2024年12月22日 星期日

slovenly, brandish, a Hardball Tactic. upbraid, chastise, bacchic, top up, moot, EMEA, bra, brassiere, tepid, stalemate..initiated only a handful of these complaints, but his tactics have been widely copied by other groups.

In 1970, at the Isle of Wight Festival, Leonard Cohen took to the stage around two in the morning amidst violent rioting. All day, the audience of 600,000 had been causing fires, throwing bottles at performers, and booing people off stage. When Cohen stepped on stage to perform he spoke calmly in his monotone voice and began to tell the audience a story about his father who took him to the circus as a child. Remarkably, the audience began to listen. As Cohen continued, he asked them to each light a match so he could see where they all were. The audience did so and hundreds of thousands of small lights pierced the darkness. Cohen calmly chastised the crowd for their violence and then began to sing "Bird on a Wire". Afterwards the crowd was largely calmed.

Mr. Marcus’s nonprofit, the Brandeis Center, initiated only a handful of these complaints, but his tactics have been widely copied by other groups.


One might reasonably have hoped to inherit century-old hedges of yew, some gnarled mulberries, a cedar or two, a pleached alley, flagged walls, a mound. Instead there was nothing but weed, rough grass, a shabby eyesore of a greenhouse in the wrong place, broken fencing, wired chicken runs, squalor and slovenly disorder everywhere.

–Sackville-West's first impressions of Sissinghurst[2]

To Get Back Executive, China Brandishes a Hardball Tactic: Seizing Foreigners

The speed at which Beijing returned two Canadians held seemingly tit-for-tat in exchange may signal comfort with the tactic.

wo Canadians held in China since 2018 were on their way home after the deal to release Meng Wanzhou.


Bill Gates brandishes poo to showcase reinvented toilet tech

Chastised by E.U., a Resentful Greece Embraces China's Cash and Interests


Chinese investments in Greece are beginning to pay off, not only economically, but also by providing Beijing with a seemingly reliable ally in Brussels.

In Rare Move, Chinese Think Tank Criticizes Tepid Pace of Reform


Efforts to overhaul the world's No. 2 economy have "fallen into stalemate," contends a report that chastises national policy makers and local officials.

"Dear Heart, Why Will You Use Me So?" by James Joyce

Dear heart, why will you use me so?
Dear eyes that gently me upbraid,
Still are you beautiful -- - but O, 
How is your beauty raimented!

I placed a jar in Tennessee, 
And round it was, upon a hill. 
It made ​​the slovenly wilderness 
Surround that hill.

Laura gorges on the delicious fruit in a sort of bacchic frenzy, then once she is finished, after picking up one of the seeds, returns home in an ecstatic trance. Lizzie, waiting at home, and "full of wise upbraidings," reminds Laura about the cautionary tale of Jeanie, another girl who, having likewise partaken of the goblin being's fruits, died just at the beginning of winter, after a long and horrible decline, and strangely no grass grows over her grave. 

Court Upbraided N.S.A. on Its Use of Call-Log Data


Secret documents showed that the National Security Agency was reprimanded for violating its own rules and misleading the nation's intelligence court about how it used data.
With Boston Manhunt, Media Is Part of the Story
Reporters found themselves in a complex relationship with the authorities, being thanked and chastised at the same time.
The religious disagreement between the Vatican and the LCWR has a lot to do with end-of-life and abortion debates in the U.S., especially in the context of President Obama's health care reform law. As the BBC notes, the Vatican chastised the group for ignoring the church's stance on euthanasia and abortion, and for making public statements that "disagree with or challenge positions taken by the bishops" in the U.S. The Vatican is also upset with the group for apparently challenging church teaching on homosexuality and male-only priesthood.

Miss O'Keeffe stormed up from Texas and upbraided Stieglitz for showing her work without her permission. His answer was to persuade her to move to New York, abandon her teaching and devote herself to painting. He presented one-woman shows of her work almost annually thereafter until 1946, the year of his death. He and Miss O'Keeffe had been married 21 years.

verb [T] FORMAL ━━ vt. 叱る, 非難する.
to forcefully or angrily tell someone they should not have done a particular thing and criticize them for having done it:
In newspaper articles she consistently upbraided those in authority who overstepped their limits.


  • 発音記号[brɑ'ː]
n. - 胸/奶罩
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - ブラジャー

I remember meeting Craig at a book party during the campaign. He upbraided me for writing critical things about Obama. I didn’t like being chastised, but I admired his loyalty.

up·braid (ŭp-brād') pronunciation

tr.v., -braid·ed, -braid·ing, -braids.
To reprove sharply; reproach. See synonyms at scold.

[Middle English upbreiden, from Old English ūpbrēdan, to bring forward as a ground for censure : ūp-, up- + bregdan, to turn, lay hold of.]
upbraider up·braid'er n.
upbraidingly up·braid'ing·ly adv.


IN BRIEF: To scold.

pronunciation It is better to advise than upbraid, for the one corrects the erring; the other only convicts them.— Epictetus (c. 50-120).


Syllabification: (up·braid)
Pronunciation: /ˌəpˈbrād/
Translate upbraid | into Spanish


[with object]
  • find fault with (someone); scold:he was upbraided for his slovenly appearance


late Old English upbrēdan 'allege (something) as a basis for censure', based on braid in the obsolete sense 'brandish'. The current sense dates from Middle English

brandish 揮舞 (武器等)...

wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement.
"a man leaped out brandishing a knife"
  1. synonyms:flourishwaveshakewieldraise, hold aloft; More


Wendi Deng Twitter Account is Fake

Rupert Murdoch's wife did not actually chastise the mogul on Twitter.

