2024年12月26日 星期四

bane, enraged, slate, switch sides, women in pumps.The bane of the past few years is fading away, and inflation is set to return to the Federal Reserve’s target of a 2% annual pace in the coming year. Still, serious risks lie ahead

The bane of the past few years is fading away, and inflation is set to return to the Federal Reserve’s target of a 2% annual pace in the coming year. Still, serious risks lie ahead

India, a nation notorious for bureaucracy and red tape, has dramatically loosened its visa policies: travellers from 43 nations, including Germany, Japan, Russia and America, will now be able to receive visas upon arrival. The new policy is far from perfect, but it's a step in the right direction, and one that travellers should applaudhttp://econ.st/1yJQX76
RED TAPE is the bane of frequent business travellers. Many places in the world require arduous and expensive visa applications for even the most routine travel. I...

“I understand they are in there for a reason. Obviously they did something wrong. But they are human, too. So are we,” said Amy Parsons. The conjugal visits she has with her husband, who is serving a 60-year term, are slated to end soon.

Marilyn Monroe over a Manhattan subway grate in
No Heel Hazards (or Gusts) as Subway Expands


When the first phase of the Second Avenue subway makes its debut in 2016, metal sidewalk grates, the bane of women in pumps, will be absent.

A Legal Bane of Wall Street Switches Sides


Robert S. Khuzami is following the quintessential Washington script: an influential government insider becoming a paid advocate for industries he once policed.

 Google, Microsoft slate spying bill
New Zealand Herald
The new Telecommunications (Interception Capability and Security) bill being considered by Parliament's law and order committee would allow the Government to place the same obligations on internet service companies such as Google, Facebook and ...

German Politics Faces Grass-Roots Threat
Loosely translated as “enraged citizen,” the Wutbürger has stepped outside the classical system, and has become the bane of every political party in Germany.


Shakespeare's Measure for Measure Act 1, Scene 2 with ...

Our Natures do pursue
Like Rats that ravyn downe their proper Bane
A thirsty evil,and when we drink we die.


  1. Fatal injury or ruin: "Hath some fond lover tic'd thee to thy bane?" (George Herbert).
    1. A cause of harm, ruin, or death: "Obedience,/Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth,/Makes slaves of men" (Percy Bysshe Shelley).
    2. A source of persistent annoyance or exasperation: "The spellings of foreign names are often the bane of busy copy editors" (Norm Goldstein).
  2. A deadly poison.
[Middle English, destroyer, from Old English bana.]

1 破滅のもと;悩みの種
be the bane of a person's existence
Tobacco is denounced as a bane.
2 [U]((主に複合語))猛毒
3 ((詩))死, 破滅.)


Syllabification: (bane)
Pronunciation: /bān/
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[usually in singular]
  • a cause of great distress or annoyance:the bane of the decorator is the long, narrow hall the depressions that were the the bane of her existence
  • archaic something, typically poison, that causes death.



[with object]
  • 1 cover (something, especially a roof) with slates.
  • 2 British informal criticize severely:his work was slated by the critics
  • 3 (usually be slated) chiefly North American schedule; plan:renovations are slated for late June [with object]:construction is slated to begin late next year
  • nominate (someone) as a candidate for an office or post:I understand that I am being slated for promotion
4identify (a movie take) using a slate.s
