldwide as part of its Street View program. But why? Blame the engineering ethos that's prevalent at high-technology companies like Google. You know the "more is more" mindset: more bells ...

IN 2010 Oracle accused Google of pilfering its intellectual property (IP) for use in the Android mobile platform. It has since presented oodles of forensic evidence, including e-mails among Google executives and bits of allegedly copied program code. On May 7th a federal jury in San Francisco found in its favour. Sort of.



  • Scribble absent-mindedly.
    ‘he was only doodling in the margin’


  • A rough drawing made absent-mindedly.
    ‘the text was interspersed with doodles’


Early 17th century (originally as a noun denoting a fool, later as a verb in the sense ‘make a fool of, cheat’): from Low German dudeltopf, dudeldopp ‘simpleton’. Current senses date from the 1930s.





  • 発音記号[núːdl]
rice noodle
ビーフン 米粉
chicken noodle soup

(ūd'lz) pronunciation
pl.n. Informal
A great amount or number: oodles of fun.
Our local bakery has oodles of desserts available for purchase.
if only I had oodles of cash
[Origin unknown.]
oodles of ketchup

arête, called into question, battery hog, power grab

Ways to Stop Facebook From Eating Your Battery
The mobile app for the social network can be a bit of a battery hog, but you can do a few things to rein in the power grab.

Although the commissioned portrait reflecting social status was no longer in vogue, the idea that a portrait should reflect a psychological likeness remained current. Cézanne, with his bold, flat use of colour, called even this into question

The master of still-life made portraits about the painter

Clouds Rest is an arête, a thin, almost knife-like, ridge of rock formed when glaciers eroded away solid rock to form Tenaya Canyon and Little Yosemite Valley. The northwest face, mostly solid granite, rises 5,000 feet (1,520 m) above Tenaya Creek.


call someone or something into question. to cause someone or something to be evaluated; to examine or reexamine the qualifications or value of someone or something.

Call into question - Idioms by The Free Dictionary


Arête - Wikipedia


An arête is a narrow ridge of rock which separates two valleys. It is typically formed when two glaciers erode parallel U-shaped valleys. Arêtes can also form ...
Cleaver · ‎Examples

2017年11月29日 星期三

oblivious, comeuppance, spoken for, maddening, nightmarish

Greek designer Katerina Kamprani, however, has reworked some everyday items into almost nightmarish visions of frustration. The results are maddening objects that delete those years of refinement that made them so functional.

She’s called this project ‘The Uncomfortable’.

Trump seems oblivious to the consequences of war, and international support for his belligerence is weakening.

When will revelations of sexual harassment hit architecture? And when it does, will it change how we see the perpetrators’ work?

Aaron Betsky re-examines one of his architectural heroes and wonders when the industry’s comeuppance will arrive.


【夢鹿情謎】On Body and Soul 電影歌曲:What He Wrote - Laura Marling 2017|匈牙利|116分鐘|彩色 上映日期:2017年11月24日 導演/編劇:伊爾蒂蔻恩伊達|主演:亞歷山德拉・博爾貝伊、基沙莫查爾 類型:愛情|奇幻|劇情 台灣發行:?....
One's just deserts; comeuppance: get one's lumps.



  • Not aware of or concerned about what is happening around one.
    ‘she became absorbed, oblivious to the passage of time’
spoken for
INFORMAL already owned by someone else or kept for someone else, and therefore not available to you
Are these chairs spoken for?

comeuppancenoun [ S ]

 UK  /kʌmˈʌp.əns/ US  /kʌmˈʌp.əns/ informal humorous

a person's bad luck that is considered to be a fair and deservedpunishment for something bad that they have done:

She'll get her comeuppance.