The regime blames Yanqui saboteurs. Others blame the regime’s incompetence
A blackout deepens Venezuela’s woes
Lights out, but not curtains
Mr. Hurd has been trying to increase the size and strength of the company’s business information technology services division, an industry that he said is growing 6.7 percent a year. “We felt having their competency is important,” he said.
Hewlett-Packard Acquires E.D.S.
Baiting Tactic Divides Fishing Community
A fishing technique known as "yo-yoing" -- stuffing a bait fish with lead weight so it will sink to the ocean's bottom where big stripers lie -- has stirred a debate about sportsmanship in a Massachusetts fishing community.
sport (GAME) Show phonetics
1 [C] a game, competition or activity needing physical effort and skill that is played or done according to rules, for enjoyment and/or as a job:
Football, cricket and hockey are all team sports.
I enjoy winter sports like skiing and skating.
2 [U] UK all types of physical activity which people do to keep healthy or for enjoyment:
She used to do/play a lot of sport when she was younger.
3 [U] OLD-FASHIONED fun or enjoyment
1 relating to sports:
The Olympics is the biggest sporting event in the world.
2 OLD-FASHIONED showing fairness and respect towards an opposing team or player
adjective [before noun]
relating to sport:
sports equipment.
It's the school sports day on Monday.
noun [C]
1 a man who plays sport, especially well
2 someone who plays sport in a way that shows respect and fairness towards the opposing player or team:
He'll be remembered both as a brilliant footballer and as a true sportsman.
A sportscaster is a person who provides news and commentary about sports on television or radio: Describes the action of a sports event, Gives news about sports, Hosts a sports talk show, and Covers sports news as a newscaster.
Synonyms of sportscaster include sports announcer and sports commentator.
behaving in a fair and respectful way towards the opposing team or player when playing sport
noun [U]
when you behave in a fair and respectful way towards the opposing team or player when playing sport
noun [C]
someone who plays sport, especially well:
He was voted Sportsperson of the Year.
noun [C]
a woman who plays sport, especially well:
a famous/keen/talented sportswoman
1 describes someone who enjoys sport and is good at it:
Guy wasn't really the sporty type.
2 describes clothes that are bright and informal, often looking like the type of clothes that you could wear for sports
3 A sporty car is a fast low car, often for two people only.
noun [U] (ALSO competency) ━━ n. 能力, 資格; 権能[限]; 十分な資産; 【言】言語能力.
the ability to do something well:
Her competence as a teacher is unquestionable.
He reached a reasonable level of competence in his English.
NOTE: The opposite is incompetence.
able to do something well:
a competent secretary/horse-rider/cook
I wouldn't say he was brilliant but he is competent at his job.
NOTE: The opposite is incompetent.
I thought she played the role very competently.
behaving in a fair and respectful way towards the opposing team or player when playing sport
noun [U]
when you behave in a fair and respectful way towards the opposing team or player when playing sport
noun [C]
someone who plays sport, especially well:
He was voted Sportsperson of the Year.
noun [C]
a woman who plays sport, especially well:
a famous/keen/talented sportswoman
1 describes someone who enjoys sport and is good at it:
Guy wasn't really the sporty type.
2 describes clothes that are bright and informal, often looking like the type of clothes that you could wear for sports
3 A sporty car is a fast low car, often for two people only.
noun [U] (ALSO competency) ━━ n. 能力, 資格; 権能[限]; 十分な資産; 【言】言語能力.
the ability to do something well:
Her competence as a teacher is unquestionable.
He reached a reasonable level of competence in his English.
NOTE: The opposite is incompetence.
able to do something well:
a competent secretary/horse-rider/cook
I wouldn't say he was brilliant but he is competent at his job.
NOTE: The opposite is incompetent.
I thought she played the role very competently.