Seventy-five years after Auschwitz was liberated, historians have identified around two-thirds of the camp’s Jewish victims
Just 400,000 survivors are still alive
The race to record every Jewish Holocaust victim Just 400,000 survivors are still alive
The president took particular umbrage with a culture of willful ignorance, ridiculing leaders and commentators who reject science and facts. “And yet, we’ve become confused about this,” he said.
IN BRIEF: n. - Anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found More unfamiliar, unknown, odd, or extraordinary.
No foreign sky protected me, no stranger's wing shielded my face. — Anna Akhmatova, Source: Requiem, composed mainly 1935-1940, Epigraph, composed 1961.
A significant defeat for the militants
His essay
Le Mythe de Sisyphe (1942, tr.
The Myth of Sisyphus, 1955) formulates his theory of the absurd and is the philosophical basis of his novel
L'Étranger (1942, tr.
The Stranger, 1946) and of his plays
Le Malentendu (1944, tr.
Cross Purpose, 1948) and
Caligula (1944, tr. 1948).
umbrage in Catalonia
Katrina Merrem and her husband, Noah Houghton, who started Noka three years ago in their Dallas-area apartment, took umbrage at the attack. They will not reveal the source of their chocolate, though most chocolatiers brag about that. Mr. Houghton said, "The couverture is made specially for us."
Daisy:Yes, they've really taken umbrage at the way these newcomers are behaving and the effect they're having on the village.
Andy Burnham has outlined proposals to phase out hospital parking charges for in-patients and some out-patients which he says have caused "great resentment".
Google Responds To UK MP's Critical Column
Wall Street Journal
By John Letzing Google Inc. took umbrage with a blistering criticism of the Internet giant by a Conservative member of the UK's Parliament published Monday, ...
" 現代小說作家要釋放潛意識,選用題材有「性解放」的傾向,卡繆 Camus, Albert (1913-60)寫的《異鄉人》,男主角聽到他的母親死了,他的反應是去和女朋友做愛,一時奉為經典。"
『異邦人』(仏: L'Étranger)は、アルベール・カミュの小説。1942年刊。人間社会に存在する不条理について書かれている。カミュの代表作の一つとして数えられる。カミュが46歳の若さでノーベル文学賞を受賞したのは、この作品によるところが大きいと言われる。
生活在阿爾及利亞首都阿爾及爾的 主人公莫梭收到一封來自養老院的的僕電——他的母親死了。在母親的葬禮上莫梭沒有流露出特別的感情,之後又繼續著與從前一般無二的生活,直到被捲入朋友的 麻煩事,槍殺了一個阿拉伯人。被審判的莫梭表現得滿不在乎,當被問到殺人動機時,他回答:「因為太陽太晃眼了」,期待著在人們的咒罵聲中面對行刑。
1967年在義大利被拍攝成電影。電影名為《異鄉人》。(義大利語原名:Lo straniero)
While some have taken umbrage at the idea of designing shoes for a specific ethnic group, others take this all less seriously.
take umbrage to feel upset or annoyed, usually because you feel that someone has been rude or shown a lack of respect to you:
You don't think she'll take umbrage if she isn't invited to the wedding, do you?
Take umbrage
To be displeased or offended by the actions of others.
There doesn't seem to much we can do with umbrage other than to take it, i.e. become displeased - the word is no longer used in any other context. What is umbrage exactly? It sounds like some form of distasteful patent medicine.
take umbrage to feel upset or annoyed, usually because you feel that someone has been rude or shown a lack of respect to you: 生氣
You don't think she'll take umbrage if she isn't invited to the wedding, do you?
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
It is not a surprise that an acquaintance will take umbrage at a rude remark made carelessly.----
這umbrage 注意讀音。它原拉丁是「陰影」意思,不過現在多這樣使用(字義演進可參考諸如Phrases and sayings):
umbrage noun SLIGHTLY FORMAL
um•brage (ŭm'brĭj)
1. Offense; resentment: took umbrage at their rudeness.
a. Something that affords shade.
b. Shadow or shade. See synonyms at shade.
3. A vague or indistinct indication; a hint.
[Middle English, shade, from Old French, from Latin umbrāticum, neuter of umbrāticus, of shade, from umbra, shadow.]
(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2007, 2000)
strange (NOT FAMILIAR)
not known or familiar:
I don't usually accept lifts from strange men.
With so many strange faces around her, the baby started to cry.
I've never been here before either, so it's all strange to me too.
noun [U]
She was struck by the strangeness of her surroundings.
noun [C]
1 someone whom you do not know:
My mother always warned me not to talk to strangers.
I'd never met anyone at the party before - they were complete strangers.
NOTE: Do not confuse with foreigner (= a person from another country).
2 A stranger in a particular place is someone who has never been there before:
Do you know the way to St Peter's church or are you a stranger here too?
- One who is neither a friend nor an acquaintance.
- A foreigner, newcomer, or outsider.
- One who is unaccustomed to or unacquainted with something specified; a novice: a stranger to our language; no stranger to hardship.
- A visitor or guest.
- Law. One that is neither privy nor party to a title, act, or contract.
[Middle English, from Old French
estrangier, from
estrange, strange. See
Definition of liberate in English:
1.3Free (someone) from social conventions, especially those concerned with accepted sexual roles:ways of working politically that liberate women
Late 16th century: from
Latin liberat- 'freed', from the verb
liberare, from
liber 'free'.