2012年8月29日 星期三

titanium , vanadium, rare earths, family silver, silvery

His secret? Deals. Despite an expensive Huffington Post deal, Mr. Armstrong's coup was selling off the family silver, a portfolio of patents, for $1.1 billion. Monday, it said how it would return the cash to shareholders.

US, EU and Japan say China is unfairly limiting exports of minerals used in ...
Washington Post
BRUSSELS — The United States, the European Union and Japan filed complaints Tuesday with the World Trade Organization charging that China is limiting its export of rare earths, minerals that are vital to the production of high-tech goods.

In addition to seizing control of the rare earth mining districts in southern Jiangxi Province, the Ministry of Land and Resources announced that it was imposing national planning authority on an iron ore mining area in the western Chinese province of Sichuan that has two other scarce and valuable metals, titanium and vanadium. Titanium has many applications in aerospace and other industry sectors, while vanadium is used in the production of sulfuric acid, which is the main material needed to refine rare earth ores.

Vanadium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- [ 翻譯此頁 ]
Vanadium is a chemical element with the symbol V and atomic number 23. It is a soft, silvery gray, ductile transition metal. The formation of an oxide layer ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanadium - 頁庫存檔 - 類似內容


本文強調釩(vanadium)暴露對人體的健康影響,美國環境保護署已經鑑定了1177處重要有害廢棄物棄置場址,列入“國家優先整治表”中,其中已經發現至少有23場含有釩。 ...

the family silver 家傳的銀器品


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[sílvər]

1 [U](商品や通貨基準としての)銀;《化学》銀(記号:Ag)
The value of silver has risen.
2 [U]((古風))銀貨(silver coins);白色をした硬貨;金銭.
3 [U]銀器(silverware);(一般に)食器(フォーク・ナイフなど).
4 [U]銀色, 銀白;銀色の輝き[光沢].
5 [U]((米))《写真》ハロゲン化銀(臭化銀・塩化銀・ヨウ化銀など).
6 ((略式))=silver medal.
1 銀の;銀製の;銀を含む;銀めっきを施した
a silver coin
silver bullion
2 銀を産出する.
3 銀のような;銀色の, 銀白色の, しろがね色の
silver hair
4 銀鈴を鳴らしたような, さえた柔らかい音色の
a silver resonance
5 雄弁な, 説得力のある
silver words of praise
6 銀本位制の.
1 …に銀をかぶせる, 銀めっきする;《写真》…に硝酸銀を塗る.
2 …を銀色に光らせる;((文))…を銀色[白髪]にする.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[sílvəri]

1 銀のような;銀色に輝く[光る]
a silvery luster
silvery hair
2 銀鈴を鳴らすような.
3 銀を含有する;銀を着せた.

2012年8月28日 星期二

veritas, magna est veritas et praevalebit.

Hotel Review: Hotel Veritas, in Cambridge, Mass.

If Harvard had a hotel school, its summa cum laude graduates would want to work at Veritas.
Veritas  哈佛大學校訓真理

媚俗者將veritas 翻譯成"美麗踏實"而自得


In Roman mythology, Veritas, meaning truth, was the goddess of truth, a daughter of Saturn and the mother of Virtue. It was believed that she hid in the bottom of a holy well because she was so elusive. Her image is shown as a young virgin dressed in white.[1] Veritas is also the name given to the Roman virtue of truthfulness, which was considered one of the main virtues any good Roman should have possessed. InGreek mythology, Veritas was known as Aletheia.
This Latin word now appears in the mottos of many colleges and universities. Veritas is the motto ofHarvard University, Drake University and the prestigious Scotland independent school Fettes College, as well as the Dominican Order of the Roman Catholic Church, and Providence College which is run by the Dominicans. Caldwell College in Caldwell, New Jersey issues a "Veritas Award" each year in honor of the Dominican Sisters who founded and administer the college. "Veritas" is included in the motto of Indiana University and Yale University, Lux et Veritas ("Light and Truth"). It also appears on the California State University's motto Vox Veritas Vita ("Speak the Truth as a way of Life"). Veritas Curat ("Truth Cures") is the motto of the Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, a prominent medical school in Pondicherry, India. Howard University, in Washington, DC, goes by the motto "Veritas et Utilitas", translated to "Truth and Service".

magna est veritas et praevalebit.
Pronunciation: \ˌmäg-nä-ˌest-ˈwā-ri-ˌtäs-et-ˌprī-wä-ˈlā-bit\
Function: foreign term
Etymology: Latin
: truth is mighty and will prevail

2012年8月25日 星期六

du jour, theory-du-jour

Error of Margin in Precious Metal Theories
Gold and silver attract conspiracy theories like JFK and Roswell. The theory-du-jour concerns exchanges supposedly driving down prices by raising the amount of margin investors must post to open and maintain futures positions.

