jet pack
A Visual History of the Jet Pack
go off
(of a gun, bomb, or similar device) explode or fire.
Notes of a word-watcher, Hanching Chung. A first port of call for English learning.
serve (someone) right
Not yet two years after serving time for insider trading, Samuel Waksal is again making deals.
My replies represent unpublished material, should be
printed verbatim and in toto, and copyrighted in my name.
[Middle English dite, a literary composition, from Old French dite, from Latin dictātum, thing dictated, from neuter past participle of dictāre, to dictate.]
The programme aims to recruit thousands of native English-speakers as teaching assistants for Georgian schools. Young Georgians have already been abandoning the Russian language amid their country's continuing political dispute with Moscow, which erupted into war two years ago. Matthew Collin in Tbilisi has the details.
affright | (verb) Cause fear in. |
Synonyms: | frighten, scare |
Usage: | Ghosts could never affright her. |
[Middle English afrighten, from Old English āfyrhtan : ā-, intensive pref. + fyrhtan, to frighten (from fyrhto, fright).]
[Late Latin, from Greek onomatopoiiā, from onomatopoios, coiner of names : onoma, onomat-, name + poiein, to make.]
| |
Perhaps the most significant aspect of Ford’s renaissance has been its professed focus on quality and the bottom line. Detroit rivals previously unfamiliar with the phrase “less is more” may attribute Ford’s success to their own turmoil, but Ford is walking the walk, not just talking the talk: restrained rebates, inventory levels and fleet sales confirm it. Ford is putting out a better product and convincing customers to pay accordingly. | 福特复兴最重要的一面,或许是其宣称的对质量和利润的关注。以前不熟悉“少就是多” (less is more)这个短语的底特律竞争对手们,也许会将福特的成功归因于他们自身的混乱,但福特说到做到,而不只是光说不练:低折扣、库存水平和大宗销售证实了 这一点。福特正在生产出更好的产品,并说服客户支付相应的价格。 |
beat the rap Slang.
[Middle English rappen, possibly of imitative origin.]
[French friperie, from Old French freperie, old clothes, from felpe, frepe, from Medieval Latin faluppa, worthless material.]
[Middle English, from Latin.]
[Middle English deite, from Old French, from Late Latin deitās, divine nature, from Latin deus, god.]
de Civitate Dei(L.):論天主之城:聖思定名著。
De ea(L.):常態禮儀:教會禮儀日曆 ordo 是以救恩史為中心,按照將臨期、四旬期、復活期、常年期等四大時段安排彌撒及日課的禮儀,不妨稱之為「常態禮儀」;在此前題下,教會禮儀日曆用 De ea 代表主日及週一至週五,用 De eo 代表週六。與「常態禮儀」相對照的是「慶節禮儀」,就是若遇到天主或聖人的慶節如節日、慶日、紀念日時,教會禮儀日曆則根據實際情況,標示應該(可以或禁 止)將彌撒及日課的禮儀臨時換成該慶節的禮儀。譬如八月十五日教會禮儀日曆標示「應該」舉行聖母升天節的禮儀,則該日的「常態禮儀」應擱置一旁,而以聖母 升天節的「慶節禮儀」取而代之。
de facto(L.):事實上;根據事實。
de fide(L.):關乎信仰的。
de fide definita(L):確定當信的道理;信條:指經教宗或大公會議正式宣佈某一端(信理或道德之)奧理是由天主啟示的真理。英文稱作of defined faith。
de jure(L.):法理上;根據法理。
de jure divino(L.):來自神的規律(定)。
de jure humano(L.):來自人的規律(定)。
De Profundis(L.):自深處:指聖詠第129首的首句「我自深處向祢呼籲」;為懺悔時的祈禱文,亦用於為亡者祈禱。