2024年12月25日 星期三

Pyrrhic victory, oriel, sharia, prevalent, speed-reading, sharia-compliant. subdued Christmas Eve

Al Rayan, Britain's biggest sharia-compliant retail bank, says one in three of its customers is non-Muslim

Boris Johnson has everything he ever wanted. It’s just that somehow, as he fought his way through booing crowds on his Islington doorstep before holding an uncharacteristically subdued press conference on Friday morning, it didn’t really look that way.”

Vote Leaves poster boy should have been crowing, so why was his…

Why Isn't 'Servant Leadership' More Prevalent?
With servant leadership, a leader's primary role is to serve employees. Everyone from Lao-Tzu to Max De Pree thinks this a wonderful model. Why then, asks Professor James Heskett, is this style so rare among CEOs?

Jim Wilson/The New York Times
A Pyrrhic Victory for Lucasfilm Foes
By NORIMITSU ONISHI 33 minutes ago
Facing opposition to a new studio in Lucas Valley, George Lucas said he would bring low-income housing there instead, inflaming wealthy neighbors in Marin County.

The Man Behind the Anti-Shariah Push

David Yerushalmi, a little-known lawyer from Brooklyn, has come to exercise a striking influence over American public discourse about Islamic law.

shariaIslamic religious law that governs not only religious rituals, but aspects of day-to-day life in Islam. Sharia, literally translated, means "the way."

There is extreme variation in how Sharia is interpreted and implemented among and within Muslim societies today. This is especially prevalent for its financial laws.

Also known as "Shariah" or "Shari'a"

Heard: Pyrrhic Victory for Fortis Shareholders

“……取得的不過是皮洛士式的勝利 …..”

That forced hedge funds and traders who had sold the shares short — a process that involves lending them out — to buy them back at astronomical prices. For a brief period, VW was the world’s most valuable company.
But, in retrospect, Porsche appears to have scored a pyrrhic victory.
Getting the last 8 to 10 percent of Volkswagen may have been what broke Porsche, according to a person familiar with its finances, who requested anonymity because it involved confidential data. Porsche appears to have paid about 6 billion euros for that batch of stock, enlarging its debt load at precisely the moment that capital markets turned reluctant to lend money.

"I took a speed-reading courseand read War and Peace in twenty minutes. It involves Russia." — Woody Allen

Thankfully, the snappier "Oriel" came soon after, coming from the oriel window in the entrance to the college.

Clore Gallery at Tate Britain, Millbank, London, 1987. Entrance with detail of green oriel window. Architects: Stirling and Wilford

Clore Gallery at Tate Britain, Millbank, London, 1987. Entrance with detail of green oriel window.  Architects: Stirling and Wilford Stock Photo - Premium Rights-Managed, Artist: Arcaid, Code: 845-03552438

That forced hedge funds and traders who had sold the shares short — a process that involves lending them out — to buy them back at astronomical prices. For a brief period, VW was the world’s most valuable company.
But, in retrospect, Porsche appears to have scored a pyrrhic victory.
Getting the last 8 to 10 percent of Volkswagen may have been what broke Porsche, according to a person familiar with its finances, who requested anonymity because it involved confidential data. Porsche appears to have paid about 6 billion euros for that batch of stock, enlarging its debt load at precisely the moment that capital markets turned reluctant to lend money.

"I took a speed-reading courseand read War and Peace in twenty minutes. It involves Russia." — Woody Allen

Islamic banking or Islamic finance (Arabic: مصرفية إسلامية‎) or sharia-compliant finance is banking or financing activity that complies with sharia (Islamic law) and its practical application through the development of Islamic economics.


Line breaks: oriel
Pronunciation: /ˈɔːrɪəl/


late Middle English: from Old French oriol 'gallery', of unknown origin; compare with medieval Latin oriolum 'upper chamber'.


o • ri • el
oriels (複数形)
[名]張り出し窓,出窓(oriel window).


Pyrrhic victory
A victory that is offset by staggering losses, as in The campaign was so divisive that even though he won the election it was a Pyrrhic victory. This expression alludes to King Pyrrhus of Epirus, who defeated the Romans at Asculum in 279 BC, but lost his best officers and many of his troops. Pyrrhus then said: "Another such victory and we are lost." In English the term was first recorded (used figuratively) in 1879.
(© Houghton Mifflin Company)

VJ (對日勝利紀念日)一甲子
今天( 2005/8/15)是二次世界大戰結束60 周年,各國紛紛舉辦紀念活動。【或稱:太平洋戰爭結束60 週年 -- 二次世界大戰約共有6 千萬人死亡 --60 周年在漢文化圈和古代兩河流域等,都是重要的機會 ………對於苦難之中國,此勝利日幾近 Pyrrhic victory……. 台灣最難過,因為它走向認同的兩難……..
日本: NHK 1050 看「全國戰沒者追悼式」,首相、天皇等在7500人前向「全國戰沒者之靈」牌位敬禮、說話。反對參拜靖國神社的百來人(?)也聚會 ……我覺得 NHK平時的節目「戰時某日」等等,遠比這些儀式更能反應其「社會生活眾生相和精神史。 我最感興趣的是,多少日本人真以為:其實,「日本國」也同所有國家一樣,只不過是個「想像的共同體」……..

Pyrrhic victory
A victory that is offset by staggering losses, as in The campaign was so divisive that even though he won the election it was a Pyrrhic victory. This expression alludes to King Pyrrhus of Epirus, who defeated the Romans at Asculum in 279 BC, but lost his best officers and many of his troops. Pyrrhus  then said: "Another such victory and we are lost." In English the term was first recorded (used figuratively) in 1879.

(© Houghton Mifflin Company)

Pyrrhic victory
大きすぎる犠牲を払って得た勝利. ▼Pyrrhus王はローマ軍に勝ったが犠牲が大きかった.
Pyrrhic victory
(pĭr'ĭk) pronunciation
A victory that is offset by staggering losses.

[After PYRRHUS.]

Pyr・rhic victory

━━ n. 多大の犠牲を払って得た勝利.

Definition of prevalent

  • widespread in a particular area or at a particular time:the social ills prevalent in society today
  • archaic predominant; powerful.




1 〈慣習・病気などが〉(…に)広く行き渡った, 流行した((among, in ...))
the prevalent belief
2 〈考えなどが〉優勢な.
3 ((古))有効な, 効果的な.
