Obviously, any attempt to define operationally 80 per cent butterfat runs headlong into the need for statistical techniques and criteria. Again, the words 80 per cent butterfat, by themselves have no meaning.”
顯然,任何嘗試要可運作地界定「80%的奶脂肪」者,馬上碰到他需要統計技術和準繩。 由於可見「80%的奶脂肪」本身並沒有任何意義。
a. 抽象的な, 観念的な, 理論的な; 非現実的な, 空想的な; 深遠な; 放心の, ぼんやりした; 【美】抽象派の.
n. 抜粋, 大要, 要約; 抽象的観念; 抽象美術の作品.
in the abstract 抽象的に, 理論上.

vt. 抜き取る, 抽出する, 要約する, 抜粋する; 抽象(化)する; (心を)奪う; 盗む; (注意を)そらす.
abstract oneself from …から身を引く, 引退する.
abstract class 【コンピュータ】抽象クラス.
abstract data t
pe 【コンピュータ】抽象データ型.
ab・stract・ed ━━
a. ぼんやりした; 【化】抽出[分離]された.
abstract expressionism 抽象表現主義.

n. 抽象; 抽象的概念; 非現実的な考え; 放心; 窃取; 【美】抽象派の作品; 【化】抽出, 分離.
ab・strac・tion・ism n. 【美】抽象主義.
ab・strac・tion・ist n. 抽象美術家.
ab・strac・tive ━━
a. 抽象力のある; 抽象性の; 抜粋の.
abstract noun 【文法】抽象名詞.
abstract of title 【法】権原要約書 ((当該土地に関する特定人の権原の歴史的由来を示す)).
"Washington isn't a city, it's an abstraction." — Dylan Thomas
abstract (GENERAL)
1 existing as an idea, feeling or quality, not as a material object:
Truth and beauty are abstract concepts.
2 describes an argument or discussion that is general and not based on particular examples:
This debate is becoming too abstract - let's have some hard facts!
the abstract noun [S]
general ideas:
I have difficulty dealing with the abstract - let's discuss particular cases.
So far we've only discussed the question in the abstract (= without referring to any real examples).
noun [C] FORMAL
She's always talking in abstractions (= in a general way, without real examples).
1 [before noun] with great speed or without thinking:
The car skidded and plunged headlong over the cliff.
In the headlong rush to buy houses, many people got into debt.
2 US FOR headfirst
headfirst Show phonetics
adjective, adverb
1 [before noun] (US ALSO
headlong) with the head going first:
She dived headfirst into the pool.
2 without thinking or preparation:
You shouldn't rush headfirst into starting your own business without proper advice.
ad., a. まっさかさまに[の]; まっしぐらに[の]; 向う見ずに[の], 性急に.