2017年10月31日 星期二

dismember, member, dismemberment

瑞典記者Kim Wall在8月隨一名丹麥發明家坐潛艇後,肢體在丹麥水域被發現的案件,發明家終於承認肢解了該名記者,但堅持沒有殺害她,指出對方在潛艇中了一氧化碳毒而死亡。

Danish inventor Peter Madsen has admitted dismembering the body of…

The Washington Post, the New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times all lead with Israel's dramatic decision to send ground troops, tanks, and artillery into Gaza yesterday evening. After eight days of airstrikes, Israel says the invasion is necessary to dismember Hamas's rocket-launch infrastructure (and, some of the papers speculate, to overthrow the terrorist group)--a task that "will not be easy or short."


━━ n. (団体の)一員, 構成員; 政党支部; ((形容詞的)) 加盟した; 手足; 身体の一部分[器官]; 部分; 陰茎; 【文法】節; 【数】辺, 項; 【株】株主.
 member bank 【金融】加盟銀行.
 member corporation 【株】(ニューヨーク証券取引所)会員企業.
 member object 【コンピュータ】メンバー・オブジェクト.
 Member of Christ キリスト教徒.
 Member of Congress 〔米〕 下院議員 ((略 MC)).
 Member of Parliament 〔英〕 下院議員 ((略 MP)).
 member organization [firm] 【株】会員企業 ((一般に,証券取引所の会員である会社)).
 mem・ber・ship ━━ n. 一員たること; 会員資格; 会員数; ((集合的)) 会員.

  1. To cut, tear, or pull off the limbs of.
  2. To divide into pieces.
[Middle English dismembren, from Old French desmembrer, from Vulgar Latin *dismembrāre : Latin dis-, dis- + Latin membrum, limb; see member.]

  1. 1.
    the action of cutting off a person's or animal's limbs.

    "graphic pictures of torture and dismemberment"
  2. 2.
    the action of partitioning or dividing up a territory or organization.

    "the dissolution and dismemberment of the British empire"

mock, blank, race, twitch, condition (STATE)

France, Land of Croissants, Finds Butter Vanishing From Shelves


A price spike has led to sporadic shortages in one of the world's most butter-loving countries, prompting both mock panic and real anxiety.

Some who see opportunity in Brexit serve the finance industry. It would weaken London, as jobs and business drift to Paris or Frankfurt

At last year’s summit the price of oil was at less than half today’s $140 a barrel. The world price of rice and other grains gave few signs of doubling, threatening political stability in Africa and Asia and mocking earlier G8 commitments to reducing global poverty. Meanwhile, mention then of structured investment vehicles or Northern Rock to a G8 leader would have been met with a blank stare.
Pricey oil, the food crisis and the credit crunch: the new challenges either have their roots beyond the G8, or have quickly raced across borders.

As Mrs. Edwards pointed out, the McCain health plan would do nothing to prevent insurance companies from denying coverage to those, like her and Mr. McCain, who have pre-existing medical conditions.

condition (STATE)
1 [S or U] the particular state that something or someone is in:
Mum's still got our pram - it's very old, but it's in perfect condition.
They left the flat in a terrible condition - there was mess everywhere.
The hospital say her condition (= state of health) is improving slowly.
He's in no condition (= He is too ill or too drunk) to drive home.
See also condition at conditioner.

2 [C] any of a variety of diseases:; 病気;
to suffer from a heart/skin condition
a medical condition

plural nounpl.) 状況, 事情, 形勢
the physical situation that someone or something is in and affected by:
weather conditions
working conditions
The prisoners were kept in the most appalling conditions.
Under what conditions do plants grow best?

  1. 1.
    tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner.

    "opposition MPs mocked the government's decision"

  2. 2.
    make a replica or imitation of something.
  1. 1.
    not authentic or real, but without the intention to deceive.

    "a mock-Georgian red brick house"

mock (LAUGH AT)
verb [T]
1 SLIGHTLY FORMAL to laugh at someone, often by copying them in an amusing but unkind way:
They were mocking him because he kept falling off his bike.
She made fun of him by mocking his limp.

2 to make something appear stupid or useless:
The wind mocked their attempts to reach the shore by pushing the boat further and further out to sea.

1 [U] when you mock someone or something:
Bill's mockery of his dad's twitch was a bit cruel, but it made us laugh.

2 [S] an action or event which is a failure and makes the people involved in or affected by it appear foolish:
The trial was a mockery - the judge had decided the verdict before it began.

when you laugh at someone or something in an unkind way:
a mocking voice
mocking humour/laughter

showing no understanding or no emotion in your facial expression:
a blank stare/expression

He just stared blankly at me.
race (HURRY)
verb [I or T; usually + adverb or preposition]
to move or go fast:
He raced down the street.
The ambulance raced (= quickly took) the injured to a nearby hospital.
The summer seems to have raced by (= passed very quickly).
He raced the car engine (= made it work faster than it needed to) as he sat impatiently at the traffic lights.