If Labour has already signaled its willingness to barter a new voting system as the price of winning the Liberal Democrats’ support, the Conservatives are said to be weighing the possibility of assuring unionists in Northern Ireland not to make a $300 million cut in government subsidies mooted as part of a Conservative program to cut Britain’s record-high levels of debt.

The SEC and the hundreds of investors he duped appear to have missed a sea of red flags. The returns he achieved were suspiciously smooth. He allegedly has now confessed that this was achieved by creating a pyramid scheme in which existing clients’ returns were topped up, as needed, with money from new investors.

top up

IN BRIEF: n. - An amount needed to restore something to its former level.

moot (mūt) pronunciation
  1. Law. A hypothetical case argued by law students as an exercise.
  2. An ancient English meeting, especially a representative meeting of the freemen of a shire.
tr.v., moot·ed, moot·ing, moots.
    1. To bring up as a subject for discussion or debate.
    2. To discuss or debate. See synonyms at broach1.
  1. Law. To plead or argue (a case) in a moot court.
  1. Subject to debate; arguable: a moot question.
    1. Law. Without legal significance, through having been previously decided or settled.
    2. Of no practical importance; irrelevant.
[Middle English, meeting, from Old English mōt, gemōt.]
mootness moot'ness n.
USAGE NOTE The adjective moot is originally a legal term going back to the mid-16th century. It derives from the noun moot, in its sense of a hypothetical case argued as an exercise by law students. Consequently, a moot question is one that is arguable or open to debate. But in the mid-19th century people also began to look at the hypothetical side of moot as its essential meaning, and they started to use the word to mean "of no significance or relevance." Thus, a moot point, however debatable, is one that has no practical value. A number of critics have objected to this use, but 59 percent of the Usage Panel accepts it in the sentence The nominee himself chastised the White House for failing to do more to support him, but his concerns became moot when a number of Republicans announced that they, too, would oppose the nomination. When using moot one should be sure that the context makes clear which sense is meant.
1 議論の余地がある, 論争中の, 未解決の
a moot question
a moot point
2 ((米))ほとんど実際的価値のない;純粋に学問的な, (純)理論上の, 仮説的な.
1 ((通例受身))〈問題・計画などを〉議題にのせる;…を討議[討論]する.
2 …の実際的な意味を減じる[なくす];…を純粋に理論的にする;((古))(特に模擬法廷で)…を論じる.
1 (アングロサクソン時代の)人民集会.
2 (英国の小都市の)市公会堂.
3 (特に模擬裁判での)討論, 弁論;判例.
[古英語gemōt(会議). 「会議で議論する」]

-(美國商業資訊)--Moelis公司(Moelis & Company)今日宣佈,Geoffrey Austin將於8月加盟公司,出任董事總經理。他將會常駐公司的倫敦辦事處,主要為歐洲、中東及非洲(EMEA)的媒體業客戶提供高階諮詢服務。 ...

Europe, the Middle East and Africa, usually abbreviated to EMEA, is a regional designation used for government, marketing and business purposes. It is particularly common amongst North American based companies, who often divide their international operations into the following regions:
  • The Americas, being North, Central, and South America (NCSA, AMER, AMS, or NALA)
  • North America, being Canada, the United States of America, and Mexico (NORAM)
  • North America, meaning Canada and the United States of America only (NA; or North American Region, NAR)
  • Latin America, and the Caribbean (LATAM, or LAC or CALA)
  • Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA).
    • Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EEMEA). Increasingly, companies are separating their Eastern European business from the rest of Europe, and refer to the EEMEA region separately from the Western/Central European (mostly European Union) region.
  • Asia Pacific, and Japan (AP, APAC, JAPA or APJ or JAPAC)

Barry Byrne, who came to work in the studio in 1902, reminisced in several articles after Wright’s death about the informal design competitions among that architect’s employees. He recalled that Mahony won most of them and that Wright filed away her drawings for future use, chastising anyone who referred to them as “Miss Mahony’s designs.”

At the end of the chapter, Lawrence chastises Melville for coming back to prim New England, to be boxed in by family, career and a false civilization. The essay concludes with Lawrence admitting that he is talking as much about himself as Melville:

verb [T] FORMAL ━━ vt. 罰する; きびしく非難する.
to criticize someone severely:
Charity organizations have chastised the Government for not doing enough to prevent the latest famine in Africa.


noun [U] FORMAL


(chăs-tīz', chăs'tīz') pronunciation
tr.v., -tised, -tis·ing, -tis·es.
  1. To punish, as by beating. See synonyms at punish.
  2. To criticize severely; rebuke.
  3. Archaic. To purify.
[Middle English chastisen, alteration of chasten, chastien. See chasten.]
chastisable chas·tis'a·ble adj.
chastisement chas·tise'ment (chăs-tīz'mənt, chăs'tĭz-mənt) n.
chastiser chas·tis'er n.


  • 発音記号[tʃæstáiz]

1 ((形式))〈人を〉(…の理由で)手きびしく非難する((for ...));((古風))〈人を〉(…のかどで)せっかんする((for ...)).
2 ((古))=chasten 2, 3.

Line breaks: Bac|chus
Pronunciation: /ˈbakəs    /
Greek Mythology
Definition of Bacchus in English:
Another name for Dionysus.

Latin, from Greek Bakkhos.




slovenlyLine breaks: slov|en¦ly
Pronunciation: /ˈslʌv(ə)nli/

Definition of slovenly in English:


1(Especially of a person or their appearanceuntidy and dirty:fat, slovenly ex-rock star
1.1(Especially of a person or action) careless; excessively casual:slovenly speech
