2013年8月31日 星期六

concupiscence, moiety, medication, at one, concordance,

the concupiscence of the oppressor

But he wishes us more than this. To be free
is often to be lonely. He would unite
     the unequal moieties fractured
   by our own well-meaning sense of justice,

would restore to the larger the wit and will 
the smaller possesses but can only use
     for arid disputes, would give back to
   the son the mother's richness of feeling:


Syllabification: (moi·e·ty)
Pronunciation: /ˈmoiətē/

noun (plural moieties)

formal or technical
  • each of two parts into which a thing is or can be divided.
  • Anthropology each of two social or ritual groups into which a people is divided, especially among Australian Aborigines and some American Indians.
  • a part or portion, especially a lesser share.
  • Chemistry a distinct part of a large molecule:the enzyme removes the sulfate moiety


late Middle English: from Old French moite, from Latin medietas 'middle', from medius 'mid, middle'


moi • e • ty
moieties (複数形)
1 半分(half).
2 部分, 一部分(part).
3 1人の分け前.
4 《人類》半族.

In Memory of Sigmund Freud- Poets.org - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More

In Memory of Sigmund Freud. by W. H. Auden. When there are so many we shall have to mourn, when grief has been made so public, and exposed to the ...

In Memory of Sigmund Freud - Modernism Lab Essays

W.H. Auden's “In Memory of Sigmund Freud” (1939) reflects on the similarities between psychoanalysis and the work of the poet and attempts to adapt the ...

In Memory of Sigmund Freud

  by W. H. Auden
When there are so many we shall have to mourn,
when grief has been made so public, and exposed
     to the critique of a whole epoch
   the frailty of our conscience and anguish,

of whom shall we speak? For every day they die
among us, those who were doing us some good,
     who knew it was never enough but
   hoped to improve a little by living.

Such was this doctor: still at eighty he wished
to think of our life from whose unruliness
     so many plausible young futures
   with threats or flattery ask obedience,

but his wish was denied him: he closed his eyes
upon that last picture, common to us all,
     of problems like relatives gathered
   puzzled and jealous about our dying. 

For about him till the very end were still
those he had studied, the fauna of the night,
     and shades that still waited to enter
   the bright circle of his recognition

turned elsewhere with their disappointment as he
was taken away from his life interest
     to go back to the earth in London,
   an important Jew who died in exile.

Only Hate was happy, hoping to augment
his practice now, and his dingy clientele
     who think they can be cured by killing
   and covering the garden with ashes.

They are still alive, but in a world he changed
simply by looking back with no false regrets;
     all he did was to remember
   like the old and be honest like children.

He wasn't clever at all: he merely told
the unhappy Present to recite the Past
     like a poetry lesson till sooner
   or later it faltered at the line where

long ago the accusations had begun,
and suddenly knew by whom it had been judged,
     how rich life had been and how silly,
   and was life-forgiven and more humble,

able to approach the Future as a friend
without a wardrobe of excuses, without
     a set mask of rectitude or an 
   embarrassing over-familiar gesture.

No wonder the ancient cultures of conceit
in his technique of unsettlement foresaw
     the fall of princes, the collapse of
   their lucrative patterns of frustration:

if he succeeded, why, the Generalised Life
would become impossible, the monolith
     of State be broken and prevented
   the co-operation of avengers.

Of course they called on God, but he went his way
down among the lost people like Dante, down
     to the stinking fosse where the injured
   lead the ugly life of the rejected,

and showed us what evil is, not, as we thought,
deeds that must be punished, but our lack of faith,
     our dishonest mood of denial,
   the concupiscence of the oppressor.

If some traces of the autocratic pose,
the paternal strictness he distrusted, still
     clung to his utterance and features,
   it was a protective coloration

for one who'd lived among enemies so long:
if often he was wrong and, at times, absurd,
     to us he is no more a person
   now but a whole climate of opinion

under whom we conduct our different lives:
Like weather he can only hinder or help,
     the proud can still be proud but find it
   a little harder, the tyrant tries to

make do with him but doesn't care for him much:
he quietly surrounds all our habits of growth
     and extends, till the tired in even
   the remotest miserable duchy

have felt the change in their bones and are cheered
till the child, unlucky in his little State,
     some hearth where freedom is excluded,
   a hive whose honey is fear and worry,

feels calmer now and somehow assured of escape,
while, as they lie in the grass of our neglect, 
     so many long-forgotten objects
   revealed by his undiscouraged shining

are returned to us and made precious again;
games we had thought we must drop as we grew up,
     little noises we dared not laugh at,
   faces we made when no one was looking.

