2012年9月28日 星期五

recover, stuff, duffel or duffle, caulk, riches, fairs

西 Ezekiel
27:27 [hb5] 你的資財、物件、貨物、水手、掌舵的、補縫的、經營交易的、並你中間的戰士、和人民、在你破壞的日子必都沉在海中。 
     [kjv] Thy riches, and thy fairs, thy merchandise, thy mariners, and thy pilots, thy calkers, and the occupiers of thy merchandise, and all thy men of war, that are in thee, and in all thy company which is in the midst of thee, shall fall into the midst of the seas in the day of thy ruin.  
     [bbe] Your wealth and your goods, the things in which you do trade, your seamen and those guiding your ships, those who make your boards watertight, and those who do business with your goods, and all your men of war who are in you, with all who have come together in you, will go down into the heart of the seas in the day of your downfall.  

《中英對照讀新聞》Police try to match 250 stolen shoes with owners 警方試圖比對250隻失竊鞋子失主身分
Newark police on Monday are trying to match up 250 shoes recovered from a creek on Sunday with those reported stolen in the area since 2003.
A passerby spotted three large duffel bags stuffed with men’s shoes in Elk Creek near Elkton, Md., on Sunday morning and alerted police, who have been investigating a string of Newark-area burglaries in which the thief steals men’s shoes, photographs of their owners and, in at least one case, men’s underwear.
Investigators now are drying off the shoes, which were wet and muddy from the creek, and trying to figure out if they match the descriptions of any of the close to 200 pairs reported stolen in recent years, police spokesman Lt. Brian Henry said Monday.
The burglar appears to target University of Delaware students.
stuff︰名詞指原料、物品,在這裡當動詞用,指塞滿、填滿。例句︰The bus is stuffed with passengers.(這輛巴士擠滿了乘客。)v., stuffed, stuff·ing, stuffs.
    1. To pack (a container) tightly; cram: stuff a Christmas stocking.
    2. To block (a passage); plug: stuff a crack with caulking.
    3. Basketball. To block (a shot or an opponent who is shooting), especially before the ball leaves the shooter's hands.
    1. To place forcefully into a container or space; thrust: stuffed laundry into the bag.
    2. Sports. To shoot (a ball or puck) forcefully into the goal from close range.
    3. Basketball. To dunk (the ball).
    1. To fill with an appropriate stuffing: stuff a pillow.
    2. To fill (an animal skin) to restore its natural form for mounting or display.
  1. To cram with food.
  2. To fill (the mind): His head is stuffed with silly notions.
  3. To put fraudulent votes into (a ballot box).
  4. To apply a preservative and softening agent to (leather).
To overeat; gorge.

dry off︰片語,弄乾、烘乾。例句︰The wind dried the ground off.(風吹乾了地面。)
figure out︰片語,弄懂、理解、明白。例句︰I can’t figure out why he said that.(我弄不懂他為什麼要說那句話。)

duf·fel or duf·fle (dŭf'əl) pronunciation
  1. A blanket fabric made of low-grade woolen cloth with a nap on both sides.
  2. Clothing and other personal gear carried by a camper.
[Dutch, after Duffel, a town of northern Belgium.]
Meaning #1: a large cylindrical bag of heavy cloth; for carrying personal belongings
Synonyms: duffel bag, duffle bag, duffle
Meaning #2: a coarse heavy woolen fabric
Synonym: duffle


  • 発音記号[kɔ'ːk]


feed on/feed into, riot out, machine


 New Labor Attitudes Fed Into China Riot

Workers at China's huge Foxconn factory said tensions over strict rules helped spur this week's rioting, in events that raise questions about the sustainability of China's manufacturing machine.


