The biggest surprise, for me, wasn’t simply that there was a decent correlation between turnout and results. The surprise was how clearly it could be detected, given the paucity of data on these idiosyncratic, ultra-low-turnout elections.
A serious drought in Taiwan is threatening the island's chip industry.
Greece is running short of time. In the next few days either a new deal will be done or bank failures will lead to Grexit. In either case, the damage done by this period of uncertainty and financial drought will be severe. Here is why
Taiwan's Yani Tseng shoots 63 to take lead in LPGA Tour's Safeway ... The Republic
PORTLAND, Oregon — Yani Tseng moved into position to end a long victory drought, shooting a 9-under 63 on Saturday to take a three-stroke lead into the final ...
In N.Y. Mayoral Race, Small Checks From Hedge Fund Giants
New York law caps individual contributions to mayoral candidates,
but records for 2013 are notable for their paucity of donations from
hedge fund managers.
Widespread Drought Is Likely to Worsen
More than 400 people are missing and feared dead, after a tourist ferry with 458 people aboard overturned on the Yangzi river in stormy weather on the evening of June 1st. If the death toll is as bad as it might be, this would be the worst boat disaster in the history of the People’s Republic of China. Citizens are watching their government’s rescue effort with bated breath—and with an all too familiar paucity of information
Drug Scarcity's Dire Cost, and Some Ways to Cope
Production problems have disrupted treatment plans. Experts advise patients to take a number of practical steps.
Pronunciation: /draʊt/
Translate drought | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish noun
late Old English drūgath 'dryness', of Germanic origin; compare with Dutch droogte; related to drydrought[名][C][U]1 (特に長期の)日照り, 干ばつ;渇水 drought damage干害.2 (物の長期の)払底, 欠乏, 枯渇 drought of funds資金不足.3 ((方言))の...
droughty[形](-i・er, -i・est)1 乾燥した.2 日照り続きの, 干ばつの.3 ((方言))のどのかわいた.drought・i・ness[名]

n., pl., -ties.
- Insufficiency of amount or supply; shortage: a scarcity of food that was caused by drought.
- Rarity of appearance or occurrence: antiques that are valued for their scarcity.
Japan's iPad Frenzy Signals Sea Change
The debut of Apple's iPad in Japan is generating a level of hype and excitement rarely seen these days for a new electronics product in this gadget-loving nation, underscoring the paucity of buzz-worthy, homegrown devices.
pau·ci·ty (pô'sĭ-tē)
pau·ci·ty (pô'sĭ-tē)

- Smallness of number; fewness.
- Scarcity; dearth: a paucity of natural resources.
[Middle English paucite, from Old French, from Latin paucitās, from paucus, few.]
Syllabification: (buzz)
Pronunciation: /bəz/
Translate buzz | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish