2024年4月30日 星期二

have had it in for/ canine citizens.efforts to prove that Dr. King was the victim of a conspiracy, becoming a celebrity among the conspiracy-minded.

William F. Pepper, 86, Dies; Claimed the Government Killed Dr. King

He represented James Earl Ray and the King family in efforts to prove that Dr. King was the victim of a conspiracy, becoming a celebrity among the conspiracy-minded.


April 19, 2024
They Bark, They Fetch, and Their Humans Vote

San Francisco’s canine citizens now have their own political action committee, DogPAC, and candidates are taking its power very seriously.

There’s a Canine Conspiracy! Television Reveals It!

A pack of animal-behavior programs suggests dogs have it in for humans.

have had it in for
Intend to harm, especially because of a grudge. For example, Ever since he called the police about their dog, the neighbors have had it in for Tom. [Mid-1800s]

conspiracy, conspiratorial, conspiracy and fraud,' birthers' :conspiracy theories take stock, piracy, sentencing commission, efforts to prove that Dr. King was the victim of a conspiracy, becoming a celebrity among the conspiracy-minded.

April 19, 2024
"China is seeking to deflect criticism for its role in starting a global pandemic and not telling the world," a State Department official said.
"Spreading conspiracy theories is dangerous and ridiculous. We wanted to put the government on notice we won't tolerate it, for the good of the Chinese people and the world," the official said.

JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theories Sell Lots of Books31

On June 21, 1964, three civil rights workers disappeared in Philadelphia, Miss. Their bodies were found buried in an earthen dam six weeks later. Eight members of the Ku Klux Klan went to prison on federal conspiracy charges; none served more than six years.

"As a result, hard-pressed New York cities, towns, schools and hospitals spent hundreds of millions of dollars on LCD screens affected by the illegal/unlawful conspiracy. My office is bringing this case to get those illegal overcharges back," he said.

Papers From Iraqi Archive Reveal Conspiratorial Mind-Set of Hussein
Transcripts and documents depict Saddam Hussein as a leader who harbored grand ambitions for his country but was prone to epic miscalculations.

European Union foreign and defense ministers have backed a plan to train up

The EU takes stock of the world's hotspots

European Union foreign and defense ministers have backed a plan to train up
to 2000 Somali troops, as part of wider efforts to tackle piracy in the

The DW-WORLD Article


More Than Half of GOP Voters Still Doubt Obama Born in U.S.

Just how big of a role will the 'birthers' play in the Republican primary?

Conspiracy theories about the citizenship of Barack Obama claim that Barack Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States and is therefore not eligible to be President of the United States under Article Two of the U.S. Constitution. Some of these conspiracy theories allege that Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii, or that his birth certificate is a forgery. Others allege that Obama became a citizen of Indonesia and lost his U.S. citizenship. Still others claim that because Obama's father was from Kenya, that meant he held dual citizenship at birth (British and American), and the supposed dual citizenship means Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States.
The claims have been promoted by a number of fringe theorists and political opponents, often referred to as birthers, some of whom filed unsuccessful lawsuits seeking to disqualify Obama from running for, or being sworn in as President, or to obtain additional proof that he is constitutionally qualified to hold the office of President.

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/barack-obama-citizenship-conspiracy-theories#ixzz1M5sMgpOI


Brocade Communications Systems' former chief executive, Gregory L. Reyes, was found guilty of conspiracy and fraud Tuesday in the first criminal options-backdating case to go to trial. The conviction sent shockwaves through Silicon Valley and law offices around the country and raised the prospect that prosecutors may be emboldened to pursue similar cases.

Under federal sentencing guidelines, Mr. Reyes could face up to 20 years in prison for the most serious charges as well as pay millions of dollars in fines. Sentencing is scheduled for Nov. 21.

Go to Article from The New York Times»
Go to Article from The San Jose Mercury News»

The United States Sentencing Commission is an independent agency of the Judicial Branch of the United States Government and is responsible for the sentencing policy of the United States Federal Courts.
The commission was created by the Sentencing Reform Act provisions of the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984. The Constitutionality of the commission was challenged as a congressional encroachment on the power of the executive branch but upheld in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Mistretta v. United States488 U.S. 1361 (1989).