But he wishes us more than this. To be free
is often to be lonely. He would unite
     the unequal moieties fractured
   by our own well-meaning sense of justice,

would restore to the larger the wit and will 
the smaller possesses but can only use
     for arid disputes, would give back to
   the son the mother's richness of feeling:

but he would have us remember most of all 
to be enthusiastic over the night,
     not only for the sense of wonder
   it alone has to offer, but also

because it needs our love. With large sad eyes
its delectable creatures look up and beg
     us dumbly to ask them to follow:
   they are exiles who long for the future

that lives in our power, they too would rejoice
if allowed to serve enlightenment like him,
     even to bear our cry of 'Judas', 
   as he did and all must bear who serve it.

One rational voice is dumb. Over his grave
the household of Impulse mourns one dearly loved:
     sad is Eros, builder of cities,
   and weeping anarchic Aphrodite.
- See more at: http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/15543#sthash.hkUApAUI.dpuf
Of course they called on God, but he went his way down among the lost people like Dante, down to the stinking fosse where the injured lead the ugly life of the rejected, and showed us what evil is, not, as we thought, deeds that must be punished, but our lack of faith, our dishonest mood of denial, the concupiscence of the oppressor. - See more at: http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/15543#sthash.hkUApAUI.dpuf
Of course they called on God, but he went his way down among the lost people like Dante, down to the stinking fosse where the injured lead the ugly life of the rejected, and showed us what evil is, not, as we thought, deeds that must be punished, but our lack of faith, our dishonest mood of denial, the concupiscence of the oppressor. - See more at: http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/15543#sthash.hkUApAUI.dpuf
Of course they called on God, but he went his way down among the lost people like Dante, down to the stinking fosse where the injured lead the ugly life of the rejected, and showed us what evil is, not, as we thought, deeds that must be punished, but our lack of faith, our dishonest mood of denial, the concupiscence of the oppressor. - See more at: http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/15543#sthash.hkUApAUI.dpuf
Of course they called on God, but he went his way down among the lost people like Dante, down to the stinking fosse where the injured lead the ugly life of the rejected, and showed us what evil is, not, as we thought, deeds that must be punished, but our lack of faith, our dishonest mood of denial, the concupiscence of the oppressor. - See more at: http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/15543#sthash.hkUApAUI.dpuf
That’s Not My Lunch, It’s My Body Lotion
Coconut shampoo and pomegranate lip balm may look good enough to eat, but that’s not recommended.


How do you eat a pomegranate? The pomegranate is quite a labor-intensive fruit. The edible part is the hundreds of seeds that reside inside the tough, thick skin. The most straightforward way to get to the seeds is to cut the pomegranate in half and scoop out the seeds, peeling away the yellowish membrane that connects them. Since the seeds tend to pop, and their juice stains, this method comes with its own dangers. Another way is to cut off the crown of the pomegranate, score the fruit on four sides, and leave it submerged in tap water for at least 20 minutes, softening the fruit so it's easier to work with. With your hands under water, separate the quarters and rub the inside between your fingers. The seeds will sink and the membrane will float to the top. Pour off the membrane-filled water, and enjoy the seeds in a salad, in grain dishes or on their own. Pomegranates are rich in vitamin C and tannins, and have been shown to be effective in reducing heart disease and blood pressure, as well as certain kinds of viral infections. It's National Pomegranate Month.
"Nightly she sings on yon pomegranate tree." William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act III, Scene V

pomegranate 2008
這個字 pomegranate 是10月18日值得一記的單字
故事是中餐的沙拉美不勝收 WWS夫婦難得拿出相機照一張
餐中並盤點其內容 作記 列出材料單 BILL OF MATERIAL
列到第12/13項 有一晶瑩剔透的子他們無法說出 稱為 神秘之子
問主人 知道是"石榴子"
她又說出一英文 因為石榴石garnet 是她的收藏品

我知道它的英文是P開頭 莎士比亞的作品引用過
然後David 用手機查出是pomegranate和 garnet


今天 作林修二集

他有一首日文詩 Canna (美人蕉)的英文翻譯為
As I gaze at it so intently
the cannas's face turns red.
Showing its ruby teeth,
the pomegranate smiles.


3 Citations of Pomegranate in Shakespeare:...日本的成敗 pomegranate ASQC 史 英國 RAE 電腦系統之要求

The Great Flu(www.thegreatflu.com)allows players to choose their viral adversary, pick the part of the world it spreads in and then control how to manage the outbreak given a limited amount of funds and medications.
at one
[OE. at on, atone, atoon, attone.]
1. In concord or friendship; in agreement (with each other); as, to be, bring, make, or set, at one, i. e., to be or bring in or to a state of agreement or reconciliation.
If gentil men, or othere of hir contree
Were wrothe, she wolde bringen hem atoon.
2. Of the same opinion; agreed; as, on these points we are at one.
3. Together. [Obs.] Spenser.

concordance, biblical :聖經索引;聖經要語索引;聖經用語彙編:以聖經主要字句編排的索引,最著名者為 1736 年由克魯丹( Alexander Cruden )所編著,沿用至今。
concordat :政教協定;政教條約:教廷與各國政府所訂有關宗教事務之條約。


Syllabification: (con·cu·pis·cence)


  • strong sexual desire; lust.


