F.D.A. Panel to Consider Food Coloring Warnings
Studies suggest a link between food dyes and hyperactivity in children.
hyperactivity 過動
Notes of a word-watcher, Hanching Chung. A first port of call for English learning.
Studies suggest a link between food dyes and hyperactivity in children.
In downturns, companies reduce the size of some products, disguising price rises and avoiding size comparisons on packages.
Workers piled sandbags and readied emergency storage tanks on Tuesday, as Prime Minister Naoto Kan said his government was in a state of “maximum alert.”
(rĕd'ē)at the ready
[Middle English redy, from Old English rǣde.]
readiness read'i·ness n.Quote:
"My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint."[Variant of CHAR3.]
[Middle English fenden, short for defenden, to defend. See defend.]
Motivated by French failures to respond quickly to the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, President Nicolas Sarkozy brought Western allies together on Libya.
San Juan La Laguna, a remote Guatemalan town with views of Lake Atitlan, hasn't been drastically reshaped by foreigners.
[r(oentgen) e(quivalent in) m(an).]
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.
這不免讓人想起學校必須嚴肅地考慮 “以外文教學作為優勢”的策略!
換句話說,除了像台灣大學等學校要求研究所畢業生: 必須通過一定的英文能力檢定,才給正式學位之外,類似東海等有”外國學生當老師”的管道的學校,應該考慮投資,要求學生具備一定的外語能力。
A head coach, senior coach or manager is a professional at training and developing athletes. They typically hold a more public profile and are paid more than other coaches. In some sports such as soccer and baseball, the head coach is usually called a manager, whilst in other sports such as Australian rules football they are generally termed a senior coach.
Other coaches are usually subordinate to the head coach, often in offensive positions or defensive positions, and occasionally proceeding down into individualized position coaches.
cross : (1) 十字架;十字。 (2) 苦難:包括生活上的種種負擔、試煉等。拉丁文為 crux 。
cross, adoration of the :朝拜十字架(苦像):尤指聖周主受難日對十字架的特殊敬禮。又稱 cross, veneration of the 。
Cross, Exaltation of the :光榮十字聖架:該慶日在九月十四日。
Cross, Finding of the True :尋獲十字聖架:紀念西元 326 年君士坦丁的母親-海倫太后在聖地尋獲耶穌被釘的十字架之事蹟。
cross, pectoral :胸前十字:教會高級神長的胸前佩帶的十字苦像。
cross, processional :遊行十字:引導遊行的十字架。
cross, profession :聖願十字:發願會士所佩帶的十字苦像。
cross, the sign of the :十字聖號。
cross, to make the sign of :畫十字;請聖號:畫十字乃信仰的宣示,多用於宗教儀式前後。通常畫十字時口念:因父,及子,及聖神之名。阿們。詳閱 Sign of the Cross, to make the 。
sign of the cross, to make the :畫(請)十字聖號;畫十字;請聖號:十字聖號表示基督徒基本信仰之記號,因為十字乃耶穌死而復活之標幟。畫十字聖號之方式如下: (1) 小聖號:用右手姆指在額頭、口唇上及胸前各畫三個小十字,其過程是:以十字聖架號-在額頭上畫十字,天主我等主-在口唇上畫十字,救我等於我仇-在胸前畫十字。彌撒中福音前畫此聖號。 (2) 大聖號:用右手由額頭至胸,再由左肩至右肩,畫一個大十字,其過程是:因父及子-用右手由額頭轉到胸口,及聖神之名-再由左肩轉到右肩,阿們。一般祈禱前後多畫此聖號。 (3) 有時大、小聖號合用,先畫小聖號,再畫大聖號。 (4) 神父祝福或降福時,面向會眾用右手畫一大十字,又稱 bless ,主教和教宗祝福時則畫三個大十字。
crown of thorns :茨冠:指耶穌受難時所戴的茨冠。
crucifix :苦像;十字架苦像;基督受難像:吾主被釘十字架的苦像。一般基督新教只有(單調的)十字架,而天主教在其上安置被釘之耶穌像。
crucifixion :釘死於十字架;在十字架上釘死: (1) 將死刑犯釘在十字架上是羅馬帝國死刑之一,多用於對付反抗之奴隸。猶太人要求把耶穌釘死在十字架上,視基督為奴隸。 (2) 耶穌在十字架上的死亡。 Crucifixion of Jesus
[Middle English crucifien, from Old French crucifier, alteration of Latin crucifīgere : crux, cruc-, cross + fīgere, to attach.]
crucifier cru'ci·fi'er n.Spotlight:
Mardi Gras |
Two powerhouse corporate law firms faced off on Thursday — but not in a courtroom.
Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom and Proskauer Rose literally faced off on an ice hockey rink in Manhattan for the fourth-annual Lawyers’ Cup contest.
There is a real cup — inscribed and all — and the victorious drink beer from it as if it were the Stanley Cup.
Term used to describe marks or lines forming a design, motif, image, or pattern of some kind that can been cut into stone, metal, bone, wood, ceramic, or other fairly soft material.
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Grammar |
[Middle English handecraft, from Old English handcræft : hand, hand + cræft, craft.]
[名]1 [U]手先の熟練.2 手工芸, 手細工;((集合的))手工芸品.