In Euro Zone, Banking Fear Feeds on Itself

Questions continue to mount about the ability of Europe's banks to ride out the debt crisis, as some are having a harder time securing loans needed for daily operations.

ride out
Survive, outlast, as in They rode out the storm, or Times were hard during the depression, but we managed to ride it out. [First half of 1500s]


  1. To eat: pigs feeding at a trough.
  2. To be nourished or supported: an ego that feeds on flattery.
    1. To move steadily, as into a machine for processing.
    2. To be channeled; flow: This road feeds into the freeway.

1 〈牛・馬が〉物を食べる;((略式・おどけて))〈人が〉食べる, 食事する
The horses are feeding in the clover.
2 (…を)えさにする, 常食にする;(…で)生きている((on, off ...))
feed on grass
Love feeds on jealousy.
3 〈情報などが〉(コンピュータなどに)入力される((into ...));(コインなどを)入れる((in ...)).

feed on ...
(1) ⇒(自)2
(2) 〈人の〉食客となる.
(3) 〈視線などが〉(…に)注がれる.


  • レベル:最重要
  • 発音記号[məʃíːn]

1 機械;機械装置[仕掛け]. ▼小さく単純なものはinstrument
a sewing machine
a washing machine
a knitting machine
like a well-oiled machine
That machine is difficult to operate.
2 ((略式))マシーン:自動車, 飛行機, バイク, 自転車.
3 コンピュータ;ワープロ, タイプライター;ファックス;留守番電話(answering machine);自動販売機;自動改札口
a cig(arette) machine
purchase tickets from a machine
send a love letter on the machine
I called Lynda and got herthe] machine.
4 (無感情で自主性がなく)機械的に働く人.
5 ((しばしば〜s))((集合的))(政治をあやつる)幹部連中, 黒幕, ボス連
the Republican machine
6 (社会・生物体などの複雑な)機構
the economic machine
Man is a consuming machine.
7 (うわさ・情報・宣伝文句などを作り出す)組織, 人々. ▼millともいう
a propaganda machine
a rumor machine
the publicity machine
8 (昔の芝居の)舞台からくり.
9 (文学作品で効果を出すために使われる)超自然物, 神, 人物, 事件など.
1 …を機械で作る, 機械にかける;((英))…をミシン[印刷機]にかける.
2 …を規格化する((down)).
1 機械の[による];機械用の
a machine product
machine parts
2 機械的な.
3 〈政治が〉幹部による, 黒幕の
machine politicians
[フランス語←ギリシャ語māchand(プーリー). 原義は「工夫された仕掛け」. △MAY1

2012年9月27日 星期四

vault, safe (BOX), archive, ultrasafe, canal vaulting

The Georgia archives has state-of-the art equipment, including four floodproof vaults in the building’s core.
VIrginie Drujon-Kippelen for The New York Times

Cuts to Archives Put History Out of Reach

As Georgia’s state archives prepares to reduce its staff and accessibility sharply next month, archivists worry about a long-term impact on public records nationwide.

A canal-vaulting contest in Linschoten in June. The sport evolved from necessity in a land where canals were ubiquitous, but bridges less so.
Herman Wouters for The New York Times
Linschoten Journal

Canal-Vaulting Returns to the Spotlight

The little-known sport, in which competitors use a long pole planted in the mud to leap over a canal, is one of several that are seeing a revival in the Netherlands.

pole vaulting

EU Banks: Give Us Leeway on Assets
Under pressure from the banking industry, European regulators are considering loosening some rules that require lenders to maintain deep pools of ultrasafe assets to protect them in a crisis.

Sony Pins Future on 3-D
Sony is placing a huge bet this year that 3-D technology will vault the company back into a leadership position in the living room.

President Obama's speech at the National Archives yesterday where he defended his antiterrorism policies. The setting was particularly symbolic. By giving his address where the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are kept, Obama meant to underscore the idea that Americans don't have to compromise their values in order to protect the nation's security.

Safe Sales Up in Worried Germany Amid Bank Fears

Safe sales in Germany have spiked since the onset of the global financial
crisis amid further fears that banks cannot be trusted with money.

