The Albert Memorial was not the first revivalist design for a canopied statue in a Gothic style - the Scott Monument in Edinburgh had been designed by George Meikle Kemp over twenty years earlier.
Chances Dwindle on Bailout Plan for Automakers
Democratic leaders calling for an aid package to help auto companies conceded that they would face potentially insurmountable opposition in Congress.
MarketWatch - USA
The 2008 Merriam-Webster's Words of the Year list is based on users' anonymous hits to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary and Online Thesaurus. ...
The 2008 Merriam-Webster's Words of the Year list is based on users' anonymous hits to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary and Online Thesaurus. ...
America's infrastructure: The cracks are showing
- A tradition of bold national projects has dwindled. Time to revive it
The magazine's significance dwindled.
A rescue from financial difficulties: corporate bailouts.
zip code, classy, widely, dwindle 'Bailout'. Decollation
YouTube Gets Classy: Less Sex, More Symphony: YouTube is working on an image makeover kissing up to classical music fans, parents, and maybe even Hulu users. (JR Raphael, PC World)
Winthrop Smith Jr., a former head of Merrill's international brokerage and the son of a former Merrill chief executive, told Bloomberg News that the merger is "really like the death of a friend." He said he plans to attend Friday's vote, at which shareholders are widely expected to approve the combination.
1 including a lot of different places, people, subjects, etc:
They have both travelled widely.
His plays are still widely performed in the USA.
French used to be widely spoken in Kampuchea.
His work on DNA was widely admired.
This theory is no longer widely accepted.
2 differ/vary widely to be very different:
Prices vary widely from shop to shop.
adj. Informal., -i·er, -i·est.
Highly stylish; elegant.
classiness class'i·ness n.
zip code noun [C]
in the US, a series of numbers that forms part of an address, and which is used to help organize post so that it can be delivered more quickly
See also postcode.
adj. Informal., -i·er, -i·est.
v., -dled, -dling, -dles. v.intr.
To become gradually less until little remains.
To cause to dwindle. See synonyms at decrease.
[Frequentative of Middle English dwinen, to waste away, from Old English dwīnan, to shrink.]

[L. decollatio: cf. F. décollation.]
1. The act of beheading or state of one beheaded; -- especially used of the execution of St. John the Baptist.
2. A painting representing the beheading of a saint or martyr, esp. of St. John the Baptist.