2011年12月29日 星期四

De Gustibus: drip-drip-drip , a drip

De Gustibus: Loving Coffee Without Being a Drip

de gustibus non est disputandum There is no disputing about tastes.

Gingrich Pushes to Show Nice-Guy Side

Newt Gingrich is using niceness as a kind of last defense against a shelling of attack ads, opponents’ ridicule and a drip-drip-drip of tough news coverage.


[名](連続的な)したたり, 雨だれ.

v., dripped, drip·ping, drips. v.intr.
  1. To fall in drops: Water is dripping from that leaky faucet.
  2. To shed drops: an umbrella that is dripping all over the floor.
  3. To ooze or be saturated with or as if with liquid: a speech that dripped with sarcasm.
To let fall in or as if in drops: a brush dripping paint; a speech that dripped invective.

  1. The process of forming and falling in drops.
    1. Liquid or moisture that falls in drops.
    2. A slight intermittent flow or leak: fixed the drip in the faucet.
  2. The sound made by liquid falling in drops: listened to the steady drip of the rain.
  3. A projection on a cornice or sill from which rainwater can drip, protecting the wall below.
  4. Slang. A tiresome or annoying person.
[Middle English drippen.]

behind,well behind, in the dust

Gold Left Some Investors in the Dust
Gold is up more than 11% this year but shares of gold miners have fallen almost 16%, and that has hurt some of the biggest names on Wall Street.

Apple's Chinese partner says it has sold more than 100,000 of the iconic smartphones, but the figure still puts iPhone sales there well behind other big markets.


in the dust

  1. Far behind, as in a race or competition: a marketing strategy that left our competitors in the dust.

Type: Public
On the web: http://www.dupont.com
Employees: 60,000
Employee growth: 0.0%

E. I. du Pont de Nemours wants to cover your house, feed your crops, and coat your car. The #3 US chemical maker (behind Dow and ExxonMobil Chemicals) operates through five business units. These segments produce coatings (automotive finishes and coatings), crop protection chemicals and genetically modified seeds, electronic materials (LCDs, sensors, and fluorochemicals), polymers and resins for packaging and other uses, and safety and security materials (under brand names like Tyvek, Kevlar, and Corian). In this decade, the company has slimmed down, exiting the pharmaceutical business and spinning off its fibers operations, and DuPont is now focusing on biotechnology and safety and protection.

The Gulf War temporarily drove up oil prices and refinery margins, leading to profits of over $1 billion for Conoco in 1990. But a worldwide recession was hurting most of the rest of the company. Profits for 1991 fell to $1.4 billion on sales of $38.7 billion, down from sales of $40 billion in 1990. The firm's electronics products had garnered little prestige within the industry and had fallen well behind earlier projections. Consequently, DuPont began pulling back, beginning by selling an electronic connectors business with $400 million in annual sales. DuPont also took a step back from pharmaceuticals, putting that division into a joint venture with Merck & Co.

2011年12月25日 星期日

cascade of mistakes, cascading crisis

漫畫來源: Ted Goff

Fed Details New Bank Rules
The biggest U.S. banks will be required to limit their financial ties to one another under new proposed rules aimed at preventing the collapse of one big institution from triggering a larger, cascading crisis

cascáde effèct[cascáde effèct]



  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[kæskéid]

1 (急な)小滝;段々滝. ⇒CATARACT 1
2 滝状のレース飾り;(滝のように)なだれかかるもの;しだれかかる髪.
3 (キクなどの)懸崖(けんがい)作り.
4 《化学》カスケード:液体を流すために段階的に並べた容器.
5 [C][U]《電気》縦続;(蓄電池の)直列.
6 《経営》(職階別による情報の)段階的伝達[接続].
1 (…を)滝となって[のように]落ちる, なだれ落ちる((down/over ...)).
2 《コンピュータ》〈ウインドウが〉何枚も重なって表示される.
1 …をどっと落とす.
2 《電気》…を縦続接続する.
3 〈作業を〉段階的に行う.
[フランス語←イタリア語cascata (cascare落ちる+-ata過去分詞語尾=落とされるもの). ラテン語cadere(落ちる)と同系. △CASE1

2011年12月24日 星期六

anterior, posterior. “We famously apologize for any inconvenience.” An e-mail from the airline.

“We famously apologize for any inconvenience.” An e-mail from the airline.

House Republican to Apologize for Mocking First Lady's Figure

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner was overheard saying that Michelle Obama has a "large posterior."


  1. Placed before or in front.
  2. Occurring before in time; earlier.
  3. Anatomy.
    1. Located near or toward the head in lower animals.
    2. Located on or near the front of the body in higher animals.
    3. Located on or near the front of an organ or on the ventral surface of the body in humans.
  4. Botany. In front of and facing away from the axis or stem.