The DW-WORLD Article

Many publications, including most major magazines, still offer little or no archive access online. And of those that do allow readers to look deep into their histories, many charge for it, like The Washington Post or The Atlantic Monthly, whose online archives both go back to the 19th century.
But a growing number of publications are opening their own vaults — if only partially — or dropping pay requirements, and they say it makes a big difference in attracting readers.

safe (BOX) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a strong box or cupboard with special locks where valuable things, especially money or jewels, are kept:
Thieves broke into/cracked (= opened by force) the safe and stole everything in it.

此vault 指 雜誌之過期資料庫

vault (ROOM) Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 (UK ALSO vaults) a room, especially in a bank, with thick walls and a strong door, which is used to store money or valuable things in safe conditions:
a bank vault
She entered the vault with an armed guard.

2 a room under a church or a small building in a cemetery where dead bodies are buried:
She was buried in the family vault. -->
━━ n. アーチ形屋根, アーチ形天井(型のもの); アーチ形天井のある場所[通廊]; 天空 (the ~ of heaven); 地下貯蔵室; 貴重品保管室; (銀行などの)金庫室; 地下納骨所; 【解】(口蓋などの)蓋(がい).
━━ vt. アーチ形天井に造る[を張る].
vault・ed ━━ a.
vault・ing1 ━━ n. アーチ形天井建築物; ((集合的)) アーチ(形天井).


    1. An arched structure, usually of masonry or concrete, serving to cover a space.
    2. An arched overhead covering, such as the sky, that resembles the architectural structure in form.
  1. A room or space, such as a cellar or storeroom, with arched walls and ceiling, especially when underground.
  2. A room or compartment, often built of steel, for the safekeeping of valuables: a bank vault.
  3. A burial chamber, especially when underground.
  4. Anatomy. An arched part of the body, especially the top part of the skull.
tr.v., vault·ed, vault·ing, vaults.
  1. To construct or supply with an arched ceiling; cover with a vault.
  2. To build or make in the shape of a vault; arch.
[Middle English vaute, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin *volvita, volta, from feminine of *volvitus, arched, alteration of Latin volūtus, past participle of volvere, to roll.]

vault2 (vôlt) pronunciation

v., vault·ed, vault·ing, vaults. v.tr.
To jump or leap over, especially with the aid of a support such as the hands or a pole.

  1. To jump or leap, especially with the use of the hands or a pole.
  2. To accomplish something as if by leaping suddenly or vigorously: vaulted into a position of wealth.
The act of vaulting; a jump.

[Obsolete French volter, from Old French, from Old Italian voltare, from Vulgar Latin *volvitāre, frequentative of Latin volvere, to turn, roll.]
vaulter vault'er n.

archive Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 (ALSO archives) a collection of historical records relating to a place, organization or family:
archive film/footage/material
These old photographs should go in the family archives.

2 (ALSO archives) a place where historical records are kept:
I've been studying village records in the local archive.

3 a computer file used to store electronic information or documents that you no longer need to use regularly

archive Show phonetics
verb [T]
1 to store historical records or documents in an archive

2 in computing, to store electronic information that you no longer need to use regularly:
This software helps firms archive and retrieve emails.

archival Show phonetics

archivist Show phonetics
noun [C]
a person whose job is to take care of archives

2012年9月25日 星期二

the American Heritage Dictionary

Wars of Words

Dividing the world into prescriptivists and descriptivists.

