2024年12月29日 星期日

parcel, NASA’s New Spacesuit: It’s a Look. look the part, part and parcel, Pari passu. The Texas parcel, will be used for the company’s artificial intelligence business.

The Texas parcel, which is next to an existing Foxconn warehouse, will be used for the company’s artificial intelligence business.

Steven Spielberg says he's been hiding from his own story since he was 17. The Fabelmans is a lightly fictionalized version of his life, without raptors, sharks, or historical figures to hide behind.

 Carlos Ghosn, Japan's highest-paid corporate executive, said fat paychecks go part and parcel with rewarding talented personnel and competing with international rivals.

NASA’s New Spacesuit: It’s a Look

NASA and Axiom Space have unveiled the first major spacesuit redesign in four decades. Astronauts are getting hip.


A man in a black astronaut suit that has orange and blue accents on it poses against a black starry backdrop.
David J. Phillip/Associated Press

To help her look the part, the thirty-six-year-old Davis wore a gray wig and a "
fat suit" that added 30 pounds (14 kg).

━━ n. 部分, 一部; (本などの)部, 編; (pl.) 身体の部分; 割当てられたもの; (仕事の)分け前; 役目, 本分; (俳優の)役割, せりふ; 関係; (相対する)一方; 側 (side); (pl.) 地方; 地区; (pl.) 資質; 才能; 【楽】音[声]部, 楽章; 〔米〕 頭髪の分け目; (体の)器官; 局部; (pl.) 陰部; (機械の)部品; ((序数詞に添えて)) …分の1; ((基数詞に添えて)) (等分した)1つの部分.
for my part 私(として)は.
for the most part 大部分は; たいてい(の場合)は.
in large part ほとんど, 非常に.
in part 一部分; 幾分か.
in parts 部分に分かれて; 分冊で; 所々.
look the part その立場に合った態度[服装]をする.
on …'s part / on the part of … 人の側の.
part and parcel 重要部分 ((of)).
 An essential or basic element, as in Traveling is part and parcel of Zach's job. Used since the 15th century as a legal term, with part meaning "a portion" and parcel "something integral with a whole," this idiom began to be used more loosely from about 1800. Although both nouns have the same basic meaning, the redundancy lends emphasis.

play a part 役をする; しらばくれる, お芝居をする.
take … in good [bad] part …を善意[悪意]に取る.
take part in …に関係[参加]する.
take part with … / take the part of … / take …'s part 人に味方する, 人の肩を持つ.
━━ v. 分ける, 分かれる; (髪を)分ける; 切断する; 割れる, 裂ける; 引き離す, 別れる ((from)); 分配する; 解雇する ((with)); 手放す ((with)); 去る; 死ぬ.
part company 絶交する, 別れる ((with)); 意見を異にする ((on)).
━━ a. 部分の.
━━ ad. 一部分 (a room 〜 study, 〜 studio 書斎兼アトリエ); ある程度.

Pari passu with this, .....

Pari passu is a Latin phrase that literally means "equal footstep" or "equal footing." It is sometimes translated as "part and parcel," "hand-in-hand," "with equal force," or "moving together,"[citation needed] and by extension, "fairly," "without partiality."
In law, this term is commonly used as legal jargon. Black's Law Dictionary (8th ed., 2004) defines pari passu as "proportionally; at an equal pace; without preference."


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par·​cel ˈpär-səl 
a tract or plot of land
parcel of real estate
a wrapped bundle package
The parcel was shipped today.
a unit of salable merchandise
parcel in an auction
a company, collection, or group of persons, animals, or things lot
The whole story was a parcel of lies.
parcel of giddy young kidsMark Twain
sold his stocks by parcels
a volume of a fluid (such as air) considered as a single entity within a greater volume of the same fluid


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parceled or parcelledparceling or parcelling ˈpär-s(ə-)liŋ 

transitive verb

to divide into parts distribute 
often used with out
to make up into a parcel wrap
to cover (something, such as a rope) with strips of canvas or tape


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part and parcel


an essential or integral component
stress was part and parcel of the job

