Prince William, Kate Now Man and Wife
But Kate won't be known as Princess Catherine.
man and wife: married couple
Notes of a word-watcher, Hanching Chung. A first port of call for English learning.
It is an introduction to your first impression of something.
--胡適之先生晚年談話錄 (頁143 1961/2/20日)"…….我常說,我要是信徒,不入天主教,便入貴格會。天主教是非常嚴格的,具備各種宗教的儀式;貴格會和天主教完全不同,沒有神父,沒有任何儀式。他的教堂都是很簡單甚至破舊的房子,裏面只有木板凳,不像基督教堂那麼講究,有沙發。貴格會會員到後,便低著頭,閉起眼睛默坐,坐一個鐘頭都不說話。有時有些會員偶然站起來說幾句話,說自己得了靈感。…….."
--胡適之先生晚年談話錄 (頁258-59 1961/12/6日)
對貴格的推崇 可參考: 《哲學書簡》伏爾泰
Friends, Society of :公誼會;貴格會;教友派:為基督教派之一支,十七世紀中葉由福克斯( George Fox )成立於英國,反對形式上的宗教,注重所謂「內心之光」。
Zora and Me. By Victoria Bond and T. R. Simon. 2010. Candlewick, $16.99 (9780763643003). Gr. 5–8.
Told in the immediate first-person voice of 10-year-old Carrie, Zora Neale Hurston’s best childhood friend, each chapter in Bond and Simon’s story evokes the famous African American writer’s early years in turn-of-the-last-century Florida.
Originally a genuine report of a life-threatening fault. Now used humorously to report any kind of problem.
'Houston, we have a problem' is right up there with 'Beam me up Scotty' at the top of the spaceflight-related quotations tree. In fact, both are slight misquotations.
John Swigert, Jr. and James Lovell who, with Fred Haise Jr., made up the crew of the US's Apollo 13 moon flight, reported a problem back to their base in Houston on 14th April, 1970. 'Houston, we have a problem' is often credited to the project's leader Lovell. Actually, not only did Lovell not say the phrase, he wasn't even the first not to say it, if you see what I mean.
Swigert and then Lovell (almost) used the phrase to report a major technical fault in the electrical system of one of the Service Module's oxygen tanks:
Swigert: 'Okay, Houston, we've had a problem here.'
Duke: 'This is Houston. Say again please.'
Lovell: 'Houston, we've had a problem. We've had a main B bus undervolt.'
'Houston, we have a problem' was used later as the tagline for the 1995 film - Apollo 13. It is the dialogue of the film. edited for dramatic effect, that is now best remembered:
Uh, this is Houston. Uh, say again, please?
Houston, we have a problem. We have a main bus B undervolt.
The issue of the film brought about a renewal in the use of the line and, from then onwards, it began being used in non-spaceflight contexts. The first example of such that I can find is as the title of a none too favourable review in the Los Angles Times, July 1995, of a restaurant called Houstons:
Houston('s), we have a problem - Houston's is yet another slick corporate package, the antithesis of a mom-and-pop restaurant.
The phrase was used again, in 2001, to report the health and addiction problems of the singer Whitney Houston. More recently still, it has been called out of retirement, as "Wii have a problem", for use in stories about injuries caused by over-enthusiastic use of the Nintendo game console.
"Japan's environment-related standards are too demanding, and we are not manufacturing products that meet those standards," a company official said.
Similar experiences were heard from Chinese makers of waterworks equipment, electric products and auto parts that were attending the China Import and Export Fair, which opened in Guangzhou on Friday.
[French marquise, marquise, marquee. See marquise.]
An effort to reduce the spread of infections is showing good results and may have broad implications nationwide.
V.A. Hospital
[Middle English nupcialle, from Old French nuptial, from Latin nūptiālis, from nūptiae, wedding, from nūpta, feminine past participle of nūbere, to take a husband.]
nuptially nup'tial·ly adv.Instead, welcher/e/es may be used, which is seen to be more formal, and only common in interdependent multi-relative clauses, or as a mnemonic to German pupils to learn to distinguish das from daß (it is the first of these if you can say dieses, jenes or welches instead). The relative pronoun (文法》関係代名詞 )is never omitted in German. On the other hand, in English, the phrase
The young woman I invited for coffee yesterday is my cousin's fiancée.
completely omits the use of a relative pronoun.[Greek prōto-, from prōtos.]
[From Latin sīmia, ape, probably from sīmus, snub-nosed, from Greek sīmos.]
![]() | CE20079 領導智商 |
原文書名: Leadership IQ 作者:Murphy 譯者:張篤群 頁數:312 定價:280 ISBN:957-8396-56-2 | |
在對造就卓越領導人的因素做了長達六年的經驗研究之後,本書作者艾米特‧莫菲以研究結果為基礎建立了一套名為「領導智商」的綜合性領導計劃。艾米特‧莫菲和他的同仁研究美國及其他國家總共562家大型及小型組織的18,000名經理人,並且從這18,000名經理人當中挑選1,000多名具有卓越領導能力的領導人,然後再分析使這些人成為卓越領導人的各項因素。艾米特‧莫菲及其同仁從研究成果中歸納出評估和改善領導能力的新方法,凡是使用過這套領導能力培養計劃的組織都得到非常顯著的效果,這些組織包括IBM、通用、太平洋電話電報、全錄、麥當勞、J&J、和Chase Manhattan銀行,這些都是E.C. Murphy, Ltd. 的頗有名望的客戶。 在讀完關於其他組織運作情況的章節之後,讀者可以回過頭來看看自己的表現。 做完本書後面「領導智商自我評估試題」的各項題目之後,你將對於自己在扮演本書各重要角色時的表現有非常清楚的了解。對於你得分較差的部分本書也提供簡單 易學的領導智商培養練習實例,讀者可在書中找到許多腳本及對話範例,這些都是成功領導人的行動準則,可以幫助重新塑造你的思維方向和行為。 |
[Medieval Latin Colisēum, an amphitheater in Rome, Italy, variant of Latin Colossēum, from neuter of colossēus, gigantic, from colossus, huge statue. See colossus.]
[Latin, from Greek kolossos.]
(mechanics) The unit of acceleration in the centimeter-gram-second system, equal to 1 centimeter per second squared; commonly used in geodetic measurement. Formerly known as galileo. Symbolized Gal. gallon