Oct 1, 2012, Vol. 18, No. 03 • By DAVID SKINNER

The fifth edition of the American Heritage Dictionary, published by Houghton Mifflin, was released last fall. In the typecast world of dictionary publishing, American Heritage is the “conservative” dictionary. Developed in the 1960s in the wake of company president James Parton’s failed attempt to wrest control of the G. and C. Merriam Co., which had recently become notorious for the publication of the “permissive” dictionary, Webster’s Third, the first edition of the American Heritage Dictionary was deliberately marketed as the choice of squares and fogeys.
Dwight Macdonald, ca. 1950
Dwight Macdonald, ca. 1950
Bettmann / Corbis
A print advertisement for the new dictionary showed a hippie teenager and said, “He doesn’t like your politics; why should he like your dictionary?” This tone of square-jawed resistance to the vulgarizing pull of popular culture provoked jeers in some quarters. American Heritage was nicknamed the “Goldwater dictionary,” and when that seemed too generous, linguists took to calling it the “McCarthy dictionary.”
What, exactly, would make a dictionary conservative? Does it define welfare state as “government that fails to improve the welfare of dependants while curtailing the economic freedom of others”? Not exactly. Only in its preferences concerning a relatively small set of disputed usages could a major commercial dictionary be notably conservative. To ensure that American Heritage be notable in just this manner, the publisher established a usage panel of distinguished writers and scholars, including several veterans of the controversy over Webster’s Third: Jacques Barzun, Dwight Macdonald, and Wilson Follett. The group was prestigious and old. Of 95 members, the scholar Patrick Kilburn discovered, only six were under 50, while a full 28 had been born in the 19th century.

little luck, anobii, earthworm

Apple appeared to sell large numbers of its new iPhone 5 at its own stores over the weekend, but customers seemed to have little luck finding the gadget at the company's retail partners.

 Earthworms 'marry' in Taiwan ceremony
The Nation
TAIPEI (AFP) - Seventy “lucky earthworms” have been married off in an elaborate wedding ritual in south Taiwan in a bid to raise awareness about the environment and the problem of soil erosion, organisers said Monday.The worms arrived Sunday at Takang ...
See all stories on this topic »
The Nation


誰說法國只有浪漫- anobii (拉丁:書虫)

2006年12月1日 ... 楊翠屏. 政大外交系畢,法國國家文學博士,曾為中國時報開卷報世界書房 ... 年非文學類最佳書獎)、《見證》(法國文學評論)、《西蒙波娃回憶錄》。 ...

aNobii is a social networking service for book lovers. It was set up in 2006 by a private company owned by Greg Sung and based in Hong Kong.
The service allows individuals to catalogue their books and rate, review and discuss them with other readers. The service is available via the aNobii website and iPhone and Android Apps. The Apps allow individuals to barcode scan books and read both community and expert reviews.
aNobii has readers in over 20 countries, but it is most well known in Italy.
On March 2, 2011 it was announced that in 2010 aNobii has been acquired by a UK startup led by HMV Group and supported by HarperCollins, Penguin and The Random House Group and that the company is working on a new version of the website with possibility to buy books and most of all ebooks.[1]


  1. ^ Good News, The aNobii Blog, March 2, 2011.

See also

Further reading

External links


[名]《動物》ミミズ.  蚯蚓


  • レベル:最重要
  • 発音記号[lʌ'k]

1 [U]運命, 天命, 巡り合わせ, 運(chance)
a piece of luck
the luck of the draw
by goodbad] luck
leave everything to luck
a man who has no luck with women
have the good luck of doing [=to do
It was hard luck (for you) that you lost all your money.
お金をすっかりなくしたとは, ついてませんね
He has goodbad] luck in all he does.
GoodBest of] luck (to you)! [=I wish you luck. ]
Bad luck to youhim]!
BadHard, Tough] luck!
Better luck next time.
What luck?
うまくいってるかい, 具合はどうだい
JustIt is justmy luck!
またやり損なった, またしてもだめか, ついてないな
Some people have all the luck!
2 [U]幸運;まぐれ当たり;成功
a run [a streakof luck
a stroke of luck
with (any) luck
He had no luck (in) finding his hat.
Luck was with me [=on my side].
AnyNo] luck?
No such (good) luck.
This is just luck.
3 幸運をもたらす物, 縁起物, お守り(charm).
as luck would have it
▼意味に応じてluckの前にgood, illをつけることもある.
down on one's luck
つきに見放されて, 落ち目になって.

