William F. Pepper, 86, Dies; Claimed the Government Killed Dr. King
He represented James Earl Ray and the King family in efforts to prove that Dr. King was the victim of a conspiracy, becoming a celebrity among the conspiracy-minded.
April 19, 2024
"China is seeking to deflect criticism for its role in starting a global pandemic and not telling the world," a State Department official said.
"Spreading conspiracy theories is dangerous and ridiculous. We wanted to put the government on notice we won't tolerate it, for the good of the Chinese people and the world," the official said.
On June 21, 1964, three civil rights workers disappeared in Philadelphia, Miss. Their bodies were found buried in an earthen dam six weeks later. Eight members of the Ku Klux Klan went to prison on federal conspiracy charges; none served more than six years.
"As a result, hard-pressed New York cities, towns, schools and hospitals
spent hundreds of millions of dollars on LCD screens affected by the
illegal/unlawful conspiracy. My office is bringing this case to get those illegal
overcharges back," he said.
Papers From Iraqi Archive Reveal Conspiratorial Mind-Set of Hussein
Transcripts and documents depict Saddam Hussein as a leader who harbored grand ambitions for his country but was prone to epic miscalculations.
European Union foreign and defense ministers have backed a plan to train up
The EU takes stock of the world's hotspots
European Union foreign and defense ministers have backed a plan to train up
to 2000 Somali troops, as part of wider efforts to tackle piracy in the
The DW-WORLD Article
More Than Half of GOP Voters Still Doubt Obama Born in U.S.
Just how big of a role will the 'birthers' play in the Republican primary?
Conspiracy theories about the citizenship of Barack Obama claim that
Barack Obama is not a
natural-born citizen of the United States and is therefore not eligible to be
President of the United States under
Article Two of the U.S. Constitution. Some of these
conspiracy theories allege that Obama was born in
Kenya, not
Hawaii, or that his birth certificate is a
forgery. Others allege that Obama became a citizen of
Indonesia and lost his U.S. citizenship. Still others claim that because Obama's father was from Kenya, that meant he held
dual citizenship at birth (
British and American), and the supposed dual citizenship means Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States.
The claims have been promoted by a number of fringe theorists and political opponents, often referred to as
some of whom filed unsuccessful lawsuits seeking to disqualify Obama
from running for, or being sworn in as President, or to obtain
additional proof that he is constitutionally qualified to hold the
office of President.
Read more:
Brocade Communications Systems' former chief executive, Gregory L. Reyes, was found guilty of
conspiracy and fraud
Tuesday in the first criminal options-backdating case to go to trial.
The conviction sent shockwaves through Silicon Valley and law offices
around the country and raised the prospect that prosecutors may be
emboldened to pursue similar cases.
Under federal
sentencing guidelines, Mr. Reyes could face up to 20 years in prison for
the most serious charges as well as pay millions of dollars in fines.
Sentencing is scheduled for Nov. 21.
Go to Article from The New York Times»
Go to Article from The San Jose Mercury News»
United States Sentencing Commission is an independent agency of the
Judicial Branch of the
United States Government and is responsible for the
sentencing policy of the
United States Federal Courts.
The commission was created by the Sentencing Reform Act provisions of the
Comprehensive Crime Control Act of
1984. The Constitutionality of the commission was challenged as a congressional encroachment on the power of the executive branch but upheld in the U.S. Supreme Court case of
Mistretta v. United States,
488 U.S. 1361 (1989).
External links
英国司法大臣斯特劳(Jack Straw)宣布,在现有的15亿英镑经费之外,又增加了12亿英镑的额外经费来进行扩大监狱容量的计划。英国监狱拥挤问题由来已久,因为受刑人太多,有些受刑人不能参加矫正课程,因此没有资格减刑,这使得问题恶性循环。此前由卡特勋爵(Lord Carter)的检讨报告提议,英国设立一个类似美国的永久判决委员会(sentencing commission),将受刑人与监狱资源配对。
sentence (PUNISHMENT)
noun [C]
1 a punishment given by a judge in court to a person or organization after they have been found guilty of doing something wrong:
He got a heavy/light sentence (= He was severely/not severely punished).
The offence carries a jail/prison/life/5-year sentence.
He was given a non-custodial/suspended sentence.
2 pronounce sentence (of a judge) to say officially what a punishment will be:
The judge will pronounce sentence on the defendant this afternoon.
pass sentence to state, as a judge, what a criminal's official punishment will be
verb [T] LEGAL
He was sentenced to life imprisonment.
conspiracy and fraud 法律意義是:
conspiracy 共謀/同謀 (某犯罪)--這本身就是犯罪
fraud 欺詐( 罪)
conspiratorial discussions
a conspiratorial grin [giggle, wink]
take stock
Make an estimate or appraisal, as in
We have to take stock of our finances before we can undertake a new project, or
The career counselor advised Mark to take stock before changing his plans. This expression transfers making an inventory of goods (
stock) to other kinds of appraisal.
[Early 1800s]
pi·ra·cy (
- Robbery committed at sea.
- A similar act of robbery, as the hijacking of an airplane.
- The unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted or patented material: software piracy.
- The operation of an unlicensed, illegal radio or television station.
[Medieval Latin
pīrātia, from Late Greek
peirāteia, from Greek
peirātēs, pirate. See
con·spir·a·cy (
- An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
- A group of conspirators.
- Law. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.
- A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design: a conspiracy of wind and tide that devastated coastal areas.
[Middle English
conspiracie, from Anglo-Norman, probably alteration of Old French
conspiration, from Latin
cōnspīrātiō, cōnspīrātiōn-, from
cōnspīrātus, past participle of
cōnspīrāre, to conspire. See