France Wrests Title Of Sleeping Giant
When he won the presidential election two years ago, Nicolas Sarkozy urged the French to get up early and work more to earn more.
A study released Monday suggests they missed the wake-up call.
France is the industrialized country where people spend the longest periods sleeping, according to a series of surveys on social habits conducted by the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development.
The French sleep a daily average of 530 minutes, compared with 518 for Americans and 469 for Koreans -- the OECD's 'most awake' nation, according to the study.
In an era of globalization, the amount of time spent at work has been declining gradually in the OECD's 30 member nations over the past three decades, according to the surveys, which were conducted in 2006.
The report shows, however, that sharp cultural differences remain in how people spend their time when they don't work.
True to the cliche, the French spend more than two hours eating every day -- about twice the time Americans devote to swallowing their breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Who are the couch potatoes of the OECD?
Mexicans spend 48% of their leisure time watching television or listening to the radio, compared with 44% for Americans and 28% for German people, the OECD report shows.
In contrast, Spaniards are the most addicted to sports: They spend 12% of their leisure time practicing sports, compared with 5% for Americans and 2% for Turks.
When they don't sleep or eat, the French hold another OECD record: They have 30 annual days of mandatory paid leave. That compares with 20 in the U.K. and 10 in Japan.
There is no mandatory paid annual leave in the U.S.
As for overall leisure, Norwegian men and women have about the same amount of free time each day.
In Italy, however, men have nearly 80 daily minutes more leisure time than women. On an annualized basis, that means 444 hours or 18.5 days.
'Much of the additional work of Italian women is apparently spent cleaning the house,' according to the report.
David Gauthier-Villars
年前﹐當薩科齊(Nicolas Sarkozy)贏得總統競選時﹐他督促法國人早點起、多工作、多掙錢。

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據總部位於巴黎的經濟合作和發展組織(Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development)針對社會習慣所作的一系列調查顯示﹐法國是工業化國家中人們睡眠時間最長的一個。
Google Aims to Wrest Display Ads From Yahoo
The company will introduce a long-awaited system that will instantly match ad buyers with ad sellers when a customer visits a Web site. wresttr.v.,
- To obtain by or as if by pulling with violent twisting movements: wrested the book out of his hands; wrested the islands from the settlers.
- To usurp forcefully: wrested power from the monarchy.
- To extract by or as if by force, twisting, or persistent effort; wring: wrest the meaning from an obscure poem.
- To distort or twist the nature or meaning of: wrested the words out of context.
- To divert to an improper use; misapply.
n.- The act of wresting.
- Music. A small tuning key for the wrest pins of a stringed instrument.
[Middle English wresten, from Old English wrǣstan, to twist.]
wrester wrest'er n. <– Back to results

Hide phoneticsverb [I or
T]to fight with someone (especially as a sport) by holding them and trying to throw them to the ground:He has wrestled professionally for five years.The police officer tackled the man and wrestled him to the ground.wrestler 

Hide phoneticsnoun [C]a person who wrestles as a sportwrestling 

Hide phoneticsnoun [U]a sport where two people fight and try to throw each other to the groundSee picture .