Pronunciation: /twɪtʃ/ 


1Give or cause to give a short, sudden jerking or convulsive movement:[NO OBJECT]: her lips twitched and her eyelids fluttered[WITH OBJECT]: the dog twitched his ears
1.1[WITH OBJECT AND ADVERBIAL] Cause to move in a specified direction by giving a sharp pull:he twitched a cigarette out of a packet
2[WITH OBJECT] Use a twitch to subdue (a horse).


1A short, sudden jerking or convulsive movement:his mouth gave a slight twitch
1.1A sudden pull or jerk:he gave a twitch at his moustache
1.2A sudden sharp sensation; a pang:he felt a twitch of annoyance
2A small noose attached to a stick, which may be twisted around the upper lip or the ear of a horse to subdue it during veterinary procedures.


Middle English: of Germanic origin; related to Old English twiccian 'to pluck, pull sharply'.


Pronunciation: /ˈtwɪtʃi/ 

ADJECTIVE (twitchiertwitchiest)

1informal Nervousanxious:she felt twitchy about the man hovering in the background
2Given to twitching:mouse with a twitchy nose


━━ v. あざける ((at)); まねして愚弄(ぐろう)する; 無視する; 無駄にする; 裏切る.
mock … up …の実物大の模型をつくる.
━━ n. あざけり(の的); 愚弄; 模造品; 〔英話〕 (普通pl.) 模擬試験.
make (a) mock of …を笑いものにする; …を無効[無駄]にする.
━━ a. まがいの; 偽りの.
mock・er ━━ n. あざける人.
put the mockers on 〔英俗〕 ふいにする.
mock・er・y ━━ n. あざけり; 嘲笑(ちょうしょう)の的; あざけりの言葉[行為]; まねごと; にせもの; 徒労.
hold … up to mockery …をなぶりものにする.
make a mockery of …をなぶりものにする; …を無駄にする; …がまやかしであると証明する.
mock-heroic ━━ n., a. 擬英雄詩体(の).
mock・ing ━━ a. あざける(ような), 馬鹿にするような.
mock・ing・ly ad. あざけって, からかって.
mocking・bird n. マネシツグミ, モノマネドリ.
mock orange ユキノシタ科バイカウツギ属の低木の総称.
mock sun [moon] 【気象】幻日[月].
mock turtle (soup) (子牛の頭で作る)ウミガメまがいのスープ.
mock-up 実物大の模型.
mock-up stage 実験段階.

2017年10月30日 星期一

bunk (BED), couchette, singled out, espionage, busts, 'Singles Day'

Japanese retailer Aeon borrows Chinese and US promotions to energize slow consumption in November.

On the scandal at the Internal Revenue Service, he said the practice of singling out certain groups was "outrageous."

 Taiwan Busted Several Ex-Military Officials Giving China Unprecedented ...
Business Insider
Taiwan said Monday that three retired military officers have been arrested on suspicion of leaking military secrets to China, in what legislators described as one of the island's worst espionage cases. Chang Chih-hsin, formerly in charge of political .

China Singled Out for Cyberspying
The U.S. accused the Chinese of being the world's "most active and persistent" perpetrators of economic spying, an unusual move designed to spur stronger U.S. and international action to combat industrial espionage.

To see this recall on CPSC's web site, including a picture of the recalled product, please go to:

Everything you would expect from a luxury hotel in a small space. Located uniquely inside the airport terminal buildings at London Heathrow’s Terminal 4 and London Gatwick’s South Terminal. Just moments walk from check in, arrivals and minutes from the other terminals. YOTEL opens at Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam in Summer 2008.
You can choose between Premium (double), Twin (2 large singles - bunk style) Standard (large single) cabins with en suite bathrooms, flat screen TV’s, free WiFi and 24 hour in cabin service.
Book exactly what you want when you want it – from just a few hours day or night to 24 or more.

The reality of sleeper trains is not that of the art-deco bars featured in 1950s spy fiction. You are more likely to be sharing your couchette with a bearded man with a thunderous snore than with Daniela Bianchi. And actually sleeping on a sleeper, with its narrow bunks and thin walls, can be impossible without the aid of pills or booze http://econ.st/16qdH2H

Pronunciation: /kuːˈʃɛt

Definition of couchette in English:


1.1berth in a couchette.


1920s: French, literally 'little bed', diminutive of couche 'a couch'.

Pronunciation: /bʌŋk


narrow shelf-like bed, typically one of two or morearranged one on top of the other.


[NO OBJECT] chiefly North AmericanBack to top  
Sleep in a bunk or improvised bed, typically in shared quarters:they bunk together in the dormitory


mid 18th century: of unknown origin; perhaps related tobunker.

bunk (BED) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a narrow bed that is fixed to a wall, especially in a boat or a train

bunk (bed) noun [C often plural]
one of two beds fixed together, one on top of the other:
The twins sleep in bunk beds.
Can I sleep in the top bunk?

v., -gled, -gling, -gles. v.tr.
  1. To choose or distinguish from others. Often used with out: We singled her out from the list of applicants.
1 (single someone/thing out) choose someone or something from a group for special treatment:one newspaper was singled out for criticism


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[éspiənɑ`ːʒ]

[名][U]スパイ行為;諜報(ちょうほう), 偵察
politicalmilitary, industrial] espionage
政治[軍事, 産業]スパイ活動.