v., -slapped, -slap·ping, -slaps. v.intr.
To demonstrate effusive goodwill.
To demonstrate effusive goodwill toward (another or others).
backslapper back'slap'per n.
Notes of a word-watcher, Hanching Chung. A first port of call for English learning.
Video: A Day in the Life of a Piano Mover
Being a piano mover in New York City involves a host of special talents. Bill Hennessy, the owner of Keyboard Express, explains why the biggest keys to moving a nine-foot concert grand are quick thinking and parking skills.
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WWI Flying Ace |
Well-known Chinese-Americans, along with the heads of Microsoft, Boeing, Goldman Sachs and Walt Disney, joined President Obama and President Hu Jintao of China.
For China's wealthy, taking three overseas vacations a year and keeping three cars in the garage is nothing to get excited about.
A survey by Hurun Research Institute found that many of the so-called "Qianwan Fuhao," a Chinese term referring to people with personal wealth in excess of 10 million yuan (around 126 million yen, or $1.52 million), had made their fortunes through real estate and stock market investments.
Their average age is 39, and average annual personal consumption is 1.9 million yuan (around 24 million yen), more than 60 times the average yearly income of workers in Chinese cities.
The Qianwan Fuhao own an average of 3.3 cars, and take 15 vacation days a year, which many said they spend going on vacations, playing golf and reading. They take vacations overseas an average of 2.9 times a year, enjoy wine and whisky, and 60 percent are non-smokers.
Their favorite overseas travel destination is France, followed by the United States and Australia, with Japan coming in fourth. Patek Philippe watches and Cartier jewelry are among their favorite brands.
They also tend to be bullish about the prospects for the Chinese economy over the next two years, with 54 percent responding that they are "extremely confident." Many are putting money into manufacturing ventures, while buying real estate remains popular.
The survey was carried out by Hurun, a privately owned Chinese firm, between April and November 2010. Interviews were conducted with 401 individuals with personal fortunes of 10 million yuan or more. Of the total, 45 had wealth in excess of 100 million yuan, and their average age was 43.
A pâtisserie is the type of French bakery that specializes in pastries and sweets. In France, it is a legally controlled title that may only be used by bakeries that employ a licensed maître pâtissier (master pastry chef).
In France, the pâtissier is a pastry chef who has completed a lengthy training process, typically an apprenticeship, and passed a written examination.[1] Often found in partnership with a boulangerie, pâtisseries are a common sight in towns and villages in France.
presence :臨在;鑒臨;親在:指兩存有物某種程度的互相滲透。造物主天主臨在於宇宙,尤其與我們人類同在,包括基督親臨信徒中,尤指基督親在聖體聖事中。
presence at Mass :參與彌撒;與祭。
presence of God :天主的鑒臨;天主的臨在:無所不在的天主,此時此刻就在我們面前,善人的靈魂是天主的聖殿。
Presentation of Mary :獻聖母于聖殿(主堂);聖母奉獻日紀念:根據偽經 Apocrypha 記載,瑪利亞幼年時,其父母將她獻於聖殿;教會早在第六世紀就慶祝此節日。曾一度被取消,十六世紀又恢復,在十一月廿一日慶祝。
Presentation of the Lord :聖母獻耶穌于聖殿(主堂):慶日在二月二日。
[Originally a gambling term referring to the fact that a gambler whose hands were above the board or gaming table could not engage in trickery, such as changing cards, below the table.]