"No Rio" is a phrase that may refer to ABC No Rio, an art-making center that was intended to be a community-oriented alternative to the art world and gallery scene. The name was originally "Abogado Con Notario," which is Spanish for "lawyer and notary public". However, only the letters "Ab C No rio" remained.

The chosen words are mostly regional, often monosyllabic, and frequently richly onomatopoeic: the natural poetry of the heterogeneous English-speaking tongue.
A rickety rebound
The global economy is gaining momentum. But only in America is the acceleration likely to last 2
Beyond the clearly imitative words, like the onomatopoeic “boom,” “poof” and “gong,” Blount zeroes in on the expressive words that “somehow sensuously evoke the essence of the word: ‘queasy’ or ‘rickety’ or ‘zest’ or ‘sluggish’ or ‘vim,’ ”he writes.
Pronunciation: /ˌɒnə(ʊ)matəˈpiːɪk/
Definition of onomatopoeic in English:
Pronunciation: /ˈrɪkɪti/
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late 17th century: from rickets + -y1rickets
Pronunciation: /ˈrɪkɪts/
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