In 1895 Taiwan had been ceded “in perpetuity” to Japan by decaying imperial China, in an effort to placate Japanese expansionism. Mr Peng’s father, the fourth generation of the family on the island, was a successful doctor and set great store by academic success.
Sebastian Modak/The New York Times
In a Year of Perpetual Motion, Moments That Stopped Time
Looking back on a whirlwind journey around the world, the 52 Places Traveler revisits the experiences that offered lessons for travel — and life.
By Sebastian Modak
'The rumours that Xi Jinping would follow Putin down the path of the perpetual president are no longer rumours.'
Central committee recommendation shocks leadership’s political rivals
Jump to The Kantian view and its descendants - The other modern plans for a perpetual peacedescend from Kant's 1795 essay, "Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch" ("Zum ewigen Frieden. Ein philosophischer Entwurf"). In this essay, Kant described his proposed peace program. Perpetual peace is arguably ...
It was also represented in the liberal internationalism of Woodrow Wilson, George Creel, and H. G. Wells. Kant's recommendations were clearly represented in the 1940s in the United Nations. Kant'sessay is a three-legged stool (besides the preliminary disarmament). Various projects for perpetual peace have relied on one ...
最近讀到兩則keep going的笑話,值得一記。
1 continuing forever in the same way:
They lived in perpetual fear of being discovered and arrested.
He has hard, cold eyes and his mouth is set in a perpetual sneer.
a perpetual student
2 frequently repeated:
perpetual vandalism
perpetually adverb
She's perpetually asking me for money.
verb [T] FORMAL
to cause something to continue:
Increasing the supply of weapons will only perpetuate the violence and anarchy.
The aim of the association is to perpetuate the skills of traditional furniture design.
noun [U] FORMAL
The lack of military action from other countries has contributed to the perpetuation of the civil war.
in perpetuity for ever
perpetual inventory system永續盤存制度
perpetual inventory system永續盤存制度﹐乃庫存管理制度的一種﹐此一制度隨時記錄庫存之增減﹐定期盤存庫存量之目的則在確保永續盤存帳之正確性。
, 健康與品質報
創刊2號 2007/12/26 主選者:鍾漢清
組織診斷要區分是根據研究的research-based change model 或是觀感。
O what to her shall be the end?
And what to me remains of good?
To her, perpetual maidenhood,
And unto me no second friend.
I began to think erotically of Alison again; of the dirty-weekend pleasures of having her in some Athens hotel bedroom; of birds in the hand being worth more than birds in the bush; and with better motives, of her loneliness, her perpetual mixed-up loneliness.
"Buenos Aires. I lived there for nearly four years, until the spring of 1919. I quarreled with my uncle Anastasios, I gave English lessons, I taught the piano. And I felt perpetually in exile from Europe. My father was never to speak or write to me again, but after a while I began to hear from my mother."

a. 永久の; (官職など)終身の; 絶え間のない; 【園芸】四季咲きの.
perpetual calendar 万年暦.
perpetual inventory 【商業】随時更新棚卸法 ((在庫の移動のたびに在庫目録を更新してゆく在庫管理法)).
per・pet・u・al・ly ━━
perpetual motion 【機】永久運動.
三省堂提供「EXCEED 英和辞典」より凡例はこちら
━━ vt. 永続させる; 不朽にする.
1. To cause to continue indefinitely; make perpetual.
2. To prolong the existence of; cause to be remembered: The new library will perpetuate its founder's great love of learning.
[Latin perpetuāre, perpetuāt-, from perpetuus, continuous. See perpetual.]
Definition: keep going
Antonyms: cease, halt, prevent, stop
「校長,那年我上台領畢業證書,我問您有何忠告。您看著我說,Keep going,繼續往前走。我畢業後,進入社會工作,碰到不如意的事,腦子一定想起您鼓勵的話,Keep going。這是我終身受用不盡的勵志格言。」他告訴我。
校長接著說,他仔細回想,依稀記得有那麼一年畢業典禮,有位學生走到他跟前,靠近他耳旁說話,眼看著台下畢業生還排長龍,等著他頒發畢業證書,馬上對這學生說了一句話,Keep going……
Paul Gray校長極短的演說,有著林語堂式迷你裙迷人的幽默,真是讓人想忘也難。」(杜杜【畢業贈言 】聯合報╱2007.07.03)
本報訊 (2007.07.08)
有人說,老一輩的愛情像火山,危險重重;新一代的愛情像火柴,稍縱即逝。但江山易改「性」難移,愛情這條路,我們都要繼續走下去,繼續「勾引」下去(keep going)。徜徉在青春艷陽下的你,抱持怎樣的愛情觀?如何看待這個挑逗人類千萬年的本能遊戲?歡迎年輕人就「新一代的情與愛」發表看法,文長150至300字,文末須附真實姓名、身分證字號、戶籍地址、通訊處和電話,缺一不可,以便刊出後寄奉稿酬。稿件請傳寄,主旨欄註明「應徵『新一代的情與愛』」,以利辨識收發。本項徵文至七月二十二日止。