[Latin, comparative of ante, before.]

anteriority an·te'ri·or'i·ty (-ôr'ĭ-tē, -ŏr'-) n.
anteriorly an·te'ri·or·ly adv.


(pŏ-stîr'ē-ər, pō-) pronunciation
  1. Located behind a part or toward the rear of a structure.
  2. Relating to the caudal end of the body in quadrupeds or the dorsal side in humans and other primates.
  3. Botany. Next to or facing the main stem or axis.
  4. Coming after in order; following.
  5. Following in time; subsequent.
The buttocks.

[Latin, comparative of posterus, coming after, from post, afterward.]

posteriorly pos·te'ri·or·ly adv.


1 ((限定))後ろの(⇔anterior). ⇒BACK1[類語]
2 (順序・時間的に)(…より)あとの, あとにくる(⇔prior)((to ...)).
3 (体の)後端の, 尾部の;《解剖学》(人間の)背部の.
4 《植物》後面の, 茎の主軸に近い.
━━[名]((しばしば〜s))((おどけて))臀(でん)部, 尻(しり).
[副]次に, あとに;背部に.

2011年12月23日 星期五

on the table, peeler

Yahoo Has Alibaba Plan on Table
Yahoo is discussing a plan to cut its stake in Alibaba and Yahoo Japan as part of a transaction valued at between $17 billion and $18 billion.

on the table

  1. Up for discussion: Her new offer is on the table.
  2. Put aside for consideration at a later date.

  1. One that peels, especially a kitchen implement for peeling the rinds or skins from fruits or vegetables.
  2. One that can be readily peeled, especially a crab that is about to molt.
  3. Slang. A stripteaser.

peel·er2 ('lər) pronunciation
n. Chiefly British
A police officer.

[After Sir Robert PEEL.]

2011年12月22日 星期四

come by, come about/ come to pass

Gold, God and forgiveness

Two exhibitions of 15th-century painting highlight what drove the Renaissance

DO BANKERS inevitably go to hell? What many people today merely hope will come to pass was for Christians in the early 1400s a matter of faith.

He sheepishly admits that he’s the man who ruined Rao’s, the tiny Italian restaurant in East Harlem where tables have always been hard to come by. After Mr. Epstein published “Rao’s Cookbook,” by Frank Pellegrino, an owner of the restaurant, and it became a best seller, the place was swamped and its vibe changed.

come about

1. Also, come to pass. Happen, take place, as in How did this quarrel come about? or When did this new development come to pass? Shakespeare used the first term, first recorded in 1315, in Hamlet (5:2): "How these things came about." The variant, dating from the late 1400s, appears often in the Bible, as in, "And it came to pass ... that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus" (Luke 2:1).
2. Also, go about. In sailing, to change tack (direction), as in It's important to duck under the boom when we come about. [Mid-1500s]

come by

1. Acquire, obtain, as in A good assistant is hard to come by. This usage, dating from about 1600, superseded the earlier sense of acquiring something with considerable effort. A variant is come by honestly, meaning "to obtain in some honorable or logical way." For example, I'm sure she didn't come by that large bonus honestly or He does have an unusual gait but he came by it honestly; his father's is the same.
2. Stop in, visit, as in Please come by whenever you're in the neighborhood. [Late 1800s]

blow up, blow off, suuuuuupeeer kawaaaiiiiiiii, CoCoNatch

Yale Prof Defends James Franco's Academic Reputation

Says he finds it hard to believe claims by an ex-NYU professor that the actor routinely blew off class.

機器人收電郵 隨內容起舞

〔特約記者鄭曉蘭/綜合報導〕日本由年輕學子所組成的研究團隊,正在研發一款搭配電腦、 手機乃至於微網誌「推特」(Twitter)使用的溝通機器人「Coconatch」。該款手掌大小的機器人不僅外型亮眼可愛,接收到推特或電郵等訊息 時,還會以不同色彩光線、搖晃模式或聲音等表現訊息內容情感,若以手掌揉搓機器人,它還會以簡單句子代為回覆訊息。Coconatch預計今年秋天上市, 業者希望該款機器人能夠成為年輕女性傳送或接收電子訊息的最佳伙伴。

據日本「產經新聞」報導,日本東京大學、早稻田大學研究生及機器人創投 企業「YUKAI工學」,在大阪大學機器人工學教授石黑浩指導下,研發出能夠輔助人際日常溝通的機器人Coconatch。Coconatch能在連接電 腦的情況下,接收各種文字訊息。例如,若使用者友人以電腦或手機傳送訊息「生日快樂」,Coconatch會以閃光、搖晃通知使用者,同時還能直接唸出 「生日快樂」等簡單句子。若該名友人也使用Coconatch,使用者只要以手掌揉搓機器人,選擇想要回覆的訊息內容,該友人的Coconatch也會以 同樣方式通知接收訊息,並直接唸出「謝謝」等回覆句子。