Middle English: via Old French from late Latin concupiscentia, from Latin concupiscent- 'beginning to desire', from the verb concupiscere, from con- (expressing intensive force) + cupere 'to desire'
concupiscence :私欲偏情;七情六欲;貪欲;情欲:意指追求理想過程中,違反理性的(縱欲)傾向,其本身非罪,但易受誤導:善用有功,妄用有過。

ineluctable, on a limb, flip for, renaissance, flio out, limbed, inescapable



The president is out on a most precarious limb on the Syria issue.

The ineluctable middlemen

Everyone else in the travel business makes money off airlines. The carriers are trying to fight back
Mrs. Clinton at the Cooperative Orthotic and Prosthetic Enterprise Center which provides artificial limbs for victims of the Vietnam War, in Vientiane, Laos.
Brendan Smialowski/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Clinton Sees Reminders of Vietnam in Laos

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton made a brief stop in Laos, a visit marked by the legacy of the Vietnam War. Above, Mrs. Clinton at an artificial limbs center.

Miss the Hiss? Fanatics Flip for Tunes on Cassette Tapes
Some audiophiles find the flat tones and fuzzy hiss of cassette tapes comforting. They see cassettes following their analog brethren, vinyl records, which are currently enjoying a renaissance.

to avoid flip out at work.



Nobel Peace Prize Speculation Rampant
The committee went out on a limb by awarding the prize to President Obama in 2009. Whom will they choose next?

Coping with life’s little problems
THE tree’s gnarled and heavy limb stretches diagonally across the painting. It is held up by two supports that look like giant, handmade mallets. Dappled light dances over it and the surrounding grass. “Cherry Tree, Spring” (below) is a large, almost square painting by Leon Kossoff, one in a series of paintings of the tree that he began in 2002. They form the core of his current London show; his first solo gallery exhibition in almost ten years.
There is something sad about this tree (that limb is surely in serious trouble) but it has not given up. Though it may need crutches, it will shed its leaves in autumn and bloom again next spring. Inescapably, it seems a metaphor for the artist himself. Mr Kossoff will soon be 84. Nobody gets to be an octogenarian without sometimes feeling heavy-limbed and in need of a prop (usually in the form of a chair).

Impossible to escape or avoid; inevitable: inescapable consequences. See synonyms at certain.
in·es·cap·a·ble (ĭn'ĭ


  • 発音記号[ìnilʌ'ktəbl]

[形]((形式))避けられない, 不可避の, 免れがたい
an ineluctable destiny
-skā'pə-bəl) pronunciation
The adjective has one meaning:
Meaning #1: impossible to avoid or evade:"inescapable conclusion"
Synonyms: ineluctable, unavoidable

a. (lĭmd)
Having limbs; -- much used in composition; as, large-limbed; short-limbed.
Innumerous living creatures, perfect forms,
Limbed and full grown.


  1. One of the larger branches of a tree.
  2. One of the jointed appendages of an animal, such as an arm, leg, wing, or flipper, used for locomotion or grasping.
  3. An extension or a projecting part, as of a building or mountain range.
  4. One that is considered to be an extension, member, or representative of a larger body or group.
  5. Informal. An impish child.
tr.v., limbed, limb·ing, limbs.
To dismember.

(out) on a limb Informal.
  1. In a difficult, awkward, or vulnerable position.

out on a limb

1Isolated:Aberdeen is rather out on a limb
2In or into a position where one is not joined or supported by anyone else:I wouldn’t go out on a limb like this if I didn’t have the data to justify it


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[lím]
1 (頭部・胴体と区別して)肢;手, 腕, 足(▼legの婉曲語法);(鳥の)翼;(ペンギンなどの)ひれ足(▼対になったものをいう)
the upper limbs
be torn limb from limb
the limb of the law
2 (木の)大枝;突き出た部分(山の突出部・十字架の手など).
3 実際に動く部分;手足にたとえられる人
a limb of the Federal Government
4 ((略式))((まれ))いたずら小僧.
out on a limb
危険な状況に, 危うい立場に;のっぴきならないはめに;(議論などで)孤立して
When a fellow is in trouble you want to go out on a limb for him.