External links

英国司法大臣斯特劳(Jack Straw)宣布,在现有的15亿英镑经费之外,又增加了12亿英镑的额外经费来进行扩大监狱容量的计划。英国监狱拥挤问题由来已久,因为受刑人太多,有些受刑人不能参加矫正课程,因此没有资格减刑,这使得问题恶性循环。此前由卡特勋爵(Lord Carter)的检讨报告提议,英国设立一个类似美国的永久判决委员会(sentencing commission),将受刑人与监狱资源配对。

sentence (PUNISHMENT)
noun [C]
1 a punishment given by a judge in court to a person or organization after they have been found guilty of doing something wrong:
He got a heavy/light sentence (= He was severely/not severely punished).
The offence carries a jail/prison/life/5-year sentence.
He was given a non-custodial/suspended sentence.

2 pronounce sentence (of a judge) to say officially what a punishment will be:
The judge will pronounce sentence on the defendant this afternoon.

pass sentence to state, as a judge, what a criminal's official punishment will be

verb [T] LEGAL
He was sentenced to life imprisonment.

conspiracy and fraud 法律意義是:

conspiracy 共謀/同謀 (某犯罪)--這本身就是犯罪
fraud 欺詐( 罪)


  • 発音記号[kənspirətɔ'ːriəl]
conspiratorial discussions
a conspiratorial grin [giggle, wink]

take stock
Make an estimate or appraisal, as in We have to take stock of our finances before we can undertake a new project, or The career counselor advised Mark to take stock before changing his plans. This expression transfers making an inventory of goods (stock) to other kinds of appraisal. [Early 1800s]

pi·ra·cy ('rə-sē) pronunciation
n., pl., -cies.
    1. Robbery committed at sea.
    2. A similar act of robbery, as the hijacking of an airplane.
  1. The unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted or patented material: software piracy.
  2. The operation of an unlicensed, illegal radio or television station.
[Medieval Latin pīrātia, from Late Greek peirāteia, from Greek peirātēs, pirate. See pirate.]

con·spir·a·cy (kən-spîr'ə-sē) pronunciation

, pl., -cies.
  1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
  2. A group of conspirators.
  3. Law. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.
  4. A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design: a conspiracy of wind and tide that devastated coastal areas.
[Middle English conspiracie, from Anglo-Norman, probably alteration of Old French conspiration, from Latin cōnspīrātiō, cōnspīrātiōn-, from cōnspīrātus, past participle of cōnspīrāre, to conspire. See conspire.]

maestro, chorale, West Point. Elon Musk's surprise visit to China this week won concessions for Tesla, but left India feeling spurned after he canceled a scheduled trip there for earlier this month, with Indian commentators calling the move a snub

Elon Musk's surprise visit to China this week won concessions for Tesla, but left India feeling spurned after he canceled a scheduled trip there for earlier this month, with Indian commentators calling the move a snub 

Robert Bass, the longtime music director and conductor of the Collegiate Chorale, a New York group whose performances and recordings have earned it international recognition, died on Monday at his home in Manhattan. He was 55.

Mr. Bass conducted choral repertory and opera for the Collegiate, which was founded in 1941 by Robert Shaw, taking its name from its first rehearsal space, the Marble Collegiate Church. Mr. Bass’s discography includes the premiere recording of Strauss’s “Friedenstag” and Beethoven cantatas with Deborah Voigt


━━ n. コーラル, 賞美歌曲; =choral.

noun [C] plural maestros or maestri
a man who is very skilled at playing or conducting (= directing the performance of) music
* Germany's Maestro Masur Marks 80th Birthday (2007)

A Maestro Conducting With Heart ... a New One
Robert Bass has been the music director of the Collegiate Chorale since 1980 and is no stranger to the stage. But his new heart is.

