2025年1月31日 星期五

fiddly, to bag, sight-read, partita. Crop breeding remains a fiddly business. Most Black Friday shoppers bagged their deals online this year, with record spending

fiddly choice 
Today, when I feel the need for a “tune up,” I usually reach for Bach. Try to practice a movement of one of the Sonatas or Partitas—it’s pure therapy for your brain and fingers. I also like to sight read—I find this wakes up one’s senses, like a good espresso.

When it comes to fiscal policy, Trump is not interested, while Clinton, for once, not scrutinised. America would be best-served by a rigorous contest of economic ideas. It is not getting that

The BBC's Jon Sopel bags a seat on President Obama's flight.
*features special M&Ms and James Bond! 

Sometimes her policies are fiddly. Be bold, be ambitious, Hillary

plural noun: partitas
  1. a suite, typically for a solo instrument or chamber ensemble.
    "unaccompanied violin partitas"

  1. read and perform (music) from sheet music, without preparation.
    "by the time he was seven, Mozart could sight-read anything he was given"


Succeed in killing or catching (an animal):Mike bagged nineteen cod
2.1Succeed in securing (something):we’ve bagged three awards for excellenceget there early to bag a seat in the front row

  1. complicated or detailed and awkward to do or use.
    "replacing the battery is fiddly"

sticking around. Is sticking around always worth the risk?Bill Gates’s Biggest Regret: Letting an Old Love Slip Away


Bill Gates recently described his divorce from Melinda French Gates as a painful “mistake.” As he’s learned, you can’t put a price on a relationship that’s seen you through it all. But our dating columnist wonders: Is sticking around always worth the risk?
Bill Gates’s Biggest Regret: Letting an Old Love Slip Away
Bill Gates’s Biggest Regret: Letting an Old Love Slip Away
to stay somewhere and wait for someone or for something to happen: You go ahead – I'll stick around until Candice shows up.

STICK AROUND | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

around, round, workaround, But there are workarounds. round up, to halt 'vaccine-and-testing package'. forcing the government to find workarounds.

Kremlin Chokes YouTube Service, but Russians Find Ways Around It

Moscow is crippling the video site, internet experts say, pushing some people to alternatives that offer Kremlin propaganda. But there are workarounds.

An omicron surge is quickly overtaking the country’s health-care resources and forcing the government to find workarounds.

Japan’s So Overloaded by Omicron It’s Starting to Confirm Cases Without Testing

Japan to halt 'vaccine-and-testing package' as omicron spreads
The Japan Times
Japan will halt implementation of its so-called vaccine-and-testing package, a government system combining COVID-19 vaccinations and testing in a ...

China rounds up members of doomsday cult
Washington Post
BEIJING—Police across China are rounding up members of a quasi-Christian doomsday cult who have been preaching the end of the world and urging people to launch a “decisive battle” to slay the “big red dragon” of the Communist party. Scores and ...

 Japan Voters Sweep In New Leader
Japanese voters decided Sunday to take a high-stakes gamble on a new prime minister who is vowing a sharp shift in economic and foreign policy, hoping his leadership can do better to pull the country out of its long slump and fend off security threats from around Asia.

A workaround
is a bypass of a recognized problem in a system. A workaround is typically a temporary fix that implies that a genuine solution to the problem is needed. Frequently workarounds are as creative as true solutions, involving outside the box thinking in their creation.
Typically they are considered brittle in that they will not respond well to further pressure from a system beyond the original design. In implementing a workaround it is important to flag the change so as to later implement a proper solution.

Egypt Islamists Expect Constitution Victory
The Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt declared a narrow victory in the first round of a hotly contested constitutional referendum, even as activists' reports of fraud and calls for a rerun renewed the nation's political impasse.

round ... up

round ... up/round up ...
(1) 〈牛・羊などを〉かり集める;〈人・物を〉寄せ集める;〈金を〉かき集める;〈犯罪者を〉一斉検挙する.
(2) 〈金額・数の〉端数を切り上げる.
(3) 〈ニュースを〉要約[総括]する.


a • round

all around, have been around, See you around!, (全4件)
1 取り囲むように, 四方に, 周辺[周囲]に;((数詞と共に))周囲が…の
People crowded around to look at the wrecked car.
The trunk grows larger around.
2 あちこちに, ほうぼう, 次々に
show a person around
Please pass the peanuts around.
3 回転して, ぐるぐると;ぐるりと向きを変えて
turn around
At the threat of arrest, the witness came around and testified.
逮捕すると脅され, その証人は考えを変えて証言した.
4 意識を回復して
bring a person around
5 ((主に米))(人が)生きていて, 存在して, 働いて, 活動して, 動き回って;流行して;出回って
be up and around
textbooks which have been around since the beginning of this century
6 (自分の)近くで[に], どこかその辺で[に];このあたりでは
He's never around when you need him.
I hope it isn't fluthey say there's a lot of it around.
流感じゃないといいけど. このあたりではやってるって言うから
There aren't many around.
7 (言わないでもわかる)ある場所へ
invite him to come around for supper
8 初めから終わりまで
mild all the year around
9 ぼんやりと, ぶらぶらと, 所在なげに, だらだら, のらくら.
10 ((形容詞の最上級+名詞+around))現存する(うちで).
all around
あたり一帯に, (周りを)ぐるっと;周りのみんなに
shake hands all around
have been around
(1) ⇒[副]5
(2) 経験豊かである;世慣れている, 世間ずれしている
I have not been around much.
See you around!
じゃ, また.
1 …の周りに, を取り巻いて
sit around the fire
measure 40 inches around the bust
(⇒図A) patrol around the house
(⇒図B) get around the tree
(⇒図C) To get to B from A, you have to go half around the pond.
2 …のあちこちを
show a person around the park
3 ((主に米略式))およそ…, 約…(about)
around seven o'clock
4 …を曲がった所に
the bank around the next corner
5 〈人〉と親しくしている, を取り巻く
the men around the President
6 …に基礎を置いて, 基づいて.
7 〈困難など〉を切り抜けて, を避けて
find a way around the difficulty
be around and about ...
[語法]aroundとround―英国ではaroundは位置としての周囲を表し, 周囲を回る運動を表すにはroundを用いることが多い. 米国ではこの区別はなく, 一様にaroundを用いる傾向が強い. 最近は英国でも同様の傾向が見られる.