[副]((ふつう文修飾))幸い, 運よく, (…にとって)幸運にも((for ...)) Luckily, he knows the answer.うまいことには, 彼は答えを知っている.
[名][U]幸運, 幸い.
[形]((文))運のない, 不運な, 不幸な;惨たんたる結果に終わる.luck・less・ly[副]luck・less・ness[名]
[形](-i・er, -i・est)1 (…とは)運のいい, 幸運な, ラッキーな((to do, (in) doing, that節)) a lucky dog [beggar, duck]つ...
lucky bag
lucky dip
((英))1 福引箱:この中に手を突っ込んで福引を行う(((米))grab bag).2 運, 運命(lottery).
lucky loonie

2012年9月20日 星期四

broody, on the sly, batten down the hatches

 The UK government and central bank last night announced plans for a £100bn support programme for the British economy, as they battened down the hatches for a worsening “eurozone debt storm”.

 DWIGHT JELLE and K Hamilton’s retreat in rural Pepin County, Wis., has cedar board-and-batten siding, a wood-burning stove and a stack of firewood piled at the ready.

 (băt'n) pronunciation

v., -tened, -ten·ing, -tens.
  1. To become fat.
  2. To thrive and prosper, especially at another's expense: "[She] battens like a leech on the lives of famous people, . . . a professional retailer of falsehoods" (George F. Will).
To fatten; overfeed.

[Ultimately from Old Norse batna, to improve.]

bat·ten2 (băt'n) pronunciation
  1. Nautical.
    1. One of several flexible strips of wood or plastic placed in pockets at the outer edge of a sail to keep it flat.
    2. A narrow strip of wood used to fasten down the edges of the material that covers hatches in foul weather.
  2. Chiefly British. A narrow strip of wood used especially for flooring.
tr.v., -tened, -ten·ing, -tens.
Nautical. To furnish, fasten, or secure with battens: battened down the hatch during the storm.
[動](自)1 食べてよく育つ, 太る.2 (…を)がつがつ[たらふく]食う;(他人の)金で肥え太る, (…を)食いものにする((on, upon ...))(▼受身可) batten on o...
[名][U]1 (板の継ぎ目などをふさぐ)当て木, 目板, 小幅板, 押縁(おしぶち).2 《海事》(帆をぴんと張るための)バッテン, 当て木;(防水布留めの)薄板.━━[動](他)1 …に目板...

idiom:batten down the hatches
  1. To prepare for an imminent disaster or emergency.
[Middle English batent, from Old French bataunt, wooden strip, clapper, from present participle of batre, to beat. See batter1.]
[動](他)1 〈ひなを〉卵からかえす;〈卵を〉ふ化する((out)) The duck hatched five ducklings.アヒルが5匹のひなをかえした.2 〈悪事を〉(密かに)謀る...
[名]1(1) (船の甲板の)ハッチ, 倉口;ハッチカバー.(2) (飛行機の下部の)荷物積み降ろし口.2 (床・天井の)出入り口, 上げぶた.3 (上下に仕切ったドアの)下とびら, くぐり戸....
[動](他)《製図・彫刻》…にハッチングをする, 線影[けば]をつける.━━[名](製図・彫版の)線影, けば.
on the sly
Fig. secretly and deceptively. She was stealing little bits of money on the sly. Martin was having an affair with the maid on the sly.
See also: sly


adj., -i·er, -i·est.
    1. Meditative; contemplative.
    2. Oppressive: "The room's air was broody and sullen, like the season's own, full of storm clouds" (Nicholas Proffitt).
  1. Disposed to sit on eggs to hatch them: a broody hen.
broodiness brood'i·ness n.

broody Pronunciation (adjective) Deeply or seriously thoughtful.
Synonyms:contemplative, meditative, musing, pensive, pondering, reflective, ruminative
Usage:In the past few weeks she has become increasingly broody and sullen.