葛林斯班Alan Greenspan1987年開始擔任美國聯準會主席,是全球最有權勢的人士之一,他的經濟政策深深影響全球經濟的走向。人們稱他為大師(Maestro、遠見家,也是史上最棒的經濟學家之一。但是,這位不知從哪冒出來的媒體寵兒,究竟是什麼樣的人?世人真的了解艾倫‧葛林斯班嗎?……他在許多人眼中或許是個傳奇人物,但只要仔細探究他的所作所為


鮑勃•伍德沃德(Bob Woodward)在其關於格林斯潘的傳記Maestro中寫道﹐格林斯潘自己並不想再次降息﹐但之所以如此是迫於麥克多諾和時任Fed副主席的艾利斯•瑞夫林(Alice Rivlin)的壓力。


Simon Rattle spurned U.S. advances, and that's not such a bad thing. Article by J. Kosman. San Francisco Chronicle. November 23, 2003
For watchers of the international orchestral scene, the coming week brings a landmark visit. In its first San Francisco appearance in nearly half a century, the Berlin Philharmonic will give two concerts in Davies Symphony Hall under its new music director, Simon Rattle.

Or, as he's known to American orchestra managers, The One That Got Away.

During the freakish game of musical chairs that descended on the orchestra world four or five years ago -- a period when some half a dozen major organizations, both here and abroad, suddenly found themselves in the market for a new music director at the same time -- the biggest question was whether Rattle would wind up at the helm of an American orchestra.

But when the dust had settled, the English maestro, then just 44, had successfully resisted the blandishments of several U.S. managers and instead secured the leadership of the famously tradition-bound Philharmonic.

West Point: the US Military Academy was established; it was only in 1976 that women were finally admitted (1802) “西點軍校 誤譯)為正式名稱US Military Academy
West Pointafter the scenic town in the Hudson River Valley where it is locatedpoint應該是(PIECE OF LAND a long thin area of land that stretches out into the sea: Spurn Point -- 參觀 Wikipedia article "United States Military Academy"圖片 )

ウェスト・ポイント ((New York州南東部の軍用地;米国陸軍士官学校(U.S. Military Academy)がある)).

spurn, unseat, taken a knock, quarter, Quartering. Elon Musk's surprise visit to China this week won concessions for Tesla, but left India feeling spurned after he canceled a scheduled trip there for earlier this month, with Indian commentators calling the move a snub

Elon Musk's surprise visit to China this week won concessions for Tesla, but left India feeling spurned after he canceled a scheduled trip there for earlier this month, with Indian commentators calling the move a snub 

By the late 1700s, American colonists had grown weary of the British crown. As a way to increase revenue, Britain had imposed a series of legal acts, including the Sugar Act (limiting trade), the Stamp Act (requiring specialized, taxed paper), and the Quartering Act (requiring colonists to bear cost of housing British soldiers). The colonies argued that this was "taxation without representation," and unrest grew by 1768.

Some have resisted Chinese takeovers. But a Swiss agrichemicals-maker has spurned an American firm in favour of a Chinese suitor
The deal marks the biggest Chinese foreign takeover ever

“If sports arenas are so pure and sacred, why did [President] Ma tear down Taiwan’s national flags during the women’s Asian Cup soccer games? 'Chinese Taipei' is forced upon us by international politics, but there’s no need to humiliate ourselves at home.” - Cheng Hung-yi
A group of spectators attending the Asian Baseball Championship match...

Jonathan Mirsky: “Over the last few years, a growing number of world leaders, under pressure from China, have spurned or downgraded meetings with the Dalai Lama. But the Tibetan leader has a long history of meeting with the head of the Catholic Church. Why has Pope Francis snubbed him?”

Scotland voted to stay in the United Kingdom in a historic referendum that threatened to rip the union apart. But leaders from across the United Kingdom said the union must change if it is to endure. Read more: http://reut.rs/1tvngFq
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Scotland spurned independence in a historic referendum that...

Seeing Military as Tamed, Morsi Spurned Deals

The abrupt end of Egypt’s first Islamist government was the culmination of months of escalating tensions and ultimately futile American efforts to broker a solution to keep President Mohamed Morsi in office.