2013年8月29日 星期四

draped facade, Façade:An Entertainment, aeolian, aflutter

behind facade

Chinese officials had promised a new era of openness in the wake of the earthquake and in the months before the Olympic Games, which begin in August. But the pressure on parents is one sign that officials here are determined to create a facade of public harmony rather than undertake any real inquiry into accusations that corruption or negligence contributed to the high death toll in the quake.

Tibet protests force Beijing into IOC talks

Protesters disrupt Olympic relay in paris

The Mayor of Paris has cancelled a ceremony to mark the passage of
the Beijing Olympic torch, as officials draped a Tibetan flag over
the city hall facade. The Olympic torch relay was interrupted at
least twice on its journey through Paris. Security officials
extinguished the flame and moved the torch to a bus on two occasions
following protests by Pro-Tibet demonstrators. The flame had
travelled only 200 meters from its starting point at the Eiffel
tower before it had to be put out and transferred to a bus. On the
second occasion, an athlete in a wheelchair was carrying the flame
out of a Paris traffic tunnel when protesters stopped it. At least
five protestors have been arrested so far.

What Happened to the Web Series?
Two years ago, the Internet was aflutter with the potential of Web video. That exuberance has since dissipated. How the popular series "The Guild" stays afloat? Home mailing parties and payments in bagels.

(ə-flŭt'ər) pronunciation
  1. Being in a flutter; fluttering: with flags aflutter.
  2. Nervous and excited.

aeolian (ee-O-lee-uhn)

adjective: Relating to or caused by the wind.

After Aeolus, god of the winds in Greek mythology. As keeper of the winds, he gave a bag containing winds to help with Odysseus's sailing.

"It would not be surprising if a few features -- even very large ones -- were sculpted by aeolian processes into the pyramidal forms we see." — Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan; The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark; Random House; 1995. amazon.com/o/asin/0345409469/ws00-20.

facade Show phonetics
1 [C] (ALSO façade) the front of a building, especially a large or attractive building:
the gallery's elegant 18th century facade

2 [S] a false appearance that is more pleasant than the reality:
Behind that amiable facade, he's a deeply unpleasant man.
We are fed up with this facade of democracy.

fa・cade, fa・cade

[F.] n. (建物の)正面; 見かけ.

drape Show phonetics
1 drape sth across/on/over, etc. to put something such as cloth or a piece of clothing loosely over something:
He draped his jacket over the back of the chair and sat down to eat.
She draped the scarf loosely around her shoulders.

2 be draped in/with sth to be loosely covered with a cloth:
The coffins were all draped with the national flag.

noun [C or U]
the way in which cloth folds or hangs as it covers something:
She liked the heavy drape of velvet.
See also drapes.

draper Show phonetics
someone who, in the past, owned a shop selling cloth, curtains, etc.

drapery Show phonetics
noun [U]
1 cloth hanging or arranged in folds

2 UK (US dry goods) OLD-FASHIONED cloth, pins, thread, etc. used for sewing

An Entertainment
for reciter and six instruments

General InformationPerforming ForcesManuscriptPublicationArrangementsAdaptationsRecordingsIndex

General Information:
Begun in late November and December 1921. An initial version was ready for performance in January 1922, but Walton continued to add, revise, and discard numbers for many years. All of the numbers had been composed by 1927, though revisions still continued. Walton established a definitive version in 1942. Further revisions followed in 1947–8 in preparation for publication.

First Performances:
First private performance:
Tuesday, 24 January 1922. Edith Sitwell reciter, Robert Murchie flute, Haydn Draper clarinet, Herbert Barr trumpet, Charles Bender percussion, Ambrose Gauntlett cello, William Walton conductor. The Sitwell home, 2 Carlyle Square, London
First public performance:
Tuesday, 12 June 1923. Edith Sitwell reciter, Robert Murchie flute, Haydn Draper clarinet, F. Moss saxophone, Herbert Barr trumpet, Charles Bender percussion, Ambrose Gauntlett cello, William Walton conductor. Aeolian Hall, London.
First performance, definitive version:
Friday, 29 May 1942. Constant Lambert reciter, William Walton conductor. Aeolian Hall, London.

About 35 minutes

Dame Edith Sitwell (1887–1964)
Complete text can be found on the page which is allotted for each movement of the work.