Dylan uses the lines:
They battened down the hatches
But the hatches wouldn't hold
This has caused a couple of correspondents to write to me asking what 'batten down' means. Many people may know what 'batten down the hatches' means, but some clearly don't, so here goes...
'Hatch' is one of those words with dozens of meanings in the dictionary. In this case we are looking at the 'opening in the deck of a ship' meaning. Ships' hatches, more formally called hatchways, were commonplace on sailing ships and were normally either open or covered with a wooden grating to allow for ventilation of the lower decks. When bad weather was imminent, the hatches were covered with tarpaulin and the covering was edged with wooden strips, known as battens, to prevent it from blowing off. Not surprisingly, sailors called this 'battening down'.
The misspellings 'battern down the hatches' and 'baton down the hatches' are sometimes found in print. 'Batons' are sticks or staffs, which makes that particular misspelling plausible. 'Batterns' are a form of stage lighting.
Batten down the hatchesThe earliest reference to this practice that I know of is in William Falconer's An Universal Dictionary of the Marine, 1769:
The battens serve to confine the edges of the tarpaulings close down to the sides of the hatches.
The first citation of the explicit use of the phrase 'batten down the hatches' is from the 1883 Chambers Journal:
"Batten down the hatches - quick, men."
See other Nautical Phrases.

The Phrase A Week newsletter has 127,000 subscribers.
You may make a donation to support this list at www.phrases.org.uk/support.html

2012年9月18日 星期二

sleek, anti-whaling trimaran,

 H-P Tries On a Sleeker Look
Hewlett-Packard Chief Executive Meg Whitman has ordered more emphasis on product design, part of her push to turn around the big tech company. A new line of PCs due out for the holidays will be the first fruits of those efforts.

Fundraiser aims to replace Ady Gil anti-whaling trimaran
Los Angeles Times
The sleek vessel collided with a Japanese whaling ship last week. It was used by Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, whose work is featured in the reality ...


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[slíːk]

1 〈毛髪・毛並みなどが〉なめらかな, すべすべした, つやつやした;色つや[顔色]のいい.
2 栄養がよい;〈動物などが〉手入れの行き届いた;ほっそりしたスタイルの.
3 〈態度が〉物柔らかな;口先のうまい.
4 〈車などが〉流線型の.
━━[動](他)…をなめらかにする, なでつける.

A trimarann.
A fast sailboat with three parallel hulls.

is a multihulled boat consisting of a main hull (vaka) and two smaller outrigger hulls (amas), attached to the main hull with lateral struts (akas). The design and names for the trimaran components are derived from the original proa constructed by native Pacific Islanders.

freedom of /freedom from, panegyric, Protected Speech,

 Bernard Porter attacked Empire in The London Review of Books as a "panegyric to British colonialism".[33] Ferguson in response to this drew Porter's attention to the conclusion of the book, where he writes: "No one would claim that the record of the British Empire was unblemished. On the contrary, I have tried to show how often it failed to live up to its own ideal of individual liberty, particularly in the early era of enslavement, transportation and the "ethnic cleansing" of indigenous peoples."

Essential social and political objectives described by Pres. Franklin Roosevelt in his State of the Union message in January 1941: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear of physical aggression. He called for the last freedom to be achieved through a "worldwide reduction in armaments." In August 1941 he and Winston Churchill included the four freedoms in the Atlantic Charter.

New bottles for new wine Chatto & Windus, London; Harper N.Y. (1957); repr as Knowledge, morality, destiny. N.Y. (1960)
http://www.answers.com/julian%20huxley 195?年 在Oregon 大學 Charter Day的主題演講
先談 freedom of 和 freedom from....