當Coconatch接收到較為複雜的訊息內容時,也能根據訊息表情符號或關鍵字, 分析訊息情感,並以不同光線或搖晃加以表達。像是以紅色閃光表現憤怒、輕微顫抖表現恐懼等。若搭配時下最流行的微網誌「推特」使用,透過 Coconatch將文字轉換成各種情緒後,電腦的人際溝通也能充滿生命力。

研發團隊表示,年輕女性的接受度可說是機器人普及的首道難關, 研發Coconatch就是希望年輕女性能讓機器人走進她們的生活。該團隊指導教授,同時也是日本著名擬真機器人研發學者石黑浩則說:「當初也沒人料到 『電子雞』(Tamagotchi)或『推特』會風靡一時,Coconatch也很有可能創造另一波新潮流。」

M.I.S.S. Techcessories: CoCoNatch, the Cutest Twitter Accessory Ever

Want some wiggling jellybeans to go along with your tweets?

Want some wiggling jellybeans to go along with your tweets?

Everyone knows by now that anything that comes from Japan is either going to be a) a giant, transforming robot or b) suuuuuupeeer kawaaaiiiiiiii. The CoCoNatch falls into the latter category. Currently being developed by students from both the University of Tokyo and Waseda University, the CoCoNatch is a communication robot that lights up and convulses whenever a new message hits your Twitter feed. It connects to your computer via USB, and will display different colors depending on the context of the new tweet. Gently massaging CoCoNatch will allow you to respond to the message, and 20 different phrases can be recorded and played back when appropriate. As for the design, the confused jellybean look is meant to appeal to people who would otherwise avoid robots altogether. Good idea, since most robots are known to either blow stuff up or marry off couples.

At the moment, the plan is to start selling them in the fall for around $45 a piece.

blow off
1. Vent one's strong feelings; see blow off steam.
2. Disregard, ignore; evade something important. For example, If you blow off your homework, you're bound to run into trouble on the exam. [Slang; second half of 1900s]
3. Overcome, defeat easily, as in With Rob pitching, we'll have no trouble blowing off the opposing team. [Slang; 1950s] Also see blow away, def. 2.
4. Ignore, abandon, refuse to take part. For example, The college is blowing off our request for a new student center. [Slang; mid-1900s]

blow up

1. [scientific computation] To become unstable. Suggests that the computation is diverging so rapidly that it will soon overflow or at least go nonlinear.

2. Syn. blow out.

2011年12月19日 星期一

regular and irregularity, parameters of lèse-majesté,

parameters of lèse-majesté

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has pledged up to 20 billion euros of Russian investment to bolster the eurozone. But irregularities during recent elections in Russia were also on the agenda of an EU-Russia summit.

Ahmadinejad wins re-election but Mousavi supporters cry foul

Opposition supporters clash with police after President Ahmadinejad resoundingly won the hotly contested election. His rival Mousavi has alleged widespread irregularities in the polls.

美國表示,華府拒絕接受伊朗強硬派總統「艾馬丹加」勝選連任的結果,並將調查傳言中的選舉舞弊。 美國國務卿「希拉蕊」表示,美國將密切注意伊朗的情勢,並像全球其他國家一樣,等候並觀察伊朗人民的決定。 就在「希拉蕊」發表談話的幾分鐘後,白宮也發表了一份簡短聲明, ...

regular and irregularity

"Tony Chen’s Cartoon Guide to Quality".

有一張指正職品管經理 regular qc manager 走了

lese maj·es·ty lèse ma·jes·té (lēz' măj'ĭ-stē) pronunciation
n., pl., lese maj·es·ties, or lèse ma·jes·tés.
  1. An offense or crime committed against the ruler or supreme power of a state.
  2. An affront to another's dignity.

[Partial translation of French lèse-majesté, from Latin (crīmen) laesae māiestātis, (the crime) of injured majesty : laesae, feminine genitive of laesus + māiestātis, genitive of māiestās, majesty.]

━━ a. 規則正しい; 一定の; 通例の; おきまりの; 〔米〕 (サイズが)並の; 整然たる, 系統立った;
(顔立ちなどが)均斉のとれた; 正式な, 正規の, 常備の; 免許のある, 本職の; 〔米〕 (党)公認の; 〔話〕 本当の, 全くの (a
~ rascal ふだつきの悪党); 〔米話〕 面白い; 【文法】規則変化の; 【数】等辺等角の; 【キリスト教】規律に縛られた;

━━ n. 正規兵; 〔米〕 忠実な党員; 正選手; (正規の)修道士; 〔話〕 正社員[職員]; 〔話〕 常連(客); 標準サイズ
((服など)); レギュラー(ガソリン).

regularity規律性、均齊性━━ n. 規則正しさ.

