2024年12月31日 星期二

distance (v), outrun, editorial,Taiwanese outrun their Chinese identity: poll. "it's harder than anyone imagines to outrun destiny"

LIV Golf Wants to Talk About Sports. Donald Trump Still Looms.

Promises Partly Kept: President’s Words Outrun Deeds

On issues like health care and Iran, President Trump’s language has not been matched by action, raising questions about whether his base will be satisfied by partial steps.

Greece and the Greek drama remind me that I should like to offer my thanks to Professor Gilbert Murray, for help and criticism which has far outrun the limits of editorial duty.
J. E. H.
Charging Stations Outrun Electric Cars
More electric-car charging stations are coming from big-name suppliers and popping up outside restaurants, pharmacies and at parking lots in anticipation of customer demand that is still far from assured.
British Leader Defends His Actions in Hacking Case
In Parliament, Prime Minister David Cameron seemed to distance himself from an ex-Murdoch employee he hired.


tr.v., -tanced, -tanc·ing, -tanc·es.
  1. To place or keep at or as if at a distance: "To understand Russian strategy ... it is necessary for us to distance ourselves from our own myths and to enter into theirs" (Freeman J. Dyson).
  2. To cause to appear at a distance.
  3. To leave far behind; outrun.


  1. run or travel faster or further than.

    "their one chance was to outrun their pursuers"
    • escape from.

      "it's harder than anyone imagines to outrun destiny"
    • go beyond or exceed.

      "his courage outran his prudence"

[動](-ran, -run, 〜・ning)(他)
1 …より速く[遠くまで]走る, を追い越す
He outran me in the marathon race.
2 …の範囲を越える, を上回る;…よりすぐれる.
3 …から逃げる.
