Hazard: The iron can overheat and cause a fire because of a wiring issue, posing a risk of burn injury to consumers.

[名] 1 [U]《化学》鉄(記号:Fe). ▼英語ではironとsteel(鋼鉄, はがね)を区別する;比喩表現ではironが多くsteelはあまり用いない Strike while the iron is hot.
((ことわざ)) 鉄は熱いうちに打て;好機を逃すな.
2 [U](鉄のように)堅く強いもの, 不屈のもの;冷たい[無情]なもの;強さ, 堅さ have a will of iron
a man of iron
(as) hard as iron
3 鉄製の器具[武器, 家庭用品];(鉄以外の)金属製工具;かんなの刃;(捕鯨用の)もり fire irons
4 アイロン, こて, 火のし;焼き印[金].
5 《ゴルフ》アイアン:金属製ヘッドのついたクラブ. ⇒WOOD 6 ((俗))小型ピストル.
7 [U](栄養素としての)鉄分;《医学》鉄剤, 含鉄剤.
8 ((〜s))((主に文))手かせ, 足かせ;あぶみ;(O脚矯正などの)鉄製サポート, 下肢矯正器.
have many [several, etc. ] irons in the fire
(1つでも当たればよいと考えて)一度に多く[いくつか]の仕事に手を出す, 一度に多く[いくつか]の手を使う, ふたまたをかける. in irons
(1) 〈帆船が〉金縛りの状態になって.(2) 〈引き船が〉動きがとれない.(3) ⇒[名]8 pump iron ((略式))(ウェートトレーニングで)バーベルを持ち上げる.
Barnes' Notes on the BibleWhose feet they hurt with fetters - In Genesis 40:3; it is said of Joseph that he was "bound" in prison. It is not improbable that his "feet" were bound, as this is the usual way of confining prisoners.
He was laid in iron - In the prison. The margin is, "his soul came into iron." The version in the Prayer-Book of the Episcopal Church is, the iron entered into his soul. This is a more striking and beautiful rendering, though it may be doubted whether the Hebrew will permit it. DeWette renders it, "In iron lay his body."
The iron entered into his soul.
(とらわれの身で)非常な苦悩を味わった.▼《聖書》詩編105:18のヘブライ語の誤訳から生じたもので, 原文はHis person entered into the iron.17在他們以前衪將一人遣去,就是那被出賣為奴隸的若瑟。
1 鉄(製)の.
2 鉄に似た, 不屈の, きびしい, 冷酷な an iron will
the iron laws of nature
3 確固とした, ゆるがない an iron alibi
4 強健な, がん強な, じょうぶな iron health
5 しっかり結んだ, がっちり握った with an iron grip
6 不快な, 耳ざわりな〈音調・音色〉.
7 鉄器の.
1 〈人が〉…にアイロンをかける Could you iron my trousers for me?
2 …に鉄をかぶせる, 鉄を打つ, …を装甲する;《金工》…をしごき加工する.
3 …に手[足]かせをかける.
━━(自)〈人が〉アイロンをかける;〈布などが〉アイロンがかかる Cotton shirts iron well.
iron ... out/iron out ...
((略式))(1) 〈衣服などに〉アイロンをかける, プレスする.(2) [iron out ...](衣服などの)〈しわを〉アイロンでとる((in ...)).(3) 〈事を〉円滑にする;〈困難や意見の相違を〉(話し合って)ならす, 解決する This problem will iron itself out.
n.- (Symbol Fe) A silvery-white, lustrous, malleable, ductile, magnetic or magnetizable, metallic element occurring abundantly in combined forms, notably in hematite, limonite, magnetite, and taconite, and used alloyed in a wide range of important structural materials. Atomic number 26; atomic weight 55.845; melting point 1,535°C; boiling point 2,750°C; specific gravity 7.874 (at 20°C); valence 2, 3, 4, 6.
- An implement made of iron alloy or similar metal, especially a bar heated for use in branding, curling hair, or cauterizing.
- Great hardness or strength; firmness: a will of iron.
- Sports. Any of a series of golf clubs having a bladelike metal head and numbered from one to nine in order of increasing loft.
- A metal appliance with a handle and a weighted flat bottom, used when heated to press wrinkles from fabric.
- A harpoon.
- irons Fetters; shackles.
- A tonic, pill, or other medication containing iron and taken as a dietary supplement.
adj.- Made of or containing iron: iron bars; an iron alloy.
- Strong, healthy, and capable of great endurance: an iron constitution.
- Inflexible; unyielding: iron resolve.
- Holding tightly; very firm: has an iron grip.
v.tr.- To press and smooth with a heated iron: iron clothes.
- To remove (creases) by pressing.
- To put into irons; fetter.
- To fit or clad with iron.
v.intr.To iron clothes.
phrasal verb:iron out
- To settle through discussion or compromise; work out.
idioms:in irons Nautical.
- Lying head to the wind and unable to turn either way.
iron in the fire- An undertaking or project in progress: has many irons in the fire this year.
[Middle English iren, from Old English īren.]