German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was optimistic world leaders would reach an agreement at next month's G20 summit in London, despite signs of rifts between Europe and the United States.
The two countries have bickered about trade for years. Narendra Modi has further inflamed these irritations
Referendum Inflames Concerns Over Turkey's Grip in Germany
German officials believe that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose power could be expanded by a vote on Sunday, is using a decades-old arrangement between the countries to spy on opponents.
Abdul Majeed for The New York Times
Taliban Exploit Rift in Pakistan Enclave
In the area around Parachinar, the Taliban have inflamed a long-running sectarian conflict between Sunnis and Shiites that has left the town under siege.
Slavic Rivals Embroiled in Church Rift
By ANNE BARNARD Ukraine’s attempt to split its Orthodox church from Russia’s is the latest round in an increasingly fraught tug of war over history, identity and power.
By ANNE BARNARD Ukraine’s attempt to split its Orthodox church from Russia’s is the latest round in an increasingly fraught tug of war over history, identity and power.
Crisis in Gaza Imperils 2-State Plan
With every image of the dead inflaming the Arab world, officials in Egypt and Jordan are worried that the so-called two-state solution is slipping away.
US, Poland Sign Deal to Station Missiles in Europe
Poland and the United States signed a deal Wednesday to set up a missile
defense base on Polish soil, part of a planned US system in eastern Europe
that has inflamed tensions with Russia.
The DW-WORLD Article
verb [T]
to cause or increase very strong feelings such as anger or excitement:
Reducing the number of staff is certain to inflame the already angry medical profession.
Pictures of the bombed and burning city inflamed feelings/passions further.
See also inflammatory.imperil
to put something or someone at risk or in danger of being harmed or destroyed:
A police raid would imperil the lives of the hostages.
━━ vt. 火をつける; 怒らせる, 感情をあおる ((with)); 充血させる, 炎症を起させる.
━━ vi. 燃え立つ; 怒る; 炎症を起す.
in・flamed ━━ a. 炎症を起こした; 充血した; 興奮した.

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
- 使燃燒
- 使極度激動;使憤怒[(+with)]
- 加劇;使火上加油
- 【醫】使發炎;使紅腫
vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)
- 著火,燃燒
- 激動;發怒
- 【醫】發炎;變紅腫
noun [C]
1 a large crack in the ground or in rock:
The stream had cut a deep rift in the rock.
2 a serious disagreement which separates two people who have been friends and stops their friendship continuing:
The marriage caused a rift between the brothers and they didn't speak to each other for ten years.
causing or having extreme worry or anxiety:
This is one of the most fraught weekends of the year for the security forces.
The atmosphere in the office is rather fraught.
noun [C usually singular]
a type of sport in which two teams show their strength by pulling against each other at the opposite ends of a rope, and each team tries to pull the other over a line on the ground
fire up
1. Inflame with enthusiasm, anger, or another strong emotion, as in Her speech fired up the crowd in favor of her proposals.
This expression dates from the early 1800s, when it referred literally to starting a fire in a furnace or boiler; its figurative use dates from the late 1800s.
2. Light a pipe, cigar, or cigarette, as in Do you mind if I fire up? [Late 1800s] A more common term, however, is light up, def. 2.
3. Start the ignition of an engine, as in Whenever he tried to fire up the motor, it stalled. [Mid-1900s]
(HC 4. Phoenix Technologies is launching an ambitious campaign to improve laptop functions, including the ability to fire up software in seconds.)
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. More from Idioms
The verb fire up has 2 meanings: Meaning #1: arouse or excite feelings and passions
Synonyms: inflame, stir up, wake, ignite, heat
Meaning #2: begin to smoke
Synonyms: light up, light
WordNet information about fire up
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