The quality or condition of being usual: 同義:customariness,
habitualness, normalcy, normality, ordinariness, prevalence,
routineness, usualness. See usual/unusual.

In the year since the Dannon Company introduced Activia, a line of yogurt with special live bacteria that are marketed as aiding regularity, sales in United States stores have soared well past the $100 million mark, a milestone that only a small percentage of new foods reaches each year.

記得近年前從小讀者處知道這regularity 其實指"大便定時 通暢無阻"...

irregularity 不規則性

irregularity 不規則性;不勻率
long-term irregularity 長週期不勻率;長波不勻率
irregularity control 不均勻控制;斑節控制
capacitance type regularity tester 電容式均勻度試驗機

經濟學 regularity assumption 規律性假定
經濟學 regularity condition 正規條件
會計學 irregularity 不合常規
土木工程 Index of track irregularity 軌道不正指數

生物學名詞:植物部分 irregularity 不整齊性
造船工程 cycle irregularity 迴轉不規律度
電機工程 external irregularity 外生紊亂
核能(原子能) irregularity, lattice 晶格不規則性

測量學 parameter of regularity 正規參數
計量學 profile irregularity 輪廓不規則性
計量學 lattice irregularity 晶格不規則性;點陣不規則性

pa·ram·e·ter (pə-răm'ĭ-tər) pronunciation
  1. Mathematics.
    1. A constant in an equation that varies in other equations of the same general form, especially such a constant in the equation of a curve or surface that can be varied to represent a family of curves or surfaces.
    2. One of a set of independent variables that express the coordinates of a point.
    1. One of a set of measurable factors, such as temperature and pressure, that define a system and determine its behavior and are varied in an experiment.
    2. Usage Problem. A factor that restricts what is possible or what results: "all the parameters of shelter-where people will live, what mode of housing they will choose, and how they will pay for it" (New York).
    3. A factor that determines a range of variations; a boundary: an experimental school that keeps expanding the parameters of its curriculum.
  2. Statistics. A quantity, such as a mean, that is calculated from data and describes a population.
  3. Usage Problem. A distinguishing characteristic or feature.

[New Latin parametrum, a line through the focus and parallel to the directrix of a conic : Greek para-, beside; see para-1 + Greek metron, measure; see -meter.]

parametric par'a·met'ric (păr'ə-mĕt'rĭk) or par'a·met'ri·cal adj.
parametrically par'a·met'ri·cal·ly adv.

━━ n. 【数】媒介変数, 助変数, パラメーター; 【統計】母集団特性値, 母数; ((俗に)) 要因; (普通pl.) 限界, 範囲.
parameter driven 【コンピュータ】パラメーター駆動型.
parameterized class 【コンピュータ】(オブジェクト指向で)パラメタライズド・クラス ((他のクラスのテンプレートになるクラス)).
parameter passing 【コンピュータ】パラメーター引き渡し.
par・a・met・ric ━━ a. パラメーターの.
parametric equation 【数】パラメーター方程式.

up and about, pragmatic, pragmatist

“I try to busy myself,” he said, “but from time to time in idle moments, my mind goes back to the happy days we were up and about together.” Agnostic and pragmatic in his approach to life, he spoke with something like envy of people who find strength and solace in religion. “How do I comfort myself?” he asked. “Well, I say, ‘Life is just like that.’ ”

up and about

Also, up and around; up and doing. Active again, especially after an illness or rest, as in They had her up and about just one day after surgery, or I'm so glad you're up and around; we need your help, or It's time to be up and doing. [Early 1800s]

A Pragmatist and his free spirit: the half-century romance of Hu Shih and Edith Clifford Williams - Google 圖書結果

books.google.com/books?isbn=9629963418...Susan Chan Egan, Chih-P'Ing Chou - 2009 - 香港:中文大學
周質平的中文書早問市: 胡適與韋蓮司:深情五十年 台北:聯經 1998
(ĭn'strə-mĕn'tl-ĭz'əm) pronunciation
A pragmatic theory that ideas are instruments that function as guides of action, their validity being determined by the success of the action.
[名][U]道具主義, 概念道具説:概念の価値は行動の手段としての有効性によって決まるというDeweyの考え方.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[prægmǽtik]

1 ((ほめて))実利[実用, 実際]的な.
2 《哲学》実用[実利]主義の.
3 国事の, 内政の.
4 〈人が〉多忙な;活動的な.
5 おせっかいな;口出しする;独断的な;頑固な;うぬぼれた.
━━[名]おせっかいな[独断的な, うぬぼれた]人.

2011年12月17日 星期六

top off, sound of music, the von Trapps

On Jan. 1, miles that count toward elite status are reset on most airlines; here is what you need to know to top off your frequent flier account.

36 Hours: Salzburg, Austria


The Austrian city abounds with tourists, most searching for the sound of music - be it Mozart or the von Trapps - yet some of its best offerings are its Christmas markets and taverns.

