2010年5月31日 星期一

surprise attack/ inspection, vanish

Senior U.S. officials say the sinking of a South Korean warship revealed that years of spending had still left the country vulnerable to surprise attack.

Decades of Economic Gains Vanish for Blacks in Memphis
The combination of growing foreclosures and rising unemployment have destroyed black wealth and income and erased two decades of slow progress.

intr.v., -ished, -ish·ing, -ish·es.
    1. To pass out of sight, especially quickly; disappear. See synonyms at disappear.
    2. To pass out of existence.
  1. Mathematics. To become zero. Used of a function or variable.

[Middle English vanisshen, alteration of Old French esvanir, esvaniss-, from Vulgar Latin *exvanīre, alteration of Latin ēvānēscere : ē-, ex-, ex- + vānēscere, to vanish (from vānus, empty).]

vanisher van'ish·er n.
vanishingly van'ish·ing·ly adv.
vanishment van'ish·ment n.

2010年5月13日 星期四

fib/The survival of the fibbest

The survival of the fibbest
New studies suggest that lying starts young—as young as 2 years old—and that what happens in our brains when we lie is different in adults than children.

c. f. The survival of the fittest

1. World's Most Shocking Apology: Oprah to James Frey By Belinda Luscombe
After annihilating James Frey on live TV for fibbing in his memoir, Oprah tells the author of 'A Million Little Pieces' she owes him "an apology"


An insignificant or childish lie.

intr.v., fibbed, fib·bing, fibs.

To tell a fib. See synonyms at lie2.

[Perhaps from obsolete and dialectal fible-fable, nonsense, reduplication of FABLE.]

fibber fib'ber n.

2010年5月10日 星期一

when your ship comes in/when personal ship come home/in/factory ship

factory ship noun

Click to hear the UK pronunciation of this wordClick to hear the US pronunciation of this word n [C]
a large ship which has equipment for keeping the fish caught by other smaller ships fresh, usually by freezing them

when personal ship come home/in

when your ship comes in

if you talk about what you will do when your ship comes in, you mean when you are rich and successful

When my ship comes in, I'll build you a huge house in the country.

2010年5月7日 星期五

Fionn, Cyrillic alphabet, extended family

Our children started their lives with blended cultural expectations. We named Fionn Alexander after a mythological Irish hero/pagan and a Russian saint and Kirill Barney Patrick after the monk who established the Cyrillic alphabet. They spend summer holidays at our holiday cottage in Mayo [Ireland] sometimes with my extended family. This has given them a strong connection to Ireland.


一旦我和我的公司就几个可能的地点列出清单,每个家庭成员便将开始投票。我妻子是一位艺术家,对于充满挑战和刺激的环境,和我有着同样的热情。米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)刚刚打开国门,她就离开了俄罗斯,从此再也没有回头。

我 们的孩子是带着对文化融合的期许开始他们的人生的。我们以爱尔兰神话英雄/异教徒和俄罗斯圣人的名字为菲昂·亚历山大(Fionn Alexander)命名,而基里尔·巴内·帕特里克(Kirill Barney Patrick)的名字则来自创立了西里尔字母的僧侣。他们有时来我们在(爱尔兰)梅奥的度假小屋,和我们的大家庭一起过暑假。这使他们和爱尔兰之间建立 起强大的纽带。

extended family

  1. A family group that consists of parents, children, and other close relatives, often living in close proximity.
  2. A group of relatives, such as those of three generations, who live in close geographic proximity rather than under the same roof.
Gender: Masculine
Usage: Irish Irish Mythology
Pronounced: FIN, FYOON

Means "fair" or "white" in Gaelic. Fionn mac Cumhail was a legendary Irish hero who became all-wise by eating an enchanted salmon. He fought against the giant Fomors with his son Oisin and grandson Oscar.

2010年5月2日 星期日

reculer pour mieux sauter

Main Entry: re·cu·ler pour mieux sau·ter

Pronunciation: \rə-kue-lā-pür-myœ-sō-tā\
Function: foreign term
Etymology: French

: to draw back in order to make a better jump