2018年12月29日 星期六

hood, hooding, zip, hoodie (or hoody), zipper, entrapment, zip through, unfettered undoability

As late as the 1930s the zip was seen as too sexual to catch on, especially on women’s clothing. It represented easy access, unfettered undoability

Division of the Humanities Diploma and Hooding Ceremony, Spring 2014
Want a 9/11 hoodie? You can pick one up at the new 9/11 museum gift shop.
Early visitors to the 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York have...
The Guardian|由 Leo Benedictus 上傳
The barons of high-tech like to think of themselves as very different creatures from the barons of Wall Street. They create cool devices that let us carry the world in our pockets. They wear hoodies, not suits. And they owe their success to their native genius rather than to social connections. But for many people in San Francisco this is a distinction without a difference http://econ.st/1l5p3Oj


Zipper up.
That's what a number of designers hope shoppers will be doing in the coming seasons. Designer labels, including Altuzarra, Calvin Klein Collection, Dior, Elie Tahari, Giambattista Valli, Michael Kors and the Row are putting bold and exposed zippers on sweaters, dresses and blazers, turning the typically utilitarian closure into an attention-grabbing design detail.
Zippers are even being used to identify the looks. Michael Kors showed a neon orange "zip suit," and a black and white Donegal, jacquard "zipper suit," among other looks prominently featuring zippers, in his fall 2013 runway show in February.




On Snowy Slopes, Fingers Glide Down the Touch Screen

Be sure to zip your smartphone in your ski jacket; it can help you navigate a resort, prepare for the weather and even become a better skier.
The job of corporate hell-raiser strikes me as much more worthwhile than the more common retirement route of joining a government taskforce and keeping lips zipped tighter than ever.

Zuckerberg's hoodie

Should Facebook founder wear hooded top to meetings?

France struggled to digest the scandal around Dominique Strauss-Kahn, with his defenders questioning the initial New York police account and speculating about entrapment.

Fast Phones, Dead Batteries
Users of 4G smartphones are discovering their speedy broadband service also zips through battery life.


ツイートする Facebook にシェア 
hoods (複数形) • hooding (現在分詞) • hoods (三人称単数現在)
1 フード,ずきん
raincoat with a hood
3 (大学の式服・裁判官の法服などの)背の飾り布.
4 (鳥・動物の)冠毛,とさか.
━━[動](他)…にずきんをつける;…を(ずきん状の物で)おおう((in ...)).
[古英語hōd. △HAT


zips (複数形) • zipped (過去形) • zipped (過去分詞) • zipping (現在分詞) • zips (三人称単数現在)
[動](〜ped, 〜・ping)(他)
1 …をチャック[ジッパー]で締める[開ける]((up));〈人の〉衣服のチャックを締めてやる((up));…のチャックを締めて[開けて](…の状態に)する
zip up one's jacket
She zipped her purse openshut].
Zip it up! [=Zip (up) your lip!]
2 …を(チャックを締めて[はずして])入れる[出す].
3 …をチャックで取りつける((on)).
1 チャックで締まる[開く]((up))
a zipper that refuses to zip
2 チャックを締める[はずす].
━━[名]((英))ジッパー(((米))zipper);チャック, ファスナー
do upundoone's zip

zip through something to deal with or complete something very quickly


noun, Brit

A hooded sweatshirt, fleece, or other garment; also, a young person wearing such as garment, esp. regarded as being potentially violent, criminal, or otherwise antisocial. (1990 —) .
Daily Telegraph Members of this demographic wear the dodginess of their surroundings as a badge of honour on their Marks & Spencer hoodies (2005).
Observer Until recently, Cameron wanted to hug hoodies; now he wants to string 'em up (2007).

[From hood noun + -ie.]

