Michael Appleton for The New York Times
A 1997 rule affirmed that New York’s Family Courts must be open to the public, but officers and judges are again preventing entry into courtrooms.
family court家庭裁判所. is a
court convened to decide matters and make
orders in relation to
family law, such as
custody of children. In common-law jurisdictions "family courts" are statutory creations primarily dealing with equitable matters devolved from a court of inherent jurisdiction, such as a superior court.
Case types
Case types may include:
Does not include Divorce
In the United Kingdom
Cases involving children are primarily dealt with under The Children Act 1989, amongst other statutes. Two types of scenario are covered by
The Children Act 1989: private law cases, where the applicant and respondent are usually the child's
parents; and public law cases, where the applicant is the local authority and the parents are usually respondents. There is much debate at present over whether the manner in which the law is administered generally leads to outcomes that are beneficial to the families concerned. In this context, see
fathers' rights.
If an accredited DNA tester is required the Ministry of Justice maintains a list of accredited laboratories to which to refer to. Alpha Biolaboratories based in Warrington, UK is at the top of that list
Cases involving divorce and the division of assets are primarily dealt with under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973.
Cases involving domestic violence are primarily dealt with under Part IV of the Family Law Act 1996.
See also
這一編與第一編不同之處全在詩體更自由了。這個詩體自由的趨向,我曾叫他做“詩體的釋放”(Emancipation of the poetic form)。詩體有四個部分:一是用的字,二是用的文法,三是句子的長短,四是音節。 (音節包括“韻”與“音調”等等。)音節是釋放與未釋放的詩體都該有的。如“關門閉之掩柴扉”,以音節論,有什麼毛病可指摘?姑且不論。
Usage: The word "piano" devolved from "
pianoforte." This is an example of an
ch.8, vol.3, Emma by Jane Austen
"Ay, I see what you are thinking of, the
piano fort e. What is to become of that? Very true. Poor dear Jane was talking of it just now. 'You must go,' said she. 'You and I must part. You will have no business here. Let it stay, however,' said she; 'give it house-room till Colonel Campbell comes back. I shall talk about it to him; he will settle for me; he will help me out of all my difficulties.' And to this day, I do believe, she knows not whether it was his present or his daughter's."
。可憐親愛的珍才討論過這件事。──『你一定要去,』她說。『你和我都要離開。你留在這裡沒有 用。──不過,還是讓它留在這裡,』她說;『給它找個地方擺著,等甘貝爾上校回來再說。我會跟他提這件事;他會幫我解決;他會協助我解決所有的困難。』──到 今天為止,我的確相信,她仍然不知道那是他的禮物或者是他女兒的禮物。」
- emancipation
- [名][U][C]1 (奴隷の身分・束縛・因習などからの)解放 the emancipation of women女性解放 emancipation from superstition迷信からの...
- Emancipation Proclamation
- ((the 〜))《米国史》奴隷解放宣言(1863年1月1日).
- emancipationist
- [名]解放論者, (特に)奴隷解放論者.
- emancipation
- [名][U][C]1 (奴隷の身分・束縛・因習などからの)解放 the emancipation of women女性解放 emancipation from superstition迷信からの...
- Emancipation Proclamation
- ((the 〜))《米国史》奴隷解放宣言(1863年1月1日).
- emancipationist
- [名]解放論者, (特に)奴隷解放論者.