Maria von Trapp

photo from Declaration of Intention, 21 January 1944
Born Maria Augusta Kutschera
26 January 1905
Vienna, Austria-Hungary
Died 28 March 1987 (aged 82)
Morrisville, Vermont, USA
Spouse Georg Ludwig von Trapp (1880–1947) (m. 1927–1947)
Children Rosmarie von Trapp (b. 1928)[1] Eleonora von Trapp (b. 1931)
Johannes von Trapp (b. 1939)

Maria Augusta von Trapp (26 January 1905 – 28 March 1987), also known as Baroness Maria von Trapp, was the stepmother and matriarch of the Trapp Family Singers.[2][3] Her story served as the inspiration for a 1956 German film that in turn inspired the Broadway musical The Sound of Music.[4]

top off
1. Fill a container, especially when it is almost full to begin with. For example, I don't need much gas; just top off the tank, please. [First half of 1900s]
2. Finish, especially in a spectacular way, as in They topped off their trip with a visit to the White House. [First half of 1800s]

2011年12月10日 星期六

ire, stipulate, praying-wheel

Ma’s chief opponent is Tsai Ing-wen, chairwoman of the Democratic Progressive Party, which officially backs the independence of Taiwan. Tsai has raised the Beijing government’s ire for her refusal to publicly support an informal, unwritten 20-year-old agreement between the two sides stipulating that there is just “one China.”


(īr) pronunciation
Anger; wrath. See synonyms at anger.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin īra.]


(stĭp'yə-lāt') pronunciation

v., -lat·ed, -lat·ing, -lates. v.tr.
    1. To lay down as a condition of an agreement; require by contract.
    2. To specify or arrange in an agreement: stipulate a date of payment and a price.
  1. To guarantee or promise (something) in an agreement.
  1. To make an express demand or provision in an agreement.
  2. To form an agreement.

[Latin stipulārī, stipulāt-, to bargain.]

stipulator stip'u·la'tor n.

stip·u·late2 (stĭp'yə-lĭt) pronunciation
Having stipules.

藏輪=經輪=prayer wheel

經輪是刻有經文的圓筒形物,用手轉動之可以代替唸經,屬古代高科技。 (梁永安)

Revolving scriptures, a revolving stand with eight faces, representing the eight directions, each containing a portion of the sacred canon; a praying-wheel, the revolving of which brings as much merit to the operator as if he had read the whole. (RL)

2011年12月9日 星期五

give the devil his due, flex (one's) muscles

lash in the pan As Apple flexes its mobile muscles, it is changing the appearance of video on the web GIVE Steve Jobs his due. Apple’s charismatic boss is, without question, the most strategic thinker in the business. He appreciates better than anyone that ...

Kremlin flexes its muscles amid post-election protests

A heavy police presence, soldiers in the streets and imprisoned protesters.
The Kremlin is showing who's boss after disappointing results in
parliamentary elections for Putin and Medvedev's United Russia party.


flex (one's) muscles Informal.

  1. To exhibit or show off one's strength.

give the devil his due

Give credit to what is good in a disagreeable or disliked person. For example, I don't like John's views on education, but give the devil his due, he always has something important to say, or I don't like what the new management has done, but give the devil his due, sales have improved. [Late 1500s]

2011年12月8日 星期四

despiser, adherent, dissimilar

J.C. Penney, as part of a 10-year partnership, plans to introduce ministores and a revamped online presence dedicated to the Martha Stewart brand beginning in February 2013, these people said. The in-store areas will be stocked with Martha Stewart products, and will have trained employees who will provide advice and tips not dissimilar to Apple's Genius Bar concept, these people added.

'The Case for God'

Armstrong, a former nun, wants to rescue the idea of the Deity from its cultured despisers and its more literal-minded adherents alike. (Knopf, $27.95.)

ad·her·ent (ăd-hîr'ənt, -hĕr'-) pronunciation
A supporter, as of a cause or individual: a vote that pleased adherents of education reform.

  1. Sticking or holding fast.
  2. Botany. Joined but not united. Used of dissimilar parts or organs.
adherently ad·her'ent·ly adv.

(dĭ-sĭm'ə-lər) pronunciation
Unlike; different.

dissimilarly dis·sim'i·lar·ly adv.

2011年12月6日 星期二

glimmer, Amor fati, gladsome, pewter, arsenic

Arsenic in Apple Juice: A New Report Suggests Widespread Exposure

By Meredith Melnick

Apple juice and grape juice may have levels of arsenic that are high enough to increase the risk of chronic illnesses like cancer, diabetes and heart disease

A Dream Home Almost a Decade in the Making

The 3,767-square-foot house on São Miquel Island, painted Siena red and pewter, stands out among baroque churches and monotonous bungalows.

Good News! No, Really!


Glimmers from the rest of the world.