Movements: [including first lines, when different from title]

Fanfare instrumental
1. Hornpipe [Sailors come]
2. En famille [In the early springtime, after their tea]
3. Mariner Man [What are you staring at, mariner man?]
4. Long Steel Grass
5. Through Gilded Trellises
6. Tango-Pasodoblé [When Don Pasquito arrived at the seaside]
7. Lullaby for Jumbo [Jumbo asleep!]
8. Black Mrs. Behemoth [In a room of the palace]
9. Tarantella [Where the satyrs are chattering]
10. The Man from a Far Countree [Rose and Alice]
11. By the Lake [Across the flat and the pastel snow]
12. Country Dance [That hodnailed goblin, the bob-tailed Hob]
13. Polka ['Tra la la la la la la la la!']
14. Four in the Morning [Cried the navy-blue ghost]
15. Something Lies beyond the Scene
16. Valse [Daisy and Lily]
17. Jodelling Song [We bear velvet cream]
18. Scotch Rhapsody [Do not take a bath in Jordan, Gordon]
19. Popular Song [Lily O'Grady]
20. Fox-trot [Old Sir Faulk]
21. Sir Beelzebub [When Sir Beelzebub]
"to Constant Lambert"

  • Libretto languages: English
  • Time: 61:07


Composer Title Time
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Fanfare) 0:38
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Hornpipe) 1:11
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (En famille) 2:41
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Mariner Man) 0:36
William Walton Façade 2, for reciter & ensemble (Aubade) 3:30
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Long Steel Grass) 2:00
William Walton Façade 2, for reciter & ensemble (March) 0:53
William Walton Façade 2, for reciter & ensemble (Water Party) 1:06
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Through Gilded Trellises) 2:10
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Tango-Pasodoblé) 1:45
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (The White Owl) 1:09
William Walton Façade 2, for reciter & ensemble (Gardener Janus catches a naiad) 0:52
William Walton Façade 2, for reciter & ensemble (Said King Pompey) 0:38
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Lullaby for Jumbo) 1:26
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Black Mrs. Behemoth) 0:55
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Daphne) 1:52
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Tarantella) 1:13
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Small Talk) 1:32
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (The Man from a Far Countree) 1:29
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (By the Lake) 1:38
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Country Dance) 1:56
William Walton Façade 2, for reciter & ensemble (Madam Mouse trots) 0:51
William Walton Façade 2, for reciter & ensemble (Came the Great Popinjay) 1:14
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Polka) 1:14
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Four in the Morning) 2:00
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Something lies beyond the scene) 0:55
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Valse) 3:05
William Walton Façade 2, for reciter & ensemble (The Octogenerian) 1:15
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (The Last Galop) 1:34
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Jodelling Song) 2:12
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Scotch Rhapsody) 1:13
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Popular Song) 1:57
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Fox trot: Old Sir Faulk) 1:48
William Walton Façade, for reciter & ensemble (Sir Beelzebub) 1:10
Constant Lambert Salome, incidental music (Suite)

lib, forefront, liberalization, Taiwanese march against president, bird behaviour, ingratiatingly

Fowles's social and political opinions aren't ingratiatingly expressed, but they often sound more blimpish than they are. This, for instance, was prompted by the suicide of an acquaintance: 'The characteristic deformation of the first generation of women's lib, perhaps the one thing the future will never realise about it: the cost, the mask it required.' This isn't flattering, but nor is it unsympathetic. On the page, he's better company than perhaps I'm making him sound, particularly when he's describing nature, bird behaviour above all.

Edward Friedman, an expert on Chinese politics at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, said many people in the West had been clinging to the misguided notion that China’s economic development would quickly lead to political liberalization. “It’s clear that what matters most to the Chinese Communist Party is the survival of the regime and their monopoly on power,” he said.


Taiwanese march against president

Taiwan's former Vice-President Annette Lu, centre, leads thousands of opposition protesters in a mass rally in Taipei, Taiwan, 17 May 2009
Tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Taipei

Thousands of opposition supporters have taken to the streets in Taiwan to protest against President Ma Ying-jeou's policy of engagement with China.
Nationalist critics argue the policies threaten to undermine the island's self-rule.
Democratic Progressive Party Chairman Tsai Ing-wen led marching protesters to the president's office in Taipei.
The demonstration came ahead of the first anniversary on Wednesday of the president's coming to power.

He has also said he will abandon his predecessor's anti-Chinese policies, a position which the opposition says weakens Taiwan's sovereignty.
After Sunday's march, participants were expected to hold a sit-in protest for another 24 hours to mark their opposition to government policies.
Beijing claims sovereignty over Taiwan, which split from the mainland at the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949.
Relations between the two have improved since Mr Ma's election last year.

 . . .

Location: one large and several smaller islands about 100 mi. (160 km) off SE coast of mainland China. Taipei 25°03′N, 121°30′E.
Boundaries: East China Sea to N, Pacific Ocean to E, Bashi Channel to S, and Formosa Strait to W; separated from mainland by Formosa Strait.
Total area: 13,892 sq. mi. (35,980 sq km).
Coastline: 900 mi. (1,448 km).
Comparative area: slightly smaller than Maryland.
Land use: 24% arable land; 1% permanent crops;75% other.
Major cities: (1992 est.) Taipei (capital) 2,696,073; Kaohsiung 1,405,909; Taichung 794,960; Tainan 694,630; Panchiao 543,982.