Japan's ingredient du jour: shio koji

The fermented rice product imparts big flavor to many foods. And it's catching on in the U.S.

du jour
(də zhʊr, dū) pronunciation
  1. Prepared for a given day: The soup du jour is cream of potato.
  2. Most recent; current: the trend du jour.
[French : du, of the + jour, day.]


lanky righty, ungainly

Photo Essay
Small Ball! The Faces of Baseball’s True World Series
On Aug. 20, Will Lucas, a lanky righty from Fairfield, Conn., pitched a no-hitter in the Little League World Series. His performance was the opening...

(lăng') pronunciation
adj., -i·er, -i·est.
Tall, thin, and ungainly. See synonyms at lean2.

lankily lank'i·ly adv.
lankiness lank'i·ness n.


  • 発音記号[ráiti]


[形]〈人・動作・姿が〉優美でない, ぶざまな, ぶかっこうな.

2012年8月24日 星期五

banquette, filet mignon, medium, steak frites, rare, Medium rarer

Medium rarer

Data from the Pew Research Center suggest America's middle class is glum
MOST people like to describe themselves as middle class, which makes it a bit of a useless category. But the Pew Research Centre's suggests that the proportion of Americans that place themselves in it has shrunk since 2008. This seems not to be because more people have suddenly decided that they are upper class. Instead it reflects the effects of a bad decade for America's middle men and women. The share of total household income going to all middle-income Americans (defined as those who earn between two-thirds and double the median) has been overtaken by those in the upper income group. This is not a case of a rising median pushing people out of the middle-income category, as the median wage actually declined between 2000 and 2010. There are two ways to interpret this. The first is that America's middle will bounce back when the economy eventually recovers from the aftershocks of the financial crisis. The second, gloomier, thesis is that more of the same can be expected as America's economy continues its decline relative to China's.

“He’d like two,” said his friend and translator, Maggie James, perched next to him on the banquette. “One filet mignon, medium, and one steak frites, rare.”

Steak frites is a popular dish served in Belgian (or French) Brasseries. It is basically a steak accompanied with fries. There may also be lettuce leaves, mayonnaise, mustard, sauce béarnaise, etc.

Steak frites

banquette (băng-kĕt') pronunciation
  1. A platform lining a trench or parapet wall on which soldiers may stand when firing.
  2. also ban·kit (băng'kĭt) Southern Louisiana & East Texas. A raised sidewalk: "The flower of loafers . . . was found stretched on the banquette on Tuesday night" (New Orleans Daily Picayune). See Regional Note at beignet.
  3. A long upholstered bench placed against or built into a wall.
  4. A ledge or shelf, as on a buffet.
[French, from Provençal banqueta, diminutive of banca, bench, of Germanic origin.]

1 (背もたせのない)長いす;(駅馬車の)腰掛け.
2 (堤防の)小段(こだん);(カウンターの奥の)張出し棚;《城》射撃用足場.
3 ((米南部))歩道.

Temperatures for beef, veal, lamb steaks and roasts
Term (French) Description Temperature range[1] USDA recommended[2]
Extra-rare or Blue (bleu) very red and cold 46–49 °C 115–120 °F
Rare (saignant) cold red center; soft 52–55 °C 125–130 °F
Medium rare (à point) warm red center; firmer 55–60 °C 130–140 °F 145 °F
Medium (demi-anglais) pink and firm 60–65 °C 140–150 °F 160 °F
Medium well (cuit) small amount of pink in the center 65–69 °C 150–155 °F
Well done (bien cuit) gray-brown throughout; firm 71–100 °C 160–212 °F 170 °F


  • 発音記号[réər]

[形](rar・er, rar・est)((米))〈肉が〉生焼けの, 半煮えの(((英))underdone)
a rare steak


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[réər]

