2024年12月31日 星期二

hangout, longshot, track, parti pris.‘Hanging Out With Jimmy Carter,’ Biden Faces the Echoes of History


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Syllabification: hang·out
Pronunciation: /ˈhaNGˌout/


informal a place one frequently visits: I nursed a beer at a favorite college hangoutMore example sentences
  • In an effort to reach out to such youngsters, in 1994 members of the committee took the initiative to pay frequent visits to teen hang-outs.
  • The idea was to create a juke box for all kinds of convivial settings-from parties in parks to hang-outs on college campuses.
  • Shopping areas, schools and colleges, hang-outs and eateries may be mushrooming but where is the space to park?


IN BRIEF: n. - A photograph taken from a distance.

 parti pris
 (pär'tē prē') pronunciation
n., pl., par·tis pris (pär').
An inclination for or against something or someone that affects judgment; prejudice or bias.

[French : parti, decision, side + pris, taken.]