(glĭm'ər) pronunciation
  1. A dim or intermittent flicker or flash of light.
  2. A faint manifestation or indication; a trace: a glimmer of understanding.
intr.v., -mered, -mer·ing, -mers.
  1. To emit a dim, intermittent light: "The ocean glimmered on her left like an iridescent pewter bowl" (Elizabeth Adler). See synonyms at flash.
  2. To be reflected in dim, intermittent flashes: "Starlight glimmered on rusty metal" (David Drake).
  3. To appear faintly or indistinctly: Hope still glimmered in our minds.

[Middle English glimeren, to glitter, glimmer.]

  • [glímər]

1 ちらちらする光;かすかな[ぼんやりした]光, 微光. ▼gleamより弱くしかもちらちら動く光.
2 わずかなきざし
a glimmer of understanding
3 少量;(…の)気味((of ...))
not a glimmer
全然, ちっとも.
1 ちらちら[ぴかぴか]光る;かすかに光る, 微光を放つ. ⇒SHINE[類語]
2 ぼんやりと現れる, かすかに見える.

Causing or showing joy.

From Old English gloed. Ultimately from the Indo-European root ghel- (to shine) that is also the source of words such as yellow, gold, glimmer, glimpse, glass, arsenic, melancholy, and cholera

"The gladsome light of Jurisprudence." — Edward Coke; The First Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England; 1628; quoted in The Yale Book of Quotations. (© Wordsmith.org)


Amor fati is a Latin phrase coined by Nietzsche loosely translating to "love of fate" or "love of one's fate". It is used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in one's life, including suffering and loss, as good. That is, one feels that everything that happens is destiny's way of reaching its ultimate purpose, and so should be considered good. Moreover, it is characterized by an acceptance of the events or situations that occur in one's life. It is almost identical to the Jewish concept of Gam Zeh Letovah (this too is for the best - גם זה לטובה).

The phrase is used repeatedly in Nietzsche's writings and is representative of the general outlook on life he articulates in section 276 of The Gay Science, which reads,

I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things; then I shall be one of those who make things beautiful. Amor fati: let that be my love henceforth! I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse; I do not even want to accuse those who accuse. Looking away shall be my only negation. And all in all and on the whole: some day I wish to be only a Yes-sayer.

Quote from "Why I Am So Clever" in Ecce Homo, section 10[1]:

My formula for greatness in a human being is amor fati: that one wants nothing to be different, not forward, not backward, not in all eternity. Not merely bear what is necessary, still less conceal it—all idealism is mendaciousness in the face of what is necessary—but love it.

See also


  1. ^ Basic Writings of Nietzsche. trans. and ed. by Walter Kaufmann. 1967. p. 714.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[pjúːtər]

1 [U]白目(しろめ), ピューター(錫(すず)の合金);((集合的))白目製器物.
2 ((英俗))銀(貨);優勝杯;賞金.

(pyū'tər) pronunciation
  1. Any of numerous silver-gray alloys of tin with various amounts of antimony, copper, and sometimes lead, used widely for fine kitchen utensils and tableware.
  2. Pewter articles considered as a group.

[Middle English pewtre, from Old French peutre, from Vulgar Latin *peltrum.]

pewter pew'ter adj.

[名] 〔rsnik〕 [U]ヒ素(記号:As).━━[形] 〔rsénik〕 (特に五価の)ヒ素の arsenic acidヒ酸.[ペルシア語zarnīk(金色の)]含砷

[形]ヒ素の;ヒ素を含む.━━[名](殺虫剤・薬品などの)ヒ素剤, ヒ素化合物.

sinusitis, course of action, macular degeneration.

We ask this ear, nose and throat specialist why some people regularly suffer from sinusitis and when surgery is the best course of action.

Experimental Treatments for Macular Degeneration

Dr. Stephen Rose of the Foundation Fighting Blindness responds to readers' questions about the genetics of macular degeneration.


  • 発音記号[mǽkjulə]
[名](複-lae 〔-lì〕)
1 (皮膚の)斑点(はんてん);しみ, あざ.
2 (太陽の)黒点.
3 《眼科》(角膜)白斑;(網膜)黄斑.


  • 発音記号[sàinəsáitis]


2011年12月5日 星期一

the populace, phase-out , phase-in,enter a new phase

Broad parliamentary coalition confirms phase-out of nuclear power

The opposition Greens and Social Democrats joined the governing coalition in voting to shut down all of Germany's nuclear power plants over the next 11 years, putting aside their hopes for an even earlier end date.

Both troupes tried to work to the satisfaction of the Soviet authorities, often, in the case of Goset, belittling in their satiric productions the old ways and religious traditions of the outland villages where the Jewish populace was forced to live during the repressive era of the czars.

populace Pronunciation (noun) People in general considered as a whole.
Synonyms:public, world
Usage:And every phase of his speech, eagerly listened to by the populace, called forth enthusiastic cheers for the Prince of Orange.

