2024年12月25日 星期三

check something off. Chic Hydration. leatherette. to symbolize societal anxieties writ large


In my latest review I look at an early Yukio Mishima novel from 1956 that has never been translated into English, a tale of budding-love and premature-marital-engagement amongst postwar Tokyo youth, one in which new individual romantic freedoms writ small come to symbolize societal anxieties writ large...https://nihongobookreview.wordpress.com/....../%e6%b0....../

The leatherette details of the Fujifilm Instax Square SQ40 make it an exceptionally handsome model for the category. And its square images have a classic look that is pleasingly colorful and creamy.

Read MoreThe Best Instant Camera

Easy to ferry to a nightstand or patio table, the Nude Glass Mr. & Mrs. Night Water Set tidily fits a drinking glass — decorated with a winking face — in the mouth of a matching carafe. The svelte set is made with lead-free crystal in Turkey.

Read More36 Gifts for People Who Have Everything


noun U ]
an artificial material that is made to look like leather

check something off

phrasal verb with check verb


to mark names or things on a list as correct or as having been dealt with:

writ large
very obvious
phrase [verb-link PHRASE, noun PHRASE] If you say that something is writ large, you mean that it is very obvious. [literary]