[形](rar・er, rar・est)
1 まれな, めったにない, 珍しい, まれにしか起こらない, たまの. ⇒SCARCE[形]2
a rare visit
a rare bird
珍しい[変わった]人[物], 珍品
(as) rare as desert blizzard
It is rare for her to get angry. [=It is rare that she gets angry. ]
2 〈空気・ガスなどが〉希薄な(⇔dense)
The air is rare above 3,000 feet.
3 ((限定))たいへんな;すばらしい, 非常にすぐれた;((反語的))まったくひどい, とんでもない
a rare beauty
have a rare (old) time (of it)
Her rare sense of humor delighted everyone.
4 ((副詞的))((主に話))非常に, とても.
rare and ...
((略式))((形容詞を伴って))とても, 非常に
We are rare and tired.

weeknight, weekday, interloper, Hera, bistro, cut-out

Zest Garden Recalls Wilson & Fisher Bistro Sets Due to Fall Hazard; Sold Exclusively at Big Lots Stores

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.
Name of product: Wilson & Fisher White Cast Bistro Table and Chairs Set
Units: About 22,500
Retailer: Big Lots, of Columbus, Ohio
Importer: Zest Garden, of Ontario, Calif.
Hazard: The chairs can break during normal use, posing a fall hazard to consumers.
Incidents/Injuries: Zest Garden has received five reports of chairs breaking, including three reports of injuries.
Description: This recall involves three-piece patio sets sold in a white, cut-out rose pattern. The set consists of a table and two chairs made of cast iron and aluminum. The table is about 26 inches high and measures about 24 inches in diameter. Each chair is about 33 inches high with an oval-shaped seat that measures about 19 inches long and about 16 inches wide. The item number is XG-1015-23. The product measurements, the item number and "Wilson & Fisher White Cast Bistro Set" and "Made in China" are printed on labels located on the product's packaging.
Sold exclusively at: Big Lots stores nationwide from November 2011 to May 2012 for about $100.
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the set and return it to any Big Lots store for a full refund.
Consumer Contact: For more information, contact Zest Garden at (800) 893-3006 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. PT, Monday through Friday, or send an e-mail to info@zestgarden.com, or visit the firm's website at www.biglots.com

Picture of Bistro Table and Chairs

Picture of recalled chair

  • Greece Lights Olympic Torch

    Greece Lights Olympic Torch

    The flame that lights the Olympic torch all the way to London begins on the site of the first Games, in front of the 2,600-year-old Temple of Hera in Olympia, Greece. The ritual reveals itself in an intense practice session.

  • During the day, the LudoBites space is Gram & Papa’s, a breakfast-and-lunch joint with a hearty organic menu of eggs and sandwiches, soups and salads that it serves on paper plates. The Lefebvres rent the room each weeknight, and transform it into a casual monument to fine dining, a bistro temple.

    Reservations to LudoBites are the summer’s must-have accessory in this restaurant-mad city, written about on Twitter and blogs and heralded in the pages of LA Weekly, where the critic Jonathan Gold has lavished praise on it. But they are not totally impossible to get. I joined the crowds twice last week, an anonymous East Coast interloper interested in all the fuss.

    1. One that interferes with the affairs of others, often for selfish reasons; a meddler.
    2. One that intrudes in a place, situation, or activity: "When these interlopers choke out native species, ecologists see a danger signal" (William K. Stevens).
    3. Archaic.
      1. One that trespasses on a trade monopoly, as by conducting unauthorized trade in an area designated to a chartered company.
      2. A ship or other vessel used in such trade.
    [INTER- + probably Middle Dutch lōper, runner (from lōpen, to run).]
    interlope in'ter·lope' v.
    WORD HISTORY The word interloper has its origin in the time when England was embarking on the course that would lead to the British Empire. Interloper, first recorded around 1590 in connection with the Muscovy Company, the earliest major English trading company (chartered in 1555), was soon being used in connection with independent traders competing with the East India Company (chartered in 1600) as well. These companies were established as monopolies, and independent traders called interlopers were not welcome. The term is probably partly derived from Dutch, the language of one of the great trade rivals of the English at that time. The inter- is simply the prefix inter-, which English has borrowed from Latin, meaning "between, among." The element -loper is probably related to the same element in landloper, "vagabond," a word adopted from Dutch landloper, with the same sense and composed of land, "land," and loper, from lopen, "to run, leap." The word interloper came to be used in the extended sense "busybody" in the 17th century.