Introduce one stage at a time. For example, New technology must be phased in or the office will be overwhelmed. The antonym is phase out, meaning "to bring or come to an end, one stage at a time," as in The department is phasing out all the older computers. [Mid-1900s]

'We are entering a new phase': Afghan national security adviser

On Monday, Germany is set to host an international conference on Afghanistan's future. Afghan national security adviser Rangin Dadfar Spanta spoke to Deutsche Welle about his hopes for a new era in his country's history.

the populace
group noun [S] FORMAL
the ordinary people who live in a particular country or place:
Some studies show that workers in the nuclear industry are more likely than the general populace to get cancer.

hit the ground running, take a hit, off-balance

In Russian Elections, Putin's Party Takes a Hit
Apparent efforts to silence allegations of voter fraud and 16 percent dip in popularity put United Russia party off-balance.受打擊 失去平衡

"Obviously the first-class passenger is a very senior person in his company, coming a long way around the world, and probably doing something very important for his business. He requires to be able to sleep, work on his speech, perhaps take a shower upon arrival, so he can hit the ground running."
JOHN SLOSAR, the chief executive of Cathay Pacific Airways, on increasingly luxurious services in first class.

hit the ground running

Seize an opportunity; begin at full speed. For example, As soon as the front office gave its approval for the new department, we hit the ground running. The origin of this term is disputed. It may come from troops dropped into a combat zone, from stowaways jumping off a freight train as it nears the station, or from Pony Express riders avoiding delay when they changed mounts.

2011年12月4日 星期日

cozen, yokels out of unregarded

cozen (KUHZ-uhn)

verb tr.: To trick or deceive.

The origin of the word is not certain. It is perhaps from French cousiner, in the sense of one claiming to be a cousin to derive a benefit from the relationship. According to another theory, it is derived from obsolete Italian cozzonare, from Italian cozzone (horse trader), from Latin cocio (dealer). The word cousin is also slang for someone gullible.

"Hobart began his career in art by cozening yokels out of unregarded treasures." — Rhoda Koenig; Kicking A Dead Horse; The Independent (London, UK); Sep 12, 2008.

yo·kel ('kəl) pronunciation

A rustic; a bumpkin.

[Origin unknown.]

IN BRIEF: An uneducated country person.

pronunciation Even though many people considered him a yokel, he had many good ideas to share about how to survive when the big storm hit.

yokel president...

bifurcate, equilibrium , disequilibrium

The river bifurcated as it reached the ocean.

To make any sense of this discussion, we have to think first about the world-systemic context within which an agenda of any kind can be constructed. I have been arguing in many recent articles and books that the capitalist world-economy, our modern world-system, is in a systemic crisis, by which I mean something that is quite different from one of its repeated economic downturns or stagnations that are a built-in feature of the way it functions, or the kinds of processes that allow for the emergence of new hegemonic powers.2 What I am calling a systemic crisis occurs only once in the life of a historical system. It occurs when the mechanisms that exist to bring the system back to some kind of equilibrium no longer function adequately, and the system can be seen to be moving far from equilibrium, thereby becoming “chaotic.” Chaos is here a technical term that describes a situation in which a system fluctuates wildly, erratically, and severely. At that point, the system “bifurcates” and there ensues an acute struggle over which of two alternative paths to new systemic order it might take.3

在討論任何運動議題之前,我們首先必須考量它所置身的世界體系脈絡。近年來我一再指出,當代資本主義世界經濟正面臨一個體制危機。我所說的危機,既不是那種作為資本主義運作固有特徵的循環性經濟衰退或停滯,也不是有關新的世界霸權得以崛起的過程,它在一個歷史體系的生命歷程中,通常只會發生一次:當世界體系自我均衡的內在機制失靈從而陷入「混亂 」時,它就會「一分為二」( bifurcates )同時展開兩條路線的尖銳鬥爭,一直到新的秩序取而代之為止。這種鬥爭的結果在本質上是不可預測的,換句話說,最終走向哪一條道路的機會是各佔一半。如此一來,鬥爭所涉及的就不是現行體系的存廢,而是有關哪一個類型的世界體系將取而代之的問題。

bi·fur·cate ('fər-kāt', bī-fûr'-) pronunciation

v., -cat·ed, -cat·ing, -cates. v.tr.
To divide into two parts or branches.

To separate into two parts or branches; fork.

adj. (-kāt', -kĭt)
Forked or divided into two parts or branches, as the Y-shaped styles of certain flowers.