  • [intrǽp]
[動](〜ped, 〜・ping)(他)((しばしば受身))((形式))
1 〈動物を〉わなにかける, わなで捕える.
2 〈人を〉(危険・困難に)陥れる((in, into ...));〈人を〉だまして[計略にかけて](…)させる((into doing))
entrap a person into committing a crime

Quiksilver Recalls Girls' Hoodies with Waist Drawstrings Due to Entrapment Hazard <http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml09/09330.html>

A hoodie (or hoody), short for "hooded sweatshirt", or a "bunnyhug" is a heavy upper-body garment with a hood. The characteristic design includes large frontal pockets, a hood, and (usually) a drawstring to adjust the hood opening. Hoodies with zippers are called "zip hoodies" or "zip-ups".[citation needed] It is also a metonym, referring to a sector of youth culture in the UK.[1]

Who invented the zipper? Early in the 20th century, an engineer named Gideon Sundback built upon previous inventions to develop a better fastener. The "Hookless No. 2" was a series of interlocking teeth in which where the tiny projection at the top fit into the dimple at the bottom as a slider traveled up the row. On April 29, 1917, Sundback received a patent for the "separable fastener," which would come to be known as the zipper. Soldiers fighting in World War I used the first zippers, mostly for money belts, life vests and flying suits. The B.F. Goodrich Company incorporated the new fastener into rubber boots and gave them the name "zipper," which was originally intended to indicate the kind of boot. It was in the 1940s that the zipper became more popularly used for the flies of pants and on skirts and dresses.

"The zipper displaces the button and a man lacks just that much time to think while dressing at dawn, a philosophical hour, and thus a melancholy hour." Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

2018年12月25日 星期二

cred, street credibility, filter bubble

Kristen Hartke/NPR

Gingerbread Cred: Bakers Craft Winning Edible Art Down To The Last Detail

Tiny working gingerbread clock gears, meticulously hand-painted playing cards, scenes that tell stories — all comes into play at the annual National Gingerbread House Competition in North Carolina.

A phenomenon called "filter bubble", in which algorithms limit the information people encounter online, may be growing in Japan.

filter bubble – a term coined by Internet activist Eli Pariser – is a state of intellectual isolation that allegedly can result from personalized searches when a website algorithm selectively guesses what information a user would like to see based on information about the user, such as location, past click-behavior ...

過濾氣泡英語:filter bubble同溫層、個人化資料過濾[1]、篩選小圈圈)是一種網站針對個人化搜尋而提供篩選後內容的結果。網站內嵌的演算法會透過使用者的地區、先前活動紀錄或是搜尋結果來給予使用者想要的或是觀點一致的結果。這種結果可能會導致使用者越來越看不到他們不同意的觀點或資訊,使得認知過於單向,並處於他們的文化、意識形態氣泡之中。
主要的例子為Google的個人化搜尋結果以及Facebook的個人化動態消息、亞馬遜Netflix的過濾性推薦系統。這個詞彙被網路活動者Eli Pariser提出。



  • ‘a few tales here and there could wreck my cred completely!’
    another term for street credibility

street credibility
mass noun
  • Acceptability among fashionable young urban people.
    ‘the Liverpudlian is to use his street credibility to try to get the anti-vandalism message across to schoolchildren’

point-man, homily, eucharist, consumerism. Final Commendation, bullet point

Pontiff tells pilgrims at mass in Vatican City that mankind has become ‘greedy and voracious’

The Little-Known Pragmatist Who Is Shaping the Trump Tax Cuts


Justin Muzinich, a top aide to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, is the Treasury Department point man on taxes.
Brett McGurk, the Obama administration’s point-man for defeating the group, tells the House Foreign Affairs Committee, “What Russia’s doing is directly enabling ISIL.”

In Russia, Christian theology has steadily regained ground in academia during the two decades since communism fell. Still, that doesn't quite mean that higher education, which is a serious business, is about to be taken over by priests. When Russian Orthodoxy's point-man on matters academic appeared recently at the Moscow State University for the Humanities he struck a defensive note http://econ.st/1cM00qt

California faces major long-term challenges, not just short-term economic woes. One of those is producing an educated citizenry. Yet the two major candidates for governor have had very little to say about the state's public higher education system, particularly the community colleges. Democrat Jerry Brown has a few bullet points on higher education, buried in an eight-page plan on K-12 education. He wants to "convene a representative group to create a new state Master Plan." No details. His solution for community colleges: Keep "burdensome state regulations and mandates" to a minimum.Republican Meg Whitman has a few sentences on the University of California and California State University systems, buried in a section on K-12 education in her plan. No mention of community colleges. The commentary is in the Sacramento Bee.

bullet point
(Communication Arts / Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) any of a number of items printed in a list, each after a centred dot, usually the most important points in a longer piece of text

each of several items in a list, typically the ideas or arguments in an article or presentation and typically printed with a bullet before each for emphasis.