 By 1791, when the First Amendment was ratified, the idea of "freedom of speech" was sufficiently entrenched that it became the primary language of the amendment, with "freedom of the press" being added to ensure that written and printed as well as oral communication was protected: "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." Still, the focus both in law and in political discussion at the time was on printed political argument, whether in newspapers or the kinds of tracts distributed by men like Thomas Paine.


Clicking 'Like' on Facebook Is Not Protected Speech, Judge Rules

Exactly what a "like" means played a part in a case in Virginia involving six people who say Sheriff B. J. Roberts of Hampton fired them for supporting an opponent in his 2009 re-election bid.

panegyric (pan-i-JIR-ik, -JY-rik)

noun: A formal or elaborate oration in praise of someone or something; eulogy.

[名][U][C]((形 式))賞賛の辞[文];(人・物への)公式の賛辞, 顕彰の辞((on, upon ...)).Etymology
From Latin panegyricus, from Greek panegyrikos (of or for an assembly), from paneguris (public assembly), from pan- (all) + aguris (assembly, marketplace). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ger- (to gather) that is also the source of gregarious, aggregate, congregation, egregious, and segregate.

"Gov. George Pataki's 10th State of the State speech yesterday was more a panegyric to freedom and security than a rousing promise to fix what's clearly wrong with New York's government." — A Real State of New York; The New York Times; Jan 8, 2004.

2012年9月16日 星期日

blindfold, sensation, rodent, sensational wedding dress

She’s middle-aged, gray-haired and stays up all night. Still, Heidi the cross-eyed opossum is Germany’s biggest media sensation, and she has not even made her debut at the Leipzig Zoo.牠中年、灰髮而且整夜不睡,不過,海蒂這隻鬥雞眼負鼠,是現在德國媒體上最紅的,而且牠甚至還沒在萊比錫動物園公開亮相。

Kate Middleton's Sensational Wedding Dress


There’s a squirrel popping up all over the Internet.
The rodent first made its appearance in a holiday photo taken by an American couple in Canada and has gone on to become a Web sensation.

US soldier sentenced for killing of blindfolded Iraqi prisoners

A US military tribunal in Germany has sentenced an American soldier for seven months for killing four Iraqi prisoners. The prisoners were bound and blindfolded after later dumped in Baghdad canal. Twenty-three-year-old Spc. Belmor Ramos had faced a possible sentence of life in prison for conspiracy to commit murder but worked out a plea agreement. He has agreed to testify against other soldiers allegedly involved in the killing of the Iraqis. Three other soldiers were charged on Tuesday with murder.

Knut the polar bear, who became a worldwide media sensation as a cub in 2007, will soon be joined in Berlin zoo by Gianna, a female companion originally from Italy, German reports said.

Later, whenever his paintings seemed stuck, he turned to sculpture to organize his thoughts and sensations. Matisse worked on his big cat for two years, sometimes blindfolding himself to understand his object better and, perhaps, to avoid any inclination to fill in descriptive details.

Show phonetics
noun [C]
a strip of cloth which covers someone's eyes and stops them from seeing

verb [T]
to cover someone's eyes with a blindfold:
She was blindfolded and taken somewhere in the back of a van.
HUMOROUS I've been there so often I could probably drive there blindfold.


━━ vt., n., a., ad. 目隠し(する); 迷わす, 欺く; 目隠しされた[て]; 向う見ずな[に].


sensation:名詞,指引發轟動、激動的人或事物,如 The scandal about the president caused a sensation.(總統的醜聞造成大轟動。)或The show was an overnight sensation.(這場表演立即引起轟動,意指迅速成功。)形容詞則為sensational,形容(正面的)非常好、令人激動或特殊,如She looks sensational in her new dress.(她穿著那件新禮服顯得非常動人。)