 . . .

Population: 22,603,001 (2003 est.).
Nationality: noun—Chinese (sing., pl.); adjective—Chinese.
Ethnic groups: 84% Taiwanese, 14% mainland Chinese, 2% aborigine.
Languages: Mandarin Chinese (official); Taiwanese and Hakka dialects also used.
Religions: 93% mixture of Buddhist, Confucian, and Taoist; 4.5% Christian, 2.5% other.

 . . .

Type: multi-party democratic regime headed by popularly elected president.
Constitution: Jan. 1, 1947, amended 1992, 1994, and 1997.
National holiday: National Day, Oct. 10.
Heads of Government: Chen Shui-bian, president (since March 2000); Chang Chunsiung, premier (since Oct. 2000).
Structure: executive—president appoints premier; two-chamber legislature—Legislative Yuan, National Assembly; judiciary—Judicial Yuan.

 . . .

Monetary unit: New Taiwan dollar.
Budget: (2002 est.)
income: $36 bil.;
expend.: $36 bil.
GDP: $406 bil., $18,000 per capita (2002 est.).
Chief crops: rice, wheat, corn, soybeans, vegetables, fruit, tea; pigs, poultry, beef, milk; fish.
Natural resources: small deposits of coal, natural gas, limestone, marble, and asbestos.
Major industries: electronics, petroleum refining, textiles, clothing, chemicals.
Labor force: 10 mil. (2002 est.); 35% industry and commerce, 58% services, 7% agriculture.
Exports: $130 bil. (f.o.b., 2002); 54% electrical equipment and machinery, metals, textiles, plastics, chemicals, electronic products.
Imports: $113 bil. (c.i.f., 2002); 44.5% machinery and electrical equipment, electronic products, minerals, precision instruments.
Major trading partners: (2000)
exports: 23% U.S., 22% Hong Kong,10% Japan;
imports: 24% Japan, 16% U.S., 13% Europe.

 . . .

Nominally part of the Chinese empire since the Song dynasty (960–1279), Taiwan was inhabited only by non-Chinese aboriginals before the 17th century. Around 1600 the Portuguese established a trading station on Taiwan; they named the island Ilha Formosa. In 1620 the Dutch built Fort Zeelandia near present-day Tainan, controlling the island until they were driven out by the Chinese pirate-patriot Koxinga (Zheng Chenggong). Remnants of the overthrown Ming dynasty (1368–1644) held out on the island until 1683, when it came under the sway of the Qing dynasty (1644–1911). Thereafter, substantial numbers of farmers from Fujian Province migrated to the fertile western lowlands of the island, driving the aboriginals into the central mountains. The Qing dynasty administered Taiwan as a semiautonomous subprovince of Fujian Province.

Following China's defeat by Japan in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894–95, Taiwan was ceded to Japan as a colony. The Japanese built roads and railroads to exploit Taiwan's resources of rice, timber, and minerals. In 1945, after Japan's defeat in World War II, Taiwan was returned to China.

As the Chinese civil war turned against the Nationalist party of Chiang Kai-shek (see “China”), Nationalist troops began to prepare Taiwan as a base for a retreat from the mainland.

In 1947 Nationalist agents executed several thousand students and others suspected of favoring Taiwan's independence from China. In 1949 approximately two million Nationalist soldiers, government officials, and civilian sympathizers retreated to Taiwan. The relocated Republic of China (ROC) continued to claim to be the legitimate government of all of China, now under Communist control. In addition to Taiwan proper, the Nationalists occupied the P'eng-hu Islands in the Taiwan Straits and the small islands of Quemoy and Matsu just off the coast of Fujian. Recovery of the mainland became a cornerstone of ROC policy, but no serious attempt was made to do so. U.S. policy in the Taiwan Straits was to defend Taiwan against Communist attack but also to keep the two rival governments of China separated.

A successful program of land reform in the early 1950's led to the creation of surplus capital, which fueled the development of an industrial base on the island. Foreign investment from Japan and the United States, and American military and economic aid, also enhanced economic development. By the early 1970's, the island had developed an export-oriented economy, producing textiles, cement, plastics, assembled electronic appliances, and other manufactured goods.