[Medieval Latin bifurcāre, bifurcāt-, to divide, from Latin bifurcus, two-pronged : bi-, two; see bi-1 + furca, fork.]

bifurcately bi'fur·cate'ly adv.
bifurcation bi'fur·ca'tion n.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[ìːkwəlíbriəm]

[名](複〜s, -ri・a 〔-ri〕)[U]
1 つり合い, 平衡, 均衡
restore [maintain] one's equilibrium
a political equilibrium
equilibrium price
demographic equilibrium
keep both Powers in (an) equilibrium.
2 (心の)平静, 落ち着き
lose one's equilibrium
3 《化学》(反応の)平衡.

2011年12月1日 星期四

preclude, reclusive, preclusive

Hillary Clinton Arrives in Burma

The visit to the reclusive nation is the first by a U.S. secretary of state in more than 50 years.


(rĭ-klū'sĭv, -zĭv) pronunciation
  1. Seeking or preferring seclusion or isolation.
  2. Providing seclusion: a reclusive hut.
reclusively re·clu'sive·ly adv.
reclusiveness re·clu'sive·ness n.


tr.v., -clud·ed, -clud·ing, -cludes.
  1. To make impossible, as by action taken in advance; prevent. See synonyms at prevent.
  2. To exclude or prevent (someone) from a given condition or activity: Modesty precludes me from accepting the honor.

[Latin praeclūdere : prae-, pre- + claudere, to close.]

preclusion pre·clu'sion (-klū'zhən) n.
preclusive pre·clu'sive (-klū'sĭv, -zĭv) adj.a.

Shutting out; precluding, or tending to preclude; hindering. -- Pre·clu·sive·ly, adv.

preclusively pre·clu'sive·ly adv.

coastal flooding, lapping method/ Antarctic

On Dec. 1, 1959, representatives of 12 countries, including the United States, signed a treaty in Washington setting aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve, free from military activity.

As Glaciers Melt, Scientists Seek New Data on Rising Seas

From a helicopter hovering over Greenland, the oceanographer Fiammetta Straneo took measurements to determine how fast the water is melting the nearby Helheim Glacier.
Tony Cenicola/The New York Times

From a helicopter hovering over Greenland, the oceanographer Fiammetta Straneo took measurements to determine how fast the water is melting the nearby Helheim Glacier.

Researchers have been startled to see signs of rapid melting in Greenland and Antarctica, but lack enough data to precisely calculate how much coastal flooding could result.

For Cats, a Big Gulp With a Touch of the Tongue

Engineers developed a formula to determine how cats drink, a lapping method too fast for the human eye to see.

lap3 (lăp) pronunciation

v., lapped, lap·ping, laps. v.tr.
  1. To take in (a liquid or food) by lifting it with the tongue.
  2. To wash or slap against with soft liquid sounds: waves lapping the side of the boat.

a.Of or pertaining to a coast.

2011年11月30日 星期三

giving SB a break, willpower, self-discipline, self-indulgence, self-renewing

Greg Walton and Carol Dweck write in The New York Times: When people believe that willpower is fixed and limited, their willpower is easily depleted. But when people believe that willpower is self-renewing — that when you work hard, you’re energized to work more; that when you’ve resisted one temptation, you can better resist the next one — then people successfully exert more willpower. It turns out that willpower is in your head.

The research suggests that giving ourselves a break and accepting our imperfections may be the first step toward better health. People who score high on tests of self-compassion have less depression and anxiety, and tend to be happier and more optimistic. Preliminary data suggest that self-compassion can even influence how much we eat and may help some people lose weight.

This idea does seem at odds with the advice dispensed by many doctors and self-help books, which suggest that willpower and self-discipline are the keys to better health. But Kristin Neff, a pioneer in the field, says self-compassion is not to be confused with self-indulgence or lower standards.

giving s/b a break

1. Give someone a chance or special consideration. For example, She begged the professor for an extension on her term paper, saying "Please give me a break." [c. 1900] Also see get a break.
2. give me a break. Stop trying to fool or upset or bother me. For example, Don't tell me the party's been postponed again--give me a break! This interjection is usually uttered with semihumorous exasperation. [Slang; late 1900s]

or will pow·er (wĭl'pou'ər) pronunciation
The strength of will to carry out one's decisions, wishes, or plans.

2011年11月29日 星期二

doozy, annual, seiannual

'BFF,' 'Zombie Bank': Actual New Entries in the Dictionary
The New Oxford American Dictionary has released its annual list of added words, and it's a doozy. Abbreviations like BFF (best friend forever) and TTYL ...

semiannual Pronunciation (adjective) Occurring or payable twice each year.
Usage:Our semiannual family vacation to France usually occurs in December and July.

n. Slang, pl., -zies.
Something extraordinary or bizarre: "Among the delicious names taken by, or given to, minor political parties in the United States . . . are these doozies: Quids, Locofocos, Barnburners, Coodies, Hunkies, Bucktails" (Saturday Review).

[Possibly blend of DAISY and Duesenberg, a luxury car of the late 1920s and 1930s.]