sensation:名詞,轟動的人或事。例句:I was told that the Japanese teen sensation Arashi’s new single is set to be released next month.(據說日本青少年風靡的天團「嵐」下個月要發行新單曲。)
    1. A perception associated with stimulation of a sense organ or with a specific body condition: the sensation of heat; a visual sensation.
    2. The faculty to feel or perceive; physical sensibility: The patient has very little sensation left in the right leg.
    3. An indefinite generalized body feeling: a sensation of lightness.
  1. A state of heightened interest or emotion: “The anticipation produced in me a sensation somewhat between bliss and fear” (James Weldon Johnson).
    1. A state of intense public interest and excitement: “The purser made a sensation as sailors like to do, by predicting a storm” (Evelyn Waugh).
    2. A cause of such interest and excitement. See synonyms at wonder.
[French, from Old French, from Medieval Latin sēnsātiō, sēnsātiōn-, from Late Latin sēnsātus, gifted with sense. See sensate.]


(sĕn-sā'shə-nəl) pronunciation
  1. Of or relating to sensation.
  2. Arousing or intended to arouse strong curiosity, interest, or reaction, especially by exaggerated or lurid details: sensational journalism; a sensational television report.
  3. Outstanding; spectacular: a sensational concert; a sensational dinner.
sensationally sen·sa'tion·al·ly adv.

2012年9月15日 星期六

elucubrate, or demesne, or cynosure, headset

Headsets are the next big tech platform. This year all eyes will be on Apple’s Vision Pro


We all know what the words cat and dog and mother and tree mean. What we really need is a dictionary that helps us with the tough words, like elucubrate, or demesne, or cynosureThe Oxford Dictionary of Difficult Words is designed to meet this need. A portable reference, it features more than 10,000 entries that focus exclusively on words that, while outside most people's working vocabulary, are often encountered in literature, in technical writings (such as computing or medical terminology), and in such diverse subject areas as law, philosophy, and art.






From the past participle of Latin elucubrare ‘compose by lamplight’.


  • IPA/ɪˈluːkjʊbreɪt/


elucubrate (third-person singular simple present elucubratespresent participle elucubratingsimple past and past participleelucubrated)
  1. To solvewrite or compose by working studiously at night; to study.


[edit]Derived terms



  1. second-person plural present indicative of elucubrare
  2. second-person plural imperative of elucubrare
  3. Feminine plural of elucubrato



  1. first-person plural present active imperative of ēlūcubrō





Wikipedia has an article on:


From Anglo-Norman demeynedemene et al., Old French demeinedemaine,demeignedomaine (power) (whence French domaine (domain)), a noun use of an adjective, from Latin dominicus (belonging to a lord or master), fromdominus (master, proprietor, owner). See dame, and compare demaindomain.


  • IPA/ˌdɪˈmeɪn/
  • IPA/ˌdɪˈmiːn/


demesne (plural demesnes)
  1. lord’s chief manor place, with that part of the lands belonging thereto which has not been granted out in tenancy; a house, and the land adjoining, kept for the proprietor’s own use.  [quotations ▼]








From French cynosure (Ursa Minor; Polaris), from Latin Cynosūra (Ursa Minor), from Ancient GreekΚυνόσουρα (Kunosoura, Ursa Minor), literally “dog’s tail’, from κυνός (kunos, dog's) + οὐρά (oura, tail).


  • (UK) IPA/ˈsʌɪnəʊsjə/
    Hyphenation: cy‧no‧sure
Headset icon.svgThis entry needs audio files. If you have a microphone, please record some and upload them. (For audio required quickly, visit WT:APR.)
Particularly: "UK"
Headset icon.svgThis entry needs audio files. If you have a microphone, please record some and upload them. (For audio required quickly, visit WT:APR.)
Particularly: "US"


cynosure (plural cynosures)
  1. (usually capitalized) Ursa Minor or Polaris, the North Star, used as a guide by navigators.
  2. (figuratively) That which serves to guide or direct; a guiding star.
    let faith be your cynosure to walk by
  3. Something that is the center of attention; an object that serves as a focal point of attraction and admiration.  [quotations ▼]


[edit]See also