The Fight to Unseat Apple's iPhone Intensifies

Sales of the “fifth quarter” – tails, ears and other parts spurned by British diners – would build on a healthy trade in chicken feet and hearts already sold to China.

After Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana said he would not run for president, a debate began over whether there would be a candidate able to unseat President Obama.

Morakot is also doing political damage. President Ma faces harsh criticism for his government’s slow response to the disaster, and in particular for its surprising decision to spurn foreign offers of aid in the early stages. Three senior officials have already offered their resignations. The reputation of Mr Ma himself has taken a knock.

Anheuser Spurns
InBev Takeover Bid

Belgian Brewer
Will Try to Unseat
Bud Maker's Board

The takeover bid for America's dominant brewer took a hostile turn Thursday, as Anheuser-Busch Cos. rejected InBev NV's $46.35 billion offer and InBev took steps to unseat the brewer's 13-member board.

Anheuser-Busch rejected InBev's $46.35 billion offer, while the Belgian-Brazilian brewer said it planned to ask the St. Louis brewer's shareholders to unseat the board

Yahoo has been meeting with Goldman Sachs in case it receives an offer. That is the same banking adviser that led Yahoo to one of its greatest missteps in its history in spurning Microsoft.

HSBC's chief executive, Michael Geoghegan, should stay in his post and spurn any offer to become chairman, according to banking analysts.

Go to Article from Bloomberg News»

  1. 1.
    the coats of arms marshalled on a shield to denote the marriages into a family of the heiresses of others.
  2. 2.
    the provision of accommodation or lodgings, especially for troops.

  1. [名詞]
  2. 1 4つに分けること;(謀反人などを)四つ裂きにすること;右往左往すること;あちこち捜すこと.
  3. 2 宿舎の割り当て;宿営(すること).
  4. 3 ((quarterings)) 〔紋章〕
  5. (1)盾形の4分割.
  6. (2)1つの盾形を4個またはそれ以上の方形に分け,さまざまな紋章を組み合わせて配置すること.
  7. (3)((quarterings)) (2)のように配置された紋章;姻戚関係を示す.
  8. 4 〔天文〕 月の上弦・下弦の移り変わり.
  9. 5 〔建築〕 間柱まばしら(を立てること).
  10. 6 〔木工〕 丸太を四つ割りにした木材;((英)) (高級床材などに用いる)板材.
  11. 7 〔採鉱〕 四分法:鉱石など粉粒状の試料を偏りなく縮分する方法.
  1. ━━ [形容詞]
  2. 1 quartering の.
  3. 2 (他と)直角になった,直角に取りつけられた.
  4. 3 〔海事〕 〈風が〉斜め後方から船に吹きつける.
  5. [語源]
v., spurned, spurn·ing, spurns. v.tr.
  1. To reject disdainfully or contemptuously; scorn. See synonyms at refuse1.
  2. To kick at or tread on disdainfully.
To reject something contemptuously.

  1. A contemptuous rejection.
  2. Archaic. A kick.
[Middle English spurnen, from Old English spurnan.]
spurner spurn'er n.

[動](他)((主に文))〈人・申し出・忠告などを〉はねつける, にべもなく拒絶する(⇒REFUSE1[類語]);…を鼻であしらう, 相手にしない, 軽蔑する
She spurned his advances.
━━(自)(危険などを)侮る((at ...)).
━━[名]にべもない拒絶, 門前払い, ひじ鉄砲;鼻であしらうこと.

Definition of spurn
[with object]
  • reject with disdain or contempt:he spoke gruffly, as if afraid that his invitation would be spurned
  • archaic strike, tread, or push away with the foot:with one touch of my feet, I spurn the solid Earth


  • an act of spurning.



Old English spurnan, spornan; related to Latin spernere 'to scorn'; compare with spur

  1. An instance of striking or colliding; a blow.
  2. The sound of a sharp tap on a hard surface; a rap.
  3. A pounding or clanking noise made by an engine, often as a result of faulty fuel combustion. Also called ping.
  4. Slang. A cutting, often petty criticism.

