瑞典記者Kim Wall在8月隨一名丹麥發明家坐潛艇後,肢體在丹麥水域被發現的案件,發明家終於承認肢解了該名記者,但堅持沒有殺害她,指出對方在潛艇中了一氧化碳毒而死亡。
The Washington Post, the New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times all lead with Israel's dramatic decision to send ground troops, tanks, and artillery into Gaza yesterday evening. After eight days of airstrikes, Israel says the invasion is necessary to dismember Hamas's rocket-launch infrastructure (and, some of the papers speculate, to overthrow the terrorist group)--a task that "will not be easy or short."

━━ n. (団体の)一員, 構成員; 政党支部; ((形容詞的)) 加盟した; 手足; 身体の一部分[器官]; 部分; 陰茎; 【文法】節; 【数】辺, 項; 【株】株主.
member bank 【金融】加盟銀行.
member corporation 【株】(ニューヨーク証券取引所)会員企業.
member object 【コンピュータ】メンバー・オブジェクト.
Member of Christ キリスト教徒.
Member of Congress 〔米〕 下院議員 ((略 MC)).
Member of Parliament 〔英〕 下院議員 ((略 MP)).
member organization [firm] 【株】会員企業 ((一般に,証券取引所の会員である会社)).
━━ n. 一員たること; 会員資格; 会員数; ((集合的)) 会員.

tr.v., -bered, -ber·ing, -bers.
- To cut, tear, or pull off the limbs of.
- To divide into pieces.
[Middle English dismembren, from Old French desmembrer, from Vulgar Latin *dismembrāre : Latin dis-, dis- + Latin membrum, limb; see member.]
- 1.the action of cutting off a person's or animal's limbs.
"graphic pictures of torture and dismemberment" - 2.the action of partitioning or dividing up a territory or organization.
"the dissolution and dismemberment of the British empire"