Chiang Kai-shek, president of the Republic of China since 1928, died in 1975 and was succeeded by his son, Chiang Ching-kuo. Under both father and son, the Nationalist party (Kuomintang, or KMT) controlled both the ROC and the Taiwan Provincial governments; mainland refugees and their descendants (15% of the population) dominated senior government posts and the military officer corps. Native Taiwanese played the leading role in agriculture, industry, and in local and county governments.

In 1971 China's seat in the United Nations was taken away from the ROC and awarded to the People's Republic of China, leaving Taiwan in international diplomatic limbo. On Jan. 1, 1979, the United States withdrew its recognition of the ROC and inaugurated mutual diplomatic relations with the People's Republic. Under the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, nominally nongovernmental relations were maintained between the U.S. and Taiwan through the American Institute in Taipei and Taiwan's Coordination Council for North American Affairs in Washington, D.C. Taiwan's economy has continued to be one of the world's most vigorous; Taiwan enjoys a substantial favorable balance of trade with the U.S.

In 1986 Pres. Chiang Ching-kuo began a policy of liberalization; in 1987, he abolished martial law and allowed non-KMT political parties to function legally. Some barriers to travel and communication with the mainland by ROC citizens were eased, but Taiwan's government continued to rebuff all calls from the mainland for direct contacts and discussions of reunification. Chiang Ching-kuo died in Jan. 1988 and was succeeded by his vice president, Lee Teng-hui. In March 1990, Lee was overwhelmingly reelected by the National Assembly in the first election for the office.

The ruling KMT maintained its hold on power in legislative elections on Dec. 19, 1992, but the opposition Democratic Progressive party scored a stunning success, tripling its number of legislative seats and bringing the issue of Taiwanese independence to the forefront. Factional rivalry deepened in the KMT, with Pres. Lee's Wisdom Coalition challenged by the New Kuomintang Alliance of Prime Minister (and former general) Hau Pei-tsun. Hau reluctantly resigned on Feb. 3, 1993, to take responsibility for the electoral fiasco, but his faction, with military backing, continued to pose a threat to Pres. Lee's power.

During the campaign for Taiwan's presidential election in March, 1996, China held aggressive military exercises off the coast of Taiwan in an effort to influence the voting; the U.S. sent two aircraft carriers to the area. In a rebuke to Beijing, President Lee, who had campaigned for a more visible international role for Taiwan, was resoundingly re-elected; he was also re-elected as the head of the KMT in August, 1997. Since then, talks for cross-straits cooperation between Taiwan and the PRC have been inconclusive, and the ruling KMT saw its power eroded in local elections as voters protest against corruption and economic stagnation related to the Asia-wide economic crises of 1997–98. The KMT rebounded strongly in 1998 elections but tensions rose in 1999 with mainland China, when Pres. Lee's expressed interest in Taiwan's being included in a proposed anti-missile defense of its Asian allies (the “last straw” to Beijing). Later, Lee announced that Taiwan would conduct its relations with China on a “state-to-state” basis, meaning Taiwan was an independent state—to Beijing, an “extremely dangerous step”. In March 2000, the KMT was peacefully voted out of power after 50 years. Chen Shui-Bian of the Democratic-Progressive Party was elected president. In Aug. 2002 Chen said he would seek legislation to authorize a referendum on Taiwanese independence.


Pronunciation: /lɪb/


[mass noun] informal
  • (in the names of political movements) liberation:I’m all for women’s lib


1970s: abbreviation

Meaning #1: the act of making less strict
Synonyms: liberalisation, relaxation

China Aims for High-Tech Primacy
China may be thrust it to the forefront of the next generation of computing, many American experts say.

 2 informal a person of a specified kind or character:she’s a sharp old bird
3British informal a young woman or a man’s girlfriend.

(fôr'frŭnt', fōr'-) pronunciation
  1. The foremost part or area.
  2. The position of most importance, prominence, or responsibility; the vanguard: in the forefront of the liberation movement. Also called foreground.

2013年8月27日 星期二

oboe, prolifically, profanity, obscenity, graffiti, political targeting

Kerry Says Chemical Arms Attack in Syria Is ‘Undeniable’

Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that the Obama administration would hold the Syrian government accountable for what he called a “moral obscenity” that had shocked the world’s conscience.

James Bovard: A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting13

16.05. - Inspired Minds: Cathy Milliken – composer and oboist Part II

A native of Australia, Cathy Milliken came to Europe in the late 70s for
post -graduate studies in oboe. As a founding member of "Ensemble Modern",
she worked alongside composers the likes of Peter Eötvös, Frank Zappa and
Karlheinz Stockhausen. Cathy herself has been composing prolifically since

The DW-WORLD.DE Article

profanity, obscenity, graffiti

Art | 29.07.2009

For Cologne artists, light is their paint and the world their canvas

They use flashlights instead of spray cans: A new generation of graffiti artists is putting city landscapes in a whole new light. For a group of light writers from Cologne, the world is - literally - their canvas.

