Giovanni Gerolamo Savoldo (Italian; 1480 - 1548) ”Portrait of a Young Flautist”, c. 1540, Oil on canvas, 70.3 x 100.3 cm, Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo, Brescia, Italy
"Soldiers don't go to war without guns, why should nurses come to work without protective equipment?"
'No armor' - New York nurses decry lack of #coronavirus equipment.
Full story:
Some words, like "feisty", are often intended as a kind of compliment. But what is heard is something between condescension and insult
#OnThisDay in 1981, Leonard Bernstein premiered his Halil, Nocturne for Solo Flute, String Orchestra and Percussion with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and flautist Jean-Pierre Rampal. Bernstein dedicated the work "to the spirit of Yadin [Tanenbaum] and his fallen brothers”. Tanenbaum was an Israeli flute student killed in his tank close to the Suez Canal during the 1973 war. The title "Halil" is the Hebrew word for flute.
"Halil is formally unlike any other work I have written, but it is like much of my music in its struggle between tonal and non-tonal forces. In this case I sense that struggle as involving wars and the threats of wars, the overwhelming desire to live and the consolations of art, love, and the hope for peace."
-Leonard Bernstein
To celebrate the occasion please enjoy this video of Gustavo Dudamel conducting the Israel Philharmonic - הפילהרמונית הישראליתwith flautist Eyal Ein-Haber.
Fluted bowls and plates of the Achaemenid period continue a tradition begun in the Assyrian Empire. While they were given as royal gifts, it seems that they were also valued and exchanged simply for the weight of the precious metals from which they were made.
Featured Artwork of the Day: Fluted bowl | ca. 6th–5th century B.C. | Iran
Taiwan must not hobble itselfhina Post
Near the end of the Olympics women's epee semifinal match, Shin was at a 5-5 tie with her opponent, Britta Heidemann of Germany. And since Shin had the priority, she just had to keep the tie to advance to the finals. In the last second of the match, however, ...
They trooped back home again.
Google Armors Android With More IBM Patents
Google has once again bought patents from IBM to help defend its Android operating system from intellectual property claims. By Thomas Claburn InformationWeek Google acquired over 1000 IBM patents in August, according to US Patent and Trademark Office ...
Heartbroken by what she saw as an unfair result, the 25-year-old Korean broke down in tears and stayed on the piste more than an hour as her team appealed the judgment.
Pronunciation: /ˈflɔːtɪst/
Definition of flautist in English:
Mid 19th century (superseding 17th-century flutist in British English use): from Italian flautista, from flauto'flute'.
- 発音記号[píːst] [名]ピスト:スキーの滑降コース.
- A defensive covering, as of metal, wood, or leather, worn to protect the body against weapons.
- A tough, protective covering, such as the bony scales covering certain animals or the metallic plates on tanks or warships.
- A safeguard or protection: faith, the missionary's armor.
- The combat arm that deploys armored vehicles, such as tanks.
- The armored vehicles of an army.
To cover with armor.
- A group or company of people, animals, or things. See synonyms at band2, flock1.
- A group of soldiers.
- troops Military units; soldiers.
- A unit of cavalry, armored vehicles, or artillery in a European army, corresponding to a platoon in the U.S. Army.
- A unit of at least five Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts under the guidance of an adult leader.
- A great many; a lot.
- To move or go as a throng.
- To assemble or move in crowds.
- To consort; associate.
[French troupe, from Old French trope, probably from Vulgar Latin *troppu-.]
- 主講人:秦曼儀 老師 (臺大歷史系助理教授)
- 主持人:花亦芬 老師 (臺大歷史系教授)
- 在筆者對於法國從十六、十七世紀到十八世紀這段舊制度時期,
第二等級成員與出版關係之變動脈絡的探詢工作中, 本研究將以學界普遍接受的 「貴族作家」(gentilman-writer) 此歷史圖像做為問題討論的出發據點,透過拉侯謝傅科公爵( Francois, duc de la Rochefoucuald, 1613-1680),尤其是其留存豐富讀者回應紀錄的《 格言錄》(Reflexions ou sentences et maximes morales;簡稱Maximes)為中心,嘗試說明和釐清: 舊制度時期法國人士認知的「出版」之意並非單指印刷出版; 而在政治與社會變遷的世局中,十七世紀「佩劍貴族」( noblesse d’epee)出身者的書寫與出版實踐,不僅體現其焦慮與調適, 也構成了伏爾泰以「路易十四時代作家」稱之的智識與文學表現。 - Wikipedia
The Nobles of the Sword (French: noblesse d'épée) refers to the class of traditional or old nobility in France during the Middle Ages and the Early Modern periods. This class was heir to a militaristic ideology of professional chivalry. It is largely synonymous with the expressions noblesse de race and noblesse ancienne, and is used in opposition to other classes of French nobility, namely:
- noblesse de chancellerie - chancellor nobility made noble by holding certain high offices for the king
- noblesse de lettres - person made noble by "lettres patentes" from the king
- noblesse de robe (nobility of the gown) - person or family made noble by holding certain official charges, like maître des requêtes, treasurer or president of a provincial parlement
- noblesse de cloche (nobility of the "bell") or noblesse échevinale - person or family made noble by being a mayor or "échevin" or "prévôt des marchands" (municipal leader) in certain towns (such as Angers, Angoulême, Bourges, Lyon, Toulouse, Paris, Perpignan, Poitiers)
- noblesse militaire - person made noble through military position
External links
- also e·pee (ā-pā', ĕp'ā)
n. - A fencing sword with a bowl-shaped guard and a long, narrow, fluted blade that has no cutting edge and tapers to a blunted point.
- The art or sport of fencing with this sword.
ee[é・pée, e・pee]
- 発音記号[eipéi] [名]《フェンシング》エペ(競技);これに使う切っ先にたんぽのついた三面刃の細身の剣.