- Homily
- Eucharist
- Final Commendation



- 講道
- 聖餐
- 最後的稱讚】

commemoration (1) 紀念經文:彌撒中的紀念生者及死者的經文,拉丁文稱為 commemoratio (2) 紀念日。
commendation of a soul, the :送終祈禱;臨終經:為死期已近、即將面見天主的人祈禱。

Eucharist, Sacrament of the :聖體聖事;感恩祭(宴);感恩聖事(禮);彌撒:包括聖事和聖體,是耶穌親定的至尊聖事,將餅酒變為自己的血肉,祭獻天主,養活人靈。聖體聖事一方面紀念主的死亡及復活,使十字架的祭獻功效永世長存,另一方面,聖體又是飲食,讓人的超性生命得到滋養、聖化、成長(法典 897 )。原文來自希臘文 Eucharistia ,意指感恩,通常稱作 Most Holy Eucharist ,或 the celebration of the Eucharist
Eucharistic adoration :朝拜聖體;拜聖體:朝拜面餅形(聖體)中的耶穌基督。中世紀就已開始。
Eucharistic Celebration :舉行感恩祭;感恩(聖體)聖事慶典;作彌撒。詳見 Mass
Eucharistic Congress :聖體大會:以敬禮耶穌聖體為目的,而隆重舉行的宗教集會,其中包括舉行彌撒、明供聖體、聖體遊行、聖體降福以及公開證道等。分: (1) 國際聖體大會:為世界性的聖體大會, 1881 年開始於法國裏耳( Lille ),每四年一次輪流在各國舉行。 (2) 全國聖體大會,或某省、某區聖體大會等。
Eucharistic fast :聖體齋;空心(腹)齋:領聖體前需空腹以示對耶穌的敬意,往昔(第三世紀起)自半夜開始應斷絕一切飲食;現今( 1964 年後)領聖體前一小時不得進食物和飲料,但清水和藥物不在此限,而老人及病患也不必遵守此規定(法典 919 )。又稱 fasting communion
Eucharistic Liturgy :感恩祭;感恩禮(儀);彌撒:是基督徒最重要、最莊嚴的敬禮。詳見 Mass
Eucharistic minister :感恩祭主持人;主持感恩祭者。
Eucharistic Prayer :感恩經;彌撒常典(舊稱);彌撒正則:亦即 Canon of the Mass ,為彌撒中最主要的部分。其中包括成聖體及成聖血、舉揚聖體及聖血之禮;自頌謝詞 Preface 起,至天主經止。
Eucharistic Sacrifice :感恩祭。
Eucharistic Service :感恩禮;彌撒。同 Eucharistic Liturgy
Eucharistic Species :聖體的餅、酒形像:祝聖過的餅、酒,在外觀上仍有餅酒的形像,雖覺察不出有何變化,但實質上已變成耶穌的聖體、聖血。

homilia L. :講道(經)。同 homily
homily :講道(經);佈道;讀經分享;聖經訓釋:司祭在彌撒中針對福音和書信所做信仰生活之反省,為教會禮儀的重要部分。如主日及法定節日的彌撒中,均應講道。同 ermon homilia
homo L. ):人。詳見 person
homosexuality :同性戀:指超出「傳宗接代」範圍,對同性者有一種強烈而持續的性方面之吸引及偏愛,為性變態之一。

point man

Syllabification: (point man)


  • the soldier at the head of a patrol.
  • North American (especially in a political context) a person at the forefront of an activity or endeavor.