Cruising through the streets in the dark of night, a trio of young men is out to leave their mark on Europe's cities - at least temporarily, with neon lights. The new trend known as light graffiti, or light writing, has one-time spray painters exchanging their paint cans for flashlights.

As far as I'm concerned, all phone calls are obscene.

BM Counters Microsoft's Software Seat-stealing Boast
Washington Post - United StatesMicrosoft may be targeting Notes users, but they won't be switching without a fight from IBM. Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other ...

1 offensive, rude or shocking, usually because too obviously related to sex or showing sex:
In the raid, police found several boxes of obscene videotapes.
He was jailed for making obscene phone calls (= ones in which unwanted sexual suggestions were made to the listener).
obscene language/graffiti塗鴉

2 morally wrong, often describing something that is morally wrong because it is too large:
to make obscene profits
The salaries some company directors earn are obscene.

He's obscenely rich/fat/cruel.

obscenity noun
1 [C or U] when someone or something is obscene:
The people who made that film could be prosecuted for obscenity.
Such deliberate destruction of the environment is an obscenity (= an offensive and shocking situation or event).
obscenity laws

2 [C usually plural] a very offensive or sexually shocking word or sentence:
He was shouting and screaming obscenities.

profane (AGAINST RELIGION) adjective FORMAL
showing a lack of respect for a god or a religion, often through language:
profane language
Funny, profane and fearless, she has become one of America's biggest television celebrities.

profanity noun FORMAL
1 [U] (an example of) showing a lack of respect for a god or a religion, especially through language

2 [C] an offensive or obscene word or phrase:
It was the song's opening line, a series of profanities, that caused the record to be banned on the radio station.


━━ a. 冒涜(ぼうとく)の, 不敬な; 世俗的な; 異[邪]教的な.
━━ vt. (神聖を)けがす, 冒涜する; 濫用する.
 ━━ n. (神聖)冒涜(ぼうとく).
pro・fane・ly ━━ ad.
pro・fane・ness ━━ n.
 ━━ n. 冒涜(ぼうとく), 不敬; 冒涜的なことば(の使用).


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[prəlífik]
1 〈人・動物が〉多産の, 〈植物が〉多果結実の;〈作家などが〉多作の;〈土地・気候などが〉実りの多い, 〈殺人者などが〉数をこなす. ⇒PRODUCTIVE
2 ((叙述))(…に)富んでいる;(…を)引き起こす((in, of ...))
an issue prolific of debate

  1. Oboe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    - [ 翻譯這個網頁 ]
    The oboe is a double reed musical instrument of the woodwind family. In English, prior to 1770, the instrument was called "hautbois" (French, meaning "high ...
    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oboe - 頁庫存檔 - 類似內容

  2. 雙簧管- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    雙簧管屬於木管樂器,屬於雙簧類樂器。所謂「雙簧」,即是以兩塊簧片縛在一起,並透過 ...
    zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hant/雙簧管 - 頁庫存檔 - 類似內容

  3. Oboe (navigation) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    - [ 翻譯這個網頁 ]
    Oboe was a British aerial blind bombing targeting system in World War II ...
    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oboe_(navigation) - 頁庫存檔 - 類似內容
  4. oboe」的圖片搜尋結果

    - 檢舉圖片
  5. oboe」的影片


    Pronunciation: /ˈtɑːgɪt/
    Translate target | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish
    Definition of target


    • 1a person, object, or place selected as the aim of an attack: the airport terminal was the target of a bomb a military target
    • a mark or point at which one fires or aims, especially a round or rectangular board marked with concentric circles used in archery or shooting.
    • an objective or result towards which efforts are directed:the car met its sales target in record time
    • a person or thing against whom criticism or abuse is directed:they were the target for a wave of abuse from the press
    • Phonetics an idealization of the articulation of a speech sound, with reference to which actual utterances can be described.
    • 2 historical a small round shield or buckler.

    verb (targets, targeting, targeted)

    [with object]
    • select as an object of attention or attack:two men were targeted by the attackers
    • aim or direct (something):warheads were targeted on a European city


    on (or off) target

    hitting (or missing) the thing aimed at:McGrath was on target with a header
    proceeding or improving at a rate good enough (or not good enough) to achieve an objective:the new police station is on target for a June opening





    late Middle English (in target (sense 2 of the noun)): diminutive of targe. The verb dates from the early 17th century

    Spelling rule

    Do not double the final consonant when adding endings which begin with a vowel to a word which ends in a vowel plus a consonant, if the stress is not at the end of the word: (targets, targeting, targeted).