1 …を座席から押しのける;…を落馬させる.
2 ((形式))(選挙・訴訟などにより)〈人を〉政治上の官職(議員・知事・大統領など)から退ける
be unseated for bribery

2024年4月29日 星期一

chunk, substantial, puffy, chunky. The company charges $99 a month to upgrade Tesla cars from its Autopilot or Enhanced Autopilot driver-assistance systems to the new level.

As Chinese automakers introduce large numbers of their own electric car models this year, Tesla is doubling down on self-driving capabilities, putting the features into cars ahead of other automakers, despite concerns by regulators and safety experts about the capability of the company’s technology.

Tesla already offers what it calls “supervised Full Self Driving” in the United States. The company charges $99 a month to upgrade Tesla cars from its Autopilot or Enhanced Autopilot driver-assistance systems to the new level.

If both sides stick to their hard bargaining positions, the risk that Brexit will happen on December 31st with no trade deal at all in place must be substantial Negotiations on a new relationship between Britain and the EU will be fraught

Boris Johnson sets course for the hardest possible Brexit

Significantly, it also reveals the hand of the museum’s former director Anne d’Harnoncourt, who worked on the show before her unexpected death last June, and the substantial catalog is dedicated to her.

The best way to get frozen or refrigerated butter ready for creaming is to cut it into chunks. (Never use a microwave: it will melt it, even though it will look solid.) When the butter is still cold, but takes the imprint of a finger when gently pressed, it is ready to be creamed.

While the Indian upper classes are snapping up roomier models and even imports like Mercedes-Benz, first-time buyers will provide a big chunk of growth for years to come.

Minutes later, the chunky Parnell, his face puffy and his hands clasped in front of him, took his place at the table, while the victims' families watched from the first row and from the committee staff room.

I saw her face, as if it was still not too late, all a bad dream, her gray eyes searching mine, her small puffy cheeks. There were tears forming in her eyes, and she opened her mouth to say something.


If the skin around your eyes is puffy, it is slightly swollen:
His eyes were still puffy with sleep.

noun [C]. 大塊; 〔米〕 ずんぐりした人[馬]; かなりの量.
1 a roughly cut lump:
a chunk of cheese/meat
pineapple/tuna chunks

2 INFORMAL a part of something, especially a large part:
a chunk of text
a substantial chunk of our profits
Three hours is quite a chunk out of my working day.

〔米〕 ずんぐりした人[馬]

adjective ━━ a. ずんぐりした; 塊の.
1 describes clothes that are thick and heavy, or jewellery made of large pieces:
a chunky sweater
a chunky necklace

2 APPROVING describes a person who is short and heavy

chunk・ing 【コンピュータ】チャンキング ((処理をまとめること)).



  1. かなり
    fairly large.
    • won by a substantial margin
    • 管理のマージンで勝った
  2. 実質的な
    having a firm basis in reality and being therefore important, meaningful, or considerable.
    • substantial equivalents
    • かなり同等の物
  3. 実質的な
    having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary.
    • the substantial world
    • 現実の世界
    • a mere dream, neither substantial nor practical
    • 単なる夢、実体も実質もない
    • most ponderous and substantial things
    • 最も重々しく実質的な物−シェイクスピア
  4. 豊富な食物を提供するさま
    providing abundant nourishment.
    • ate a substantial breakfast
    • 十分な朝食を取った
  5. 強い 丈夫な 堅固な
    of good quality and condition; solidly built.
    • several substantial timber buildings
    • いくつかの重要な木造建築物

substantial (LARGE)
large in size, value or importance:
The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women.
She inherited a substantial fortune from her grandmother.
The first draft of his novel needed a substantial amount of rewriting.

The new rules will substantially (= to a large degree) change how we do things.

substantial (GENERAL)
adjective [before noun] FORMAL
relating to the main or most important things being considered:
The committee were in substantial agreement (= agreed about most of the things discussed).

This model has a few extra fittings, but the two cars are substantially the same.