    A night of the week exclusive of Saturday and Sunday.

    weeknights week'nights' adv.

    (European mythology)
    Literally, ‘lady’. The earth goddess of Argos, a pre-Greek deity, assimilated as the daughter of Kronos and Rhea, and the sister-wife of Zeus. She was the protectress of marriage, childbirth, and the home. Often her jealousy and quarrelsomeness led to disaster for gods, heroes, and men, when she harried Zeus' mistresses and persecuted their children. Against the baby Heracles, whom Zeus begot on Alcmene, she sent two serpents, but the infant hero strangled them in his cradle. This ancient superman, however, was eventually the victim of Hera's ‘harsh anger’. When Zeus bore Athena without her assistance, Hera gave birth to Typhaon without him. This terrible creature resembled neither gods nor men, and is reminiscent of the monster Typhon, which challenged Zeus on behalf of the original earth goddess Gaia.



    2012年8月19日 星期日

    livery cab, bared flesh

    Passenger Is Shot in Livery Cab

    A robber approached a cab stopped at a traffic light in the Flatlands neighborhood in Brooklyn and shot into the car when his demand for money was refused, the police said.

    Nakedness in Dance, Taken to Extremes

    Bared flesh is common in experimental modern dance. And sometimes - infrequently - it succeeds.


    • レベル:社会人必須
    • 発音記号[lívəri]

    1 [U](家臣・使用人・組合員などの)そろいの衣服, 仕着せ;定服, 制服, 組合服
    servants inout of] livery
    take up one's livery
    2 [U](特殊な)服装;((比喩))装い
    trees in summer livery [=trees in the livery of summer
    the livery of griefwoe
    clothe oneself in the livery of other men's opinion
    3 ((英))(ロンドンのシティーの)ギルド, 同業[定服]組合.
    4 [U]有料で馬を預かる[飼育する]こと.
    (1) (乗用車・トラック・現金輸送車・自転車・ボートなどの)レンタル業者[会社].
    (2) ((米))=livery stable.
    6 [U]《法律》封建的土地占有引き渡し(式).
    7 ((英))所有物[製品]につけた標章.

    2012年8月17日 星期五

    cella, cellar, nigh, Most of Any Olympian

    Phelps Wins Medal No. 19, Most of Any Olympian

    Conferences with 3-D avatars are nigh, because consumer technology has caught up with the work going on in a pioneering virtual-reality laboratory.

    Rapid dissemination and reposting in social media make it nigh impossible to scrub unwanted images and text from the Web, so a doctor must be vigilant about what gets posted.

    Guy Fawkes
    Bridgeman Art Library

    The End Is Nigh
    Fawkes never got close to setting off his charges. The plot was discovered when the cellars were searched the night before the opening of Parliament. Fawkes was caught, while his fellow conspirators fled; they were subsequently cornered and either died resisting arrest or were captured and executed. When Fawkes was asked what he was doing in possession of so much gunpowder, he reportedly answered that his intention was "to blow you Scotch beggars back to your native mountains." On Jan. 31, 1606, Fawkes and three others were executed at the Old Palace Yard at Westminster, opposite the building they'd attempted to destroy. The 17th century engraving above records the scene.

    Read more: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,2087813,00.html#ixzz1Urcbia9f

    cella (from Latin for small chamber) or naos (from the Greek ναός, "temple") is the inner chamber of an ancient Greek or Roman temple in classical ...

    () pronunciation
    adv., nigh·er, nigh·est.
    1. Near in time, place, or relationship: Evening draws nigh.
    2. Nearly; almost: talked for nigh onto two hours.
    adj., nigher, nighest.
    1. Being near in time, place, or relationship; close. See synonyms at close.
      1. Being on the left side of an animal or vehicle: pulling hard on the nigh rein.
      2. Being the animal or vehicle on the left: the nigh horse.
    Not far from; near.

    tr. & intr.v., nighed, nigh·ing, nighs.
    To come near to or draw near.

    [Middle English neigh, from Old English nēah, nēh.]

    2012年8月15日 星期三

    prompt book, passage, bowels

    John Jensen writes in Education News: “The Myth of ‘Practice Makes Perfect’” is a misleading title of a Time/Opinion article by Annie Murphy Paul published earlier this year. I bring it up even several months later because the issue it addresses is important. Practice is the only means of developing skill in either physical actions or knowledge, so discarding it is not a good idea. The title implies that the very notion of “practice makes perfect” is a myth, is false, though the article does not imply this nor refer to any “myth.” We might guess that a copy editor in the bowels of Time Magazine chose it to broaden the article’s appeal beyond psychologists.


    New York's Gay Marriage Push Heads to the Finish Line

    Democratic proposal needs only one more GOP vote for passage.

    狄更斯不僅是一位多產的寫作者,也是一位積極的表演者。他把公眾朗讀會(public readings)化作兩小時獨角戲劇表演,而「速書」(prompt books/prompt copies)則是他為此所作的準備記錄:在原作上划框,擇要而出,省去枝蔓,偶爾添點新笑話——對這位天才的表演者,人物表情記號是不需要的。狄氏朗讀 /演劇會始於1853年12月,至其生命終了,十餘年間行腳遍及大西洋兩岸。「速書」是狄更斯為自己寫的舞台說明(stage directions),為狄更斯研究和後來的衍生戲劇/影視創作提供了鮮活的參照。[1]

    The prompt book, also called promptbook, transcript, or sometimes simply "the book," is the copy of a production script that contains the information necessary to create the production from the ground up. It is a compilation of all blocking, business, light, speech and sound cues, lists of properties, drawings of the set, contact information for the cast and crew, and any other information that might be necessary to help the production run smoothly.[1]

    adj., prompt·er, prompt·est.
    1. Being on time; punctual.
    2. Carried out or performed without delay: a prompt reply.
    tr.v., prompt·ed, prompt·ing, prompts.
    1. To move to act; spur; incite: A noise prompted the guard to go back and investigate.
    2. To give rise to; inspire: The accident prompted a review of school safety policy.
    3. To assist with a reminder; remind.
    4. To assist (an actor or reciter) by providing the next words of a forgotten passage; cue.
      1. The act of prompting or giving a cue.
      2. A reminder or cue.
    1. Computer Science. A symbol that appears on a monitor to indicate that the computer is ready to receive input.
    2. Business.
      1. A prompt note.
      2. The time limit stipulated in a prompt note.
    [Middle English, ready, from Old French, from Latin prōmptus, from past participle of prōmere, to bring forth : prō-, forth; see pro-1 + emere, to take, obtain.]
    prompter prompt'er n.
    promptitude promp'ti·tude' (prŏmp'tĭ-tūd', -tyūd') or prompt'ness (prŏmpt'nĭs) n.
    promptly prompt'ly adv.

    (păs'ĭj) pronunciation
    1. The act or process of passing, especially:
      1. A movement from one place to another, as by going by, through, over, or across; transit or migration.
      2. The process of elapsing: the passage of time.
      3. The process of passing from one condition or stage to another; transition: the passage from childhood to adulthood.
      4. Enactment into law of a legislative measure.
    2. A journey, especially one by air or water: a rough passage on the stormy sea.
    3. The right to travel as a passenger, especially on a ship: book passage; pay for one's passage.
    4. The right, permission, or power to come and go freely: Only medical supply trucks were granted safe passage through enemy territory.
      1. A path, channel, or duct through, over, or along which something may pass: the nasal passages.
      2. A corridor. See synonyms at way.
      1. An occurrence or event: "Another encouraging passage took place . . . when heads of state . . . took note of the extraneous factors affecting their economies that are beyond their control" (Helen Kitchen).
      2. Something, such as an exchange of words or blows, that occurs between two persons: a passage at arms.
      1. A segment of a written work or speech: a celebrated passage from Shakespeare.
      2. Music. A segment of a composition, especially one that demonstrates the virtuousity of the composer or performer: a passage of exquisite beauty, played to perfection.
      3. A section of a painting or other piece of artwork; a detail.
    5. Physiology. An act of emptying, as of the bowels.
    6. Biology. The process of passing or maintaining a group of microorganisms or cells through a series of hosts or cultures.
    7. Obsolete. Death.
    [Middle English, from Old French, from passer, to pass. See pass.]


    • レベル:大学入試程度
    • 発音記号[báuəl]

    (1) ((通例〜s))腸, はらわた
    the largethe small] bowels
    bind the bowels
    moveempty, relieveone's bowels
    loosen the bowels
    have loose bowels
    (2) 腸の一部分.
    2 ((〜s))((文))内部, 深部, 中心部
    in the bowels of the earth
    get one's bowels in an uproar

    abduct, virtual ATM, automatic-teller-machine, "omissions and compressions"

     Now Home in Taiwan, Man 'Abducted' by Chinese Police Tells Ordeal
    The Epoch Times
    Taiwan Falun Gong practitioner Chung Ting-pang (C), with wife (L) and daughter Chung Ai (R). Chung was recently released from detention in China and allowed to return to Taiwan, after large protests made Chung's continued detention undesirable. (Zhong .

    On April 18, Mortenson responded to most of the charges in an interview that ran on the website of Outside magazine. He admitted to "omissions and compressions" in his first book but denied Krakauer and CBS's claim that he did not get to the town at the center of the narrative until a year after the events he described. He said there were villagers who could corroborate his account but argued that the residents of the region find "Westerners' emphasis on time confusing." Mortenson also insisted that he was kidnapped, though he allowed that his abductors did not call themselves Taliban. As for the allegations of using the CAI as a virtual ATM, he says that consultants have told him "basically we've done nothing wrong" and that "as much as it would be great to separate everything, we're all intricately woven ... I'm really the only reason CAI can exist right now."

    a virtual ATM 虛擬的

    automatic teller machine
    ATM 提款機

    n. (Abbr. ATM)
    An unattended electronic machine in a public place, connected to a data system and related equipment and activated by a bank customer to obtain cash withdrawals and other banking services. Also called automatic teller machine, cash machine, Also called money machine.


    • レベル:社会人必須
    • 発音記号[æbdʌ'kt]

    1 〈人を〉誘拐(ゆうかい)する, かどわかす(kidnap).
    2 《生理学》〈手・足などを〉外転させる(⇔adduct).
    [ラテン語ab-離して+ducere導く. △INTRODUCE
    abductor (noun) Someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom).名]誘拐犯
    Synonyms:kidnapper, snatcher
    Usage:Until dark the Englishman searched the nearby jungle for a trace of the missing one or a sign of the trail of her abductor.

    2012年8月2日 星期四

    ground zero, battleground, battlefield, mimefield, swing state (battleground state)

    The first social media Olympics have become a minefield for the Olympic movement—and especially for Twitter, which has trumpeted its tight connection to the London Games.

    New Polls in Three Battleground States Show Obama Edge

    Despite an advantage on the economy for Mitt Romney, personal appeal is helping President Obama, according to Quinnipiac University/New York Times/CBS News surveys.

    Ground Zero Workers Reach Deal Over Health Claims
    A settlement of up to $657.5 million has been reached in the cases of thousands of rescue and cleanup workers who sued the city over damage to their health, according to city officials.

    Battlegrounds on ‘Tiny Specks of Earth’

    “The Pacific,” a 10-part World War II mini-series that begins on Sunday on HBO, follows a Marine division through tropical battlegrounds that have since faded from the collective memory.

    A swing state (also know as a battleground state) is a state that could be won by either candidate in the United States presidential election and could swing the vote of the electoral college in favor of one candidate or the other. The results of the presidential elections in the United States are determined not by the results of the popular vote (i.e. the total number of individual votes received), but by the electoral vote (i.e. the votes received from the electoral college). For this reason, when campaigning, candidates tend to ignore states in which it is believed that they will either win or lose with a clear margin, and instead devote their time, energy, money, and advertising efforts to states in which the predicted results are not clear. These states are known as swing states because their popular vote could go either way and the resulting impact on the electoral vote could tip the results of the national election.
    Many factors are taken into consideration when determining which states are swing states in a given election. These include historical voting patterns in the state, the state's results from the last presidential election or elections, the state of origin of the presidential and vice presidential candidates, and the results of public opinion polls leading up to the elections.
    Last updated: October 17, 2004.

    ground zero

    Often defined as "the surface directly above or below the point at which a nuclear explosion takes place," the term "ground zero" is also used for the site of the collapse of the World Trade Center's twin towers.


    • [名]戦場;((比喩))闘争の場
    diefallon the battlefield
    the battlefield of life